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11 Republicans to share stage in next US presidential debate


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11 Republicans to share stage in next presidential debate

WASHINGTON (AP) — Eleven Republican presidential candidates have qualified for next week's primetime debate, a slate that features the full diversity of the GOP's 2016 class and is believed to be the largest group to share a presidential debate stage in modern political history.

The candidates scheduled to meet for Wednesday's primetime affair, announced Thursday night by debate host CNN, will include former technology executive Carly Fiorina, whose weak polling numbers kept her off the main stage of the first debate. But a bump in the polls and an aggressive lobbying effort persuaded CNN to broaden its participation criteria, a coup for Fiorina and GOP officials eager to feature the party's only 2016 female candidate in the nationally televised clash.

But don't expect Fiorina to get as much airtime as Donald Trump, who will be positioned front and center when the candidates meet at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The undisputed leader in national polls, Trump is generally considered the biggest reason why Fox News Channel reached 24 million people for the first GOP presidential debate last month — the most watched program in Fox News history.

Sharing the stage with Trump and Fiorina at next week's 8 p.m. EDT debate will be former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Republican National Committee officials have praised the diversity of the field, which includes a woman, an African-American and two Hispanics.

Five candidates lagging in national polls did not qualify for the main event and will instead be featured in a 6 p.m. debate in the same venue: former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former New York Gov. George Pataki.

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, who participated in the second-string GOP debate in August, did not meet the criteria for inclusion in next Wednesday's event. Candidates were required to average 1 percent support in any three polls released during a two-month window.

The final lineup offers few surprises, yet plenty of challenges for candidates and organizers ahead of the crowded affair.

Anticipating Fiorina's attendance, Trump last week cited the obvious challenges associated with sharing the stage with so many people.

"I don't like the fact there are 11 people there now as I understand it," the billionaire businessman said in a press conference. "There are too many people. Because when you've got 11, you're not going to hear me and you're not going to hear other people talking, and I think that's too bad."

Next week's debate is among five scheduled before the 2016 primary season's first voting contest in Iowa next February.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-11

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Providing The Donald doesn't make a deal for the purchase of the stage and refuse admittance to all the other candidates. I this case he would have to debate himself. I'm sure he could do very well in that effort.

Edited by MaxYakov
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15 Candidates in attendance... 1, and an outlier in second are all that really matters.

It does make me laugh that Americans have the first honest and seemingly open politician in a very long time (yes guys sorry but Kennedy is a long time for those of us under 30, but we still respect out forefathers!) ready to speak and fight for the silent majority on areas such as taxes, immigration and political integrity -and both his own party and the Democrats are doing absolutely all they can to stop him.

The world is not blind, his current 30% approval rating proves it.

Reason for editing:Correcting my atrocious smart phone spelling errors.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Providing The Donald doesn't make a deal for the purchase of the stage and refuse admittance to all the other candidates. I this case he would have to debate himself. I'm sure he could do very well in that effort.

One thing the Donald did that I liked was to suggest all the profit from the evening be donated to the VA. What a great idea. I hear that advertising rates for the event have really been bumped up and Jeff Zucker worldwide manager will make additional millions off of the debate. It seems that Mr. Zucker has failed to respond. I also hear that "Just call me Jeb" has hired a rapid response coach.

Edited by elgordo38
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All eyes will be on the Ratings Machine, The Donald.

You have to feel sorry for the GOP lobby machine.... lol

I hear they are working on a TV mass hypnosis program. Its about the only option they have left. Go Donald Go keep em honest and keep them stumbling off of their canned/bland message. I really love the one where they want to build a wall along the border with Canada and also the one where they would triple the number of border guards. Funny how when the time comes to put on the presidential boots they all walk a different path.

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oxymoron - using GOP and diversity in the same sentence

the party prides itself on exclusion

Well, to be fair, their door is wide open to clowns, misogynists and cave dwellers.

That's not fair. They'll gladly let just about anyone cut the lawns and clean the toilets back at HQ (and at home).

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15 Candidates in attendance... 1, and an outlier in second are all that really matters.

It does make me laugh that Americans have the first honest and seemingly open politician in a very long time (yes guys sorry but Kennedy is a long time for those of us under 30, but we still respect out forefathers!) ready to speak and fight for the silent majority on areas such as taxes, immigration and political integrity -and both his own party and the Democrats are doing absolutely all they can to stop him.

The world is not blind, his current 30% approval rating proves it.

Reason for editing:Correcting my atrocious smart phone spelling errors.

How much is 11+5?
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oxymoron - using GOP and diversity in the same sentence

the party prides itself on exclusion


BTW, Trump is getting 25% support from Blacks and 31% support from Latinos at the moment.

The GOP is also running Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal and Ben Carson for President.

I wish Allen West would run as well.

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Providing The Donald doesn't make a deal for the purchase of the stage and refuse admittance to all the other candidates. I this case he would have to debate himself. I'm sure he could do very well in that effort.

One thing the Donald did that I liked was to suggest all the profit from the evening be donated to the VA. What a great idea. I hear that advertising rates for the event have really been bumped up and Jeff Zucker worldwide manager will make additional millions off of the debate. It seems that Mr. Zucker has failed to respond. I also hear that "Just call me Jeb" has hired a rapid response coach.

Brilliant move by Trump. He should also offer to match the donations although their may be campaign rules against that. (Buying votes)

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oxymoron - using GOP and diversity in the same sentence

the party prides itself on exclusion


BTW, Trump is getting 25% support from Blacks and 31% support from Latinos at the moment.

The GOP is also running Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal and Ben Carson for President.

I wish Allen West would run as well.

Ms Colon seems to be the most honest one amongst them...for a politician she would be pretty close to an <deleted>.

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oxymoron - using GOP and diversity in the same sentence

the party prides itself on exclusion


BTW, Trump is getting 25% support from Blacks and 31% support from Latinos at the moment.

The GOP is also running Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal and Ben Carson for President.

I wish Allen West would run as well.

It would be nice to see Ms Colon get rid of them all......

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I remember a long time ago a Mr.Trent Lott berating a reporter who asked him if "It was only people with money who could run for President?"

He quite factually and calmly responded that "Yes as this was the American way"

Barrack Obama could well be the last American President with a social conscience, the disastrous Reagan/Bush/Bush II era could well be the accepted norm for the future leader of the world's largest "Democracy"

Mr.Trump is portraying himself as the "non establishment" or "independent" candidate, nothing could be further from the truth!

He is business orientated and is firmly entrenched in the "market economy" He will gladly and enthusiastically walk away from any social programme that improves the lives of ordinary Americans (Obamacare will be his first and instantaneous target)

In his narcissistic and exclusive world anyone who cannot afford to look after themselves or their families will be left behind.

Make no mistake this is a very dangerous individual, the fact that he has been able to amass a personal fortune should not be regarded as an indication of greatness. There have been various studies over the years regarding Alpha Males with sociopathic tendencies, Mr. Trump fits the bill with all of these and would be an unmitigated disaster for the US (and the world)

The very fact that he should still be riding high in the polls fills me with dread, with every year that passes we are one year closer to having another dangerous puppet like GWB, another puppet that has been bought and paid for by the multi-nationals...

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Barrack Obama could well be the last American President with a social conscience, the disastrous Reagan/Bush/Bush II era could well be the accepted norm for the future leader of the world's largest "Democracy"


"he disastrous Reagan/Bush/Bush II era could well be the accepted norm for the future leader of the world's largest "Democracy""

You somehow overlooked the only one that was impeached during that period...William Jefferson Clinton.

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Barrack Obama could well be the last American President with a social conscience, the disastrous Reagan/Bush/Bush II era could well be the accepted norm for the future leader of the world's largest "Democracy"


"he disastrous Reagan/Bush/Bush II era could well be the accepted norm for the future leader of the world's largest "Democracy""

You somehow overlooked the only one that was impeached during that period...William Jefferson Clinton.

Which has nothing to do with his message and nothing with the OP.
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They should give each of the candidates a bucket of mud as they take the stage for the debate, because the mud-slinging will be of epic proportions... And if the moderators are as asinine as in the Faux News debates, they should hurl mud at them too...

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15 Candidates in attendance... 1, and an outlier in second are all that really matters.

It does make me laugh that Americans have the first honest and seemingly open politician in a very long time (yes guys sorry but Kennedy is a long time for those of us under 30, but we still respect out forefathers!) ready to speak and fight for the silent majority on areas such as taxes, immigration and political integrity -and both his own party and the Democrats are doing absolutely all they can to stop him.

The world is not blind, his current 30% approval rating proves it.

Reason for editing:Correcting my atrocious smart phone spelling errors.

the Democrats are doing absolutely all they can to stop him.

The edit missed the glaring error of the post which makes it confused beyond recognition.

D's would give our right arm for Trump to win the nomination of the Republican party for POTUS going in to the 2016 election. The vast moderate middle that are the electorate would streak to the Democratic party nominee to all but assure the D got elected.

Doing everything possible for The Donald to be the guy coming out of the convention. Nobody on this side wants to stop Trump. Exactyly the opposite.

We know what we wish for.

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oxymoron - using GOP and diversity in the same sentence

the party prides itself on exclusion

Well, to be fair, their door is wide open to clowns, misogynists and cave dwellers.

And don't forget, the religiously oppressed (but only if you're Christian, and only if you're the right kind of Christian, and not so much if you're black or gay or lesbian)

It's a Big Tent, the tent that's outside of their tent.


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I remember a long time ago a Mr.Trent Lott berating a reporter who asked him if "It was only people with money who could run for President?"

He quite factually and calmly responded that "Yes as this was the American way"

Barrack Obama could well be the last American President with a social conscience, the disastrous Reagan/Bush/Bush II era could well be the accepted norm for the future leader of the world's largest "Democracy"

Mr.Trump is portraying himself as the "non establishment" or "independent" candidate, nothing could be further from the truth!

He is business orientated and is firmly entrenched in the "market economy" He will gladly and enthusiastically walk away from any social programme that improves the lives of ordinary Americans (Obamacare will be his first and instantaneous target)

In his narcissistic and exclusive world anyone who cannot afford to look after themselves or their families will be left behind.

Make no mistake this is a very dangerous individual, the fact that he has been able to amass a personal fortune should not be regarded as an indication of greatness. There have been various studies over the years regarding Alpha Males with sociopathic tendencies, Mr. Trump fits the bill with all of these and would be an unmitigated disaster for the US (and the world)

The very fact that he should still be riding high in the polls fills me with dread, with every year that passes we are one year closer to having another dangerous puppet like GWB, another puppet that has been bought and paid for by the multi-nationals...

What you describe is how America used to be before the Dems decided to bribe the electorate by throwing money at them. I have no problem living in a socialist country, but socialism isn't what made America great, and if America becomes even more socialist than it is now, expect the same problems that socialist ( not communist ) countries have.

11 candidates, not enough time and ads- the next debate is going to be even more irrelevant than the last. Sounds like they might ask more questions of the ratings drawcard this time, but I don't expect much from the circus this time.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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And Trump will lose the debate again. He is not very good at thinking on his feet. He only has about five things to say. He cannot improvise, as he has nothing to say, besides build a wall, and they are stealing our jobs and immigrants are terrible and I can fix everything. My prediction is that he will embarrass himself yet again.

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And Trump will lose the debate again. He is not very good at thinking on his feet. He only has about five things to say. He cannot improvise, as he has nothing to say, besides build a wall, and they are stealing our jobs and immigrants are terrible and I can fix everything. My prediction is that he will embarrass himself yet again.

Trump seems to be a pretty quick thinker in these videos.

Edited by chuckd
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And Trump will lose the debate again. He is not very good at thinking on his feet. He only has about five things to say. He cannot improvise, as he has nothing to say, besides build a wall, and they are stealing our jobs and immigrants are terrible and I can fix everything. My prediction is that he will embarrass himself yet again.

Trump seems to be a pretty quick thinker in these videos.

Only if he is on very limited track and discussing "his" topics. When world affairs are brought up it is always the same answer. Protectionism, xenophobia, close the border. Build the wall. Problem solved. A bit of a political simpleton in my view. Edited by spidermike007
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And Trump will lose the debate again. He is not very good at thinking on his feet. He only has about five things to say. He cannot improvise, as he has nothing to say, besides build a wall, and they are stealing our jobs and immigrants are terrible and I can fix everything. My prediction is that he will embarrass himself yet again.

Trump seems to be a pretty quick thinker in these videos.

Only if he is on very limited track and discussing "his" topics. When world affairs are brought up it is always the same answer. Protectionism, xenophobia, close the border. Build the wall. Problem solved. A bit of a political simpleton in my view.
"A bit" is a huge understatement. While most people want some honestly in politics, Trump is simply arrogant, self centered and ignorant of necessary political astuteness. Mind you, W was also a bit of an idiot too.
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And here are two anonymous individuals posting on a forum on Thailand calling a multi-billionaire a slow thinker and idiot.

Post your life accomplishments anonymously and let's compare how you stack up against the slow thinking idiot.

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