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Is Europe a place where dreams can come true for refugees?

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Is Europe a place where dreams can come true for refugees?


OPATOVAC: -- The Croatian village of Opatovac has become the re-entry point into the European Union for thousands of people seeking a better life further north in Germany and beyond.

Croatia has become one of the main transit countries following Hungary’s decision to close its border with Serbia last week.

While Europe tries to find a solution the volunteers continue their work on the ground.

“We’re just trying to give them confidence, we say you’re safe, you’re in Europe, forget…. They’ve been through so much to get here,” explained a volunteer called Amram from Pakistan.

Each weary person passing through has a story of why they left their homes, of how they made it as far as Croatia and where they hope to reach.

Those who agree to register in the country are then brought to the border with Hungary much to the annoyance of Budapest.

Despite the difficulties the refugees passing through Croatia are clear why they have chosen Europe over countries closer to home?

“They didn’t provide us any help at all. Europe – they’ve opened their doors with the exception of some countries, – but most of them have been helpful,” said Ali, an Iraqi refugee passing through Croatia.

Euronews’ correspondent in Croatia, Attila Magyar, explained that for the refugees Europe is a place where their dreams can come true, however many are not fully aware of the reality of life in the EU.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-25

It is a complicated issue for sure...European nations are struggling to provide jobs and keep their countries going now...how much more difficult with additional unskilled labor entering the welfare system...

Surely the refugees will eventually be better off in Europe...the transition may be long and painful...but at least most of them are much safer than they were...

The underlying question of European's minds...will these folks embrace our culture and laws?...or try to use violence to set up control of their communities...

History has shown that this is a festering problem where ever Muslim communities have settled in foreign countries...



Once approved they can expect housing, medical care, employment rights, social security, subsidized education/vocational training, family reunions, etc, etc.

What's not to like?


These leeches will work for less than haply the minimum wage….thus encouraging corrupt business practices….they will depress wages for the citizens of the countries they settle in. And they will form their own ghettos where they push for Sharia law, build mosques start preaching their holy nonsense. How do I know….uhhh…..just a wild guess.


These leeches will work for less than haply the minimum wage….thus encouraging corrupt business practices….they will depress wages for the citizens of the countries they settle in. And they will form their own ghettos where they push for Sharia law, build mosques start preaching their holy nonsense. How do I know….uhhh…..just a wild guess.

I'm afraid it will be worse than this, this will be final straw and the end of Europe as we know it.


Why must the press continue to call them "refugees?" They are gate crashing economic opportunists. If not they would stop in the first safe country but they want to continue to where the "benefits" are best. They are outsmarting Europe.

Europe is allowing self-destruction. Good bye Europe and hello Europistan.


My brother has been doing building work on local authority housing where they are to be settled in the north of England... Put it this way, they will find it less land of milk and honey and more land of dogsh!t through the letterbox of the door they will have to barricade shut after dark on their crime-ridden estate. They wanted England, now they shall have it..


This will all end in tears as these "refugees" will wind up in camps in the EU, where their dreams of a better life will be shot down just like MH17... Then they will revolt and begin reeking havoc all over the EU because there are no jobs, social welfare is limited and their dream will become a nightmare, not only for the "refugees", but for the citizens of the EU...


An incorrect question should not expect a correct answer.

OP question: " Is Europe a place where dreams can come true for refugees? "

* Europe as a place - many different countries with great cultural, economic, religious, historic, ethnic differences.

Apart from the fact of their unnatural union, different levels of social benefits and different National Government attitudes (compare Hungary - Slovenia - Germany) look at the National differences in People attitudes.

Which IMHO is much more important on the level of interaction between the local and invading hordes (or Demos if you like it better).

Explanations are hardly needed except for historical examples. Words like camps, concentration camps, controlled and uncontrolled massacres, exterminations and genocide come to my no doubt 'sick' mind.

In Kosovo different religious and ethnic groups of centuries long neighbors happily exterminated each other. Newcomers? ...

* Refugees - irrespective of what each one of them had left behind (and these things vary greatly) - there are two kinds of refugees.

There are involuntary refugees. Stateless people forcibly or by agreement thrown out of their country, usually without passports, usually by their country's Government of the time. Example - ex Soviets.

There are voluntary migrants. Whatever genuine their real motives are - they are migrants. They can be legal or illegal, political or economic, ethnic or religious etc. But still only migrants.

The hysterical wave of soft heart compassion, Political Correctness, organized unbalanced media reports swept over EU and Scandinavia. Numerous photographs of a drowned little boy (in miraculously different positions) erode Europe's

instincts of self-defense and self-preservation. Crimes committed by the huge mass of unruly migrant hordes are horrible, numerous and seldom investigated according to traditional European standards. Media reports on such crimes are

restricted, controlled and do not allow mention of the social status of perpetrators. To add pain to suffering - most of the Migrants are Muslims. Mention this fact and in some countries you are fit for stiff fine or Jail.

* About these desperate migrants dreams - nobody knows! Least of all the authors of OP. This question shouldn't have been raised. But anybody can speculate on an answer.

Maybe they dream of a generous scheme of benefits to multiply like yeast.

Maybe they dream of quiet life with no violence around.

Maybe they dream of fighting for their "Allah Akbar".

Maybe they dream of chances of sex freedom not allowed in their home country.

Maybe they drift with the numbers and have no dreams.

Maybe they are only statists in a drama directed from Riyadh, Istanbul, Tehran, Washington or Moscow.

I really do not know. If you think you do - your's will be only a speculation as good as mine.


OP question: " Is Europe a place where dreams can come true for refugees? "

I am sure that it has and will continue to bring nightmares to the local people of the countries of the EU.

When jobs get fewer as "refugees" will work for less.

When the taxes go up to fund all the "refugees".

When the hospitals are overwhelmed with "refugees" seeking free treatment for diseases not seen in Europe for many years.

When the social services are overwhelmed by "refugees" demanding more and more while paying nothing into the system.

When there is no housing available for the local people who are homeless.

When there are not enough police available to combat crime.

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