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Dollar flying against the baht

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Super Rich exchange HQ 36.16. Sub office 35.90. KHon Kaen branch 35.80.

No one really knows where it will go. It could crash so fast tomorrow if the fed farted in a worrying way. The thing is every man ad his dog get into the $ if problems come up in the world. Remember the saying "Sound as a Pound" well it all changed "Sound as the USA $"

The USA can just print as much money as they want it would not weaken the $. Europe started printing the Euro with their problems and that crashed the Euro. Same with Rusha they started printing the rubble and that crashed. It would be the same if China started printing a load to get out of the ship, that would crash.

You can't beat the Us$.

If the rest of the world decides the US$ is no longer the reserve currency, beware. It's all smoke and mirrors. Unemployment statistics for the USA count someone working for one hour a month as employed. Over 40% of the population are on food stamps. Heavily indebted shale oil companies with steeply declining well production rates are in a price war with the Saudis, whose production costs are minimal. The "defence" industry soaks up trillions.

I suspect we will have another GFC, and the US emperor will have no clothes. Buy gold.

Buy gold? Why? Because it continues to trend downward for the last 4 years?


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IMA_FARANG:It looks as though your wish will come true. The Fed is poised to raise rates. I wonder if local inflation will counter-balance your increased number of baht.

Someone commented that the strength of the dollar is based on smoke and mirrors. Isn't all money based on smoke and mirrors?

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Right and look for local prices to increase proportionally. My apartment price has already gone up 10% and I expect it to continue to rise to reflect the Baht weakness against the dollar.

nobody will buy your second hand condo full of cracks and leaks when I can instead get a brand new condo for 10 % to 30 %cheaper with little bargain . you condo worth more on paper but in fact nobody is interested.
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USA dollars are too easy to counterfeit. worth nothing.

Exactly right. The US Federal Reserve has been "counterfeiting" them in unimaginable quantities since 2008. Their counterfeiting scheme (aka "QE1,2,3) has slowed, at least temporarily, and the value of the Dollar is rising from "nothing" to "something". And Yellen says that interest rates are poised to rise (to a quarter of a percent!) sometime this year (first rate increase by the Fed since 2008). How long will it last; how high can it go? -- same answer to both questions. Enjoy it while it lasts.....

You do remember it was a Republican president that took the country off the gold standard, right? Other than that I can't imagine what you mean buy "counterfeiting" but I am sure you will teach us.

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Every like I click costs me data on page reload..tomorrow I can click away..

Every dollar or bond printed is a DEBT.

Used to be silver and gold..not anymore.

It is the currency of the world, (oil).. and we attack anything that will change the status quo..

Except Russia, thank goodness!How long will this system last?

I get the federal deposit also

One can only hope the charade continues.

Alohz,hoping to return and become an expat!

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The USA does appear to be an economy that is immune to the laws of economics. Theyve allegedly been printing up to $80 billion a month since the Bush days not to mention truck loads of treasury bonds that are basically IOU's 5 to 10 years out.

If any other country did this their economy would collapse in a pile of dung. I think one of the reasons why the Swiss and US dollars are strong is because the Euro and EU in general are a disaster.

What also helps the USA is its massive cheap labour workforce that is a flow on from the slave era. This huge 'slave' work force doesnt exist anywhere else in the developed world.

In America millions of people work for a pittance and rely heavily on Tipping to survive. Obviously Americans have no rights to a fair wage .

Employers get rich by making the customer subside the wages paid to staff. TIPS !

In the American service industry the customer has to pay for his meal and the staffs wages. The employers arent going to pay them.

Strange country America.

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36.37 at the moment. I've been following this for weeks. It certainly increases my "value" in Thailand.

Owning property in Thailand with a sliding baht is not going tonic tease ones value. But so far I am still about even from what I paid when purchasing (on average). That said, of course the local rentals and resale prices will adjust somewhat to account for the forex. That said, things can and do swing both ways.

With all the empty condos and rooms, hotel rooms, apartments and such you would think the costs would decrease to try to fill these places. (Getting some profit is better than getting none off your investment.) But hey, this is Thailand, Bizzaro world of the east. Pattaya and Jomtien in particular have many empty places. One or two more low 'high' seasons may do the trick.

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I have dollars so the exchange rate is nice. But what goes up can also go back down. I try not to get too excited.

It's all a cycle over time. I just enjoy it while it lasts, and keep my income in a US bank and take what I need when I need it or when I am getting a better exchange rate than usual. Even the Thai currency financial wonks recently said they expect the baht to be at around 36.75 by the first of the year.

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Dollar is flying against all the currencies not only Baht

not against GBP, €UR and JP¥.

They don't move at the same rate as the baht but you're mistaken on a lot of this.

Comparitively speaking, let's look at the below currencies.

GBP: $1 = 0.66GBP. Considering half a year ago it was worth 0.58GBP, ti's certainly gained, albeit not 'flying.

EUR: $1 = 0.89EUR. Considering half a year ago it was closer to 0.70, I'd say a .20 loss per dollar is 'flying'.

JPY: $1 = 120.6JPY Considering half a year ago it was around 100JPY. That's a 20% increase, flying again. Let's not mention 3 years ago it was 70 JPY for $1.

The real problem is none of you are looking at the internal factors that cause these issues. The USD is strong because the economy is strong, although politics in the US sucks right now the government is 'stable' and unemployment is relatively low. Whereas in Japan there have been massive political and economic issues, Same in europe and same in Thailand. England has seen less of a loss mostly due to its ability to steer clear of these issues.

It isn't that the US dollar is doing 'great'. It's doing just fine, just as it should, it's that these other currencies are suffering at the moment.

Edited by JeffreyO
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Should be around 50 to the USD. Malaysia Ringitt is 4.44 and heading to 5. I expect the Thai Baht to follow suit.

Would be a welcomed sight indeed, but 50:1 is probably a bit optimistic. 40 however, is certainly looking realistic again...especially once The Fed wakes up and finally starts tightening.

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Super Rich exchange HQ 36.16. Sub office 35.90. KHon Kaen branch 35.80.

No one really knows where it will go. It could crash so fast tomorrow if the fed farted in a worrying way. The thing is every man ad his dog get into the $ if problems come up in the world. Remember the saying "Sound as a Pound" well it all changed "Sound as the USA $"

The USA can just print as much money as they want it would not weaken the $. Europe started printing the Euro with their problems and that crashed the Euro. Same with Rusha they started printing the rubble and that crashed. It would be the same if China started printing a load to get out of the ship, that would crash.

You can't beat the Us$.

If the rest of the world decides the US$ is no longer the reserve currency, beware. It's all smoke and mirrors. Unemployment statistics for the USA count someone working for one hour a month as employed. Over 40% of the population are on food stamps. Heavily indebted shale oil companies with steeply declining well production rates are in a price war with the Saudis, whose production costs are minimal. The "defence" industry soaks up trillions.

I suspect we will have another GFC, and the US emperor will have no clothes. Buy gold.

Let's take just one your statements, 40% of the population on food stamps. Would you believe 14.6%? and that includes poor children. Glad you are not keeping the labor statistics, and with your credibility you are advising to buy gold? http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/food-stamp-beneficiaries-exceed-46000000-38-straight-months

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Right and look for local prices to increase proportionally. My apartment price has already gone up 10% and I expect it to continue to rise to reflect the Baht weakness against the dollar.

Right...and prices very seldom go down...even if the baht strengthens. Enjoying it for now...as my rent and car payments did not go up...neither did the utilities.

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The Bangkok afternoon temperature is now 36 C. How far will it rise.

Who knows?

i am thinking you post not to make a statement but because you are shallow and do post because you can ....yes methinks .........

Humor is not for everybody......methinks.

I understand the point of your humor, though we can more or less predict the Bangkok temperature, as I assume it has never been at 50°C though I think the dollar has been near that figure in the past.

Edited by TheCruncher
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USA dollars are too easy to counterfeit. worth nothing.

Exactly right. The US Federal Reserve has been "counterfeiting" them in unimaginable quantities since 2008. Their counterfeiting scheme (aka "QE1,2,3) has slowed, at least temporarily, and the value of the Dollar is rising from "nothing" to "something". And Yellen says that interest rates are poised to rise (to a quarter of a percent!) sometime this year (first rate increase by the Fed since 2008). How long will it last; how high can it go? -- same answer to both questions. Enjoy it while it lasts.....

when they raise interest rate the baht depreciates more right?

so are you saying there are 2 factors that will deprecate baht further?

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The USA does appear to be an economy that is immune to the laws of economics. Theyve allegedly been printing up to $80 billion a month since the Bush days not to mention truck loads of treasury bonds that are basically IOU's 5 to 10 years out.

If any other country did this their economy would collapse in a pile of dung. I think one of the reasons why the Swiss and US dollars are strong is because the Euro and EU in general are a disaster.

What also helps the USA is its massive cheap labour workforce that is a flow on from the slave era. This huge 'slave' work force doesnt exist anywhere else in the developed world.

In America millions of people work for a pittance and rely heavily on Tipping to survive. Obviously Americans have no rights to a fair wage .

Employers get rich by making the customer subside the wages paid to staff. TIPS !

In the American service industry the customer has to pay for his meal and the staffs wages. The employers arent going to pay them.

Strange country America.

What Also help is general stability, freedom, rule of law, immigration, foreigners can own land, etc.

Which is why people flee to the $ and the US and not the baht.

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