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Jomtien roundabout


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They are now planting Foxtail palms on that road in the central divider, looks like from from Sukhumvit junction as far as soi 5

I saw them the other day planting trees in the central reservation my immediate thought was why are they wasting money on that

when they should be fixing ( properly ) the road surface and lighting first.

Also saw a car on the roundabout with its front end smashed and an older pickup truck with back bumper hanging off a couple of meters off the roundabout.

Its quite dangerous to use the roundabout as stated in the highway code ie: give way to vehicles coming from the right already on the roundabout they either don't know or just ignore this roundabout rule.

Tour buses just hurtle straight on through without stopping, motorbikes stop on the roundabout waiting for cars to go first no one knows who has right of way chaos !!!

nearly as bad as Zebra crossings

No one ever read traffic laws here. Even cops got a no clue...
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The nonsense I see at this roundabout is hilarious. cheesy.gif

Even had a motor-bike coming towards me / negotiating the roundabout the wrong way.

Why !! Why !! Why !!

And many a time, when I pull up at the roundabout, I have a Thai on a motor-bike waiting very politely to let me go 1st cheesy.gif which definitely is "not" Thai charactor.

They wait cuz they scared and confused. Dunno how to go through
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That roundabout is too small. There's not enough room for 2 cars to go past at the same time. It's an absolute mess, but I guess better than non functioning lights! LOL

Lights are blinking yellow.

Yes, saw that a few days ago. I was referring to the lights not working off and on over the past few years. Mostly off! LOL I hated going through that intersection late at night. A serious game of chicken!

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"Barely disguised Thai bashing. But this ain't your home country."

And justifiably so, there is a reason that Thailand is the second highest road toll in the world and all the "Thai apologists" in the world won't alter their absolute stupidity on the road. Being in "their" country is no excuse for blind stupidity of some apologists and the 20+ million tourists a year don't have the benefit of your encompassing wisdom.

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I live in Park Lane, I drive around it daily, personally I don't find in ant more dangerous that

driving in any other parts of the road in Thailand. As far as I am concerned it is far more

dangerous at traffic lights. I have counted as many as 8 cars racing through the red light,

and I am most fearful of stopping for a yellow/red light and being run down from behind

by a car running the light. (I ride a scooter) One does not dare stop for a cross-walk unless

it is light controlled for the same reason. You will get run over/through. The round-about

in Jomtien, not an issue. coffee1.gif

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I heard that Formula 1 was coming to Pattaya - this was designed as an interesting chicane on the circuit . Well maybe not .

Actually I think it's fine and works well- the approach is always to expect the unexpected- don't imagine that anyone will stick to the rules. So if you see an elephant or an old chap with morobike side car selling loads of useful brushes or plants going the wrong way- don't worry- take your time and wait for a safe moment to cross.

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Applying right of way rules from other countries to Thailand will never work. Thai people know that the larger the vehicle, the more right of way they have. It's simple physics. If you're on a motorbike, you better give way to the trucks and buses because they won't even hear the thumpity thump when they run you over.

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I have to laugh as I have a friend who lives near there and complains about it every time I see him.

He only just got over complaining about the construction on that junction and the big hole opposite the Winchester and the digging of pipes on soi Watboon.

Now they have drained his pool to re-tile it. :D

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Applying right of way rules from other countries to Thailand will never work. Thai people know that the larger the vehicle, the more right of way they have. It's simple physics. If you're on a motorbike, you better give way to the trucks and buses because they won't even hear the thumpity thump when they run you over.

Its thier own rule thats the thing.
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The roundabout is better than what was there before. It is an improvement. Not ideal, I suppose, but they are trying.

But what do we get on here? A thread which shows how superior it in the home countries of the posters. Barely disguised Thai bashing.

But this ain't your home country. This is Thailand and each and every one of us weighed up the pros and cons before we decided to settle here. Bad traffic, bad driving, poor road infrastructures in some places are, unfortunately one of the poorer aspects. We all knew about it before we put down roots here. Sitting behind your keyboard pontificating about other countries will have absolutely no effect on what happens here.

I'm sure City Hall will welcome all your improvement suggestions. I don't actually see many positive ideas in this thread, but I'd like to see some.

If you aren't too busy, that is

There have been many many posts on how to improve safety on the roads here. Do you REALLY think City Hall will take any notice of us????????????beatdeadhorse.gif

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Lights in Thailand are never a good solution to any traffic situation. The insistence on running each of the 4 directions independently causes huge delays and contributes to the problem already existing. Drivers speed up as they approach a light and give themselves no chance of stopping if it should change on them. In central Pattaya there are constant queues which miraculously disappear on the odd days when the lights fail. Despite all the disparaging remarks heaped on Thai drivers they seem to cope pretty well when it is left up the themselves. I believe that large roundabouts which prevent drivers from speeding through without slowing would be a vast improvement on traffic lights for most junctions after a reasonable settling in period.

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People here dont know any traffic laws.

Recentely I was stopped in the middle of nowhere, some small village. Old cop stops my car and said I can't drive on right. Wanted fine me.

I told him please tell me the acctual law, all he could say was can not, just b cuz someone told him. And I knew the law exactly with all exceptions, then pulled thai traffic law book and told him go learn law before you school me. No fine.

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Off topic bickering grammar police posts removed, please see the following extract from the forum rules, now let that be an end to it:

While we make allowances for members who do not speak English as their first language, we expect everyone to make an effort to post in a manner which allows others to understand their posts. Posts full of intentional misspellings, all caps, no caps, l33tspeak, or similar slang may be deleted in order to preserve a standard of readability. This is a forum, not an SMS or Twitter message.

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I will remove further off topic bickering and twitter style posts so if you want your post to remain on here please post properly, thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good day! I am happy every day over the beautiful roundabout which you have built in Jomtien. Second Road - Boon Canchana, (Wat Boon). Many thanks! I think a roundabout is the best solution for each crossing, if space for this exists. Optimum and safe traffic flow. Since the roundabout now for some time (weeks, months) works in my opinion quite easily and the road users so come along very well, I would suggest another roundabout at the Chayabruek - Second Road to build . Sincerely a farang.

Edited by Rimmer
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I am confident, that at some time in the near future, the General will include a crucial sentence in one of his Friday evening Television appearances:

" Vehicles traveling inside a Roundabout have the right of way. Period. Non -compliance will result in a fine of Bht 5000 and/or 5 years of imprisonment".

That should do the trick.


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