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Thai Health Ministry to meet international standards by 2030


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Min of Health to meet international standards by 2030


BANGKOK, 15 September 2015 (NNT) - The Ministry of Health is determined to improve Thailand’s healthcare standards to meet benchmarks set by the United Nations.

Health Minister Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn on Sunday chaired the Ministry’s academic forum on the prospects of Thailand’s healthcare industry after 2015.

According to him, the Ministry aims to meet UN standards by the end 2030. The benchmarks consist of reducing the country’s maternal death rate, infant mortality rate as well as the rate of contraction of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

The Ministry is also planning to expand universal healthcare and place greater importance on accommodating the needs of children, women, the disabled and the elderly.

-- NNT 2015-09-15 footer_n.gif

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I remember a good few years ago when it was announced that businesses would meet ISO 9002 standards. I thought fair play Thailand is going to be very modern. Then when it actually came to it nobody got there and a few made 9001. They realized that it would mean too much change, corrupt practices would have to go and regulation and transparency would be required. So I don't want to be negative but I will coffee1.gif and wait to see it before I start to do a dance.

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They announced that BKK would be the "Metropolis of Safety" (referring to driving) in 1990.

A recent article said they were extending it to 2040 to reach their goal.

Look it up. I saw the article here on TV recently.

Edited by jaywalker
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The announcement saddens me because international standards only float a cartel of material minded docs and BIGPHARMA thieves whose main concerns are pride, prestige and profit. Half the medical papers published in the last 20-30 years are completely unreliable (admitted both in New England Journal and Lancet) and many of the procedures and medications only prolong life, worsen outcomes and make people even sicker ,,,, But damn! -- they are profitable, especially the fraud of immunizations causing autism and God knows what else.

So, is this good news? Well,,, with few exceptions (surgery and rehabilitation) no. It's very bad news, 'cause people will only get more sick and costs will rise astronomically in support of a corrupt medical mindset that is only half informed of what it's really doing. Best to keep healthy habits and diets, use natural medicines, and ... stay in love (which requires re-education and hard work.

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big dog and pony show.

why is it going to take another 15 years to reach international standards of 2015. by the year 2030 they will still be 15 years behind. by then all the current health ministers will be retired. the new ministers will say they had nothing to do with the statment to reach international standards in 2030. then there will be no one to blame and face will be saved.

oh, how it rolls down hill.

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What a crock, by the year 2030 nobody will recall anything about the year 2015 and for sure nothing any politician was spouting off about. Notice all these windbags never lay out a plan, oh why carry on ? Guess I am only stating the obvious.

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