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Scores killed in Saudi Hajj stampede


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Saudi Arabia: Hajj stampede kills at least 150

MECCA: -- At least 150 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say.

Another 400 people were injured in the incident at Mina, the civil defence authority announced on Twitter.

The stampede occurred as more than a million pilgrims were taking part in the last major rite of the Hajj.

Earlier this month, a crane collapsed at Mecca's Grand Mosque, killing 109 people and injuring some 400 others.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34346449

-- BBC 2015-09-24

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Saudi Arabia says 220 pilgrims dead in hajj stampede

MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Saudi Arabia's civil defense directorate says the death toll from a stampede at the annual hajj pilgrimage has risen to at least 220 people killed.

The directorate says at least 450 other pilgrims were injured in Thursday's stampede, which took place in Mina, on the outskirts of the holy city of Mecca.

Some 2 million people are taking part in this year's hajj pilgrimage, which began Tuesday

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-24

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Yeah, this seems to be predictable now.

I guess if you're doing this, better have your affairs in order.

It makes the running of the bulls seem like an event for cautious wimps.

Bottom line I guess is just too many Muslims needing to do this ...

One idea would be part of a badly needed Muslim reformation where the event could be modernized.

Perhaps a virtual Hajj?

Edited by Jingthing
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A Muslim bloke I worked with , went to "Haj training" for 6 weeks before he went Hajjing.

Yes, it's a very big deal for Muslims!

I once had a gay thing with a Haj tour group guide. Very sweet man. Hope he's still alive!

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The question is, why would there be a stampede? Most religious festivals call for reflection and calmness, not running through the streets they animals.

Have you seen video of these events? If you had, you wouldn't be asking. Just too many people in too small a space! Nothing to do with religion. Physics!

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Well you can but blame the Saudi authorities this is a regular occurrence.

Shame on them for allowing this to happen yet again,shows what little regard they have for all these visiting Muslims.

They should be held fully responsible,still in a land where they don't let women drive and chop your hands of for stealing it's hardly surprising,they obviously have very little regard for human life and the welfare of pilgrims.

Edited by stoneyboy
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The question is, why would there be a stampede? Most religious festivals call for reflection and calmness, not running through the streets they animals.

Have you seen video of these events? If you had, you wouldn't be asking. Just too many people in too small a space! Nothing to do with religion. Physics!

I don't buy it. Someone probably yelled: "Infidel !!!"

Edited by MaxYakov
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Well you can but blame the Saudi authorities this is a regular occurrence.

Shame on them for allowing this to happen yet again,shows what little regard they have for all these visiting Muslims.

They should be held fully responsible,still in a land where they don't let women drive and chop your hands of for stealing it's hardly surprising,they obviously have very little regard for human life and the welfare of pilgrims.

The logistics must be formidable what with the numbers involved and the heat. I have seen a picture of air conditioned tents as far as the eye can see, which apparently can hold 3 million people. The punchline of course is why are these tents not being used for migrants?

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I know the numbers are high and this is a tragic event. RIP to everyone .

But if any radical islamists planning terrorist activities are among the dead then something good came out of this.

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Tight crowds of excited people, a sudden surge, people fall over, other people fall over them, panic sets in...

Lots of innocent people taking part in an event of tradition and sentiment. A real tragedy.

The big crowds must be part of the thrill, but there's obviously just too many people in the same place at the same time... the organizers have to take the blame.

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I've been in crowds where it feels like there is really the potential for a stampede to happen. Horrible! Whether you have warm and fuzzy feelings about Muslims doing Hajj or not ... these are human beings and that was a horrible tragedy.

Same as that , West Ham , Everton semi final in 1980 at Villa park , I was 13 and went with a couple of mates ,There were far too many in our end .We were right next to the fence between West Ham and Everton fans and all sorts of stuff was being chucked over , their was a surge from our side and I ended up off my feet facing our own fans, funny thing to remember but I couldn't even pull my arms out i was pinned that tight, I started to panic and was gasping for air and a few blokes pulled me out,I threw up. I have a Phobia now about being hemmed in , I did not go to Football again for years and on the occasions I go now , I either leave early or late to avoid the crowd on the stairs and at Upton Park station. I also have a thing about sitting on the outside of the table if I'm in a pub or restaurant , even with the missus and kids. I feel a bit of panic rising if Im on the inside and have no clear way to get out.

When you look back Hillsborough was destined to happen. Football supporters were herded in like cattle and the clubs just took the money, allowing far too many in. All different now of course its not just a working class game. It must be a terrible way to die, the feeling of being trapped and not being able to breathe. I made a few disparaging remarks earlier about this probably because it frightens the crap out of me and its a good way to cover up.

RIP those who died

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