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Welsh paedophile Michael Jones who preyed on young Cambodian girls has sentence slashed

Jonathan Fairfield

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Welsh paedophile Michael Jones who preyed on young Cambodian girls has sentence slashed


Michael Jones has his sentence cut from eight years to five after his appeal, but he'll still be deported

Paedophile Michael Jones ,who targeted young girls in Cambodia has had his sentence slashed from eight years to five after an appeal.

Welshman Jones raped one child and abused a further three before being locked up in April after his victims testified at a Phnom Penh court.

But charity Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE) has confirmed that Jones had his sentence slashed on Thursday by the Appeal Court’s Presiding Judge.

However a deportation order has been upheld so Jones will be forced out of Cambodia once he has served his time.

Vando Khoem, deputy director of field operation at APLE, said: “I welcome the decision of the court to uphold the order that Jones will be mandatorily deported at the end of his sentence, which reduces the likelihood of him re-offending in Cambodia.”

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They videotaped him buying gifts, giving money and bringing young (11-13 year old) girls to his rented room. He was convicted of raping one and abusing 3 others.

Surely he must be facing charges in the UK when he's released ? Or does he get to do his (reduced) time in Cambodia, return the UK, change his name and go back again a couple weeks later ?

I thought the courts were getting tougher on these kinds of crimes, not more lenient.

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They videotaped him buying gifts, giving money and bringing young (11-13 year old) girls to his rented room. He was convicted of raping one and abusing 3 others.

Surely he must be facing charges in the UK when he's released ? Or does he get to do his (reduced) time in Cambodia, return the UK, change his name and go back again a couple weeks later ?

I thought the courts were getting tougher on these kinds of crimes, not more lenient.

You can be convicted in the UK for nonce offences committed overseas, however I'm unsure if you're convicted in the actual country whether that law still applies upon your return, I hope it does.

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They videotaped him buying gifts, giving money and bringing young (11-13 year old) girls to his rented room. He was convicted of raping one and abusing 3 others.

Surely he must be facing charges in the UK when he's released ? Or does he get to do his (reduced) time in Cambodia, return the UK, change his name and go back again a couple weeks later ?

I thought the courts were getting tougher on these kinds of crimes, not more lenient.

I'm sure that I read the other day that the reason that his sentence was reduced was because he had not actually had sex with his victims. Or was that another sicko?

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They videotaped him buying gifts, giving money and bringing young (11-13 year old) girls to his rented room. He was convicted of raping one and abusing 3 others.

Surely he must be facing charges in the UK when he's released ? Or does he get to do his (reduced) time in Cambodia, return the UK, change his name and go back again a couple weeks later ?

I thought the courts were getting tougher on these kinds of crimes, not more lenient.

I believe the law in UK will see him arrested on arrival and at court case will start. Does not matter what he has served overseas. He will get a lovely welcome in prison.

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They video him taking a young girl to a rented room.... Surely they should have immediately informed authorities and potentially stopped any abuse taking place?

I remember News Night doing a special on a pedo resort in India, they did the same, they filmed men taking children to their bungalows and did not intervene. It could be to do with them being fearful of being murdered in a place which is catering to pedos and presumably guarded by some sort of pedo mafia.

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If...this man is indeed guilty as charged...and I believe he likely is...then deporting him will only give him a change of venue and not solve the problem...

Voluntary chemical castration could be an option...if he wanted to see daylight after leaving prison...

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They videotaped him buying gifts, giving money and bringing young (11-13 year old) girls to his rented room. He was convicted of raping one and abusing 3 others.

Surely he must be facing charges in the UK when he's released ? Or does he get to do his (reduced) time in Cambodia, return the UK, change his name and go back again a couple weeks later ?

I thought the courts were getting tougher on these kinds of crimes, not more lenient.

That was my hope too. If he pretty much gets out of the Cambodian jail and ends up in a British one I say the sooner the better.

Procedures are tighter back in the UK, only problem is how long a conviction would take if there isn't one already.

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Where do they deport him to? Does he just have to leave the country or do they send him back to UK? Maybe they will let him into Thailand as they do many other criminals. Just walk across the border & start again here.

He won't actually be physically released and told to leave,he will be escorted,perhaps accompanied on to a plane with the full knowledge of the country of destination,thus leaving no option but the UK. I doubt he can be jailed again in UK for offences that he has properly served time for in the country in which the crimes were committed. He will almost certainly be required to be put on the sexual offenders register in UK though.

Just a thought for those screaming "life "(imprisonment) ,what sentence does that leave you for murderers in countries without the death penalty?

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