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Curious... Rules on Knocking down "Your Side" of a twinhouse

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Strange one i'm sure, currently looking at a property, and truth be told, only want it for the location (that specific to the metre area location, not interested down the road etc), currently has a twin house just been built, cheap enough 3,9mb

Couple of years down the line, i may want to knock down my side and rebuild in a different style,

What are the rules if any when its a twin house?

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I know here in Ekamai some people knocked down one of five four story shop/living accommodations. They did not ask about the building codes. The lot is sitting empty as they wanted to change the building code for what was in the original permit.

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I know here in Ekamai some people knocked down one of five four story shop/living accommodations. They did not ask about the building codes. The lot is sitting empty as they wanted to change the building code for what was in the original permit.

And that's why the lot is sitting empty. No new permit can be given due to violation.

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Surely this is not my responsibility considering my home would be on my land, and their house is on their land? are there any specific laws/rules?‹‹

Are there common walls, structure, roof and foundation ? If so it is your responsibility....if in your "renovations" you damage the ajoining property your paying for the repairs....common sense and common law

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Seems a strange question to have to ask right enough. If the shoe was on the other foot and your neighbour decided to knock his house down and took a chunk of yours while at it....would you say to yourself "That's a bit of bad luck for me, him damaging my house in the process of knocking his house down,...but that's life, my house is on my land so he is not responsible for the damaged he caused to my home?"

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Strange one i'm sure, currently looking at a property, and truth be told, only want it for the location (that specific to the metre area location, not interested down the road etc), currently has a twin house just been built, cheap enough 3,9mb

Couple of years down the line, i may want to knock down my side and rebuild in a different style,

What are the rules if any when its a twin house?

If one side of a "twin" house is "cheap" at 3,9M, then why not buy both sides?

Twice as cheap, 5555+

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Before anything check title to make very sure seperate title not strata or R 43.

Check not sharing a common dividing wall , roof, common electrical wiring nor drains.

Now off to a reputable structural engineer for his assessment. Good Luck

It can be done with care & diligence

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Ok to clear this up, both houses share a wall and a roof, naturally the design would be a complete cosmetic difference, however, the house would be still a twin after completion, and the roof would be changed on "our end" but theirs would be "tidied up on our end" my question was more along the lines of whether any permissions needed to be granted by the "other end" and naturally as to damage, im not even sure why this came in to it, as it was not my question, naturally if their "end" was damaged, they would be fixed as i would have builders at that time anyway. any way taken quiet a spin over the last week so writing a new post now.

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