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I get enough frustration from what goes on Australia. Why would I want to add to it by trying to exert influence here, even assuming I could?

It's definitely an advantage to learn some Thai, even on a rudimentary basis. Purely for your own benefit, so you can communicate basic needs.

My recommendation would be to stay out of Thai politics, and respect Thai culture. While there may be some aspects of "Thainess" which frustrate falangs, IMHO the good outweighs the bad, or far fewer of us would be here.

" Mai bpen rai" and "Jai Yenn" are good starting points.

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Why would I want to come and live in another country and want to infuence it? I came to Thailand. been here over 30 years now, because I enjoy the country and most of the things that go with that. We all dislike something no matter what country we are in, but for me Thailand is the perfect place.

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook. I took this as humor.

Actually, it's not all that funny. Julian Assange is vilified by governments for exposing embarrassing details of their dealings with other governments. Assange is cast as a villain.

Mark Zuckerberg has become a billionaire by selling the personal details of everyone who joins Facebook to other companies. Please note, once you have joined Facebook you can't leave, just like the Eagles "Hotel California".

Zuckerberg is a business hero.


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

They are afforded more rights buying land comes to mind.

Yeah . . . safe in the knowledge that so few of them can afford to do so.

If you want insight into the reason why so many people in London are priced out, look no further than the rich foreigners buying up prime real estate in Kensington, Mayfair, Knightsbridge.

Creating the same situation here for Thais, most of whom will never be able to afford to buy real estate in their own country, would be moronic.

You people are just looking for a sure thing where the majority of the locals can't compete with you. Sorry but I'm with the Thais on this.

No foreign ownership of land - we've already screwed future generations in our own countries with our greed; we ain't gonna do it here

Try the Thai stock market . . . or is the playing field there too level for you?


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

Our former PM is an Italian.

Many government ministers and local councilors are Turkish, Maroccan, Italian.

Our king is from a German family. Our Queens were Spanish, Italian

And our entire lifestyle is determined by an American, Zuckerberg.

Confused nation....Belgium I think....ah well....Confused, I agree, we should never have let Zuckerberg change our culture.

who or what is Zuckerberg? huh.png

Facebook guy.


Sheer, unbridled indifference. That's what the Thais have towards me and I LOVE it.

I don't have to care about their politics or their social issues.

I have a complete lack of responsibility for what goes on here and I LOVE it.

All I have to do is enjoy the hospitality the country provides

Foreigners should not have influence in Thailand unless it's asked for.

I'm not saying we have nothing to offer but what would you say if a sex tourist turned up in your country and proceeded to tell you how to run it?

If you want a say, become a citizen; otherwise, quit bitching because, if things were so great in your country, you'd still be there, right?


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

Our former PM is an Italian.

Many government ministers and local councilors are Turkish, Maroccan, Italian.

Our king is from a German family. Our Queens were Spanish, Italian

And our entire lifestyle is determined by an American, Zuckerberg.

Yes so right,....And for the moment refugees are influencing our country's lifestyle....I am originated from that same country.....and I enjoy Thai hospitality every six months...!

Best regards.


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

Our former PM is an Italian.

Many government ministers and local councilors are Turkish, Maroccan, Italian.

Our king is from a German family. Our Queens were Spanish, Italian

And our entire lifestyle is determined by an American, Zuckerberg.

Confused nation....Belgium I think....ah well....

Confused, I agree, we should never have let Zuckerberg change our culture.

who or what is Zuckerberg? huh.png

So far, I have counted 3 serious replies to your post.

Ah! The Klingon sense of humour did it again!


Of course we have influence, although most goes unseen in the background and change takes a long time.

A clear example would be Pattaya, 100% built and sustained by farangs. If we would not have been here Pattaya would still be a lovely original Thai fishing village.

A possibility is that someday a Thai grown up with a farang dad and with non-standard Thai values, will be in Parliament or even PM


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

To answer that question a definate " Yes " So many Cubans settled in Miami after fleeing from Castro run Cuba that all the signs and places had to have Spanish translations . They soon elected a mayor of Miami formerly from Cuba. So many illegal immigrants (foreiners) have crossed over the border from Mexico (some from south America) that now most states have to have bilingual programs to teach them . Huge cost to taxpayers to accomodate these foreigners , provide free health care and housing so yes they have made a huge impact on USA. Over here we have no impact politiocally, Thai don't care what we feel about the way the country is run or any advice we might want to give. The only influance we make is the spending of our money that helps tourist type providers = hotels, restaurants, resorts ect and also the Thai women we marry who get homes , cars , and other monetary benifits of the relationship and their families

Hmmm, you're repeating the GOP party line which isn't entirely true. America is the land of immigrants and Hispanic-Americans have become the largest minority. Their ability to influence policy is the fact that they're Americans, not foreigners/expats. As for all these "costs"...who knows. All I know is that when I was living in America, the existence of expats/foreigners--even illegals--didn't really impact my life at all.


Any influence Expats have in thailand is all in the mind,such as "we are guests here" which is pure nonsense,unless someone can show me the invitation card.

The truth of the matter is,you are tolerated in Thailand as long as you have money to spend.... first and foremost!

As far as the authorities go, I agree that they would rather we lived in our own countries and simply sent large amounts of money to our wife/girlfriend. As for ordinary Thais, I have nearly always been treated extremely well. Everyone knows through the grapevine that I am not a rich farang, with wife, three kids and a modest pension. No one tries to tap me for money, and I am never charged farang price for goods or services.

Getting back on topic, farangs make up a tiny proportion of the population here, so rightly have no influence on the life of 99% of Thais. How it should be, otherwise Thailand could end up like England, where everything is ordered to accommodate Muslims, and sod the indigenous population.


It is not in the political arena that ex-pats have influence in Thai society...it is in contributing to the economic welfare of 10's of thousands of Thai families that might otherwise live in abject poverty...

Many Thai women have helped their families by managing to win the love and devotion of an ex-pat...giving their Thai children...abandoned by their Thai father...a loving father figure and a chance at a better life...

Homes, condos, automobiles, motorbikes, restaurants, home furnishing and the like all have flourished where expats have settled in numbers...

As Brer Rabbit once said: "Please, please whatever you do...do not throw me into that brier patch!"wai2.gif


I suppose we do have indirect influence. A lot of Thai women are looking for a falang in preference to a Thai, quite apart from the usual ATM reasons. Quite a few Thai women I meet seem to have had Thai husbands or boyfriends who are (a) drunks (B) unfaithful © gamblers (d) abusive (e) a combination of any of the above.

Not that I'm saying falangs don't have the same attributes; however, there are a lot of success stories, although the failures get more publicity.


I come from a country of 300MM + people. I am sure i have no influence in my own country - why should I have any here in my adopted home.

The only thing I can do is try and be kind and sharing and helpful to local people and hope I have some small influence in behavior through setting a good example...


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

Yes they do. The UK to start with. Germany has just given their country away to the muslems, invited them,It goes on and on Most of the EU has the same problem now.


Berkshire, probably most Muslims are citizens of the UK, but many are not and they are arriving all the time.

Correct,,, But as far as i am concerned non of them shoud be. and just to add I personly do not recognize them as so


Berkshire, probably most Muslims are citizens of the UK, but many are not and they are arriving all the time.

Correct,,, But as far as i am concerned non of them shoud be. and just to add I personly do not recognize them as so

How fortunate then that no

one gives a stuff whether

or not you recognize

Muslims as British citizens.

God, next thing you know,

white people here will be

complaining that they'll

never be regarded as Thai

despite the fact that they're

bringing in a massive 25K

a month pension into the


......Oh wait


Berkshire, probably most Muslims are citizens of the UK, but many are not and they are arriving all the time.

Correct,,, But as far as i am concerned non of them shoud be. and just to add I personly do not recognize them as so

How fortunate then that no

one gives a stuff whether

or not you recognize

Muslims as British citizens.

God, next thing you know,

white people here will be

complaining that they'll

never be regarded as Thai

despite the fact that they're

bringing in a massive 25K

a month pension into the


......Oh wait

Are you always such a cxxx ? sounds like it,Well i could not give a stuff of what you think!!


Think about your home country. Do foreigners have any influence in your "home country's life?"

Unfortunately way,way,way tooooo much...one of the reasons I am here...
Unfortunately not a great attitude...."too many foreigners in my country....so I'll go and be a foreigner in someone else's country" Odd to say the least
Not only odd but with so many coming here..ruining the atmosphere for those who came years ago.

May you guys improve your reading/ understanding skills...this topic/ my reply is not about the amount of foreigners in any country it is about their rights...got it?


Berkshire, probably most Muslims are citizens of the UK, but many are not and they are arriving all the time.

Correct,,, But as far as i am concerned non of them shoud be. and just to add I personly do not recognize them as so

How fortunate then that no

one gives a stuff whether

or not you recognize

Muslims as British citizens.

God, next thing you know,

white people here will be

complaining that they'll

never be regarded as Thai

despite the fact that they're

bringing in a massive 25K

a month pension into the


......Oh wait

Are you always such a cxxx ? sounds like it,Well i could not give a stuff of what you think!!

Just the type of response

you'd expect from a bigot.


massive influence. the most influence the universe has ever seen. they will create one million statues in my name....

i got off the boat and the first word i said was , 'eat'. soon i saw food.....

today's word.......'drive.' you will soon see cars...


It is not in the political arena that ex-pats have influence in Thai society...it is in contributing to the economic welfare of 10's of thousands of Thai families that might otherwise live in abject poverty...

Many Thai women have helped their families by managing to win the love and devotion of an ex-pat...giving their Thai children...abandoned by their Thai father...a loving father figure and a chance at a better life...

Wow! Wonderful sentiments..!

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