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My VPN Has Been Blocked - Signs Of Things To Come?

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I tried going to a link from Facebook to DailyMail.CO.UK

As usual, I got the Thai Green Screen of "No no no, you can't go there." Started up my VPN (BTGuard) which has faithfully gotten around this annoying BS, and I HAVE BEEN BLOCKED BY THE SAME GREEN SCREEN!

North Korean Internet coming to a computer near you?


You might try clearing the cookies in your browser and trying it again. Or use a different browser as an experiment. That has worked for me before.


Thanks mesquite, that did it. I don't want to be a "chicken little" - the sky is falling!!!

However, everything nowadays is suspect.


Thanks mesquite, that did it. I don't want to be a "chicken little" - the sky is falling!!!

However, everything nowadays is suspect.

Cluck cluck....watch out for the soldier hiding behind that plant pot


Thanks mesquite, that did it. I don't want to be a "chicken little" - the sky is falling!!!

However, everything nowadays is suspect.

Cluck cluck....watch out for the soldier hiding behind that plant pot

It was valid paranoia.


There's just too much paranoia about this proposed single internet gateway. Some people are considering moving as if that will be the end of the Internet. Insanity. How many times have I heard about some project being discussed by the government and it either goes away or they are still discussing it ten years later. My experience has been that when a lot of sites are suddenly inaccessible it is not a conspiracy but a temporary problem with the local ISP's dns routing servers. Hey chill out people.


Facebook and Twitter were very slow yesterday, almost unusable. They are back now but my VPN service also ceased working for a while. Some tinkering going on I think. I too only use it for the daily Mail links on Facebook.


Stickman reported yesterday that the Daily Mail has been unblocked. I tried it, and I can access it without a VPN.

Blocked for me now.

The mobile version has never been blocked...i am on DTAC and can look at it


Yes DTAC seem to be more open for all sorts of websites. Dtac are owned by a Norwegian company so maybe they think different......


Yes DTAC seem to be more open for all sorts of websites. Dtac are owned by a Norwegian company so maybe they think different......

Dtac is a Thai company with Norwegian shareholders who are not exempt from Thai laws.

Yes DTAC seem to be more open for all sorts of websites. Dtac are owned by a Norwegian company so maybe they think different......

Dtac is a Thai company with Norwegian shareholders who are not exempt from Thai laws.
I know that , still they seem to more open to foreign websites than 100% Thai owned companies like TOT ,3BB etc.

Dailymail links from ninemsn are still blocked on my dtac mobile.

i did notice i could access the dailymail for a short time yesterday morning then it was blocked again.


Dailymail links from ninemsn are still blocked on my dtac mobile.

i did notice i could access the dailymail for a short time yesterday morning then it was blocked again.

Just opened the DM mobile version on Dtac not 30 seconds ago, top story in the UK section is the "blood moon" .....


You could try ignoring the Daily Mail. That also works!

I agree the last time I saw the Daily Mail in England it was a rag

Today I will not associate with anyone that reads rag

It should be blocked and ban all over the world


Some really funny comments here.

All that confusion about dailymail is an ARGUMENT for this single gateway (at least from "their" perspective).

It just proofs that theu are not able to consistently enforce their blocking policy.

dailymail.co.uk blocked as usual (ToT).

Yes DTAC seem to be more open for all sorts of websites. Dtac are owned by a Norwegian company so maybe they think different......

What they think does not count. All these companies work under Thai law.

Same for banks with some "foreign" name operating in Thailand.

None is above the rules.

Its just inconsistent handling.


You could try ignoring the Daily Mail. That also works!

I agree the last time I saw the Daily Mail in England it was a rag

Today I will not associate with anyone that reads rag

It should be blocked and ban all over the world

It still is a rag...but deciding you would associate with someone on the basis that they read a rag, indicates how shallow and superficial and pompus you really are then...

i read the daily mail, the telegraph, The times, the economist and a multitude of other papers on line as well ;)


Pirate Bay is permanently blocked in the UK but not in Thailand. How about that?

In Portugal, Italy and Greece it is NOT blocked.

PS. bay has now changed to beach....., and no com but eu.


Dailymail links from ninemsn are still blocked on my dtac mobile.

i did notice i could access the dailymail for a short time yesterday morning then it was blocked again.

Just opened the DM mobile version on Dtac not 30 seconds ago, top story in the UK section is the "blood moon" .....
Gotta laugh..its still blocked on my dtac but i can access via ais wifi

I think the British government should take a leaf out of the Thai book and block the Daily Mail too. Oh wait why would they block their biggest supporters. Anyone ever read up about the Daily Mail during WW2? Interesting and very disturbing


My Avast VPN is still working. I use it mainly for UK BBC. I also use it for the Daily Mail, but then I realised what a lightweight, tabloidy, scandal-sheetgoof.gif it had become!



4) You will not not discuss methods of bypassing blocking of websites, or circumventing any censorship of the internet or other communications by lawful authorities.


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