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Do they ever grow up?


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I know my Thai Wife takes any personal insult placed upon her, or her family, very personal. Much more than we do. So when that happens I feel like I am holding back a Bengal Tiger. So I also understand what you may be going through right now.

I remember one time about 6 years ago when she had a bit of a Tiff with another Thai Woman in the building we were living in, and the other woman called her a Prostitute, which she is not or ever was. She wanted to kill her and when I didn't let her, she next wanted to call her Uncle, a General in the Thai Police Force then, to get her arrested. I was able to calm here down from that to but just to mention this woman's name 6 years later, the hair on her back still stands up. So from that I have learned she will never truly forgive her, even if she took back her words now.

I never really looked at this as my wife being childish. She still likes to buy tops with little pink elephants in the front. Thank Goodness I broke her away from this to, as I show her something I like more. So I just see both more of something I don't understand and a culture clash. Perhaps in the Western Culture we are more used to being called names, or you and your mother being insulted by being called Mother F------. They just bounce off of us like water from a Duck's Back.

But for a Thai I think this is much different.They are not used to name calling and being Personally Insulted, or their Family. I know my wife would never do this, even to fight back, and she expects others not to either. Considering that this person who insulted your wife on the Social Media, and invented stories about her that are not true and harmful to her has broken Thai Law. That other person can actually be sued over this, but more so she can easily be sent to prison, as this is an Indictable Offense in Thailand.

So my advice to you, if I offered any, would be for you not to be so judgmental on things you do not understand. Warn this other person to shut up or you will proceed with legal action, and if they do not let your wife go to the Police. They may not do anything but they will at least listen to her, and that in itself might be enough to calm her down. Especially if you show her that you are on her side. No Matter how childish this may seem to you. .

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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties. I've met her and of course she believes she is a royal princess. True, at least she's a local univ. graduate, and an Air Asia ground staff trainee, but her real job for now is behind a shopping mall information desk. But the worst case of narcissism I've seen in Thailand--something like a sexy high-school girl would be in the States (where, by the way, any airline or competent HR department would look at her FB for hints of what kind of person she might be).

Well, we don't have beautiful women on our airline anymore as they stopped hiring them years ago. All we have left is a bunch of Old Goats who apply 5 layers of Make-up on and trying to bring back those lost years. I sometimes forget I am in an airplane and not the bus, as when I see them standing close to me I always feel like getting up to offer them my chair. I am quickly approaching 60 years old!

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True that I cannot stand their behavior anymore, and I am speaking about the high educated ones.

Sometimes I envy guys who care nothing but seeex and can stay with some branless without being annoyed, but i can't ! Not old enough maybe !

That future Air Asia princess I mentioned before slammed me on her Facebook because she was insulted by the modest first date I suggested. Went on and on about how stupid I was. Oh, she was the one who flirted with me first, thought I was good-looking (probably thought I was rich) and was very friendly...and seemed happy when I asked her out (tentatively) for dinner. But she had to leave town for a couple of days. When she came back, I acted upon the bad advice of another girl her age, and suggested a daytime walk in the zoo as a casual date. She was extremely insulted and yammered on for two paragraphs on FB how stupid and annoying I was. "I mean, just look at me!" she said, referring to her sexy FB photos and the fact she has 4500 followers. How dare I demean the most beautiful princess in Thailand with a modest first date? Guess what, bitch--you need more than a face and a body in this world if you want to be taken seriously in the long run.

But what I'm getting around to is that in contrast, I had a Thai gf once who was the absolute epitome of true class, a very fine lady, a Ministry of Education official with a master's degree and sexy to boot. Gosh-o, did I make a mistake in "canning" her. Long-distance relationship, that was the problem.

Edited by Dustdevil
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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Edited by Dustdevil
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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Boy, you weren't lying. I don't doubt that she's a piece of work. But I'm not proud--I'd do her.

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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


I would not trade my present g/f for this girl even if she was a twin and I got both double trouble. Peel a couple layers of that back and you would no doubt find pure bitch. Looks fade in time but the bitch part is always there. Somebody someday is in for a rough ride. Gives new meaning to hang onto your wallet.

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Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Boy, you weren't lying. I don't doubt that she's a piece of work. But I'm not proud--I'd do her.

Errrr ............................ Ladyboy!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


I would not trade my present g/f for this girl even if she was a twin and I got both double trouble. Peel a couple layers of that back and you would no doubt find pure bitch. Looks fade in time but the bitch part is always there. Somebody someday is in for a rough ride. Gives new meaning to hang onto your wallet.

I find her really unattractive: small, thin, plain, insipid, etc. I've never understood why some men go for this kind of Chinese look.

Edited by Fabricus
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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Pretty average looking.

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I did dozens like this one and she is just certainly more expensive than others, nothing more...

I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


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NOPE ! Going on 11 years and mine still laughs at accident scenes, watches

Thai totally indigestible shows and any movie with no plot but death, puts

sugar on toast and uses 12 rolls of toilet tissue a week !

Mine too, plus sugar on beef gravy.

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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


I would not trade my present g/f for this girl even if she was a twin and I got both double trouble. Peel a couple layers of that back and you would no doubt find pure bitch. Looks fade in time but the bitch part is always there. Somebody someday is in for a rough ride. Gives new meaning to hang onto your wallet.

Well, absolutely. She flirted with me with bedroom eyes from across the hallway from behind her information desk, and I stopped by a few times after that, asked her out to dinner, but later, after she returned from a weekend away, I made the mistake of amending the date request to a more modest and casual one, and she ridiculed and flamed me (without mentioning my name) on Facebook. I replied on it, so she had to delete it, but she still has a general statement on there saying she ought to stop chasing men, especially stupid ones. Oh well--what was I thinking in the first place? "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life..." I was married to a beautiful Chinese Malaysian, by the way, for 15 years. She also thinks she's perfect. I married her at 23. I was 43 but looked about 10 years younger. Never marry a beautiful 23-year-old. Or any 23-year-old. Forty-three is better. Asian women keep their looks till about 50. Chinese do anyway.

Edited by Dustdevil
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Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Boy, you weren't lying. I don't doubt that she's a piece of work. But I'm not proud--I'd do her.

Errrr ............................ Ladyboy!

Not with those tight panties.

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Not long ago I would come home from a meal out with the missus, she would close the door and then proceed to tell me what I should not have said at the table with our friends, scolding me for not understanding Asian culture. This would escalate a bit until she was flying around the room thrashing her arms and legs around, knocking stuff over and hurling abuse at me,, so a normal end to the night for most with an Asian girlfriend.

Then bought her a tablet and Facebook entered her life, now she walks in closes the door and disappears peacefully into her cyber world reading crap about people she does not know,, thank heaven for Facebook.

Personally, I find that reading stuff abut people that I never gave ten sh*ts about a depressing way to live, and I do not need to see a picture of the Macdonalds meal that someone I barely know had for dinner.

What is it all about, the taking of photographs of meals and snacks and publishing them online. I appear to have lost my wife to FB , and I appreciate the rest.

She has woken me up to say that someone she has never met, has just had a baby, they are not even in Thailand, it is crazy stuff.

I know another Thai beauty on Facebook--maybe just as pretty as the Yam Natthida monster, but not so narcissistic. She doesn't need 5,000 followers to look at abs and tight panties. But if only she would delete one of the grossest photoshopped photos I've ever seen. Shows some guy delivering a baby out of his Arse. I'll just upload her photo here and give a wide berth--no pun intended--to the whatever-that-is.


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Yes, with Thais but much more with Malaysians with the food pics, I have five words for them: ENOUGH WITH THE FOOD ALREADY! At least Thais don't confuse greetings with food. "Have you tekken your dinner?" (instead of Hi, how are you). Even mainland Chinese don't greet you with food references anymore, at least not the modern ones.

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I really love Thais for all their good attributes, but really the face thing pi$$es me off so much.

Maybe thats why they love FACEbook so much. There they can BS as much as they want, post glamorous looking photos ect. and pretend to be whoever they want. If someone should dare infringe on the fantasy..then look out.

As far as the OPs issue and his girl, that is classic face behaviour. Some things you do in their company (by example) after many years, can rub off on them..like not taking yourself so serious and being able to make a joke at your own expense

BUT you will never be able to erase the Face thing.

Its burnt into the hard drive.

When will Thai women grow up?

Forget it. When they are 14 they can have the maturity of a 18y.o but thats where they stay for life.

The last Gf i lived with..38y.o..

wont eat vegetables, wont eat salad, wanders around in daze, leaves fridge doors open regulary, never turns of lights, leaves taps not completely turned off regulary, constantly loosing TV remote control.

most days i would be sweeping up tissues and toothpicks she casually throws on the floor..on and on...

reminds me of how i drove my mother crazy when i was a teen. Maybe my kharma.555

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I really love Thais for all their good attributes, but really the face thing pi$$es me off so much.

Maybe thats why they love FACEbook so much. There they can BS as much as they want, post glamorous looking photos ect. and pretend to be whoever they want. If someone should dare infringe on the fantasy..then look out.

As far as the OPs issue and his girl, that is classic face behaviour. Some things you do in their company (by example) after many years, can rub off on them..like not taking yourself so serious and being able to make a joke at your own expense

BUT you will never be able to erase the Face thing.

Its burnt into the hard drive.

When will Thai women grow up?

Forget it. When they are 14 they can have the maturity of a 18y.o but thats where they stay for life.

The last Gf i lived with..38y.o..

wont eat vegetables, wont eat salad, wanders around in daze, leaves fridge doors open regulary, never turns of lights, leaves taps not completely turned off regulary, constantly loosing TV remote control.

most days i would be sweeping up tissues and toothpicks she casually throws on the floor..on and on...

reminds me of how i drove my mother crazy when i was a teen. Maybe my kharma.555

You sound like a sensible guy soooo what was the big attraction? Need I ask? At least one of your heads was happy well for a while anyways.

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A Thai lady I know posted a picture of a milk jug and cereals on her page, with the comment, my son says he doesn't like it but when adding a lot of sugar he want double portion.

She got 83 likes for it.

Another one posted pictures from a fruit market.

She got 278 likes for it

I guess we are too stupid to understand the importance of all this facebook thing.

My niece got over a hundred likes for saying she wasn't feeling well.
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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Pretty average looking.

You need to open her mobile upload album. Plenty of beauty and nubile curves there.
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Well....guess I'm swimming against the current - but what

else is new in my lifetime....

This is one of my wife's bookcases....Everything except the newest ones is numbered - dated & catalogged with a PC page + hard copy - she likes Egyptology.....All our bills/payouts - budgets are logged in a journal.....Never any shouting or drama, just the most gentle and compassionate person I've ever met.....Alway positive and constantly upbeat + keeps our house/yard spotless....Never asks for a thing.....

Won't let our kids watch anything negative - including Mr Bean, because she doesn't like the way he treats others....Likes slapschtick comedy.....

Does not like gory stuff but will check FB once in the morning and then before bed - that's how she keeps up with her gal chums from the university as some have gone abroad.....Neither of us have any friends we do not know in person.....

Always happy with life.....

Yes - a great many of "them (like talking about lesser beings here????)" have grown up.....

Just not in the TVF realm....

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You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


Pretty average looking.

You need to open her mobile upload album. Plenty of beauty and nubile curves there.

I did...

Clairification: she isn't ugly but she isn't anything special, walking in any thai city mall you'll see plenty of "her kind".

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My answer to your OP heading question is NO! My observation is that most Asian-born Asians (both genders) seldom evolve "emotionally" beyond the stage of puberty. Sociologically, Asians tend to remain permanently arrested @ the Junior High School level of consciousness, despite their academic achievements. Petty bickering, over the most insignificant personal issues, is the norm. Accept it, or leave it, because it will not changecoffee1.gif

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