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Thaksin tells Thailand's red shirt opposition - 'play dead'... for now

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What did Thaksin do to inspire such frothing venom in the farang community while the actual voters of Thailand would likely elect the next "Thaksin proxy" in a free election?

The answer is that Taksin represents a future that is not beneficial to many of the expats and sexpats on this thread. They write in fear -- and fear induces incoherent writing. Hence, the venom. The mistake these terrified chaps make is that Taksin is only an incarnation of the future. Whether he is a player or not is irrelevant. The future will arrive with him or without him. The Thaitanic sails on.


It makes little or difference to the average expat living in Thailand who is running the country. You are just cultivating lies as usual to further your agenda, which for some reason is to support a thieving criminal.

Thaksin is not and never was interested in the foreigners living in LOS, he was always after the bigger prize. Ultimate rule and full control of the trough. Exactly the same thing the current PM is castigated for. thumbsup.gif

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Rice farmers..........My Thai girlfriend was contracted by NIDA University to complete a FOUR MONTH long survey travelling to rural communities and interviewing rice farmers in rural areas gathering information on how they really feel about how they are being treated. She was promised 80,000 baht for this FOUR MONTH long job. She had to use her own money to live on during this period. When the project was completed and all hard copy reports were submitted to NIDA...."She did not receive payment". She made repeated calls to get this PROMISED amount since she was in debt and paying interest on that debt. This survey was completed over one year ago now and still no sign of payment after repeated calls. I guess the parties involved requesting the survey didn't like the results ?????? NIDA you should be ASHAMED of your actions

Chris, shouldn't you have posted this on the NIDA forum ?


The pied piper returns, ill invest 0.001% of my net worth into vote buying and brain washing an uneducated mass, i will get into power then rape the country with my business ventures and acumen whilst ensuring the masses get a pittance of my networth. I will use violence and sacrifice a small minority for the better good (of my own agenda and self obsessed mission to become the richest man in Asia) i will murder to get the country out of debt, and i will murder to put the country back into debt so that i can repeat the process and claim my rightful fame. i am a god, not just a politician...


Nobody can deny that the rice policy was vote buying. The farmers are saying we will vote for anyone who will give us an above market price for our goods. Sad actually that the working and middle class have to pay for the farmers who are just not economical.

Of course it was a nod to the poor farmers. That's what all politicians do of whatever colour.

You are wrong that they will vote for whoever gives them handouts. The dems tried and lost and the army is trying now but will never be popular with the voters,

I don't think it sad that some taxpayers money is being given to the poor. It is what all democratic govs do and indeed is a must in humanitarian societies. The USA and EU massively subsidise their uneconomical farmers so why criticise Thailand for doing the same. It makes good sense.

Im against the EU subsidies too, so its a principle for me. I don't see why things that won't work should be subsidized. If people are helped that have little money it should not be exclusively farmers but just people who qualify. Now its just vote buying and if you read the article they will vote for anyone who promises them higher prices.

I bet you that if the PTP does not offer an farmers incentive but the democrats do they won't vote PTP.

You have already been proven wrong on the highlighted bit above. Abhisit, after he was undemocratically installed as PM, gave away shed loads of dosh and still couldn't get elected. The army is now trying to buy the farmers consent to a totalitarian constitution but will also fail. This is one of Taksins strongest legacies. He did it first! Prior to him no one gave a stuff for the poor farmers and they know that and won't forget.

Not sure why you are so strongly against farm subsidies everywhere. Food is a basic essential so it is a governments responsibility to make it available at a reasonable price. Leaving it to the free market would mean millions of unemployed and rocketing food prices which disproportionally hit the poor hardest. Up to you if that's what you want but I don't.


This may he the first level headed and sensible thing this snake has done, since his exile began. He does not have alot of common sense and his thirst for power blinds him, most of the time.

Snakes come in all colours and agree he like all the clowns is hungry for power. However he has a lot of common sense when it comes to managing his supporters and it is why he will in one guise or another win the next dozen or so elections as long as they are freely contested. The equally power hungry in charge now are equally power mad but not stupid enough to think they can win such an election and so are trying to write a constitution that sidelines Taksins voters. All just a merry go round but the one thing Taksins lot have is the growing international support for their opposition to a dictator.

We have seen in recent weeks that when the courts are exposed to the international spotlight they come up with fair decisions. This is something new and greatly encouraging. Thailand is finding it increasingly difficult to hide their social and judicial inequalities.


Excellent advice, let the PM cut his own throat, and just wait until the "great man" can come back and get the country on its feet again. wai.gif


What did Thaksin do to inspire such frothing venom in the farang community while the actual voters of Thailand would likely elect the next "Thaksin proxy" in a free election?

The answer is that Taksin represents a future that is not beneficial to many of the expats and sexpats on this thread. They write in fear -- and fear induces incoherent writing. Hence, the venom. The mistake these terrified chaps make is that Taksin is only an incarnation of the future. Whether he is a player or not is irrelevant. The future will arrive with him or without him. The Thaitanic sails on.


It makes little or difference to the average expat living in Thailand who is running the country." True. For the genre of expats who have no interest in seeing the Thai people allowed freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and democracy.

For those who know and love Thailand, who speak Thai, the difference is huge. Not, as you say yourself, you would know.

The majority of expats who lived through the Shin regime years have seen a lot, including redshirts running amok killing people while the PTP and the cops looked on.

Watched on as the government broke Thai laws to further their own gain, and ripped off it's own people under the cover of a subsidy.

Does that come with free speech, freedom of assembly and democracy ?

There are plenty of us who can speak, read and write Thai, and who love Thailand, who have little time for Military juntas and even less time for Thaksin and his wacko family.


This may he the first level headed and sensible thing this snake has done, since his exile began. He does not have alot of common sense and his thirst for power blinds him, most of the time.

Snakes come in all colours and agree he like all the clowns is hungry for power. However he has a lot of common sense when it comes to managing his supporters and it is why he will in one guise or another win the next dozen or so elections as long as they are freely contested. The equally power hungry in charge now are equally power mad but not stupid enough to think they can win such an election and so are trying to write a constitution that sidelines Taksins voters. All just a merry go round but the one thing Taksins lot have is the growing international support for their opposition to a dictator.

We have seen in recent weeks that when the courts are exposed to the international spotlight they come up with fair decisions. This is something new and greatly encouraging. Thailand is finding it increasingly difficult to hide their social and judicial inequalities.

Alot of truth in those statements. There is no question that the Thaksin clan had the full, and unfettered support of the US. And will probably to do so. There is not even a 1% chance the general would win an election for PM. But, who could step up? Is there any talent out there? Is Thailand as devoid of political talent as the US?


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

How odd as I though Thaksin was "like it or not" a legitimately elected PM as opposed to the current wannabee who took the post of PM. Sadly the Thai people are not getting the chance to shape their own future by making choices good and bad.

TS was legitimately elected by whom? No PM is elected.

In fact YS never stood for election at anytime during her short political career. She got a pass in to parliament via the party list and was handed the job of PM by her big brother.

So it would seem both the current and previous PM's share something in common.

Of course he was elected. he was elected by the majority of people in Thailand. Where do you get your opinions from? The Beano?

If you were being sarcastic about the PM "being elected" and by the "majority of people", then kudos to you. If not, you need a bit more research on your facts.


they'll be back for sure... was chatting to a Thai friend only today (graduate of CMU - well travelled etc. etc.) and she knows of no one she's in contact with who supports the Junta and they are all playing "quiet" for now

one thing, she said, is winding up the Thais is these stupid propaganda broadcasts daily. it's not about Thaksin so much but about not being ruled by the Army

If you were to lay out all these "Thai friends" of yours, head to toe, they would stretch from one side of your imagination to the other ! clap2.gif

sorry chap, but it's YOU who are out of touch...there are whole swathes of the country that are virtually 100 % anti-junta.......

You may well be right - but that doesn't mean they are pro Shin anymore.


In every election the majority of the electorate didn't vote for the PTP/PPP/TRT. Their best result is 33.55%. I make that a minority.


Electorate 43,024,000

TRT votes 14,077,711 (32.72%)


Electorate 45,658,170

PPP votes 14,071,799 (30.81%)


Electorate 46,918,709

PTP votes 15,744,190 (33.55%)

Ah but, your're only allowed to use the specific MZurf approved definition.

He doesn't bother with this one:

A majority is a subset of a set consisting of more than half of the set's elements. This can be compared to a plurality, which is a subset larger than any other subset considered; i.e. a plurality is not necessarily a majority as the largest subset considered may consist of less than half the set's elements. In British English the term majority is also alternatively used to refer to the winning margin, i.e. the number of votes separating the first-place finisher from the second-place finisher.

A majority may be called a simple majority to contrast with other types of majority: an overall majority, in parliamentary systems, is the difference of legislators between the government and its opposition;[1] an absolute majority is a majority of all electors, not just those who voted;[2][3][4] and a supermajority is a stronger majority than a simple majority. Source Wikipedia.

He prefers to select the bits he likes. It's something PTP and the Shin PR machine like to do to.

He will ignore your facts. That's another Shin type trait.

"He prefers to select the bits he likes"

You mean the definition that says a majority is "the greater number"? Why do you select to ignore that definition?

Any majority in voting is not the most votes but over 50 % of those who cast their votes. Totally different from what MZurf is trying to show. Just ask any politician when they say a party won the majority of votes.. they will say 50% up. But hey I guess that does not bother MZurf. We got a multiparty system and the biggest party if under 50% would not have been called a majority. It would have been called the largest party.. only when exceeding the 50% do they consider it a majority.


You may well be right - but that doesn't mean they are pro Shin anymore.

If enough people see through the BS on both sides and decide to do something about it then there is real possibility of progress in Thailand. Unfortunately that day is not yet here IMHO (hope I'm wrong).

Good grief - something we agree on. In fact too things.

I think lots more people are now seeing through all the bullshit wherever it comes from. But I doubt that there is enough passion, motivation and confidence to do something about it collectively.

I really hope I'm wrong but nothing will happen for a while for sure.


You may well be right - but that doesn't mean they are pro Shin anymore.

If enough people see through the BS on both sides and decide to do something about it then there is real possibility of progress in Thailand. Unfortunately that day is not yet here IMHO (hope I'm wrong).

Good grief - something we agree on. In fact too things.

I think lots more people are now seeing through all the bullshit wherever it comes from. But I doubt that there is enough passion, motivation and confidence to do something about it collectively.

I really hope I'm wrong but nothing will happen for a while for sure.

I hope a majority of the people wake up soonest (sorry, couldn't resist whistling.gif )


Interesting how the redshirts, who I was told had evolved beyond Thaksin, are still 'told' by him what to do. That's as de facto leader I guess. No UDD leader or other red-shirt ever contradicted that.

So, what Thaksin indicates is that nothing really matters, all might be undone when he gets a chance to return. That's nice, real swell from this former Police Lieutenant-Colonel criminal fugitive. He seems to want to add 'revolt' to his 'achievements'


"Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

No he wasn't.

Quite right you are.

Now, could someone on this Forum explain why most Western journalists and politicians seem to earnestly believe that Thaksin was ousted in a coup and then flew the country for fear of becoming a political prisoner ? How and when did such a complete and outrageous lie become truth for so many people in the West (and even some here too, apparently) ?

The fact that Thaksin was (is?) a media tycoon surely must have something to do with it. If you want to control information, buy the media, right ? And once you understand how information works, how easily people can be manipulated into believing just about anything, then use it and lie until you're blue in the face.

Are you saying that Thaksin himself is influencing western media?


The reds know the golden rule - The man with the gold makes the rules. whistling.gif

You are right and that is why yet again the yellows/ army are once again making up a bunch of new rules and calling them a constitution.

Despite all their gold (they have a lot more than Taksin and co) they just can't seem to get the rules right can they?

Got to give them credit for trying though this must be about the 20th time they have tried rewriting them.


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

He is steering clear of politics and has said the same to his supporters: Stay quiet, don't get in trouble, avoid confrontation.

That's the message. Would you prefer he asked for street protests and confrontation? His words will do far more for maintaining peace and order than all the spying and covert army activities in Ubon and Udon will do.


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

He is steering clear of politics and has said the same to his supporters: Stay quiet, don't get in trouble, avoid confrontation.

That's the message. Wohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubBpu3MHmtMuld you prefer he asked for street protests and confrontation? His words will do far more for maintaining peace and order than all the spying and covert army activities in Ubon and Udon will do.

Thaksin will never steer clear of politics- living in the sand dunes with no one caring who he is apart from the occasional camel must be very dull compared to his life in Thailand, surrounded by adoring masses, beautiful bimbo singers and businessmen hopeful for a cut of the budget.

He has to tell the red shirts to keep quiet now because it won't do him any good if they protest- Prayud will simply take the minion leaders into custody, they have to wait for an election to prove they are the democratic majority of Thailand and hence have legitimacy.

But it's 2 years away, and who knows what will happen by then?


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

He is steering clear of politics and has said the same to his supporters: Stay quiet, don't get in trouble, avoid confrontation.

That's the message. Wohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubBpu3MHmtMuld you prefer he asked for street protests and confrontation? His words will do far more for maintaining peace and order than all the spying and covert army activities in Ubon and Udon will do.

Thaksin will never steer clear of politics- living in the sand dunes with no one caring who he is apart from the occasional camel must be very dull compared to his life in Thailand, surrounded by adoring masses, beautiful bimbo singers and businessmen hopeful for a cut of the budget.

He has to tell the red shirts to keep quiet now because it won't do him any good if they protest- Prayud will simply take the minion leaders into custody, they have to wait for an election to prove they are the democratic majority of Thailand and hence have legitimacy.

But it's 2 years away, and who knows what will happen by then?

Probably another 2 year extension. I doubt Thaksin feels too alone and ignored as he seems to have the current junta thinking about him 24/7


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

How odd as I though Thaksin was "like it or not" a legitimately elected PM as opposed to the current wannabee who took the post of PM. Sadly the Thai people are not getting the chance to shape their own future by making choices good and bad.

TS was legitimately elected by whom? No PM is elected.

In fact YS never stood for election at anytime during her short political career. She got a pass in to parliament via the party list and was handed the job of PM by her big brother.

So it would seem both the current and previous PM's share something in common.

Of course he was elected. he was elected by the majority of people in Thailand. Where do you get your opinions from? The Beano?

He won the majority of seats [well his party did] and therefore was entitled to form a govt., however he never got a majority of votes.


Interesting how the redshirts, who I was told had evolved beyond Thaksin, are still 'told' by him what to do. That's as de facto leader I guess. No UDD leader or other red-shirt ever contradicted that.

So, what Thaksin indicates is that nothing really matters, all might be undone when he gets a chance to return. That's nice, real swell from this former Police Lieutenant-Colonel criminal fugitive. He seems to want to add 'revolt' to his 'achievements'

The man in Dubai just slowly and moly may get what he wants. He knows that the ruling PM and former general isn't very popular with the foreign investors and international community, and thus has the sympathy indirectly in favor of his party and red-democracy style.

He knows that if there were ever an election, he and his party will win it again and his followers will follow him and his puppet cronies anyway, no matter how many times they get screwed over.


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

He is steering clear of politics and has said the same to his supporters: Stay quiet, don't get in trouble, avoid confrontation.

That's the message. Wohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubBpu3MHmtMuld you prefer he asked for street protests and confrontation? His words will do far more for maintaining peace and order than all the spying and covert army activities in Ubon and Udon will do.

Thaksin will never steer clear of politics- living in the sand dunes with no one caring who he is apart from the occasional camel must be very dull compared to his life in Thailand, surrounded by adoring masses, beautiful bimbo singers and businessmen hopeful for a cut of the budget.

He has to tell the red shirts to keep quiet now because it won't do him any good if they protest- Prayud will simply take the minion leaders into custody, they have to wait for an election to prove they are the democratic majority of Thailand and hence have legitimacy.

But it's 2 years away, and who knows what will happen by then?

Probably another 2 year extension. I doubt Thaksin feels too alone and ignored as he seems to have the current junta thinking about him 24/7

the junta can't ignore him because 'Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does', he orders, they do, because the minions are beholden to his money and charisma amongst the masses. Now he'tells' the red shirts to play dead. Thaksin tells, Thaksin orders and no red shirt,'true democracy', leader or supporter dare go against one of the most corrupt,venal and arrogant Thais to have been born.

And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

He is steering clear of politics and has said the same to his supporters: Stay quiet, don't get in trouble, avoid confrontation.

That's the message. Wohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubBpu3MHmtMuld you prefer he asked for street protests and confrontation? His words will do far more for maintaining peace and order than all the spying and covert army activities in Ubon and Udon will do.

Thaksin will never steer clear of politics- living in the sand dunes with no one caring who he is apart from the occasional camel must be very dull compared to his life in Thailand, surrounded by adoring masses, beautiful bimbo singers and businessmen hopeful for a cut of the budget.

He has to tell the red shirts to keep quiet now because it won't do him any good if they protest- Prayud will simply take the minion leaders into custody, they have to wait for an election to prove they are the democratic majority of Thailand and hence have legitimacy.

But it's 2 years away, and who knows what will happen by then?

Probably another 2 year extension. I doubt Thaksin feels too alone and ignored as he seems to have the current junta thinking about him 24/7

the junta can't ignore him because 'Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does', he orders, they do, because the minions are beholden to his money and charisma amongst the masses. Now he'tells' the red shirts to play dead. Thaksin tells, Thaksin orders and no red shirt,'true democracy', leader or supporter dare go against one of the most corrupt,venal and arrogant Thais to have been born.

At some level someone as intelligent as you must realise this isn't really an adequate explanation for the appalling position Thailand now finds itself.


"Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

No he wasn't.

Quite right you are.

Now, could someone on this Forum explain why most Western journalists and politicians seem to earnestly believe that Thaksin was ousted in a coup and then flew the country for fear of becoming a political prisoner ? How and when did such a complete and outrageous lie become truth for so many people in the West (and even some here too, apparently) ?

The fact that Thaksin was (is?) a media tycoon surely must have something to do with it. If you want to control information, buy the media, right ? And once you understand how information works, how easily people can be manipulated into believing just about anything, then use it and lie until you're blue in the face.

Are you saying that Thaksin himself is influencing western media?

no. he paid Baker,Bell,Botts and Amsterdam and Peroff millions for a laugh.

"Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

No he wasn't.

Quite right you are.

Now, could someone on this Forum explain why most Western journalists and politicians seem to earnestly believe that Thaksin was ousted in a coup and then flew the country for fear of becoming a political prisoner ? How and when did such a complete and outrageous lie become truth for so many people in the West (and even some here too, apparently) ?

The fact that Thaksin was (is?) a media tycoon surely must have something to do with it. If you want to control information, buy the media, right ? And once you understand how information works, how easily people can be manipulated into believing just about anything, then use it and lie until you're blue in the face.

Are you saying that Thaksin himself is influencing western media?

no. he paid Baker,Bell,Botts and Amsterdam and Peroff millions for a laugh.

And probably J.D.Head of the BBC as well.


Interesting how the redshirts, who I was told had evolved beyond Thaksin, are still 'told' by him what to do. That's as de facto leader I guess. No UDD leader or other red-shirt ever contradicted that.

So, what Thaksin indicates is that nothing really matters, all might be undone when he gets a chance to return. That's nice, real swell from this former Police Lieutenant-Colonel criminal fugitive. He seems to want to add 'revolt' to his 'achievements'

The man in Dubai just slowly and moly may get what he wants. He knows that the ruling PM and former general isn't very popular with the foreign investors and international community, and thus has the sympathy indirectly in favor of his party and red-democracy style.

He knows that if there were ever an election, he and his party will win it again and his followers will follow him and his puppet cronies anyway, no matter how many times they get screwed over.

So who in your opinion is the next family member to play clone / puppet / fake pm?


And I thought he vowed to steer clear of politics.

You can't keep a wannabee despot down.

He is steering clear of politics and has said the same to his supporters: Stay quiet, don't get in trouble, avoid confrontation.

That's the message. Would you prefer he asked for street protests and confrontation? His words will do far more for maintaining peace and order than all the spying and covert army activities in Ubon and Udon will do.

So g'kid what's you comment on the notion that he tells all his thugs and leeches to be quiet but what he's really saying is well be back as soon as we have the opportunity to slip through the door?


"Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

No he wasn't.

Quite right you are.

Now, could someone on this Forum explain why most Western journalists and politicians seem to earnestly believe that Thaksin was ousted in a coup and then flew the country for fear of becoming a political prisoner ? How and when did such a complete and outrageous lie become truth for so many people in the West (and even some here too, apparently) ?

The fact that Thaksin was (is?) a media tycoon surely must have something to do with it. If you want to control information, buy the media, right ? And once you understand how information works, how easily people can be manipulated into believing just about anything, then use it and lie until you're blue in the face.

Are you saying that Thaksin himself is influencing western media?

no. he paid Baker,Bell,Botts and Amsterdam and Peroff millions for a laugh.

Is that a law firm?

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