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How you spend your day in Chiangmai?


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Well, after living here for a couple of years now I'm sitting just this morning on my terrace with a cup of self roasted coffee and got a bit bored. What can I do today? How can I spend my day?

In the past I tried Golf, go for swimming, take my push bike, mow the grass, walk my dog...that's it. But.....hours are limited to do that. Early in the morning between 5-8 or afternoon between 6-7. And....I'm not an early bird..

Other times are too hot for those exercises.

You see, we are talking of sports. Socialising/reading is a different thing.

Do you have any other ideas for me?

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Time to start moving around and living in different areas or countries. Thats what i did. After two years in cm i was bored silly so went to live in vietnam, cambodia, siem reap to see anchor wat. Maybe even china if i can get there.

Despite what people will tell you your going to get blues after a couple years in the same place if you don't have a reason to get up in the morning.

Problem is as i get older traveling becomes less enjoyable and more tiring. At least it's not the same as it was 20 years ago.

Edited by fey
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Time to start moving around and living in different areas or countries. Thats what i did. After two years in cm i was bored silly so went to live in vietnam, cambodia, siem reap to see anchor wat. Maybe even china if i can get there.

Despite what people will tell you your going to get blues after a couple years in the same place if you don't have a reason to get up in the morning.

Problem is as i get older traveling becomes less enjoyable and more tiring. At least it's not the same as it was 20 years ago.

you see, I've been already to all those places, even to many places in China.

In CM you can buy everything but I'm missing some cafeterias as in Spain or Italy or even nowadays in Kerry where I came from.

So at the end the end of life is boring? Is it that you want to express??


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If you ride a motorbike get out of town and explore the countryside, there is lots to see not far from the city. You can even do overnight trips. Cinema is a wet weather option.

No, I'm not a motorbike fan. I love my life so far and want to enjoy my pension some years longer. (There is not even ONE of my biker friends who didn't have any injuries).

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1) get more pet to play with ( breeding siam fighting fish ) etc ... its nice i always like to see the baby fish growing up and give nice colour .

2) go find some friend and play Badminton or ping pong

3) go fishing or prawn fishing

4) buy a camera take picture everywhere , whatever

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You need to find 'home'.

I personally think CM is boring, and it's because it doesn't feel like home. I just work, go to the gym, and chill by the pool.

There are other places I'm completely different, usually when it involves being near a beach.

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There certainly is no lack of things to do!

I wake up early, and have breakfast while looking at and responding to e-mail and various social media such as this one. Then mid-morning I leave the house for a long walk into town. By the time I reach my favorite restaurant, there's still 45 minutes left before I'll want to eat my lunch so I sit with a pot of tea and a good book. By noon, on most days, friends will show up and join me for lunch. Different days, different friends. During the week, that's usually a 2-3 hour affair as different people drift in and out. Then it's off to the market to shop for groceries for the evening meal. But 2-3 times a week the pattern is broken by Fencing Club play. Saturdays and some weekday evenings the club meets in our Fencing 'Salle' for some good, hard exercise and stiff competition. (We teach newcomers, if you're interested.) Otherwise it's a long walk back home, make dinner for me and my wife, and settle in for the evenings with either a good book, a bit more internet, various hobby work, or a movie. Sundays (and during the week if we feel the call,) my wife and I will go motorcycle touring for the day. Sometimes we'll take 4-5 day motorcycle tours around the Kingdom. I can't say that I'm bored. In fact, I wish there were more hours in the day to get more stuff done!

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If you are bored and have that been-there-done-that mentality, it might be time to look inward for fulfillment... Take up meditation and contemplate the fuzz in your navel... You might find that it recharges your spirit and reinvigorates your desire to get out and enjoy life... Either that or take a trip to Pattaya for a week!!! wink.png

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Only you know what you like to do.

I very much enjoy my day, most of which is consumed by ferrying my two Thai grandchildren to school and home, preparing a snack for them to eat in the car on the way home, 2 perhaps 3 days a week preparing big pots of vegetable soup, spaghetti sauces, goulash etc. (my Thai family love these dishes), and the shopping needed and I often meet the same folks at Rimping and have a coffee etc. Plus I have a lifetime buddy who floats between apartments in Chiang Mai and Pitsanalook and we often share a beer at home, and I often help with activities at my granddaughters school. Life's good.

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You sound like a singular person....

There are Srabble and Chess weekly meet ups around town.....The expats club has many spin off groups of varied interests that meet up.....Just might find one or two of those interesting......

Big area with lots to do....Some like the pub scene - others still have ambition left in their lives.....You seem like the latter......

Better than queuing up 89 days before your next 90 dayer and just waiting....

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buddha says you know what the problem is. you just have to think very, very hard and long about what is really bothering you. you must be 100% honest with yourself, and address the problem head on....no matter how difficult or hard the solution is...if you don't do it then you will never be happy.

of course, this is how i leave about 29307439248732 jobs and doing that does have other consequences....but i am happier...

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Not speaking the language, no real friends speaking your language, not inclined to roast in the mid-day sun, approaching 70 years, every venture out of the 'house' means money spent and an interest in life beyond the beer bottle, all add up to deep social isolation. It's not too easy here and some of the suggestions offered are absurd. Guys with families, jobs, language skills, residents of 30 years here are in a completely different scene than you, Mr. OP.

What can i offer? My circumstances not too different. I've got some orchids on my small balcony, slow to bloom sure, but i'm watching and tending them. The fish idea too is good. If birds are allowed, one of those may give a reason to look beyond your existence. Ain't easy here to retire, if alone. I do like golf and that gives me some structure but does suck up the coin.

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1) get more pet to play with ( breeding siam fighting fish ) etc ... its nice i always like to see the baby fish growing up and give nice colour .

2) go find some friend and play Badminton or ping pong

3) go fishing or prawn fishing

4) buy a camera take picture everywhere , whatever

Dear Senior Member,

Any suggestions of where to fish in CM? Appreciated.

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1) get more pet to play with ( breeding siam fighting fish ) etc ... its nice i always like to see the baby fish growing up and give nice colour .

2) go find some friend and play Badminton or ping pong

3) go fishing or prawn fishing

4) buy a camera take picture everywhere , whatever

Dear Senior Member,

Any suggestions of where to fish in CM? Appreciated.

Not my cup of tea. but if you start a thread on it you should get some good responses. There used to be a thread about where to buy fishing tackle. I don't remember them but there were quite a few suggestions.

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1) get more pet to play with ( breeding siam fighting fish ) etc ... its nice i always like to see the baby fish growing up and give nice colour .

2) go find some friend and play Badminton or ping pong

3) go fishing or prawn fishing

4) buy a camera take picture everywhere , whatever

Dear Senior Member,

Any suggestions of where to fish in CM? Appreciated.

i asked that question on the CM forum a few months back and got some good replies.


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If you are bored and have that been-there-done-that mentality, it might be time to look inward for fulfillment... Take up meditation and contemplate the fuzz in your navel... You might find that it recharges your spirit and reinvigorates your desire to get out and enjoy life... Either that or take a trip to Pattaya for a week!!! wink.png

..........and let someone else contemplate the fuzz in your navel wink.png

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Ditto on reading a good book. Take up a musical instrument. Learn Thai up to serviceable level. Turn off air con, get used to climate so you can go out more times during the day.

Find a subject that interests you. Take an on line course. Lots of free ones, from quality Universities. Here's a link to MIT: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ocw-scholar/?utm_source=OCWHomePage&utm_medium=CarouselBig&utm_campaign=Scholar

I'm sure there are lots more.

I recall a prof that said something that stuck with me "Boredom is the legacy of fear". Seemed to have nugget of truth in there.

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Consider renting a cheap apartment in Bangkok where you stay for a few days every couple of months? Variety is the spice of life.

Why rent an apartment if you're only going to stay a few days every couple of months? Wouldn't it be better to get a hotel--cheap if you want--no worries about cleaning furnishings, etc.? That way you could stay in Bangkok, or any other place you like every couple of months.

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