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US: Multiple deaths in school shooting in Oregon State

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Nope. He disliked organized religion and the organized religion pervasive where he was is Christian. Simple as that. There are enough Muslim Jihadists that are real without inventing fake ones.

Nope. It's a hate crime. Who cares if he is a Muslim. Of course he is a Muslim in deed because who else kills Christians in America.

Since you have been claiming for quite some time he is a Muslim, even when it had been shown already he most likely was not, you obviously care. And you keep sprouting your bigoted nonsense.

1. It's a hate crime by legal definition. 2. 3,106 killed,1600 injured by Muslims in America in 75 terror attacks. What other group is murdering Americans in these kind of numbers?

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The Oregon shooter had a thin social media profile.

On his myspace page, Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, posted a photograph of himself holding a rifle, alongside images of masked IRA gunmen and an IRA terrorist video. The IRA and Palestinian terrorism have a long history.

He has just two friends — a girl and a jihadi. Check out the terror sympathizer’s page praising:
“The brave Mujahideen heroes”
“The Mujahideen freedom fighters of Palestine. My brothers and sisters keep on doing your thing. Allahu Akbar.”
“my brave soldiers keep on fighting for the liberation of Palestine against Israel. <deleted> Israel. Kill the Jews. jews are the only infidels.”
“The Quran ….. holy book of muslims”

The media has avoided mentioning this at all.

- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/10/here-is-the-oregon-shooters-profile.html/#sthash.ZHXpfQaX.dpuf


Guns were banned many years ago in the UK (except "some' shot gun owners), it didn't stop those who want to shoot folk from finding a gun.

It seems somehow I've missed the weekly mass shooting reports coming from the UK .

Of course you don't, becuase they bomb and knife people instead. London Tube bombings, IRA bombings. Numerous stabbing murders.


Nope. He disliked organized religion and the organized religion pervasive where he was is Christian. Simple as that. There are enough Muslim Jihadists that are real without inventing fake ones.

Nope. It's a hate crime. Who cares if he is a Muslim. Of course he is a Muslim in deed because who else kills Christians in America.

What a perfect logic...


Ahhh, another conspiracy theory person...whose this unknown brainwashing group? Hilarious, sound like u r grabbing for straws. At lest put up a good argument

I'm not grabbing at straws at all.


Guns were as powerful as 100 years ago?

Please tell me about many sub rifles machine guns they had with their muskets ?

The answer to your last question is simple : it is easier and easier for disturbed people to get guns.. And lot of teenagers are temporarly or not.

The question the pro guns never answer to is : why so many shooting in USA and not so much in europe? Why since Australia restricted gun there was not any mass shooting?

Thompson sub machine gun invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

Browning Automatic rifle invented 105 years ago 600 rounds per minute.

Any other questions?

Sure please add a comparison with the guns you spoke about and how easy it was to have them, for exemple could you own one at the same time you bought tomatoes and their avaibilities on the market. Also please let me know how efficient they were, their weight... compared to the actual ones... If they were as efficient as the ones we have nowdays why did they become obsoletes?

They are not obsolete. The reason they are not widely owned now is because they are effectively banned. It's nearly impossible for a civillian to legally own a fully automatic firearm in the United States today. In fact if you actually are one of the few to own a machine gun legally, then the law states you are only allowed to own those that were manufactured before 1986.


Yet again...

Mandatory gun ownership (2 of) for every man, woman and child is the quite obvious answer.

and offcourse a few assault rifles an handgrenades

I think you guys are off topic. The thread is about a Muslim guy asking students who is a Christian and then shooting them. It's a common theme in the Middle East and has arrived numerous times on Western shores. Why are you trying to make it about gun control?

Why was someone of British origin who was known to be a supporter of an Irish terrorist organisation (IRA) allowed to legally buy 13 guns?


Yet again...

Mandatory gun ownership (2 of) for every man, woman and child is the quite obvious answer.

and offcourse a few assault rifles an handgrenades

I think you guys are off topic. The thread is about a Muslim guy asking students who is a Christian and then shooting them. It's a common theme in the Middle East and has arrived numerous times on Western shores. Why are you trying to make it about gun control?

Why was someone of British origin who was known to be a supporter of an Irish terrorist organisation (IRA) allowed to legally buy 13 guns?

The IRA has never been a problem in the USA as far as I know and I doubt anyone is looking through social media about historical interests. More important would be his friend, Mahmoud Ali Ehsani. Is that an IRA sounding name?


Perhaps it is the 250 posts for this subject and less than 10 for things that really matter in the worldly sense, have something to do with the attraction the crazies have for this stuff.


Perhaps it is the 250 posts for this subject and less than 10 for things that really matter in the worldly sense, have something to do with the attraction the crazies have for this stuff.

And what (really matter) would those be?


Nope. He disliked organized religion and the organized religion pervasive where he was is Christian. Simple as that. There are enough Muslim Jihadists that are real without inventing fake ones.

I wonder what the media response would have been had the shooter lined people up and asked them if they were muslim before shooting them if they answered in the affirmative?


Have you heard of NORAID? Anyway, what has that got to do with it? The IRA is/was a terrorist organisation (with Sinn Fein as it's military arm) so what does that say about him!! Also, what do his so called friends have to do with it? He was an unstable, terrorist supporting rebel who was allowed yo buy 13 guns legally!!

Until the US removes the right for every citizen to be allowed to own a gun then these acts will continue.


The IRA has never been a problem in the USA as far as I know and I doubt anyone is looking through social media about historical interests. More important would be his friend, Mahmoud Ali Ehsani. Is that an IRA sounding name?

Buddha wept, you just don't let go, do you? In your mind, he has to be Muslim because he killed christians. You are making an extremely tenuousness grasp here. Tell you what: why don't you grap one or more of your myriad of firearms and kill a bunch of Muslims. Yeah, that will show them!


So can someone here tell me why people still get shot in the UK when handguns and rifles have been banned for years now ?

Simply banning guns doesn't work.

I would rather see the focus for these crimes aimed at the big Pharma companies that are handing out via doctors huge amounts of very dangerous drugs. These drugs are far more dangerous than guns

Because banning guns doesnt eliminate gun deaths. But it sure does reduce it.

Thought that would be obvious.

It may appear to be obvious but it isn't as simple as you are making it out to be. The first search I did brings up a figure of an 89% increase in gun crimes since they were banned in the UK and that was back in 2009 so not that obvious then ?

I think that where guns have been banned from certain cities in America gun crime has risen. I also remember reading that most if not all these mass shootings have taken place in places where guns are banned from being carried anyway and are actively targeted because of that reason.

As said banning them doesn't work as such and other reasons for these crimes need to be looked into more in depth

Perhaps you could provide a source.

When we last revised gun legislation in the UK (1997 - in response to Dunblane), there were 49 shootings.

In 2009 there were 39. In 2013 there were 30.

Even my rudimentary knowledge of mathematics tells me that this is not an 89% increase.


Oh, and you're forgetting that wherever there is a city where guns are hard to get hold of, there is a state line across which they can be bought with no ID.

Hence you're using a fundamentally flawed argument there.


Have you heard of NORAID? Anyway, what has that got to do with it? The IRA is/was a terrorist organisation (with Sinn Fein as it's military arm) so what does that say about him!! Also, what do his so called friends have to do with it? He was an unstable, terrorist supporting rebel who was allowed yo buy 13 guns legally!!

Until the US removes the right for every citizen to be allowed to own a gun then these acts will continue.

That is never going to happen.

But that is not to say that closing loopholes and expanding background checks would not have a positive effect on the current monotonously regular carnage.


The is no "answer" but USA should follow lead of gun control , made by AU government some years back.

Gun control is not just about mass shootings. It is more about the access that just about anyone has to buy guns in USA . However I believe wall Mart has stop selling MK16


The is no "answer" but USA should follow lead of gun control , made by AU government some years back.

Gun control is not just about mass shootings. It is more about the access that just about anyone has to buy guns in USA . However I believe wall Mart has stop selling MK16

I agree with you. More people have guns now than when Australia started the buy back program in 1996 I think it was eh?

As of 2015 about 815,000 people had a gun licence in Australia and there was around 3.5 to 5.5 million Registered Firearms in Australia.

I think just about anybody can get a gun in Australia provided they are:

18 years or over

Judged as a fit and proper person

Have undergone a firearms safety training course and;

Have provided documentation about the storage arrangements in which they will secure the firearm.

I think that's a good idea although I'm a little concerned that

Since the gun ban, Australia has issued 37,000 gun licenses in the past five years, a jump from 177,675 to 215,462. In New South Wales (NSW), gun ownership has gone up 10%.

Alarmingly, in 22 of the state’s 600 postcodes, registered guns outnumber people.



Now we will hear the predictable ... but guns are in the constitution. Yeah for a militia. Not for shooting up schools.

Now we will hear the predictable - "militia".

The US Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that the founders meant the citizens when they said "militia" in the Constitution. They didn't say army or navy, you know. A militia of citizens is necessary to maintain a free people, even against a government.

It was this militia that Paul Revere was part of. It was this militia that drove the King of England and his Redcoats off US soil. It was this militia that saw to it that the USA had it's freedom and autonomy. It was this militia that had the Tea Party in Boston Harbor.

Now many of us (about 100 million of us) look at places like the ME and the spillover into Europe and tell ourselves that shit isn't going to happen in our neighborhoods. That's true for now and for 100 years from now.

Some things are worth dying for and the members of this militia know that. Unfortunately, too many in the world have forgotten that except that our enemies haven't forgotten.

Freedom isn't free.


So where is the militia now that all your freedoms have been eroded? You can't even grow tomatoes in your own garden in some states less they think you might be feeding yourself without paying money to the corporations. You cant dig a well on your own land for water. America has never had so many guns and Americans have never had so many restrictions on their freedoms. Americans have never been so suppressed or oppressed by their Governments as in the last 15 years.

Your argument about the constitution and the right to bear arms for the militia would hold good if you would adhere to those principles and run the crooked politicians and corporations out of town, but you don't. Guns are just used for another school shooting that the rest of the world doesn't even care about as it happens so often and nothing is ever done about it. As another fine US citizen said 'Stupid is as stupid does' - Forrest Gump.

Your other line takes some beating

Now many of us (about 100 million of us) look at places like the ME and the spillover into Europe and tell ourselves that shit isn't going to happen in our neighborhoods. That's true for now and for 100 years from now.

Do you need reminding that YOU (USA) have caused all the s**t and crap in the ME and Europe! Europe is coping with a refugee problem caused by the United States kicking and fighting wherever it chooses. The USA have created ISIS and boy has it got out of hand. So lucky for you you cause all this crap from 5000 miles away and the Syrians can neither swim nor walk the distance, so Europe has to cope with them. You guy's take the biscuit you really do.


So can someone here tell me why people still get shot in the UK when handguns and rifles have been banned for years now ?

Simply banning guns doesn't work.

I would rather see the focus for these crimes aimed at the big Pharma companies that are handing out via doctors huge amounts of very dangerous drugs. These drugs are far more dangerous than guns

Because banning guns doesnt eliminate gun deaths. But it sure does reduce it.

Thought that would be obvious.

It may appear to be obvious but it isn't as simple as you are making it out to be. The first search I did brings up a figure of an 89% increase in gun crimes since they were banned in the UK and that was back in 2009 so not that obvious then ?

I think that where guns have been banned from certain cities in America gun crime has risen. I also remember reading that most if not all these mass shootings have taken place in places where guns are banned from being carried anyway and are actively targeted because of that reason.

As said banning them doesn't work as such and other reasons for these crimes need to be looked into more in depth

Perhaps you could provide a source.

When we last revised gun legislation in the UK (1997 - in response to Dunblane), there were 49 shootings.

In 2009 there were 39. In 2013 there were 30.

Even my rudimentary knowledge of mathematics tells me that this is not an 89% increase.


Oh, and you're forgetting that wherever there is a city where guns are hard to get hold of, there is a state line across which they can be bought with no ID.

Hence you're using a fundamentally flawed argument there.

A few links here. Not sure where you are getting your figures from ?




These are the first few from Google but without really trying

All wrong I am to assume then ?


The students were killed in a gun free zone as that is one of the laws.

You state that it was a gun free zone. Are you 100% sure?

Roderick’s exact words: “[The gunman] probably knew that the facility was a gun free facility, [which is] an easy target for these kinds of coward individuals. They know they’re not going to get any response unless they happen to run into security or a campus police officer.”


Am I sure? All I know is what I read in the papers. Have not been to America in years and to Oregon not since the wagon trains rolled in settlers.


Nope. He disliked organized religion and the organized religion pervasive where he was is Christian. Simple as that. There are enough Muslim Jihadists that are real without inventing fake ones.

Nope. It's a hate crime. Who cares if he is a Muslim. Of course he is a Muslim in deed because who else kills Christians in America.

Since you have been claiming for quite some time he is a Muslim, even when it had been shown already he most likely was not, you obviously care. And you keep sprouting your bigoted nonsense.

1. It's a hate crime by legal definition. 2. 3,106 killed,1600 injured by Muslims in America in 75 terror attacks. What other group is murdering Americans in these kind of numbers?

Other Americans!

Stats: Nearly 300 Mass US Shootings This Year

"A study by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests 316,000 people died from gun violence in the United States between 2004 and 2013. This data covered all manners of death, including homicide, accident and suicide. By comparison, the government agency says 36 people were killed by domestic acts of terrorism over the same period."


The students were killed in a gun free zone as that is one of the laws.

You state that it was a gun free zone. Are you 100% sure?

Rodericks exact words: [The gunman] probably knew that the facility was a gun free facility, [which is] an easy target for these kinds of coward individuals. They know theyre not going to get any response unless they happen to run into security or a campus police officer.


Am I sure? All I know is what I read in the papers. Have not been to America in years and to Oregon not since the wagon trains rolled in settlers.

So saying the place was a gun free zone may be true or may not be?


Hmmmmm, the protector of a book is here AGAIN......sad.png

You really hate facts which prove just how ignorant your prejudice is!

Protector of a book? Not really.

Protector of freedom of religion? Well, defender of would be better; I'm not really in a position to protect.

Protector or defender of terrorists and murderers? Most definitely not!

Whether they be, for example, IRA murderers who still after all these years wont tell the grieving families of their victims where they buried the bodies, Islamists who murder cartoonists in Paris, mentally disturbed loners like this boy or anyone else.


So saying the place was a gun free zone may be true or may not be?

I'd ask CNN, Breitbart and Former US Marshal Art Roderick. I appreciate the fact that you think I know everything that's what I tell my wife. When you asked before I gave you my source what more do you want me to do? http://www.breitbart...munity-college/

On August 2 Breitbart News reported that eight attacks with firearms in gun free zones in the last eight years resulted in the lost of 105 lives and the wounding of 150 others. Those attacks were on the Lafayette Grand Theater (July 23), Chattanooga (July 16), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), Aurora movie theater (July 12, 2012), Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007)

Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.


So saying the place was a gun free zone may be true or may not be?

I'd ask CNN, Breitbart and Former US Marshal Art Roderick. I appreciate the fact that you think I know everything that's what I tell my wife. When you asked before I gave you my source what more do you want me to do? http://www.breitbart...munity-college/

On August 2 Breitbart News reported that eight attacks with firearms in gun free zones in the last eight years resulted in the lost of 105 lives and the wounding of 150 others. Those attacks were on the Lafayette Grand Theater (July 23), Chattanooga (July 16), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), Aurora movie theater (July 12, 2012), Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007)

Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.

I care about what it true or at least what can be shown to be viable. CNN or anyone else can say what they like but I am asking YOU if it was a gun free zone since YOU said it was.


So saying the place was a gun free zone may be true or may not be?

I'd ask CNN, Breitbart and Former US Marshal Art Roderick. I appreciate the fact that you think I know everything that's what I tell my wife. When you asked before I gave you my source what more do you want me to do? http://www.breitbart...munity-college/

On August 2 Breitbart News reported that eight attacks with firearms in gun free zones in the last eight years resulted in the lost of 105 lives and the wounding of 150 others. Those attacks were on the Lafayette Grand Theater (July 23), Chattanooga (July 16), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), Aurora movie theater (July 12, 2012), Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007)

Posting 101: try and use the quote function unless trying to scam the poster. I realize your post would look redundant if you used the quote function in this case but it is what it is.

I care about what it true or at least what can be shown to be viable. CNN or anyone else can say what they like but I am asking YOU if it was a gun free zone since YOU said it was.

How would I know? I have not been to Oregon since they closed the Oregon trail. Are CNN and Breitbart News trusted sources?

Make up your own mind.

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