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Palestinians and Israel forces clash in Jerusalem, West Bank

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Palestinians and Israel forces clash in Jerusalem, West Bank
IAN DEITCH, Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) — Violence between Palestinian protesters and Israeli security forces spread beyond the walls of Jerusalem's old city on Friday, with at least eight Palestinians shot in clashes in the West Bank and Israeli policemen injured by firebombs in a restive part of the city.

In a rare decision, Israeli leaders called up a few hundred border police reservists to beef up security as tensions rise over Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site. One Israeli civilian has been killed in the violence since Sunday.

In the West Bank, violent protests broke out after Muslim prayers Friday afternoon. Israeli troops fired tear gas and deployed a water cannon to disperse stone-throwing Palestinian youths. The Palestinian Red Crescent said eight Palestinians were seriously hurt after being shot by live rounds. About 20 were lightly hurt in clashes with Israeli soldiers, it said.

Two Palestinians were shot and wounded while throwing firebombs at Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem, police said.

Palestinians also clashed with Israeli forces in Hebron, Qalandia and elsewhere.

The policemen were attacked on Friday near the area in Jerusalem where an Israeli man died earlier in the week after Palestinians pelted his car with rocks. Palestinians threw firebombs and rocks at the officers, and three of them were taken to a hospital, authorities said. Emergency services said one officer was shot in the arm.

Most of the unrest had until now focused on Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site — a hilltop compound sacred to both Jews and Muslims. The compound is a frequent flashpoint and its fate is a core issue at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is known to Jews as the Temple Mount, site of the two biblical Jewish temples and the religion's holiest site. Muslims revere it as the Noble Sanctuary and it is Islam's third holiest spot, where they believe Prophet Muhammad ascended on a visit to heaven.

Since Israel captured east Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967, Jews have been allowed to visit — but not pray — at the compound. Under an arrangement, Muslim authorities manage the site's religious and civilian affairs under Jordanian supervision, while Israeli police oversee security.

Palestinians say in the last two months there has been a new development where Israel has intermittently restricted some Muslims from the compound when Jews visit. Israel says this is to reduce friction, but Palestinians claim that Israel intends to establish Muslim-free Jewish visiting hours, which they fear could lead to upsets in the fragile arrangement in place.

Israel has reiterated its position that it has no plans to change the status quo at the site. But even rumors to the contrary are enough to spark violence.

The unrest began Sunday on the eve of the Jewish new year holiday of Rosh Hashanah when Palestinians barricaded themselves inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque and threw rocks and firecrackers at officers. Police said pipe bombs were also found there.

Rumors had been spreading among Palestinians of a "plot" to take over the site after activists from a Jewish group publicized a notice for "a mass visit to the Temple Mount" on Sunday.

Police entered the hilltop compound three days in a row to disperse Palestinians who had holed up inside the mosque with stockpiles of rocks and fireworks. The Israeli response sparked condemnations across the Arab world and concern that the tensions could spiral out of control.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the clashes in particularly harsh language, claiming that none of Jerusalem's holy sites belonged to Israel.

Israel's public security minister Gilad Erdan on Friday blamed Abbas for "incitement and lies" that led to violence. He said that by bringing explosive materials and rocks into the holy site, protesters had turned the "house of worship" into a "warehouse of terror."

Earlier, parliament's foreign affairs and defense committee decided in a "special discussion" Friday to call up border police reserves to beef up security.

Police have put thousands of officers on patrol. Authorities also banned Muslim men under the age of 40 from praying at the site in an attempt to curb violence as mostly younger Palestinians throw rocks at the site.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has telephoned world leaders including U.S. President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, urging them to take measures at the U.N. Security Council to stem the unrest, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

He told the leaders in his calls Thursday that "such aggression flagrantly violates the holiness of religions and gives a hand to fan extremism and violence in the entire world," the report said. He also spoke with Abbas concerning the developments.

Elsewhere in Israel, a rocket fired from Gaza exploded in the border town of Sderot on Friday evening, the military said. Israeli media reported the rocket damaged a house and a bus. Nobody was hurt.

Gaza militants later fired another rocket at Israel that was intercepted by its Iron Dome rocket defense system, the military said.

The town has been hard-hit by rockets from neighboring Gaza, ruled by the Islamic militant group Hamas, over the years.


Associated Press writers Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank and Aya Batrawy in Mecca, Saudi Arabia contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-19

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Lots has been said about this subject already, only to add that had similar unrest would have happened say, in Russia, China, and in any Arab/Muslim country, there will be destructions and many dead and wounded by now, not the case in this one, where every possible is taken to harm people, while the other side lobs Molotov cocktails and other missiles,,,

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Now we get to the truth. The entire episode was instigated by Jewish antagonists.

"a "plot" to take over the site after activists from a Jewish group publicized a notice for "a mass visit to the Temple Mount" on Sunday."

But of course, the blame is on the defenders "because they have rocks and firecrackers".

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A never ending story.This conflict will never be resolved so long as the U.S refuses to wrap the knuckles of one of their most staunchest allies.They don't think twice when putting their nose into other countries affairs, when of course it suits them, which is most of the time,,but when it comes to dealing with Israel that's a big no no.They talk and talk about their yearning for a 2 state solution but this is merely words that sound comforting to people naive enough to listen and believe.I truly hold no grudge against American citizens or any other citizen of the world for that matter.,There are good and bad people everywhere.I also hold no objection to the U.S being the policeman of the world,but if that's the role they want then at least be seen to perform it in a fair manner.Or am i being naive?.

My thoughts are with the totally oppressed stateless people of Palestine,who must feel so frustrated by the occupation of their land by the Israeli's who continue to erect settlements on Palestinian land,without a care in the world.The Palestinians in their frustration throw petrol bombs,while Israel sit on the most sophisticated nuclear bombs.David and Goliath springs to mind but who ended up winning that conflict?

Unfortunately I don't see this ending in my lifetime or for as long as the Jewish lobby command such a powerful voice in the states.

Lastly i wonder what course of action the U.S government would take if Cuba was to just help themselves to the tiniest portion of the southern tip of Florida?

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Here we go again. :-(

It's nearly always the same:

1. Israel instigates the violence with a land grab or similar act of greed/theft.

2. Israel spreads dishonest propaganda and plays the perpetual victim card.

3. Israel engages in the wholesale slaughter of women and children with a disproportionate use of force.

4. The hasbara-bots and other apologists work overtime to downplay the atrocities.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .


This is happening in Old Jerusalem - the oldest and most historic part of the Jewish land. The Israelites were there in the historic record building long before the Muslim religion was ever conceived.

This is the first time I've see the AP admit that this is Old Jerusalem with the old Temple Mount of the Jews. They usually just call it "The West Bank". The Jews were there for several thousand years before the so-called Palestinians or any Muslims ever existed.

This was called the Jewish Temple Mount thousands of years before any of this. It had two Jewish temples on it over thousands of years and the last one was torn down by the Romans in about 100 AD. The Muslims built the mosque that's there, on the Jewish Temple Mount.

I wish Israel would just level that encroaching mosque, run the usurpers off and get the argument over with.

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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

I wish Israel would just level that encroaching mosque, run the usurpers off and get the argument over with.

That would be great...for anyone that hates Israel as it would ensure Israel's destruction, or at the very least tens of thousands of dead Israelis.

Not a smart thing to wish for. Not smart at all.

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I wish Israel would just level that encroaching mosque, run the usurpers off and get the argument over with.

That would be great...for anyone that hates Israel as it would ensure Israel's destruction, or at the very least tens of thousands of dead Israelis.

Not a smart thing to wish for. Not smart at all.

Those same destroyers you mention want plan to destroy Israel anyway. Israel has nothing to lose. Israel has something to lose only if it does nothing because there will be no peace with Islamic terrorists.

This is occurring in the City of Jerusalem and not some nebulous "West Bank" although it just happens to be a tiny part of the West Bank. The attempts over the years by the apologists to refer to it only as the West Bank aren't working any more.

This is the history of Israel. This is the historic Old City in Jerusalem.

It's just a matter of time before that mosque and the terrorists are gone from there. I can hardly believe Israel's patience up until now.

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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

The violence continues regardless of expansion or retraction. But I agree that the modern Intifada was ignited in the late 1970s by the Likud's ill-conceived expansion of the Orthodox settlements into the areas once referred to as the "occupied territories". Most of those "territories" have now reverted back under Palestinian (or Hamas) control. The violence will continue as long as Israel exists. And if Israel ceases to exist then so does the concept of an independent Palestine as neighboring countries will annex the area. Of course if we were to reach that point the fiction of a distinct Palestinian people, who can only be defined by reference to where the Jews live, will be the least of the world's concerns.

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I wish Israel would just level that encroaching mosque, run the usurpers off and get the argument over with.

That would be great...for anyone that hates Israel as it would ensure Israel's destruction, or at the very least tens of thousands of dead Israelis.

Not a smart thing to wish for. Not smart at all.

Those same destroyers you mention want plan to destroy Israel anyway. Israel has nothing to lose. Israel has something to lose only if it does nothing because there will be no peace with Islamic terrorists.

This is occurring in the City of Jerusalem and not some nebulous "West Bank" although it just happens to be a tiny part of the West Bank. The attempts over the years by the apologists to refer to it only as the West Bank aren't working any more.

This is the history of Israel. This is the historic Old City in Jerusalem.

It's just a matter of time before that mosque and the terrorists are gone from there. I can hardly believe Israel's patience up until now.

Far from it, Israel has everything to gain from a just peace with its neighbors. The economic benefits are enormous, whereas the threat of BDS and sanctions could be catastrophic for Israel...brave Icelanders and Reykjavik became the first city of many more to join BDS today. Hoorah!
Study: Peace With Palestinians Could Add $120b to Israeli Coffers
Rand Corporation researchers say a new intifada would cost Israel $250b, but within 10 years of a two-state solution, Israelis would each see income rise by about $2,200.
Wouldn't it make more sense to calm things down and stick to the old rules that have worked well on the whole for the last 70 years. Jews are allowed to visit Haram al-Sharif, but not to pray there. How would Jews feel if Muslims rolled out their prayer mats at the Wailing Wall?
At the moment dangerous religious fanatics are dictating the agenda in the guise of religious freedom while we all know this masks more sinister plans by Netanyahu's right wing government to usurp more Palestinian rights and land. It could be an attempt by Israel to create another intifada to provide a pretext for more ethnic cleansing or weapons testing. It's getting that time of the year again..Gaza's turn last year now the West Bank. Israel fears that the Palestinians are in serious danger of winning the peace, so perhaps time to stir up some trouble.
But the world is watching this time.
Edited by dexterm
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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

I wish Israel would just level that encroaching mosque, run the usurpers off and get the argument over with.

That would be great...for anyone that hates Israel as it would ensure Israel's destruction, or at the very least tens of thousands of dead Israelis.

Not a smart thing to wish for. Not smart at all.

Also in the story: "Two Palestinians were shot and wounded while throwing firebombs at Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem, police said."

This is suicide on the part of the terrorists. This is holy ground to Jews and Christians. Remember this whole area is focused in The New Testament surrounding the birth and life of The Christ. Christians worldwide will be incensed. These terrorists are bent on riling up millions of people who have a lot more interest in this than they may realize. This is a way to mobilize power against Muslims that the Muslims may have underestimated.

It also just makes Muslims hated even more around the world. If you can't see the growing hate, you aren't paying attention.

One of these days there's going to have to be a worldwide extermination of Islamists. They won't stop bombing sacred Christian and Jewish places and artifacts especially in the ME and the hatred grows deeper and deeper. They won't stop... 9/11, Never Forget.

Every time they conduct an act of terror or an overt act against Jews and Christians and Others the blood boils just a bit more. I don't know why they seem to revel in it but it will end up with their demise in a worldwide cleansing. They are fools.


My goodness, I don't think I've ever seen a better example of a display of thinking that will lead to World War 3 than this. I'd be willing to bet you have a very sturdy lock on your front door.

And the 9/11 remark just tops it off...

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Post and response quoting it, removed.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

Bottom line though, this is a problem with BOTH sides as NEITHER side has the political will to really make peace. Those who think it's only about one side or the other are part of the problem.

There is a total lack of trust, on both sides, and with very good reasons, on both sides.

So blathering on about demonizing Israel accomplishes basically less than nothing.

Israelis hear this and tune it out as well they should as so many people blathering like that have the WORSE of intentions for the future of the Israeli state.

Edited by Jingthing
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I wish Israel would just level that encroaching mosque, run the usurpers off and get the argument over with.

That would be great...for anyone that hates Israel as it would ensure Israel's destruction, or at the very least tens of thousands of dead Israelis.

Not a smart thing to wish for. Not smart at all.

Those same destroyers you mention want plan to destroy Israel anyway. Israel has nothing to lose. Israel has something to lose only if it does nothing because there will be no peace with Islamic terrorists.

This is occurring in the City of Jerusalem and not some nebulous "West Bank" although it just happens to be a tiny part of the West Bank. The attempts over the years by the apologists to refer to it only as the West Bank aren't working any more.

This is the history of Israel. This is the historic Old City in Jerusalem.

It's just a matter of time before that mosque and the terrorists are gone from there. I can hardly believe Israel's patience up until now.

Far from it, Israel has everything to gain from a just peace with its neighbors. The economic benefits are enormous, whereas the threat of BDS and sanctions could be catastrophic for Israel...brave Icelanders and Reykjavik became the first city of many more to join BDS today. Hoorah!

Study: Peace With Palestinians Could Add $120b to Israeli Coffers

Rand Corporation researchers say a new intifada would cost Israel $250b, but within 10 years of a two-state solution, Israelis would each see income rise by about $2,200.


Wouldn't it make more sense to calm things down and stick to the old rules that have worked well on the whole for the last 70 years. Jews are allowed to visit Haram al-Sharif, but not to pray there. How would Jews feel if Muslims rolled out their prayer mats at the Wailing Wall?

At the moment dangerous religious fanatics are dictating the agenda in the guise of religious freedom while we all know this masks more sinister plans by Netanyahu's right wing government to usurp more Palestinian rights and land. It could be an attempt by Israel to create another intifada to provide a pretext for more ethnic cleansing or weapons testing. It's getting that time of the year again..Gaza's turn last year now the West Bank. Israel fears that the Palestinians are in serious danger of winning the peace, so perhaps time to stir up some trouble.

But the world is watching this time.

The very same paper you quote de-bunks the so called peace dividend. Though the whole point is moot anyway as the Palestinian entity serves the sole purpose of trying to do away with Israel and was never intended for a minute to function as an independent state.


Edited by Steely Dan
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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

Bottom line though, this is a problem with BOTH sides as NEITHER side has the political will to really make peace. Those who think it's only about one side or the other are part of the problem.

There is a total lack of trust, on both sides, and with very good reasons, on both sides.

So blathering on about demonizing Israel accomplishes basically less than nothing.

Israelis hear this and tune it out as well they should as so many people blathering like that have the WORSE of intentions for the future of the Israeli state.

More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

That is a blatant lie! The Palestinians have long ago accepted the state of Israel. Arafat did so in 1993

September 9, 1993
Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Prime Minister,
The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle East. In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments:
The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."

And the offer has been repeated many times since.

The whole Arab world (Hamas included) and Iran have agreed to recognize Israel in its 67 borders ...a permanent, secure internationally recognized peace agreement, exchange of ambassadors, trade, tourism, the works. The deal has been on the table since 2002, and repeated in 2007. Read about it here..
Haniyeh: Hamas Willing to Accept Palestinian State With 1967 Borders
Hamas leader in Gaza addressed group of European MPs who sailed to Strip to protest Israel's blockade.
Hamas’ Meshal Agrees for Palestinian State Based on 1967 Borders
The ball has always been in Israel's court. They hold all the power.
Edited by dexterm
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personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

Bottom line though, this is a problem with BOTH sides as NEITHER side has the political will to really make peace. Those who think it's only about one side or the other are part of the problem.

There is a total lack of trust, on both sides, and with very good reasons, on both sides.

So blathering on about demonizing Israel accomplishes basically less than nothing.

Israelis hear this and tune it out as well they should as so many people blathering like that have the WORSE of intentions for the future of the Israeli state.

More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

That is a blatant lie! The Palestinians have long ago accepted the state of Israel. Arafat did so in 1993

September 9, 1993
Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Prime Minister,
The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle East. In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments:
The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."

And the offer has been repeated many times since.

The whole Arab world (Hamas included) and Iran have agreed to recognize Israel in its 67 borders ...a permanent, secure internationally recognized peace agreement, exchange of ambassadors, trade, tourism, the works. The deal has been on the table since 2002, and repeated in 2007. Read about it here..
Haniyeh: Hamas Willing to Accept Palestinian State With 1967 Borders
Hamas leader in Gaza addressed group of European MPs who sailed to Strip to protest Israel's blockade.
Hamas’ Meshal Agrees for Palestinian State Based on 1967 Borders
The ball has always been in Israel's court. They hold all the power.

Good on you Dexterm,excellent post.

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