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US is ready to work with Russia and Iran on Syria but says Assad can’t stay in power


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US is ready to work with Russia and Iran on Syria but says Assad can’t stay in power


NEW YORK: -- President Barack Obama says that the United States is willing to work with Russia and Iran to try to end the Syrian conflict.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly in New York on Monday, he denounced ISIL but also said that there can’t be a return to the status quo under Bashar al-Assad.

Obama described Assad as a tyrant and as the chief culprit behind the four-year civil war in which at least 200,000 people have died and millions have been driven from their homes internally or abroad as refugees.

“When a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his own people, that is not just a matter of one nation’s internal affairs,” Obama said.

“It breeds human suffering on an order of magnitude that affects us all. Likewise, when a terrorist group beheads captives, slaughters the innocent and enslaves women, it is not a single nation’s national security problem. That is an assault on all our humanity.”

Yet Obama did not explicitly call for Syria’s president, an ally of both Russia and Iran, to step aside immediately. Instead he suggested that there could be a “managed transition” away from his rule.

His speech also slammed Russia over the Ukraine crisis.

“We cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated,” Obama said.

“If that happens without consequence in Ukraine, it could happen to any nation gathered here today. That’s the basis of the sanctions that the United States and our partners imposed on Russia. It is not a desire to return to a Cold War.”

Obama was scheduled to meet Putin later on Monday on the sidelines of the gathering.

While any cooperation between Washington and Moscow would be far from easy, diplomatic miracles do happen, it seems.

Take the renewed US ties with its former foe, Cuba.

In his speech to the General Assembly, Obama drew applause with his call for Congress to lift the US trade embargo on Havana.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-29

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

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“When a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his own people, that is not just a matter of one nation’s internal affairs,” Obama said.


- How many of these tens of thousands are his own people?

- Who was inciting, arming and financing these tens of thousands?

- If (and there is little doubt here) these tens of thousands are not "his own people" - who are they?

- How can a situation like this possibly be "one nation's internal affair"?

“We cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated,” Obama said.


- Is it easy to swallow in view of admissions of his representatives about the size of "investments" in creating the civil unrest in Ukraine?

- Look at the World map. Where is USA? Where is Ukraine? Where is Russia?

​- Is this a demagogue speaking in a House of Demagogy in front of applauding demagogues?

" If that happens without consequence in Ukraine, it could happen to any nation gathered here today"..., Obama said.

He is 100% right on this one. I wonder what did UN representatives of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine felt?

One thing Obama forgot to mention: - What is allowed to Zeus is not allowed to a bull.

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Panama. Great country now. Still has problems, but no where near the likes of Guatemala, Honduras, etc.

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Germany, Japan, Italy.

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No way Jose.

After the mess that the US and its Allies created in Irak, Afghanistan, and Lybia deposing "dictators", never will do the same with Syria without the support of Iran and Russia. Obama can say anything, but the US is not the boss anymore, and do not have even the moral rights to ask for "changes" in any country. Puttin was very clear yesterday. Assad will stay, and Russia will support Syria and Iran present governments. I hope the US and Israel understand that messing with Russia it is not the same that messing with weak Arabs countries. Russia was very close, too close, to use atomic weapons during the Cuba crisis, and all the "toys" the US may have now, are just that...toys, comparing with the power of just one atomic bomb. Needs only one craze guy to push the button. If Trump win the US Presidency....he will be just one more on the list with Clinton and Bush.

The US is fool and naive, believing that the Treaty with Iran will stop it to have a nuclear bomb. Iran do not need to made it, Russia will provide with many if need it, like the US will do with Israel in same case. It is time to seat and talk, and work with "enemies" to find a common interest before too late.

I am glad that I live in Thailand. The Western world is in big trouble.

Edited by Muzarella
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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan Ukraine!! Great examples of US intervention and improvement!

Syria bucked the foreign intervention during the Arab Spring and further intervention by the US trained SFA. Result Civil War. The whole Middle East is a basket case and the best policy is to get out of there and concentrate on domestic issues.

The Middle East has suffered under the US Democracy and Freedom policy. Admit failure and leave.

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Germany, Japan, Italy.

Yep, they are doing great! Germany is being invaded by Refugees and Migrants, their National Bank is about become insolvent. Japan has been in recession for 20 years and the Nikkei has dropped 3653 points in 1 month. Italy's GDP has been in the negative for the past 3 years!

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Afghanistan, not doing great but better than under the Taliban...

Yes...better...like the other ones "invaded" by the Allies.

Prostitution and drug dealing becomes the best business again.

Afghans also become qualified to be "refugees" in western countries....

The "reconstruction" business is very profitable for foreign companies..like Halliburton.

The Taliban now is a very good human resource provider to ISIS in Syria and the world.

The Taliban was exported to Pakistan...a nuclear power....to become enemy of the state.

After the US Army "retreat"....the Afghan imposed new Government, now is looking for Russian and Iran help.

Good deal!

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Germany, Japan, Italy.

Yep, they are doing great! Germany is being invaded by Refugees and Migrants, their National Bank is about become insolvent. Japan has been in recession for 20 years and the Nikkei has dropped 3653 points in 1 month. Italy's GDP has been in the negative for the past 3 years!

I think Germany being invaded by thousands of refugees in infinitely preferable to being overrun by half the Soviet Union and is infinitesimally preferable being run by a mustachioed lunatic and his bunch of gangsters. As for Japan I can only assume you have never been there if you think a 20 year recession is better than Japan under a military dictatorship. Likewise Italy.

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No way Jose.

After the mess that the US and its Allies created in Irak, Afghanistan, and Lybia deposing "dictators", never will do the same with Syria without the support of Iran and Russia. Obama can say anything, but the US is not the boss anymore, and do not have even the moral rights to ask for "changes" in any country. Puttin was very clear yesterday. Assad will stay, and Russia will support Syria and Iran present governments. I hope the US and Israel understand that messing with Russia it is not the same that messing with weak Arabs countries. Russia was very close, too close, to use atomic weapons during the Cuba crisis, and all the "toys" the US may have now, are just that...toys, comparing with the power of just one atomic bomb. Needs only one craze guy to push the button. If Trump win the US Presidency....he will be just one more on the list with Clinton and Bush.

The US is fool and naive, believing that the Treaty with Iran will stop it to have a nuclear bomb. Iran do not need to made it, Russia will provide with many if need it, like the US will do with Israel in same case. It is time to seat and talk, and work with "enemies" to find a common interest before too late.

I am glad that I live in Thailand. The Western world is in big trouble.

Though I agree with most of what you say I disagree that living in Thailand is a safe option if the crazies let go nuclear devices. If that happens the whole world will be affected to larger or lesser degrees but none will escape unscathed.

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Germany, Japan, Italy.

Yep, they are doing great! Germany is being invaded by Refugees and Migrants, their National Bank is about become insolvent. Japan has been in recession for 20 years and the Nikkei has dropped 3653 points in 1 month. Italy's GDP has been in the negative for the past 3 years!

Let us know next time one of the three invades a neighbor.

Putin and the elites of Russia that support him to exploit the Russian population are irredentist and revanchist, both of which maladies take us back to World War I and then World War II. People who know they advocate, support, promote the two antiquated impulses would need to be contained also.

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan Ukraine!! Great examples of US intervention and improvement!

Sadly, some people won't realise you're being sarcastic.

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I'll make a little prognostication... This time next year Assad will still be in power, while there will be regime change in the House of Saud...

America had it's chance to go after ISIS and has shown a lack of commitment to complete the task, all the while Russia and China have been watching events unfold, including the mass migration of people from the region to Europe... This destabilizing event for western Europe prompted Russia and China to act to put a stop to the madness... They have given Washington ample time to correct their mistakes by creating ISIS in the first place to take out Assad, but the mass migration to Europe tipped the scales... With both Russian and Chinese having military on the scene in Syria, Washington will either have to step up their actions on the ground and not their rhetoric or face losing further credibility in the action... Russia, China, Iraq, Iran and Syria have formed a strategic alliance to remove the ISIS threat whether the US likes it or not... Checkmate...

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I'll make a little prognostication... This time next year Assad will still be in power, while there will be regime change in the House of Saud...

America had it's chance to go after ISIS and has shown a lack of commitment to complete the task, all the while Russia and China have been watching events unfold, including the mass migration of people from the region to Europe... This destabilizing event for western Europe prompted Russia and China to act to put a stop to the madness... They have given Washington ample time to correct their mistakes by creating ISIS in the first place to take out Assad, but the mass migration to Europe tipped the scales... With both Russian and Chinese having military on the scene in Syria, Washington will either have to step up their actions on the ground and not their rhetoric or face losing further credibility in the action... Russia, China, Iraq, Iran and Syria have formed a strategic alliance to remove the ISIS threat whether the US likes it or not... Checkmate...

Not checkmate...Syria has nothing the Americans can use other than taking away Russia's buffer zone.

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Putin says ‘differences can be resolved’ after meeting with Obama


NEW YORK: -- The first face-to-face meeting in almost a year has taken place between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama. It happened on the side lines of the UN’s General Assembly and had been billed by some as the main event.

After the 90 minute talks President Putin told Russian journalists that the discussions had been very constructive and efficient. “We found we had a lot of points in common,” he said, “but we also have differences, it is nonsense to ignore that but it’s possible to work on the common ground together.”

Main points of talks

Agreement to explore political solution in Syria but disagreed on future of President Assad

No talk of Russian troops on the ground in Syria.

Russia might be willing to join air strikes against ISIL if backed by United Nations

Earlier before the UN General Assembly Putin had seized the initiative over Islamist extremism:

“We propose to be guided not by ambitions, but by our
common values and common interests based on international law, we propose to unify our efforts for finding solutions of new problems that we face today and to create a really broad international coalition against terrorism”

He then urged international support for Syria’s President, something which the US takes issue with.

Our correspondent Stefan Grobe, in New York said:

“Washington is ready to cooperate with Moscow on Syria, despite the very harsh criticism Obama had reserved for Putin. Whether his awkward one-on-one with the Russian leader will yield any progress in the Middle East is too early to tell. But then, Obama does not have that many options.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-29
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Middle East rulers have been removed before by other interfering nations and look now at the consequences. It's high time to forget about Assad and whether he did this or did that! It's time to make a joint effort between all parties, all nations to defeat and eradicate IS.

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

I would have to say America when we removed King George.

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Middle East rulers have been removed before by other interfering nations and look now at the consequences. It's high time to forget about Assad and whether he did this or did that! It's time to make a joint effort between all parties, all nations to defeat and eradicate IS.

The problems in Syria started because of Assad. We are where we are today because of this "Arab uprising" against him. And support for him by external interference. If he stepped down, like some world leaders do when they've lost the confidence of their country, we might not be in this mess. Maybe another mess, but not this one.

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Middle East rulers have been removed before by other interfering nations and look now at the consequences. It's high time to forget about Assad and whether he did this or did that! It's time to make a joint effort between all parties, all nations to defeat and eradicate IS.

The problems in Syria started because of Assad. We are where we are today because of this "Arab uprising" against him. And support for him by external interference. If he stepped down, like some world leaders do when they've lost the confidence of their country, we might not be in this mess. Maybe another mess, but not this one.

The cynical view is that the problems in Syria started when the US wanted a oil pipeline through the country and Syria said no.

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Middle East rulers have been removed before by other interfering nations and look now at the consequences. It's high time to forget about Assad and whether he did this or did that! It's time to make a joint effort between all parties, all nations to defeat and eradicate IS.

The problems in Syria started because of Assad. We are where we are today because of this "Arab uprising" against him. And support for him by external interference. If he stepped down, like some world leaders do when they've lost the confidence of their country, we might not be in this mess. Maybe another mess, but not this one.

Was Assad democratically elected by the Syrian people?

Should the Syrian people decide if he should step down in an election?

Or does America only support state sovereignty and democracy when the result is a leader they approve of?

Ukraine had an elected president, who was removed with support from America. Egypt had an elected government, removed with support from America.

Who appointed the Obama administration the decision makers for other electorates?

Maybe if America hadn't messed with internal Ukraine politics they wouldn't be in the mess they are too.

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Middle East rulers have been removed before by other interfering nations and look now at the consequences. It's high time to forget about Assad and whether he did this or did that! It's time to make a joint effort between all parties, all nations to defeat and eradicate IS.

The problems in Syria started because of Assad. We are where we are today because of this "Arab uprising" against him. And support for him by external interference. If he stepped down, like some world leaders do when they've lost the confidence of their country, we might not be in this mess. Maybe another mess, but not this one.

The cynical view is that the problems in Syria started when the US wanted a oil pipeline through the country and Syria said no.

And why would the US want or need a pipeline through Syria?

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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Germany, Japan, Italy.

They didn't actually remove the leader of Japan.

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By way of perspective Assad's pop was in control in 1982 and he put down an Islamist rebellion in the town of Hama, 25,000 were killed by some estimates, though the press were not allowed in so the events might as well not have happened as far as the west is concerned. As an aside the press were around in the same year to witness Druze militia murder 148 Palestinians, which became massive news as Israel was blamed by proxy.

Returning to Syria, a stitch in time saves nine as they say and that is how the numbers have worked out courtesy of the Arab spring. No spring, no middle east awash with arms and I dare say Assad junior might have got away with a zero on the end of the death toll count.

I see big problems here though, Iran can't be magically rehabilitated and will imho have to be tackled eventually. My enemies enemy is my friend is a theory fraught with danger of backfiring, but where is there a single Obama foreign policy decision which has not backfired?

Edited by Steely Dan
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Differences can always be resolved through compromise...unfortunately, military diplomacy is an option is highly profitable in the US...so that's the way it's been going...for far too long...and too many Americans are sheep and shamefully short-sighted.


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Name one country where the US has been behind removing the leader (and there's a few!), and where the country is doing better ever since.

Syria might be different. Syria is such a complicated basket case, perhaps it would be better to forget about democracy, go in, clean up, take over and control it for a generation, and slowly wean the next generation into forward democratic thinking.

Germany, Japan, Italy.

That's right! The last time America's veterans were heroes was WWII. Been a long economic slaughter since then, though......


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He reminds me of a throwback to the era when their were Statesmen negotiating foreign policy. The Cuban Missile Crisis sort of opened the lines of dialog when MAD almost became a reality.

Time flies and the West forgets. Seems Moscow hasn't. Dialog is good; letting the Nuclear Genie out of the bottle again isn't.

Edited by connda
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