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Colonel Winthai: Former energy minister Pichai broke the condition with the military


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Colonel Winthai: Pichai broke the condition with the military


BANGKOK: -- Former energy minister Pichai Naripthapant has broken the condition set by the military by giving public statements in a way which mislead the public to lose trust and confidence in the military regime, Colonel Winthai Suvaree, spokesman of the National Council for Peace and Order said Thursday.

Pichai said today escorted from his home by two military officers to the first army region’s headquarter for an attitude adjustment.

Colonel Winthai said the military officers would try to talk Mr Pichai to change his attitude with the military junta. He added that he didn’t know how long it would take as it would depend on Pichai’s cooperation and the discretion of the authorities concerned.

Army Commander-in-Chief General Udomdej Seetabutr, meanwhile, said briefly that he expected the attitude adjustment might take seven days. “There is nothing much. It is about difference in opinions,” he added.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/colonel-winthai-pichai-broke-the-condition-with-the-military

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-11

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Some people would suggest that people can have a different opinion than the junta and express them, unfortunately the junta thinks anyone that differs from the junta line is not entitled to their opinion nor to express it. that's why they force "Attitude adjustments" on people, but in other country's they were called re-education camps, or brain washing communist camps.

The problem is that this bloke said that they (junta) need to hold to the "road map" and hold elections as promised and if they didn't it would impact on the economy, which is a fact, the problem is the junta don't like facts when it doesn't suit them.

Thailand = land of the free. when was the last time the junta was reminded of the translation?

Edited by aussieinthailand
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The janta may find AA is much quicker if the adjustee is made aware that long periods of solitary confinement could be a future prospect and regular back massages with a rubber hose as well. Maybe I should email the PM with my advice???

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The criticism was about the mismanagement of the economy. Didn't Prayuth acknowledged that and change the economic ministers? If he wants to put people through AA for criticizing the economy, there are many on all sides. This just intimidation and selective punishment.

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so glad there are some posters on this forum keep up well up to date with the state of Thailand and all the wrongs, maybe you can take the time to look back further than 2 years and tell us all how perfect it was

as an asside, the correct way to deal with these people is to investigate them and take them to court and then jail, this softly approach is not working, although such a task would be near enough impossible as there are so many officials that are corrupt

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What is it with the enthusiasts for torture on this forum?

has someone been tortured ? please share

I see nothing wrong with the government taking people in for a chat and explaining what they are trying to do, in other countries they would simply disappear, there is no honour amonst theives

The alternative game of hardball is not an option

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The janta may find AA is much quicker if the adjustee is made aware that long periods of solitary confinement could be a future prospect and regular back massages with a rubber hose as well. Maybe I should email the PM with my advice???

Good thinking. Nothing like beating the living piss out of someone to get them on your side. What could possibly go wrong?

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What is it with the enthusiasts for torture on this forum?

has someone been tortured ? please share

I see nothing wrong with the government taking people in for a chat and explaining what they are trying to do, in other countries they would simply disappear, there is no honour amonst theives

The alternative game of hardball is not an option

"I see nothing wrong with the government taking people in for a chat and explaining what they are trying to do..."

Edited by Rimmer
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What is it with the enthusiasts for torture on this forum?

has someone been tortured ? please share

I see nothing wrong with the government taking people in for a chat and explaining what they are trying to do, in other countries they would simply disappear, there is no honour amonst theives

The alternative game of hardball is not an option

these other countries would be EU countries I guess? I've noticed that there's LOTS of missing former MP's who were critical of their rulers just vanished!! Oh you mean in other countries that's run in the manner that would describe them as dictatorships? Sure they'd vanish, but there have been people who "vanished" here too, red shirt activists whom the junta denied having, only to be found lying.. Krutsida and the Temple nurse come to mind right away.

Your defiance of their (junta) actions speak volumes about you really, you have to go right back to the root cause of any "attitudes" and start from there, most people who were forced out of their jobs to be replaced with someone else or some other authority have attitudes, nobody likes it, and I'm willing to bet over your lifetime, you've also had an "attitude" with and towards some people, well it's obvious you do, as you are less tolerant towards certain factions here, and have said so on many occasions, but nobody mentions attitude adjustment then do they?

The problem with the big rough tough Army who talk the talk, but can't walk the walk, is that without article 44, or martial law they're nothing, they have had a history of "flashing" against their own people, the Junta are no better than the PTP with their bullying tactics, and they're getting worse, they've lost their "saviours of society" status, there's growing dissent and attitudes caused by FRUSTRATION at the lack of moving forwards, it's lies after lies after lies and you fall for them hook line and sinker, The Junta don't have the correct people to move the country forward, you need an opposition, good and bad, the very first thing Prayuth and his merry men should have done was reconciled the country, as without it, the rest will never happen. But nope, it's an eradication program ridding the country, which isn't necessary a bad thing of the corrupt politicians, but there's corrupt cops and Military who are the ones wielding the big stick.

You have two prominent mouthpieces who are trouble makers, Juttaporn and Suthep, one is treated like a Pariah and the other treated like a hero, neither of them should ever be allowed to stand up and have a voice again, both were responsible for bringing the country to it's knees, both should be locked up, but one will always be treated like he's something, he sure is, a lying corrupt POS, and the other one is Suthep!!

At the end of the day, the junta need to stop acting like they're getting butt hurt all the time, grow a pair of balls, and start accepting that they're not always right, stop the intimidation of the activists, produce the results, and people will stop their criticism simple as that.

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A flame and some replies have been removed also a grammar police post:

3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

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I lost confidence in the junta long before PTP, Suthep or anyone else opened their mouth. Someone needs to tell the PM that actions speak louder than words. The only actions I see from the junta are hauling in people for speaking their mind. THAT speaks volumns.

If the junta want people to have confidence in them, then implement actions that will get the people behind them. For example... start complete reform of the police and judiciary.

All the junta have done, reform wise, is take on a few small problems around the edges. The lottery (real high priority that), beach vendors (yet surprisingly the jet ski scams still continue), yet all the while the deep embedded corruption in this country goes untackled.

Almost EVERY problem this country has stems from a total lack of law enforcement. SO the police and judiciary need to be item #1 on the agenda. Fix those and most everything else will fall into place.

And let's not forget the elephant in the room, the military. The military are just as corrupt as the police, and they too MUST be reformed.

As much as I dislike the PTP and everything they stand for, they do (should) have the right to speak up and criticize if they want. Just as Suthep also has that same right, as well as every Thai citizen. Even use lowly farang should have that right without fear of being hauled in for 'Attitude Adjustment', or in our case, being deported. I draw the line at entrenched street encampments and violence of any form.

If the people are not allowed to speak out, the PM has no clue how they feel about him or his government. By supressing speech he is sowing the seeds of discontent, and sooner or later he will have to reap what he has sown.

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“There is nothing much. It is about difference in opinions,” he added.

Still beyond my comprehension that westerners still support the junta after these "attitude adjustment' sessions. They always fall back to their hatred of the Shinawatra to excuse the trespasses of these fragile military men. How can there be trust if your leadership is afraid to debate ?

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The janta may find AA is much quicker if the adjustee is made aware that long periods of solitary confinement could be a future prospect and regular back massages with a rubber hose as well. Maybe I should email the PM with my advice???

Good idea. What's his email address again?

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Why not just invoke Article 44 and jail anyone who dares express an opinion that Generalissimo Prayut finds fault with?

Sure, it'll make him pretty and silly, but he's so far down that slope, there's no coming back up.

Honestly, what's the point of being Grand Poobah if you can't silence your critics?

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so glad there are some posters on this forum keep up well up to date with the state of Thailand and all the wrongs, maybe you can take the time to look back further than 2 years and tell us all how perfect it was

as an asside, the correct way to deal with these people is to investigate them and take them to court and then jail, this softly approach is not working, although such a task would be near enough impossible as there are so many officials that are corrupt

Having a negative attitude towards the government is not a violation of Thai Criminal Code. Hence, the police and the Junta cannot use existing judicial processes to take place.

His behavior, however, violates Junta directives that the Junta considers criminal and subject to military rule. This is possible because the military has deprived 60 million Thai people of their civil liberties.

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I lost confidence in the junta long before PTP, Suthep or anyone else opened their mouth. Someone needs to tell the PM that actions speak louder than words. The only actions I see from the junta are hauling in people for speaking their mind. THAT speaks volumns.

If the junta want people to have confidence in them, then implement actions that will get the people behind them. For example... start complete reform of the police and judiciary.

All the junta have done, reform wise, is take on a few small problems around the edges. The lottery (real high priority that), beach vendors (yet surprisingly the jet ski scams still continue), yet all the while the deep embedded corruption in this country goes untackled.

Almost EVERY problem this country has stems from a total lack of law enforcement. SO the police and judiciary need to be item #1 on the agenda. Fix those and most everything else will fall into place.

And let's not forget the elephant in the room, the military. The military are just as corrupt as the police, and they too MUST be reformed.

As much as I dislike the PTP and everything they stand for, they do (should) have the right to speak up and criticize if they want. Just as Suthep also has that same right, as well as every Thai citizen. Even use lowly farang should have that right without fear of being hauled in for 'Attitude Adjustment', or in our case, being deported. I draw the line at entrenched street encampments and violence of any form.

If the people are not allowed to speak out, the PM has no clue how they feel about him or his government. By supressing speech he is sowing the seeds of discontent, and sooner or later he will have to reap what he has sown.

Fair play to your honesty ;)

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Why not just invoke Article 44 and jail anyone who dares express an opinion that Generalissimo Prayut finds fault with?

Sure, it'll make him pretty and silly, but he's so far down that slope, there's no coming back up.

Honestly, what's the point of being Grand Poobah if you can't silence your critics?

Why not just invoke Article 44 and jail anyone who dares express an opinion that Generalissimo Prayut finds fault with? -

I thought they were already doing that.coffee1.gif

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