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Presidential candidates duel on Iran; House GOP in turmoil


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Presidential candidates duel on Iran; House GOP in turmoil

WASHINGTON (AP) — Debate on the Iran nuclear deal morphed into full-blown political spectacle Wednesday as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz held a rally to denounce it, Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech to praise it and congressional Republicans turned on each other angrily as they grasped for a last-ditch play to stop it.

The maneuvering and speechifying did little to change the reality: Barring unlikely success of an eleventh-hour gambit by the House, the international accord aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions will move ahead. Even if Congress succeeds in passing legislation aimed at undermining it by next week's deadline, President Barack Obama would veto such a measure and minority Democrats command enough votes to sustain him.

But that seemed only to inflame GOP opponents as Congress convened for its first full day back after a five-week summer recess that hardened partisan divisions around the accord. Republicans turned up the rhetoric against the deal at a rally outside the Capitol, while inside, House conservatives searched for a legislative way to undermine it.

Across town, Clinton praised the accord. "Diplomacy is not the pursuit of perfection. It is the balancing of risk," she said in a speech at the Brookings Institution. Either the deal moves forward, she said, or "we turn down a more dangerous path leading to a far less certain and riskier future."

The message was far different at the Capitol rally headlined by GOP presidential candidates Trump and Cruz denouncing the Iran accord, which Republicans contend will not stop the Iranians from developing a nuclear bomb. The gathering featured conservative favorites, including former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, in front of several thousand people who waved flags and banners denouncing Obama. One placard showed a smiling president alongside a billowing mushroom cloud over New York City.

"Never ever, ever in my life have I seen a deal so incompetently negotiated as our deal with Iran," Trump told the crowd. "We are led by very, very stupid people. We cannot let it continue."

The congressional resolution, on its own, wouldn't reverse a multi-country agreement already blessed by the United Nations. A vote of disapproval, however, could signal Congress' readiness to introduce new sanctions at the risk of causing Tehran — and other governments — to abandon the accord and blame the U.S. for the failure.

Along with the criticism of Obama, the crowd outside the Capitol booed lustily as speakers mentioned Republican House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Conservatives long dissatisfied with their leadership demanded that McConnell and Boehner come up with a way to stop the deal.

No such solution seemed likely given strong Democratic unity and Obama's veto pen. But the conservative resistance was enough to force House GOP leaders to cancel the start of debate on a disapproval resolution and call an emergency meeting on how to move forward.

Leaders hastily developed a Plan B involving votes on several related measures: one to specify that the Obama administration had not properly submitted the accord to Congress; a second, bound-to-fail vote to approve the deal and a third to prevent Obama from lifting congressionally mandated sanctions on Iran. Debate and votes were to begin Thursday.

"We need to pull every tool out of the toolbox to stop this bad deal," said Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas.

The rebels were egged on by Sen. Cruz, who has repeatedly allied himself with House conservatives to thwart the plans of GOP leaders. He and others argued that the disapproval vote should be delayed, contending the 60-day deadline clock on the congressional review period can't really start until lawmakers get information on separate agreements negotiated with Iran by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Yet the maneuvering appeared to be moving forward without the blessing of the powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, which has led opposition to the accord. An official with the group said its preference was for a straight vote on the disapproval resolution — something Senate Democrats are trying to block with a filibuster.

The fate of that effort remained uncertain. In the Senate debate did begin on the resolution, with some describing the vote, which could occur yet this week, as among the most consequential in their lifetimes. Underscoring the occasion, McConnell urged all senators to be present, though most Democrats and some Republicans ignored the request.

Congress has until Sept. 17 — a week from Thursday — to pass a disapproval resolution of the Iran deal, under legislation passed earlier this year giving lawmakers the right to review it. Republican leaders did not sound receptive to conservative attempts to change the terms of the debate.

"Right now we've got strong bipartisan opposition to this deal. It's my opinion that we're far better off focusing on the substance" rather than the timing of a vote, said GOP Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

The White House and Democratic lawmakers were dismissive of the conservative moves. "Sounds like a plan hatched up at Tortilla Coast on a Tuesday night," said White House spokesman Eric Schultz, naming a restaurant near the Capitol where congressional conservatives meet.

Associated Press writers Stephen Ohlemacher, Matthew Daly and Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-10

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Every US congressman and senator who gets campaign cash from the War Machine is against the bill. Every single one.

The same people led the US to attack Iraq under false pretenses, and slaughtered over 100,000 Iraqi civilians in 72 hours -- the largest loss of life in such a period using conventional weapons since the bombing of Dresden in WWII.

I read the deal in it's entirety. The deal does not make the West or Israel any more vulnerable at all, and further, encourages Iran to help with IS (which they want to do).

This is another set of facts being politicized because of a power struggle in the US.

Science does not matter to politicians...if they can create a perception then they have retained power at the expense of the public.


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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


A quick Google search for "Generals who support Iran deal" is also productive!

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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


Considering there are well over 4000 retired generals I wouldnt go publicizing your point too much ?

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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


A quick Google search for "Generals who support Iran deal" is also productive!

You mean all 36 of them - probably mostly democrats? giggle.gif The 200 Generals are non-partisan.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You know I think Trump genuinely believes that America has to give Iran $150 Billion of taxpayers money.

He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

Or he's assuming the voters are too stupid to. Which I suppose is a possibility with those low information teabaggers.

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He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

He is very aware of where the money came from. He is also aware that they are our sworn enemy and the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. In other words, he does not give a crap.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


A quick Google search for "Generals who support Iran deal" is also productive!

You mean all 36 of them - probably mostly democrats? giggle.gif The 200 Generals are non-partisan.

Yes, of course they are. Just like the NLA in Thailandblink.png

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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


Considering there are well over 4000 retired generals I wouldnt go publicizing your point too much ?

Are you talking about Thailand or the USA?

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Where a lot of the politicians are being blackmailed to sign on for the agreement is the fact that the other countries that are signatories of the deal have told the US bluntly that if the deal is not signed they will drop out of the sanctions process and the US has to go it alone. The other countries are being pressured by their local big business bandits that want to get into Iran as soon as possible to sell their wares. Its not about peace and harmony its about getting into a "virgin" country and setting up business. This follows their same proven path of flooding the country with their cheap glitzy products and then watch the stampede to the bank to buy all this cheap crap. Debt is a country's worst enemy not the bomb.

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Where a lot of the politicians are being blackmailed to sign on for the agreement is the fact that the other countries that are signatories of the deal have told the US bluntly that if the deal is not signed they will drop out of the sanctions process and the US has to go it alone. The other countries are being pressured by their local big business bandits that want to get into Iran as soon as possible to sell their wares. Its not about peace and harmony its about getting into a "virgin" country and setting up business. This follows their same proven path of flooding the country with their cheap glitzy products and then watch the stampede to the bank to buy all this cheap crap. Debt is a country's worst enemy not the bomb.

So you're saying that the other countries should not inform the US legislation of the consequences? Or that the US legislation should not take the consequences into account?

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This is classic partisan politics at its worst. And this is why the American people are fed up. Even Trump is not immune. The GOP was going to ridicule this deal no matter what. If the exact same deal had been crafted by a Republican administration, it would have had smooth sailing through the Congress. So sick of the politics in America.

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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


How many of those retired generals and admirals are in the clutch of the military industrial complex?

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If the exact same deal had been crafted by a Republican administration, it would have had smooth sailing through the Congress.

The exact same "deal" would NEVER have been crafted by a Republican administration. What nonsense. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You know I think Trump genuinely believes that America has to give Iran $150 Billion of taxpayers money.

He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

Or he's assuming the voters are too stupid to. Which I suppose is a possibility with those low information teabaggers.

Well if you take money and don't give it back than it is yours

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If the exact same deal had been crafted by a Republican administration, it would have had smooth sailing through the Congress.

The exact same "deal" would NEVER have been crafted by a Republican administration. What nonsense. rolleyes.gif

but the money would flow in other pockets....

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If the exact same deal had been crafted by a Republican administration, it would have had smooth sailing through the Congress.

The exact same "deal" would NEVER have been crafted by a Republican administration. What nonsense. rolleyes.gif

Thank God the current President is a Democrat! Another war-mongering Republican is the last thing the world needs.

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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


You mean the same kind of guys who approved bombing Irak?

Or the ones who trained Bin Ladin?

Or maybe the ones who went to Vietnam?

Or the ones who set up Guantanamo?

Or the ones who look like the ones we have in Thailand?

This would encourage me more to sign than the other...

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He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

He is very aware of where the money came from. He is also aware that they are our sworn enemy and the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. In other words, he does not give a crap.

Wrong !

The biggest sponsor of terrorism is Saoudi Arabia...One country the US love as they have oil and they are middle men for undercover operations like providing ISIS weapons to fight againsta Assad....


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He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

He is very aware of where the money came from. He is also aware that they are our sworn enemy and the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. In other words, he does not give a crap.

Remind us again where the 9/11 attackers came from was it Iran or that other country which seems to have such strong ties with the Bush family.

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If the exact same deal had been crafted by a Republican administration, it would have had smooth sailing through the Congress.

The exact same "deal" would NEVER have been crafted by a Republican administration. What nonsense. rolleyes.gif

Thank God the current President is a Democrat!

It worked out so well in Libya and completely unnecessary.

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Trump, Cruz and Palin or someone like Colin Powell?

How about 200 retired Generals and Admirals? Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool aid.

National Security; Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal


So Colin Powell drinks Obama Kool-Aid? One can only wonder what the heck you are you sipping if you put the likes of Donald Trump, Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz above his opinion.

Meanwhile, Massad and other Israeli security personnel approve it. Now, take at look at this just published brain trust poll:


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He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

He is very aware of where the money came from. He is also aware that they are our sworn enemy and the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. In other words, he does not give a crap.

I think you're absolutely right in that last bit.

But I'd go so far as to say he does not have a clue and does not give a crap.

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He's too stupid to realise that it's actually Iran's money.

He is very aware of where the money came from. He is also aware that they are our sworn enemy and the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. In other words, he does not give a crap.

I think you're absolutely right in that last bit.

But I'd go so far as to say he does not have a clue and does not give a crap.

I don't know whether Trump has a clue or gives a crap.

Watching Trump speeches and noting the parts where he gets the cheers, I'm inclined to suspect that his supporters can't actually tell the difference between a clue and a crap.


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And maybe Trump is saying what the majority of polled voters think he should be saying.

What's really sad is this "treaty that isn't a treaty" will go into effect with less than majority support of either House of Congress or public opinion.

Since this is a "treaty that isn't a treaty" it is being legislatively hijacked around the Constitutional requirement that treaties must be provided a super majority 67 vote approval by the US Senate.


Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement Falls
Public Awareness of Issue Has Declined Since July
As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined. Currently, just 21% approve of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached between the United States, Iran and other nations. Nearly half (49%) disapprove of the agreement, while three-in-ten (30%) offer no opinion.
In mid-July, a week after President Obama announced the deal, 33% of the public approved of the agreement, while 45% disapproved and 22% had no opinion. Over the past six weeks, the share approving of the agreement has fallen 12 percentage points (from 33% to 21%), while disapproval has held fairly steady (45% then, 49% now). Somewhat more express no opinion than did so in July (22% then, 30% now).




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And maybe Trump is saying what the majority of polled voters think he should be saying.

What's really sad is this "treaty that isn't a treaty" will go into effect with less than majority support of either House of Congress or public opinion.

Since this is a "treaty that isn't a treaty" it is being legislatively hijacked around the Constitutional requirement that treaties must be provided a super majority 67 vote approval by the US Senate.



Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement Falls

Public Awareness of Issue Has Declined Since July

As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined. Currently, just 21% approve of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached between the United States, Iran and other nations. Nearly half (49%) disapprove of the agreement, while three-in-ten (30%) offer no opinion.

In mid-July, a week after President Obama announced the deal, 33% of the public approved of the agreement, while 45% disapproved and 22% had no opinion. Over the past six weeks, the share approving of the agreement has fallen 12 percentage points (from 33% to 21%), while disapproval has held fairly steady (45% then, 49% now). Somewhat more express no opinion than did so in July (22% then, 30% now).





An Executive Agreement is constitutional and common, especially during the Cold War and throughout the post-war period.

By the Robert's Rules of parliamentary procedure, which is what the Congress uses, there are a sufficient number of Senators to see this Agreement through.

Don't like the rules, change 'em. Write your Senators if you have any. The two Texas senators are Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, each of 'em of a Republican. So I suspect they'd be happy to hear from a supportive constituent, right?

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And maybe Trump is saying what the majority of polled voters think he should be saying.

What's really sad is this "treaty that isn't a treaty" will go into effect with less than majority support of either House of Congress or public opinion.

Since this is a "treaty that isn't a treaty" it is being legislatively hijacked around the Constitutional requirement that treaties must be provided a super majority 67 vote approval by the US Senate.

Obama circumvents the Constitution and the will of the American people yet again.

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