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Can you get dismissed for refusing to go on the annual party

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Been working for the same Thai company for the last 8 years.

I have always declined to go on the annual party each year. Not really my thing and I don't really like joining in with all the play games and activities.

This year the annual party is scheduled for a week day as they want me to join in with them (in the past they were on Saturday and Sunday). And I have been told I have to go and cannot say no to this. I have told them I don't want to go.

As the only farang in this company its difficult to join in with the other Thais as they all have their little group of friends. I would rather just come to work and be productive doing my job.

I have joined in with some evening parties which is just a few hours and there is no activities or games.

But doing an entire day is too much and I would rather just come work.

Things are started get very heated over this issue and I feel this could lead to "you either go or we fire you"

Having worked at this company for the last 8 years I have never received any warning letters and my work has been efficient.

Don't get me wrong, it could be fun. But I really don't like to be told I have no freedom of choice and I have to go and join in with all the activities like everyone else.

I think the Thais could be jealous of the fact that if I can say no, why can't they.

I have seen this in the Thai Labour Act and wondering would this be part of that clause?


– violation of the company’s rules

So I am just wondering if things boil over can I be dismissed for this.

Many thanks for any suggestions you might have.

Edited by karl2007
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Would it kill you to go one day out of the year? To your question, people do not typically get fired for not attending a non-work function. But if there are other things in addition to your refusal to participate....part of a pattern of behavior which indicates you're not a team player, not part of the group, not contributing to morale and camaraderie...

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My suggestion would be you put it into perspective. Seem like a mountain out of a molehill. Doesn't reflect well on your professional maturity.

We all have to take one for the team now and again, and do tasks or activities we don't like from time to time. That's what teamwork and professional maturity is about.


Fletch :)

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Perhaps the reason you don't like these events and the reason the Thai's in your company prefer to keep amongst themselves and appear cliquey are one in the same.

As you are showing little effort to assimilate with them, why should they show any effort in accommodating you? Colleagues who hope for Respect, and a successful working relationship also need to recognise that this is a two way street.

As another poster pointed out, its hardly a big deal, think of the bigger picture. Recognise the aims of this day is to bring people closer together in the work place. You may find you benefit from it as others do.

Could you be dismissed for this? unlikely - However, if I were the supervisor I wouldn't be happy about having a member of my team who appear to keep himself distant from the others.

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I used to hate these things and for the first 10 or so years never participated. Felt it was an intrusion on my personal time. However, I have since mellowed and although I don't enjoy them very much, i do now participate to show team spirit. I never felt that I would get the boot if I did not participate.

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After 8 years they have rescheduled to a weekday just to accommodate you?.......either some egotistic thinking of your persona or the company genuinely want to include you in their fun day....You could pull a sicky but realistically you should go as it will seem you want to distance yourself from your colleagues if you don't. As for dismissal, maybe not for that but they will certainly find a reason to if they want to and wouldn't be surprised they will if you don't go.

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You see it as a party, your bosses see it as a morale building exercise…for employees to bond…..bosses actually believe that crap as it sounds like they're being sensitive managers….its just a bunch of wishful nonsense….

If you're allowed to get away with it, next year others will also stay away….sounds like a fuckin pain but I say just gird your loins and endure the nonsense….leave at the first opportunity you get….two hours should be enough.

PS. to answer your topic question, yes you can get dismissed for refusing to attend the party…..no it won't be framed that way when they give you the arse….it will happen a few months later and the reasons will be ambiguous….you know, the usual smoke and mirrors.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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You can be fired for any reason. The question is whether or not the company would need to pay severence. This is during the day and could be considered a work requirement they you refuse to do, so the company could have a case against you. Normally they need written warnings to win in the labor courts, but do you really want to risk your job and harmony at work by making such a fuss over sitting around watching people play games?

Bring your laptop and if they do activities and you can't understand what's going on then surf the net or get some work done. You might actually have a decent time and get to know your co workers a bit better.

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For crying out loud man just go!

You may not be fired but if you p**s off enough people it will not be forgotten, you should be more then aware of this doing 8 years in Thailand. Just go, tell yourself you are going to make the most of it, it's just 1 day. Not a time for you to be fighting on "principle".

As for your freedom of choice, please, this is not a Thai thing. If you refuse to go on a team day anywhere it will be frowned upon at the very least anywhere you are in the world.

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Why not bring activities and stuff to add to it? There are lots of party games, like assassin, which can run while other activities are going on. I prefer to be proactive rather than reactive. If they really want you to go, catch the wave and ride it. Be a zen surfer....

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Dear Karl,

I expect you to loose this battle of principles.

It is held during working hours and is dine by a majority of thai companies and government offices, even the labor court have their yearly outing...

Not going could be seen as refusal to work or take an order.

They probably would just enjoy you joining with them. Open your mind and heart and, as you have to be there anyway, this is your opportunity to show that actually you are a nice social guy, not a lonesome one. Bring some cash so you could offer everyone an ice cream or something else. This day might change your position in the company and within the Thai coworkers in a positivé way... If you take it positive and participate. I would not suggest isolating yourself.

Good luck and make the best of it... I know your feelings and how difficult it is... Once you did it you will see, it's not that bad....

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This is a good occasion to introduce a ladyboy friend or two to your colleagues; katoeys are generally very gregarious, will flirt with the necessary people if so instructed and are usually happy to be invited on a jolly.

All in all a win-win situation with a happy ending.

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Maybe they want to give you a reward.. might explain why they are insisting you go.

Just go, it's only one day, and given they are expressing huge desire for you to do so it would definitely be rude not to - and indeed why should it be optional for you yet mandatory for others?

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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You appear to be getting all worked up over...being required to attend a company party...during work hours...

This is a no brainer...suck it up...go to the party...try not to show your disdain for the activities...join in the festivities if requested to do so...

These folks want you to become more of a member of the company family...not just an employee consultant...

Be a good sport...and employee...do the right thing...go to the party...your will be glad you did...

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Just go man! Here I am in farangland and I didnt really want to go to the annual get together to a zoo and winery but in the end I am glad I did. I would not get fired but would probably have to work instead but imagine how bad you would look and when they have the managers calls on salary rises etc, my name would not get a mention so its just best to go with the flow.

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Why would you even consider putting your job in jeopardy over something so trivial? Stop whining and man up. It's one day and it won't kill you to attend. Losing your job over this? Even posting this suggests you have issues you need help with

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