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I have a 2007 Toyota Yaris, great little car I have not had any problems since purchased but I notice recently the ABS symbol light on the dash comes and goes on at times. I have not had any braking problems but the owner manual says take it to the dealer. Before I do I'm curious as to what to the problem might be and cost?

I had a 1991 Jeep Cherokee Limited with ABS, and it was a headache from the day of purchased until I sold it. When it was under warranty no problem but the problem continued after and it was expensive.

Any idea's?


My ABS light coming on my Toyota was linked to a bad earth on a brake light. Go figure. Still trying to work that one out but the dealer knew it straight away and fixed it. That being said it was a Hilux


Get one of the 5$ OBDII adapters, that can read out your engines failure codes on your phone. Or fins one, who can do that. Then you can fix the problem. Local idiots wont.


check the fluid level in the brake master cylinder.

Also, check for any damage to the wheel ABS sensors. One could have been disturbed and is giving intermittent readings.


check the fluid level in the brake master cylinder.

therAlso, check for any damage to the wheel ABS sensors. One could have been disturbed and is giving intermittent readings.

I checked the fluid level today and it is full, not sure where the ABS Sensor is located in the wheels. I will have to Google, I know there is a sensor unit located in the unit compartment but the manual is in Thai?

As noted I had a Jeep with ABS had constant problems but when the sensor came on a minute or so later the brakes are gone only meaning no power to the pedal so you have to really step down on it to get the vehicle to stop. That is not the case when the light comes on so I'm thinking at this point it might not be anything major a short or something as noted by posters?



Get one of the 5$ OBDII adapters, that can read out your engines failure codes on your phone. Or fins one, who can do that. Then you can fix the problem. Local idiots wont.

OBDII does not read ABS ecu. it only reads Engine ECU.

If you were doing some enthusiastic driving with it and lifted a wheel while in motion that'd do it but I'm guessing that you're not getting that much performance out of your Yaris on the street so next best thing.

OP probably have something wrapped around one of the hubs where the sensor contacts are behind the wheel and it is interfering with the sensor intermittently, this happens with mud too if it's thick enough to bond to the sensors or the rotor contacts. I had a neighbor that had a brother in law, Aussie guy, that lived up country he was told he needed a 20,000b ABS pump in his Passat and that was about 1/3 the value of the car. He asked me to have a look and I don't work on dirty cars, so after looking at his sensors and rotors all caked with mud I gave it a good pressure wash and what da ya know? The ABS sensors worked again! I wasn't all that surprised I told him that might likely be his problem, needless to say he was pretty happy. I have also found tape stuck to one before so check them first. If you drive with the rea brake on even slightly that to can set them off so make sure your rear brake is off and also that it's not dragging when you drive.

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