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Mike Huckabee: Obama pretends to be a Christian


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Mike Huckabee: Obama pretends to be a Christian
By Tom LoBianco, CNN

Washington (CNN)Mike Huckabee suggested President Barack Obama "pretends to be" a Christian in knocking the President's handling of Pope Francis' first visit to the U.S.

When asked on Newsmax TV's "The Hard Line" on Tuesday about Ben Carson's comments that a Muslim should not be president of the United States, the former Arkansas governor began by saying there is no religious test for public office, but then shifted to a comment about Obama.

"I'm less concerned about what faith the person has. I'm more concerned about the authenticity of their faith and how that plays out in their politics ... I'm also concerned about a guy that believes he's a Christian and pretends to be and then says he is, but then does things that makes it very difficult for people to practice their Christian faith," Huckabee said.

Full story: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/23/politics/mike-huckabee-barack-obama-christian/index.html

-- CNN 2015-09-24

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This may be the first time i have agreed with Mikey Huckelberry, I think Barak is pretending to be a christian as do many in elected positions, if they delared their atheism they would be unelectable in goofy america. Obama is way too smart to be christian.

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I certainly hope that he is just pretending to be a Christian. The thought of someone who believes in fairy tales sitting in the Oval Office is terrifying.

Then you should be terrified in any event - either if be believes as a Christian, or believes as a Muslim and lies about it or doesn't believe in either and lies about it.

His being a pathological liar, I'd go for one of the latter two.

Edited by MaxYakov
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" but then does things that makes it very difficult for people to practice their Christian faith," Huckabee said."

What things would those be? Surely he can't be referring to that Kentucky woman?

Yes, and lecturing countries on legalizing same sex marriage.

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I thought nearly all Christians pretended to be christians. Boy if you hear what the republicans say about the pope on fox news you can be sure that they are all pretend christians. They spoke out about the incredible christian like ideas the pope holds. and It sounded like the story in the bible when Jesus pissed off the rulers and then they put him up on a tree to die on. Religion is pretty much dead everywhere. If people would just quit using it to screw others over it would be nice.


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" but then does things that makes it very difficult for people to practice their Christian faith," Huckabee said."

What things would those be? Surely he can't be referring to that Kentucky woman?

Yes, and lecturing countries on legalizing same sex marriage.

I would be interested to know what country has received a lecture on legalizing same-sex marriage?

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" but then does things that makes it very difficult for people to practice their Christian faith," Huckabee said."

What things would those be? Surely he can't be referring to that Kentucky woman?

Yes, and lecturing countries on legalizing same sex marriage.

I would be interested to know what country has received a lecture on legalizing same-sex marriage?


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I certainly hope that he is just pretending to be a Christian. The thought of someone who believes in fairy tales sitting in the Oval Office is terrifying.

Hate to burst your bubble, but if global warming and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" aren't fairy tales nothing is.

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Hey Huck, long time no see! Looking for some publicity?

Ok, I'll give you some attention:

One sort of person I'm always leery of is the great believer, wears their religion on their sleave, goes on about how much he loves Jesus, how you are scum because you don't love JC like he does, etc. This is the kind of person you do not leave your kids alone with. Enough said.

There ya go sir. Go with god.

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I certainly hope that he is just pretending to be a Christian. The thought of someone who believes in fairy tales sitting in the Oval Office is terrifying.

Then you should be terrified in any event - either if be believes as a Christian, or believes as a Muslim and lies about it or doesn't believe in either and lies about it.

His being a pathological liar, I'd go for one of the latter two.

If you think Obama is a pathological liar what words would you use to describe GWB and in particular Cheney, or for that matter the present crop of GOP candidates vying for the nomination. Perhaps Reagan had the best response, "I don't remember". Politicians telling the truth now that must be a novelty.

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Who cares what that bible thumping fruitcake thinks?

I don't know what's in Obama's heart but I do have a hunch.

I think he's a cultural Christian, specifically in the black American church tradition, very much not a fundamentalist. I also think he is ALSO but less so a cultural Muslim because of his childhood, no so much because of his Dad, who was not there for him.

He's as Christian as the majority of American Christians who are mainly in it for the cultural identity part of it. Not fanatic. Also in some parts of the U.S. specifically the south, being associated with a church sometimes feels almost mandatory for social acceptance, even economic networking.

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Who cares what that bible thumping fruitcake thinks?

I don't know what's in Obama's heart but I do have a hunch.

I think he's a cultural Christian, specifically in the black American church tradition, very much not a fundamentalist. I also think he is ALSO but less so a cultural Muslim because of his childhood, no so much because of his Dad, who was not there for him.

He's as Christian as the majority of American Christians who are mainly in it for the cultural identity part of it. Not fanatic. Also in some parts of the U.S. specifically the south, being associated with a church sometimes feels almost mandatory for social acceptance, even economic networking.

Why would you guess he's "a cultural Christian, specifically in the black American church tradition, very much not a fundamentalist". This man was raised by a white mother and white grandmother in Kailua, Hawaii, not Montgomery, Alabama. BO is just like so many of us, we believe in a superior being but not sure if any religion has it right.

Barrack did not get involved in the black community until he got his education and landed in Chicago, he did not come from there.

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I thought nearly all Christians pretended to be christians. Boy if you hear what the republicans say about the pope on fox news you can be sure that they are all pretend christians. They spoke out about the incredible christian like ideas the pope holds. and It sounded like the story in the bible when Jesus pissed off the rulers and then they put him up on a tree to die on. Religion is pretty much dead everywhere. If people would just quit using it to screw others over it would be nice.


But the Pope is roman catholic, and they all pretend to be Christians. For a start they worship craven images..

Whoops why do I care, the Jew- Christian -Islam (same, same, barely different) is all a sham fooling vulnerable, the weak, the poor, and the uneducated.

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If Huckabee's an example of a real one, probably better to be a fake one.

Anyway, Obama has to win a prize of some sort:

Inauthentic black man - not black, really white

Inauthentic american - not american, really Kenyan or Indonesian or something.

Inauthentic Christian - not Christian, really Islamic

Inauthentic Patriot - not patriotic, really selling the country down the river to dirty Mexicans and demented Muslims.

But really, lets face it, the reason that the 14 fingered members of the new conservative movement are always prattling on about what Obamba is not, is because they simply cannot, cannot, get over what he is - an American President, Black and proud of it, elected twice with a sense of justice that offends their trigger fingers and their shriveled and inauthentic sense of christian compassion for anyone different from themselves.

I've been having fun with what Obama "is" since 2008.

He's an atheist Communist while being a Kenyan Muslim fundamentalist. He's also a fascist who is part of a plot to have the UN take over the country -- in the last GOP debate Ted Cruz started venturing off into the UN plot stuff but ran out of time. Too bad, I would have liked to have this idiocy make the front pages.

Huckabee was recently caught hawking a phony diabetes treatment. Certain political commentators have taken to calling him "Huckster." I'm waiting for "Jesus wants you to vote for me!" We can look forward to March, when he disappears from the scene with the rest of the charlatans.

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If Huckabee's an example of a real one, probably better to be a fake one.

Anyway, Obama has to win a prize of some sort:

Inauthentic black man - not black, really white

Inauthentic american - not american, really Kenyan or Indonesian or something.

Inauthentic Christian - not Christian, really Islamic

Inauthentic Patriot - not patriotic, really selling the country down the river to dirty Mexicans and demented Muslims.

But really, lets face it, the reason that the 14 fingered members of the new conservative movement are always prattling on about what Obamba is not, is because they simply cannot, cannot, get over what he is - an American President, Black and proud of it, elected twice with a sense of justice that offends their trigger fingers and their shriveled and inauthentic sense of christian compassion for anyone different from themselves.

I've been having fun with what Obama "is" since 2008.

He's an atheist Communist while being a Kenyan Muslim fundamentalist. He's also a fascist who is part of a plot to have the UN take over the country -- in the last GOP debate Ted Cruz started venturing off into the UN plot stuff but ran out of time. Too bad, I would have liked to have this idiocy make the front pages.

Huckabee was recently caught hawking a phony diabetes treatment. Certain political commentators have taken to calling him "Huckster." I'm waiting for "Jesus wants you to vote for me!" We can look forward to March, when he disappears from the scene with the rest of the charlatans.

Of course Obama is NOT an Authentic Christian: Obama seems to think that evolution by natural selection is fact and theory well established. Huckabee IS an Authentic Christian in this sense, which means that his use of Antibiotics is inauthentic and insincere. I look forward to the Rapture when Huckabee will be lifted up and off (so he assures me) and I will remain earth-bound with the insincere and inauthentic Obama and others who cleave toward scientific fact and theory. Can't wait. I call this moment "Christian self-deportation".

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Hey Huck, long time no see! Looking for some publicity?

Ok, I'll give you some attention:

One sort of person I'm always leery of is the great believer, wears their religion on their sleave, goes on about how much he loves Jesus, how you are scum because you don't love JC like he does, etc. This is the kind of person you do not leave your kids alone with. Enough said.

There ya go sir. Go with god.

"how you are scum because you don't love JC like he does"

Interesting. When did he ever say that exactly? Only an idiot - the kind you truly wouldn't want to leave your kids alone with - would throw up something as ridiculous as that without actually being able to source it, so I'm sure you have one. Could you share the quote please? Hey, thanks!

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