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Elton John: I want to meet Putin over gay rights

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In Russia LGBT propaganda is banned only among children.

Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship.
NOW you know that I don't care if you are straight gay ,wear rubber pyjamas to bed or beat each other with sticks of rhubarb,in your sex lives ,but why promote it? Why gay pride marches why hold up a sign saying gay is ok ,? To be honest its got to the stage where you have to be so bloody pc that us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer,I personally think its so wrong that a gay couple can adopt children,and I am sick of it being put on the tv and what I think is that if two men or two women want to live together and have sex then ok. But keep it private , and as for that old fart Elton John ,I wish he would just f. Ck off,to his toyboy and keep his gob shut

Hi jingthing

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In Russia LGBT propaganda is banned only among children.

Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship.
NOW you know that I don't care if you are straight gay ,wear rubber pyjamas to bed or beat each other with sticks of rhubarb,in your sex lives ,but why promote it? Why gay pride marches why hold up a sign saying gay is ok ,? To be honest its got to the stage where you have to be so bloody pc that us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer,I personally think its so wrong that a gay couple can adopt children,and I am sick of it being put on the tv and what I think is that if two men or two women want to live together and have sex then ok. But keep it private , and as for that old fart Elton John ,I wish he would just f. Ck off,to his toyboy and keep his gob shut

Hi jingthing

And that puts in in a nut shell. 100% my views


In Russia LGBT propaganda is banned only among children.

Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship.
NOW you know that I don't care if you are straight gay ,wear rubber pyjamas to bed or beat each other with sticks of rhubarb,in your sex lives ,but why promote it? Why gay pride marches why hold up a sign saying gay is ok ,? To be honest its got to the stage where you have to be so bloody pc that us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer,I personally think its so wrong that a gay couple can adopt children,and I am sick of it being put on the tv and what I think is that if two men or two women want to live together and have sex then ok. But keep it private , and as for that old fart Elton John ,I wish he would just f. Ck off,to his toyboy and keep his gob shut

Hi jingthing

And that puts in in a nut shell. 100% my views

+1 LGBT no Kids allowed end of.


Anti Gay Bigots -- Putin is your man and Russia is your country. Enjoy!

The truth is the hysterical "protect the children" mantra is an obvious cover for oppression.


Anti Gay Bigots -- Putin is your man and Russia is your country. Enjoy!

The truth is the hysterical "protect the children" mantra is an obvious cover for oppression.

I have nothing against Gays,but a lot against the way it accepted these days as a normal way of life ITS NOT. I do not like the way they promote homosexuality

as a normal way of life,You being (as you said in your past post, a Gay Jew),would not understand this anyway.

Most people want to stamp out this type of promotion,to protect our younger generation from this sad behavour.

OK Putin may be in the eyes of the west wrong in many things,but in this he is correct.I only wish we had had politictions tough enough to stand up to these type of people. If so our country would be a far better place,and the world would not have the health problems that it has today,lots to do with hiv and aids etc.

I and many know how the youth of today is impressed and influenced by Gay pop stars sportsmen etc,and many copy them thinking its cool to do so.

I think Elton and his candle in the wind. should throw his sandels in the bin.


Not a normal way of life?

Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

NOW you know that I don't care if you are straight gay ,wear rubber pyjamas to bed or beat each other with sticks of rhubarb,in your sex lives ,but why promote it? Why gay pride marches why hold up a sign saying gay is ok ,? To be honest its got to the stage where you have to be so bloody pc that us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer,I personally think its so wrong that a gay couple can adopt children,and I am sick of it being put on the tv and what I think is that if two men or two women want to live together and have sex then ok. But keep it private , and as for that old fart Elton John ,I wish he would just f. Ck off,to his toyboy and keep his gob shut

Hi jingthing

And that puts in in a nut shell. 100% my views

+1 LGBT no Kids allowed end of.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people aged 10 - 24. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about-suicide

Comments such as the ones you have been making and comments like homosexuality is not normal are very significant factors in why many young gay people take their own lives.

Own your disgusting comments. Own the impact of yours and others' bigotry. Take it to your grave. The next generations has shown it will not live if fear of this nastiness. The racists have generally been forced to shut their gobs since the 60's. The same is happening on the LGBT issue.


It's ridiculous. These so called pro-gay activists should be advocating gay rights in countries like Ukraine and Saudi Arabia. But those countries just happens to be U.S allies. What a co-incidence. Gay and feminist people have proven to be nothing but tools.


In Russia LGBT propaganda is banned only among children.

Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship.

Yeah well try doing that in Saudi Arabia or Ukraine and see what happens. At least in Russia homosexuality and sex change is legal.


We get it. Horrible hateful ignorant regressive intolerant anti-gay bigots are still out there. And in many nations like Russia and Uganda they reflect the vast majority of people. Sad but true. But the good news is that in many countries tolerance of LGBT people is progressing rapidly. The international LGBT civil rights movement continues. Indefinitely.

You should go after all the people who are hateful to pedophiles too


In Russia LGBT propaganda is banned only among children.

Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship.
NOW you know that I don't care if you are straight gay ,wear rubber pyjamas to bed or beat each other with sticks of rhubarb,in your sex lives ,but why promote it? Why gay pride marches why hold up a sign saying gay is ok ,? To be honest its got to the stage where you have to be so bloody pc that us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer,I personally think its so wrong that a gay couple can adopt children,and I am sick of it being put on the tv and what I think is that if two men or two women want to live together and have sex then ok. But keep it private , and as for that old fart Elton John ,I wish he would just f. Ck off,to his toyboy and keep his gob shut

Hi jingthing

And that puts in in a nut shell. 100% my views

us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer

Judging by the threads it is nowhere obvious.

The reactionary pilgrim right do in fact get off ranting and raging about it while here in Thailand too.

Russia has a history of oppressing and repressing Jews, gays, ethnic minorities and most recently Muslims. They don't like a lot of people over there and Putin is at the center of it.

Sir Elton John putting Vlad in to a corner is a most welcome development. Maybe the two can actually agree on something noble or even something concrete to Russian LGBT and Russian society as a whole.


If Elton John really wanted to meet Putin to discuss the rights of gay people. He would have written to him in private and kept it out of the press.

Has he done that?... I don't know, but I'd place my money on him not having done that.

NOW you know that I don't care if you are straight gay ,wear rubber pyjamas to bed or beat each other with sticks of rhubarb,in your sex lives ,but why promote it? Why gay pride marches why hold up a sign saying gay is ok ,? To be honest its got to the stage where you have to be so bloody pc that us straight folk are afraid to speak our minds any longer,I personally think its so wrong that a gay couple can adopt children,and I am sick of it being put on the tv and what I think is that if two men or two women want to live together and have sex then ok. But keep it private , and as for that old fart Elton John ,I wish he would just f. Ck off,to his toyboy and keep his gob shut

Hi jingthing

And that puts in in a nut shell. 100% my views

+1 LGBT no Kids allowed end of.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people aged 10 - 24. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about-suicide

Comments such as the ones you have been making and comments like homosexuality is not normal are very significant factors in why many young gay people take their own lives.

Own your disgusting comments. Own the impact of yours and others' bigotry. Take it to your grave. The next generations has shown it will not live if fear of this nastiness. The racists have generally been forced to shut their gobs since the 60's. The same is happening on the LGBT issue.

Tep2 you and Elton John and his like minded LGBT crowd should, imho, be prepared for the coming

backlash because I believe the silent majority of this world are sick to the back teeth of being told what

is or isn't acceptable to them by a bunch of moronic misfits. We do not believe you, we do not think

your behaviour is normal and we do not want our kids to think it is normal, so please go and do what

you wish to do in private and stop pushing your unwanted ideology on normal human beings. I believe

the PC brigade are in for a wake up call too and not before time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,

not just minorities.


Regie,Who the hell think does he think he is? I would be very supprised if a world leader like Putin would take the time to talk with an old queen like him.

What a great piss take, bet the instigators of the hoax are having a good laugh. All his pop star status has gone to his head Could have somthing to do with

mixing with the late Diana. She reconised the danger gays were to health throughout the world,AIDS HIV etc and did a lot of work for involving it.

Elton, Putin is not interested in your Candle in the Wind


Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people aged 10 - 24. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about-suicide

Comments such as the ones you have been making and comments like homosexuality is not normal are very significant factors in why many young gay people take their own lives.

Own your disgusting comments. Own the impact of yours and others' bigotry. Take it to your grave. The next generations has shown it will not live if fear of this nastiness. The racists have generally been forced to shut their gobs since the 60's. The same is happening on the LGBT issue.

Tep2 you and Elton John and his like minded LGBT crowd should, imho, be prepared for the coming

backlash because I believe the silent majority of this world are sick to the back teeth of being told what

is or isn't acceptable to them by a bunch of moronic misfits. We do not believe you, we do not think

your behaviour is normal and we do not want our kids to think it is normal, so please go and do what

you wish to do in private and stop pushing your unwanted ideology on normal human beings. I believe

the PC brigade are in for a wake up call too and not before time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,

not just minorities.

Thank you so much for the warning. I will start my preparations immediately to fight off maybe even dozens of boozy and toothless old septuaganarian whiteys in their zimmer frames commaing at me mumbling incoherently about PC...PC..PC before their tickers shut down and we are finally rid of these old bastards. You will of course wear your tam o shanter and your kilt to give us the opportunity to see what you've got in case their is a gust of wind.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx I don't think it gets any clearer than that Gallup Report. 60% for those of you too durnk or old to comprehend is in fact a majority. Prove me wrong. Prove Gallup wrong. Show me the silent majority. You cannot. It is in your dreams. Your time is well and truly past. You and that other UK ethnic minority from the East End. Your views are now marginal and marginalised. No one is listening. No one cares. The issue is resolved. Modern western democracies are now going to be inclusive racially, ethnically and now in terms of sexual identity. Get over it.

Regie,Who the hell think does he think he is? I would be very supprised if a world leader like Putin would take the time to talk with an old queen like him.

What a great piss take, bet the instigators of the hoax are having a good laugh. All his pop star status has gone to his head Could have somthing to do with

mixing with the late Diana. She reconised the danger gays were to health throughout the world,AIDS HIV etc and did a lot of work for involving it.

Elton, Putin is not interested in your Candle in the Wind

Greenjob are you scripting for phuketjock, you appear to share the same brain, but I feel its about you let him have a go. If nothing else you are very entertaining, ill informed but entertaining.


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.

It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.

It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.

I think greenjob is trolling a little, he is more to be pitied.


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.

It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.

I think greenjob is trolling a little, he is more to be pitied.

Just what i was expecting, being called a troll and a bigot. Up to now i have been very civil,and not used that word. I have my views on the subject, and you have yours. i was under the impression that name calling was against tv rules,but there we go.

As putin said a while back to Barroso You are wrong you are guilty and you know it. And that saying also goes for your posts in this thread.


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.

It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.

I think greenjob is trolling a little, he is more to be pitied.

Just what i was expecting, being called a troll and a bigot. Up to now i have been very civil,and not used that word. I have my views on the subject, and you have yours. i was under the impression that name calling was against tv rules,but there we go.

As putin said a while back to Barroso You are wrong you are guilty and you know it. And that saying also goes for your posts in this thread.

Greenjob if you read my post I said 'I think'. I think if you listen to your feminine side a little more and stop being in denial. I am complementing you, you are indeed very entertaining.


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.

It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.

I think greenjob is trolling a little, he is more to be pitied.

Just what i was expecting, being called a troll and a bigot. Up to now i have been very civil,and not used that word. I have my views on the subject, and you have yours. i was under the impression that name calling was against tv rules,but there we go.

As putin said a while back to Barroso You are wrong you are guilty and you know it. And that saying also goes for your posts in this thread.

Greenjob if you read my post I said 'I think'. I think if you listen to your feminine side a little more and stop being in denial. I am complementing you, you are indeed very entertaining.

Much better Idea,run along to your gay thread,that has been set up for you all


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.
It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.

I think greenjob is trolling a little, he is more to be pitied.
Just what i was expecting, being called a troll and a bigot. Up to now i have been very civil,and not used that word. I have my views on the subject, and you have yours. i was under the impression that name calling was against tv rules,but there we go.
As putin said a while back to Barroso You are wrong you are guilty and you know it. And that saying also goes for your posts in this thread.

Greenjob if you read my post I said 'I think'. I think if you listen to your feminine side a little more and stop being in denial. I am complementing you, you are indeed very entertaining.

Much better Idea,run along to your gay thread,that has been set up for you all

I am totally hetrosexual greenjob, maybe one day you will realise that not everybody is the same, you must learn to live and let live. See if you can get rid of your predjudices and I think you will become a better person.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people aged 10 - 24. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about-suicide

Comments such as the ones you have been making and comments like homosexuality is not normal are very significant factors in why many young gay people take their own lives.

Own your disgusting comments. Own the impact of yours and others' bigotry. Take it to your grave. The next generations has shown it will not live if fear of this nastiness. The racists have generally been forced to shut their gobs since the 60's. The same is happening on the LGBT issue.

Tep2 you and Elton John and his like minded LGBT crowd should, imho, be prepared for the coming

backlash because I believe the silent majority of this world are sick to the back teeth of being told what

is or isn't acceptable to them by a bunch of moronic misfits. We do not believe you, we do not think

your behaviour is normal and we do not want our kids to think it is normal, so please go and do what

you wish to do in private and stop pushing your unwanted ideology on normal human beings. I believe

the PC brigade are in for a wake up call too and not before time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,

not just minorities.

Thank you so much for the warning. I will start my preparations immediately to fight off maybe even dozens of boozy and toothless old septuaganarian whiteys in their zimmer frames commaing at me mumbling incoherently about PC...PC..PC before their tickers shut down and we are finally rid of these old bastards. You will of course wear your tam o shanter and your kilt to give us the opportunity to see what you've got in case their is a gust of wind.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx I don't think it gets any clearer than that Gallup Report. 60% for those of you too durnk or old to comprehend is in fact a majority. Prove me wrong. Prove Gallup wrong. Show me the silent majority. You cannot. It is in your dreams. Your time is well and truly past. You and that other UK ethnic minority from the East End. Your views are now marginal and marginalised. No one is listening. No one cares. The issue is resolved. Modern western democracies are now going to be inclusive racially, ethnically and now in terms of sexual identity. Get over it.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif In your dreams. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Bigoted "opinions" on parade. Not worth taking seriously intellectually but worth taking seriously as a phenom because such bigotry fuels violence and murder against GLBT globally.

It's HATE SPEECH pure and simple. It's not news to GLBT people. A certain percentage of people have a toxic hatred on this issue. Much more so in some countries than others.

I think greenjob is trolling a little, he is more to be pitied.

Just what i was expecting, being called a troll and a bigot. Up to now i have been very civil,and not used that word. I have my views on the subject, and you have yours. i was under the impression that name calling was against tv rules,but there we go.

As putin said a while back to Barroso You are wrong you are guilty and you know it. And that saying also goes for your posts in this thread.

Greenjob if you read my post I said 'I think'. I think if you listen to your feminine side a little more and stop being in denial. I am complementing you, you are indeed very entertaining.

Much better Idea,run along to your gay thread,that has been set up for you all

I am totally hetrosexual greenjob, maybe one day you will realise that not everybody is the same, you must learn to live and let live. See if you can get rid of your predjudices and I think you will become a better person.

Sorry Madam/Sir ? I dont beleive a word you say. I think you are a baiter,and I must admit at that you seem to be a master. Nickers in a twist??


Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people aged 10 - 24. http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about-suicide

Comments such as the ones you have been making and comments like homosexuality is not normal are very significant factors in why many young gay people take their own lives.

Own your disgusting comments. Own the impact of yours and others' bigotry. Take it to your grave. The next generations has shown it will not live if fear of this nastiness. The racists have generally been forced to shut their gobs since the 60's. The same is happening on the LGBT issue.

Tep2 you and Elton John and his like minded LGBT crowd should, imho, be prepared for the coming

backlash because I believe the silent majority of this world are sick to the back teeth of being told what

is or isn't acceptable to them by a bunch of moronic misfits. We do not believe you, we do not think

your behaviour is normal and we do not want our kids to think it is normal, so please go and do what

you wish to do in private and stop pushing your unwanted ideology on normal human beings. I believe

the PC brigade are in for a wake up call too and not before time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,

not just minorities.

Thank you so much for the warning. I will start my preparations immediately to fight off maybe even dozens of boozy and toothless old septuaganarian whiteys in their zimmer frames commaing at me mumbling incoherently about PC...PC..PC before their tickers shut down and we are finally rid of these old bastards. You will of course wear your tam o shanter and your kilt to give us the opportunity to see what you've got in case their is a gust of wind.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx I don't think it gets any clearer than that Gallup Report. 60% for those of you too durnk or old to comprehend is in fact a majority. Prove me wrong. Prove Gallup wrong. Show me the silent majority. You cannot. It is in your dreams. Your time is well and truly past. You and that other UK ethnic minority from the East End. Your views are now marginal and marginalised. No one is listening. No one cares. The issue is resolved. Modern western democracies are now going to be inclusive racially, ethnically and now in terms of sexual identity. Get over it.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif In your dreams. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I glad your laughing at your own comment, because I can't imagine anybody else laughing, learn from greenjobs intellect. ?


I glad your laughing at your own comment, because I can't imagine anybody else laughing, learn from greenjobs intellect. ?

You are sadly misguided vogle I was, and still am, laughing at Tep2s' post not my comment on it

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