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Shell says it will cease Alaska offshore Arctic drilling

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Shell says it will cease Alaska offshore Arctic drilling

DAN JOLING, Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Royal Dutch Shell will cease exploration in Arctic waters off Alaska's coast following disappointing results from an exploratory well backed by billions in investment and years of work.

The announcement was a huge blow to Shell, which was counting on offshore drilling in Alaska to help it drive future revenue. Environmentalists, however, had tried repeatedly to block the project and welcomed the news.

Shell has spent upward of $7 billion on Arctic offshore exploration, including $2.1 billion in 2008 for leases in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska's northwest coast, where an exploratory well about 80 miles off shore drilled to 6,800 feet but yielded disappointing results. Backed by a 28-vessel flotilla, drillers found indications of oil and gas but not in sufficient quantities to warrant more exploration at the site.

"Shell continues to see important exploration potential in the basin, and the area is likely to ultimately be of strategic importance to Alaska and the U.S.," Marvin Odum, president of Shell USA, said in The Hague, Netherlands. "However, this is a clearly disappointing exploration outcome for this part of the basin."

Shell will end exploration off Alaska "for the foreseeable future," the company said, because of the well results and because of the "challenging and unpredictable federal regulatory environment in offshore Alaska.

Margaret Williams of the World Wildlife Fund in Anchorage, called the news stunning.

"That's incredible. That's huge," she said. "All along the conservation community has been pointing to the challenging and unpredictable environmental conditions. We always thought the risk was tremendously great."

Environmental groups said oil exploration in the ecologically fragile Arctic could lead to increased greenhouse gases, crude oil spills and a disaster for polar bears, walrus and ice seals. Production rigs extracting oil would be subject to punishing storms, shifting ice and months of operating in the cold and dark. Over the summer, protesters in kayaks unsuccessfully tried to block Arctic-bound Shell vessels in Seattle and Portland, Oregon.

"Polar bears, Alaska's Arctic and our climate just caught a huge break," said Miyoko Sakashita, oceans program director for the Center for Biological Diversity, in a statement. "Here's hoping Shell leaves the Arctic forever."

Monday was Shell's final day to drill this year in petroleum-bearing rock under its federal permit. Regulators required Shell to stop a month before sea ice is expected to re-form in the lease area.

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates U.S. Arctic waters in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas contain 26 billion barrels or more of recoverable oil in total. Shell officials had called the Chukchi basin "a potential game-changer," a vast untapped reservoir that could add to America's energy supply for 50 years.

Shell had planned at least one more year of exploration with up to six wells drilled.

A transition to production could have taken a decade or longer.

Shell had the strong backing of Alaska officials and business leaders who want a new source of crude oil filling the trans-Alaska pipeline, now running at less than one-quarter capacity.

Charles Ebinger, senior fellow for the Brookings Institution Energy Security and Climate Initiative, said in an interview that a successful well by Shell would have been "a terribly big deal," opening an area that U.S. officials say contains 15 billion barrels of oil.

While oil prices have dropped significantly in recent years and nations have pushed for cleaner energy sources, analysts predict that the world between 2030 and 2040 will need another 10 million barrels a day to meet growing demand, especially in developing countries, Ebinger said.

"Areas like the Arctic are one of the areas that, if we're going to be able to do this, we need to examine," he said.

Shell in 2012 sent drill rigs to the Chukchi and Beaufort seas but was not allowed to drill into oil-bearing rock because the containment dome had been damaged in testing.

The company's vessels suffered serious setbacks getting to and from the Arctic.

One drill vessel broke loose from its towline in the Gulf of Alaska and ran aground near Kodiak Island. Owners of the leased Noble Discoverer, which drilled in the Chukchi and is back this year, pleaded guilty to eight felony maritime safety counts and paid a $12.2 million fine.

That was proof of Shell's Arctic incompetence, critics said.

Odum called drilling off Alaska's coast the most scrutinized and analyzed oil and gas project in the world and said he was confident Shell could drill safely.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-28


Someone needs to tell Shell to research BP's efforts with Mukluk.

They could have saved themselves a fortune.


But seriously, it's good that they've been pressured into stopping, if their plan was to go digging holes all over the place in the hope that they'd find something.

Time to wean ourselves off these damaging fossil fuels and vote out these scum bag politicians allowing this stuff just because it lines their pockets.



Someone needs to tell Shell to research BP's efforts with Mukluk.

They could have saved themselves a fortune.


But seriously, it's good that they've been pressured into stopping, if their plan was to go digging holes all over the place in the hope that they'd find something.

Time to wean ourselves off these damaging fossil fuels and vote out these scum bag politicians allowing this stuff just because it lines their pockets.

Please advise What were BP's findings in Mukluk ?


Every person that turns on a light switch, drives a car, flies in an airplane, eats any food, has a refrigerator, tv, freezer in fact anything we do can thank the oil and coal industry. Sure we need to think about global solutions to polution but we still need to exist until they are economical and can be stored energy. Tidal power, solar, wind and other alternate energy types cannot cover the peak electrical usage of the evenings and cannot supply heavy industry with fuel solutions. No one has invented an airplane that can fly on alternate energy. The fact is that there is lots of gas reserves in the ground. Costly and environmentally expensive.. Or nuclear. This is one area we need to explore further to find a safe solution. And no one should be precious about this. It is a serious discussion and attacking Shell, BP, Chevron, Sinopec and others is not only ignorant and uninformed but causes divisiveness when we need a serious discussion on this subject.


I think the rape of this planet should come to a stop enough damage has been done already stop now before its too late.

So one assumes you typed your post on a solar or wind powered intetnet connection then ?

You walk everywhere ?

You eat raw food ?

think about the damage you caused the enviroment by buying that plane ticket coming to Thailand.

Its you the dear consumer that causes the " rape " due to your constant demand for cheap fuel, plastics, etc....



Someone needs to tell Shell to research BP's efforts with Mukluk.

They could have saved themselves a fortune.


But seriously, it's good that they've been pressured into stopping, if their plan was to go digging holes all over the place in the hope that they'd find something.

Time to wean ourselves off these damaging fossil fuels and vote out these scum bag politicians allowing this stuff just because it lines their pockets.

Please advise What were BP's findings in Mukluk ?

Dry holes.


They could buy an oil company in Kurdistan thats already producing 40,000 barrels a day and sitting on a huge field for 5 billion, lose chance for Shell

I wish they would, it is for sale

Gulf Keystone Petroleum


Or are they really just shutting down for the winter, and by announcing that they are giving up they're playing up a tax dodge?

See ya in springtime, buddy.

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