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Critics warn constitution crisis looms

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Well, now that same loan has ballooned to more than 3 trillion. And guess what! !!

Nobody is allowed to check where the money will be spent or how it will be spent.

But we all rest easy, because the good people are now in charge. And since the economy is being managed sooooo well, you can be sure that 3 trillion will be spent wisely.

Please tell me more about this 3 trillion baht loan. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Not doubting for one minute it is not real, but you can't be too careful these days. thumbsup.gif

Guess we must have been watching the cricket Mike. I can't remember reading about a 3 trillion baht off budget loan taken out by the current government.

Perhaps Greenchair will be kind enough to provide the links detailing it so we can catch up.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that link ! You have as much chance as JW (alius BO) making a sensible contribution.

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The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.


Junta fans take the events of the last 20 years as the context of their arguments. Anti-junta fans take those of the last 80 years or more as theirs. Which is more relevant? You decide.


Well, now that same loan has ballooned to more than 3 trillion. And guess what! !!

Nobody is allowed to check where the money will be spent or how it will be spent.

But we all rest easy, because the good people are now in charge. And since the economy is being managed sooooo well, you can be sure that 3 trillion will be spent wisely.

Please tell me more about this 3 trillion baht loan. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Not doubting for one minute it is not real, but you can't be too careful these days. thumbsup.gif

Guess we must have been watching the cricket Mike. I can't remember reading about a 3 trillion baht off budget loan taken out by the current government.

Perhaps Greenchair will be kind enough to provide the links detailing it so we can catch up.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that link ! You have as much chance as JW (alius BO) making a sensible contribution.

It's not a loan.



Why not call the whole charter drafting a treacherous corruption scheme with the evil intent to suck the taxpayers' money dry beyond debt insanity.

That's why it's called insanity to do the same thing again and again and again, and expect the same different results on the name of saving face..


Don't look now, the crisis is already here. If they keep drafting undemocratic "Charter's" like the one their own appointed people just rejected then the junta will be in power for a long time. One begins to wonder if this isn't what the people in power wanted all along despite Mr. P's protestations that he wants to retire.

I think Prayuth would retire at any time he pleases....he'll simply just hand over the reins to the next general in line......it's obvious now that the ordinary people don't matter.....only the ones at the top of the feeding chain are important


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

Yes I am a big fan of General Prayut.

There is nothing dumber than a Red Shirt falang !!!


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

Yes I am a big fan of General Prayut.

There is nothing dumber than a Red Shirt falang !!!

And you don't see the delicious irony in your post it seems.


Well, now that same loan has ballooned to more than 3 trillion. And guess what! !!

Nobody is allowed to check where the money will be spent or how it will be spent.

But we all rest easy, because the good people are now in charge. And since the economy is being managed sooooo well, you can be sure that 3 trillion will be spent wisely.

Please tell me more about this 3 trillion baht loan. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Not doubting for one minute it is not real, but you can't be too careful these days. thumbsup.gif

Guess we must have been watching the cricket Mike. I can't remember reading about a 3 trillion baht off budget loan taken out by the current government.

Perhaps Greenchair will be kind enough to provide the links detailing it so we can catch up.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that link ! You have as much chance as JW (alius BO) making a sensible contribution.

It's not a loan.


You really need to stay current. That's was in October 2014 and things have charged dramatically. Try read today updates of cost escalation as much as 30% in just one part of the project. By the time this project start, it will be more than 3 T Baht. Read on and you noticed that the Chinese will provide the LOAN. Be sensible, the normal budget is already a deficit without the projects. There simply no room for allocation from the budget. It had to be an off budget loan. Prayuth may fool some but not all.


So much for Mr P's "efforts to bring about reconciliation" then.

This man and his sponsors will bring ruin to Thailand's door.

just because Jutaporn opens his mouth does not reflect what the majority of Thai people think, he has no mandate to represent anyone, he is a self appointed leader of a movement whos support is somewhat unclear since they murdered children and gloated on stage, my opinion is they are no longer a consideration - JMO

He still has a lot of influence. Thankfully your opinion counts for diddly squat.

As does your opinion, mine and about 99% of all the TVF posters.


I get the feeling that whilst Thailand ponders its own navel and endlessly wrestles with internal options that the rest of the world and S.E. Asia in particular will pass it by. I'm not a Thaksin lover.. far from it but he let the genie out of the bottle and for all of Mr. P's huffing and puffing it will never go back in. Meanwhile everyone wonders about the political landscape post when that which is inevitable and is not discussed comes to pass.

The Junta government will remain in power. Opposition will grow more overt, the repression will grow more intense.

Eventually someone in uniform will lose the plot and kill a lot of people.

The old safety valve, being called in by a "higher authority", no longer exists.

That which binds the wildly disparate strands of this society together will have gone. It will get very messy (bloody).

I take absolutely no pleasure in predicting this, but sadly I am beginning to see it as inevitable.


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

Yes I am a big fan of General Prayut.

There is nothing dumber than a Red Shirt falang !!!

No your wrong "Now or Never"!

The person who slags off other members and calls them " dumber" because they have different points of views is the "dumest" individual on this site.

Not everyone on here who dislikes the present regime are red shirts, they just don't like the junta and what is happening to this country.

So go back and recite the 12 commandments as ordered by your beloved leader!


So much for Mr P's "efforts to bring about reconciliation" then.

This man and his sponsors will bring ruin to Thailand's door.

Just like the previous regime were aiming to do. 2.2 trillion loan, mostly into their pockets.

An Amnesty for every crooked and corrupt politician and lackey, especially the big boss, for all their misdeeds.

That would've worked - not. As shown by the extent of the protests against such blatant corruption.

Nothing will change will the powers that be continue to play musical chairs among themselves.

Well, now that same loan has ballooned to more than 3 trillion. And guess what! !!

Nobody is allowed to check where the money will be spent or how it will be spent.

But we all rest easy, because the good people are now in charge. And since the economy is being managed sooooo well, you can be sure that 3 trillion will be spent wisely.

Please tell me more about this 3 trillion baht loan. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Not doubting for one minute it is not real, but you can't be too careful these days. thumbsup.gif

It is to facilitate the new dual track train system that will connect thailand borders with its neighbour. Yinglucks plan would have cost around 2 trillion, but the new government plan is somewhere around 3 and half trillion. For a while, there were questions about why some of the routes that were changed, would use less track but actually cost 3 or 4 million more than the yingluck government plan.

Really don't want to get in discussion about this, but wanted to express that all governments have their faults.


Well, now that same loan has ballooned to more than 3 trillion. And guess what! !!

Nobody is allowed to check where the money will be spent or how it will be spent.

But we all rest easy, because the good people are now in charge. And since the economy is being managed sooooo well, you can be sure that 3 trillion will be spent wisely.

Please tell me more about this 3 trillion baht loan. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Not doubting for one minute it is not real, but you can't be too careful these days. thumbsup.gif

Guess we must have been watching the cricket Mike. I can't remember reading about a 3 trillion baht off budget loan taken out by the current government.

Perhaps Greenchair will be kind enough to provide the links detailing it so we can catch up.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that link ! You have as much chance as JW (alius BO) making a sensible contribution.

It's not a loan.


You really need to stay current. That's was in October 2014 and things have charged dramatically. Try read today updates of cost escalation as much as 30% in just one part of the project. By the time this project start, it will be more than 3 T Baht. Read on and you noticed that the Chinese will provide the LOAN. Be sensible, the normal budget is already a deficit without the projects. There simply no room for allocation from the budget. It had to be an off budget loan. Prayuth may fool some but not all.



The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

Yes I am a big fan of General Prayut.

There is nothing dumber than a Red Shirt falang !!!

Prayut can be entertaining, in a scary way:

"Noted John Sifton of Human Rights Watch: "Prayuth seems genuinely flabbergasted by his critics. To hear him tell it, the junta has not seized power, don't want power, haven't exercised power, and don't understand why anyone fails to understand their motives and explanations in not seizing power and not wanting it while holding it all the same. It really is like Alice in Wonderland."" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/doug-bandow/military-junta-turns-thai_b_8120776.html


Guess we must have been watching the cricket Mike. I can't remember reading about a 3 trillion baht off budget loan taken out by the current government.

Perhaps Greenchair will be kind enough to provide the links detailing it so we can catch up.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that link ! You have as much chance as JW (alius BO) making a sensible contribution.

It's not a loan.


Thank you Mr. Idiablo for posting the link. It most certainly isn't a loan. Nor is it off budget and outside any transparent control as PTP intended for the 2.2 trillion loan they wanted.

Well Mr. Greenchair, were you trying to deliberately mislead us by posting something untrue? Or was it just another honest mistake from a PTP supporter?


Well, now that same loan has ballooned to more than 3 trillion. And guess what! !!

Nobody is allowed to check where the money will be spent or how it will be spent.

But we all rest easy, because the good people are now in charge. And since the economy is being managed sooooo well, you can be sure that 3 trillion will be spent wisely.

Please tell me more about this 3 trillion baht loan. This is the first time I have heard of it.

Not doubting for one minute it is not real, but you can't be too careful these days. thumbsup.gif

Guess we must have been watching the cricket Mike. I can't remember reading about a 3 trillion baht off budget loan taken out by the current government.

Perhaps Greenchair will be kind enough to provide the links detailing it so we can catch up.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that link ! You have as much chance as JW (alius BO) making a sensible contribution.

It's not a loan.


You really need to stay current. That's was in October 2014 and things have charged dramatically. Try read today updates of cost escalation as much as 30% in just one part of the project. By the time this project start, it will be more than 3 T Baht. Read on and you noticed that the Chinese will provide the LOAN. Be sensible, the normal budget is already a deficit without the projects. There simply no room for allocation from the budget. It had to be an off budget loan. Prayuth may fool some but not all.


And your link to all this is where?

Or did you get from a UDD / red shirt handout.

Next you'll be claiming that the 2.2 trillion loan was going to be guaranteed by Thaksin and he'd pay it back personally from his pocket change.


It is to facilitate the new dual track train system that will connect thailand borders with its neighbour. Yinglucks plan would have cost around 2 trillion, but the new government plan is somewhere around 3 and half trillion. For a while, there were questions about why some of the routes that were changed, would use less track but actually cost 3 or 4 million more than the yingluck government plan.

Really don't want to get in discussion about this, but wanted to express that all governments have their faults.

How do you know what Yingluck's plan would have really cost? Do you think you can believe anything they say? When the FM admits to lying and seemingly doesn't bother keeping accounts.

Why do you think they wanted it all upfront, off budget and outside normal parliamentary control?


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

Yes I am a big fan of General Prayut.

There is nothing dumber than a Red Shirt falang !!!

Actually, you have just managed to disprove you own theory.


Posts like this give me a chuckle. You all think that your opinions are going to change things. It is more than a giggle, it is a full on laugh. Understand this, Thailand and Asia has an inbuilt culture that goes back thousands of years. Your concepts of truth, democracy and the ... way are just so out of kilter to almost all Thais. You want to live here, accept the statis quo. Don't get involved in politics. Enjoy the life and accept. QED


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

It's all relative.

Some politicians are relatively more corrupt than others.

And some posters here are relatively more stupid and/or gullible than others.

And some people on here post a lot more often relative to others (including some nutcases who post more than 40 times every day) .

You should quit the 'junta fan club' line : it's not true but I doubt you care about that. I would guess everyone here would rather the junta were not in charge - but when the other option is a parliament full of dirty cronies who vote 310:0 to give themselves amnesty and also murder their own people on the streets to cling on to power, the junta are the least worst option.


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

It's all relative.

Some politicians are relatively more corrupt than others.

And some posters here are relatively more stupid and/or gullible than others.

And some people on here post a lot more often relative to others (including some nutcases who post more than 40 times every day) .

You should quit the 'junta fan club' line : it's not true but I doubt you care about that. I would guess everyone here would rather the junta were not in charge - but when the other option is a parliament full of dirty cronies who vote 310:0 to give themselves amnesty and also murder their own people on the streets to cling on to power, the junta are the least worst option.

Another poster who claims to know who committed the crimes during the 2013-2014 protests. Please do come forward with names and evidence.


Most of you "men" have missed the point. The cost of preventing fraudulance in western democracies is a high wage to the average bloke doing his/ her duty. Get this in your brain. This country is not a western democracy, get a grip. Adapt or always make stupid posts. Or piss off if you can't stand it here. My better friends are Thai, not you ....


The only crisis is the Bankruptcy Crisis facing the corrupt PTP politicians who have had the thieving of government money stopped.

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

It's all relative.

Some politicians are relatively more corrupt than others.

And some posters here are relatively more stupid and/or gullible than others.

And some people on here post a lot more often relative to others (including some nutcases who post more than 40 times every day) .

You should quit the 'junta fan club' line : it's not true but I doubt you care about that. I would guess everyone here would rather the junta were not in charge - but when the other option is a parliament full of dirty cronies who vote 310:0 to give themselves amnesty and also murder their own people on the streets to cling on to power, the junta are the least worst option.

Another poster who claims to know who committed the crimes during the 2013-2014 protests. Please do come forward with names and evidence.



Yet another red-shirt hypocrite who knows full well who is behind all the violence, but will hide behind any lies + denial he thinks he can get away with until it is proved.

And you people dare to complain about everyone else having such a low opinion of you. Go sit in a corner and feel ashamed. Oh sorry I forgot, you have no shame.


Most of you "men" have missed the point. The cost of preventing fraudulance in western democracies is a high wage to the average bloke doing his/ her duty. Get this in your brain. This country is not a western democracy, get a grip. Adapt or always make stupid posts. Or piss off if you can't stand it here. My better friends are Thai, not you ....

Ah, so your point is that corruption is perfectly justified because of the low wage. And anyone who points it out is making a stupid post ??.

It's not us who have missed the point - but hey, you have your 'better friends' so I would stick to them.

btw: What has 'men' got to do with it ?. And why do you think people here are your friends ?. And why do you think people 'can't stand it here' just because they speak out against corruption ?. I wonder if you want to get a bit of it yourself ...

So you think it was only PTP politicians and they've all stopped it do you?

Is so, that is remarkably naive. Another member of the junta fan-club.

It's all relative.

Some politicians are relatively more corrupt than others.

And some posters here are relatively more stupid and/or gullible than others.

And some people on here post a lot more often relative to others (including some nutcases who post more than 40 times every day) .

You should quit the 'junta fan club' line : it's not true but I doubt you care about that. I would guess everyone here would rather the junta were not in charge - but when the other option is a parliament full of dirty cronies who vote 310:0 to give themselves amnesty and also murder their own people on the streets to cling on to power, the junta are the least worst option.

Another poster who claims to know who committed the crimes during the 2013-2014 protests. Please do come forward with names and evidence.



Yet another red-shirt hypocrite who knows full well who is behind all the violence, but will hide behind any lies + denial he thinks he can get away with until it is proved.

And you people dare to complain about everyone else having such a low opinion of you. Go sit in a corner and feel ashamed. Oh sorry I forgot, you have no shame.

Four men convicted of a grenade attack with no stated connection to the government or any group, and a police investigator stating that violent attacks were "manipulated by a mastermind living abroad", but not naming the mastermind or filing charges. That was over a year ago, has he provided evidence, a name or charges yet?

It seems you could find nothing connecting the attacks to the PTP government. Keep trying. Or just give up, every rational person accepts that the PTP government was doing its best to prevent violence in order to not give the military the excuse it wanted to stage a coup.

You've got to get past this idea that everyone who doesn't view the world through your yellow shades is a redshirt. I'm not a PTP supporter, I'm someone who wanted the Thai people to choose to keep or replace the PTP government through elections. Not everyone who thinks that elected governments are better than military rule is a redshirt, in fact the majority aren't.

BTW, do you also accept the theory that Suthep was working with the army all along to create conditions to justify the coup, or do you only accept the bogeyman in a redshirt conspiracy theories?


So much for Mr P's "efforts to bring about reconciliation" then.

This man and his sponsors will bring ruin to Thailand's door.

just because Jutaporn opens his mouth does not reflect what the majority of Thai people think, he has no mandate to represent anyone, he is a self appointed leader of a movement whos support is somewhat unclear since they murdered children and gloated on stage, my opinion is they are no longer a consideration - JMO

So, who do you think does have a mandate?

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