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Reporting work permit violation

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You should contact the Paweena Foundation. This foundation protects women and children from abuse. I have read in the news of a similar case and the company and police did not help. The family contacted Paweena and it was quickly resolved with the perp arrested and the police getting to work immediately. Ask your wife, she has probably heard of her. Paweena gets results fast. I hate child abusers and hope you get this person taken care of.

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Hmmmmm....first thing to do is remove your child from the school.

As for getting any justice here in Thailand most people would recommend a lawyer......but problem is you will most likely be paying for nothing as they will take your money and then tell you their hands are tied.

I am thinking you have to find a sympathetic Thai police officer to take your side on this issue and at least scare the hell out of the perpetrator with a one on one discussion....where the police man does all the talking and the perpetrator does all the listening while a gun is laid out in front of him for better effect and no misunderstanding.


Edited by gemguy
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I was told by a teacher, that due to the shortages of foreign language teachers, the school was reluctant to get rid of anybody.

the shortage of foreign language teachers is hardly surprising. while this teacher may be guilty many of those accused are not. there is big money involved.

Edited by jobsworth
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I've just been in contact with the 1111 call centre and explained the situation.

The guy wanted MY name and address!, which I refused.

I asked him if he was going to do anything about the illegal worker. He said no.

I then asked if that was because the schools were paying them to not do anything and he replied 'yes' and hung up the phone.

So that route is out.

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I find it hard to believe that neither the police or even the school are interested in your claim of a foreigner molesting a child. And if the accusations are true why would you refuse to give your name? Seems to me there's more to this story than the OP is telling us.

Edited by ldiablo
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my 4-year old has recently been the subject of a kiddie fiddler at her school in Pattaya.

A report to the local police has resulted in passing the buck to 3 other police stations..but too much of a hot potato for any of them to handle.

When I surreptitiously obtained details of the teacher's passport and visa I found he had a tourist visa with no work permit.

The school won't get rid of him although he poses a risk to children, so I informed the police of his work permit violation.

I was told to forget it, as they had an 'arrangement' with the school not to upset the boat...I presume a tea money bribe.

I think my only course of action is to inform immigration but I can't see from their website any way of doing this.

Can any of you help me get rid of this 'Gary Glitter' clone?

Originally you stated it happened at your child's school. Now you're saying it occurred on the school bus with no witnesses. So you're saying that their were only 3 people on the bus. The driver, your child and the accused. My question is why would the accused be allowed on the school bus? I for one have never seen or heard of a teacher being on a school bus/van.
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"The school will get rid of him if the other parents know he is a child molester."

how do I inform 'other parents'

Print up a letter to parents and distribute it as they drop off or pick up their kids.

And end up on the end of a defamation court case ? ....your not in Kansa anymore toto

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the good news is that due to pressure from the other teachers, the perp has had his contract terminated.

The bad news is that he'll probably be re-applying to a school near you.

All school minibuses have a driver and teacher aboard, for the children's safety!

The children are still technically 'in school' until they arrive home.

My wife is doing all the talking to the cops, other than my first encounter with the tourist police.

She is just as frustrated with their inaction as I am.

I was looking for a Pavena web site, not an e-mail address, and what sort of famous personality has an e-mail address like "[email protected]"

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the good news is that due to pressure from the other teachers, the perp has had his contract terminated.

The bad news is that he'll probably be re-applying to a school near you.

All school minibuses have a driver and teacher aboard, for the children's safety!

The children are still technically 'in school' until they arrive home.

My wife is doing all the talking to the cops, other than my first encounter with the tourist police.

She is just as frustrated with their inaction as I am.

I was looking for a Pavena web site, not an e-mail address, and what sort of famous personality has an e-mail address like "[email protected]"



You will need the help of someone who reads Thai

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the good news is that due to pressure from the other teachers, the perp has had his contract terminated.

The bad news is that he'll probably be re-applying to a school near you.

All school minibuses have a driver and teacher aboard, for the children's safety!

The children are still technically 'in school' until they arrive home.

My wife is doing all the talking to the cops, other than my first encounter with the tourist police.

She is just as frustrated with their inaction as I am.

I was looking for a Pavena web site, not an e-mail address, and what sort of famous personality has an e-mail address like "[email protected]"

Once again have you reported this case to the DOL and immigration ? If you do and the reasons why

he may be flagged and it will make things a lot harder for him in Thailand working at another school

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