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Military warning to young men seeking to avoid conscription

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Military warning to young men seeking to avoid conscription
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE chief of the 26th Army Military Circle, Maj General Dech-udom Nicharat, Saturday urged young men to report to authorities to serve their country.

His comments came after reports that 900 21-year-olds have avoided registering for military conscription in the Northeast province of Buri Ram this year.

Dech-udom warned that young men who try to avoid conscription would face punishment of up to three years in jail and that the statute of limitations on this offence lasts for 10 years. He also said that men who try to avoid being conscripted would be unable to work in the civil service or with some companies.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Military-warning-to-young-men-seeking-to-avoid-con-30270139.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-03

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But how can i do selfies if i join the military? This won't help my instagram, tinder, tumblr, facebook, and twitter account!! The Kardashians aren't forced to run into a barbed wire fence!!


Call of Duty, Level 40

Edited by puukao
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Does this rule also apply to the children of the Bangkok fortunate few? Just askin'

Quite a number of my high school students do not do their military training. I guess a small donation into the right pocket will suffice.

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What happened to the lottery?

You can actually do a voluntary weekly training starting with 16. Don't need to do full time service and when you're 21 you're already an officer. Good for the kids to get involved and make connections.

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they could always report for duty but then do a corporal Klinger and turn up in women's clothing every day hoping for a discharge

I suspect a certain percentage of the 900 are already in women's clothing.
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But how can i do selfies if i join the military? This won't help my instagram, tinder, tumblr, facebook, and twitter account!! The Kardashians aren't forced to run into a barbed wire fence!!


Call of Duty, Level 40

Are you talking about Thais?

Sounds like you are talking about Yanks and all the social media nonsense an that stupid man with a wig who pretends to be a politician.

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Does this rule also apply to the children of the Bangkok fortunate few? Just askin'

Doesn't apply to anyone with a spare 30,000 Baht I am told...

Id say that is money well spend, nothing as foolish as military conscription. I was lucky enough to study long enough to avoid it. My friends all told me it was a waste of time (and a good time to become an alcoholic). The army is good if you like it, or are not wanted anywhere else.

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Coming out of high school, I had over a dozen scholastic scholarships to some top level universities in the U.S. But this was 1967, which was the time of "Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll". I just had a feeling that if I went on to college, I'd either flunk out from partying too much, or get kicked out for partying too much. Either way, I'd blow it. Ok, so I join the Marines. Figure some time there will help me settle down. Liked it so much, I ended up staying for 20 years and retired as a Gunnery Sergeant. Also managed to get both my B.A. and M.A. while I was in. It's definitely not the life for everyone, but it was the perfect life for me.

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2015 and they expect this ????

sorry if it was me i would take a stance, or emigrate..

could not think of anything worse than being in the ''Military''...

Not so bad you could end up painting some generalisimo's fence or chauffeuring his young wife or mia noi to market.

Edited by elgordo38
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Does this rule also apply to the children of the Bangkok fortunate few? Just askin'

Quite a number of my high school students do not do their military training. I guess a small donation into the right pocket will suffice.

When did high school students become eligible for conscription? Conscription applies for males between the ages of 21 and 30.

Are you teaching special ed classes?

Even when called up for the conscription lottery, if one doesn't pull the red ticket, one is not conscripted. As well, hundreds of thousands of Thais have avoided conscription through Ror Dor activity.

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Does this rule also apply to the children of the Bangkok fortunate few? Just askin'

Doesn't apply to anyone with a spare 30,000 Baht I am told...

I seem to remember a post from ' worgeordie ' saying a lady he knew had paid a large sum to prevent her son being conscripted and i think it was more than 30,000.

Can you clarify if I've got it right Geordie ?

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Does this rule also apply to the children of the Bangkok fortunate few? Just askin'

Doesn't apply to anyone with a spare 30,000 Baht I am told...

I seem to remember a post from ' worgeordie ' saying a lady he knew had paid a large sum to prevent her son being conscripted and i think it was more than 30,000.

Can you clarify if I've got it right Geordie ?

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Coming out of high school, I had over a dozen scholastic scholarships to some top level universities in the U.S. But this was 1967, which was the time of "Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll". I just had a feeling that if I went on to college, I'd either flunk out from partying too much, or get kicked out for partying too much. Either way, I'd blow it. Ok, so I join the Marines. Figure some time there will help me settle down. Liked it so much, I ended up staying for 20 years and retired as a Gunnery Sergeant. Also managed to get both my B.A. and M.A. while I was in. It's definitely not the life for everyone, but it was the perfect life for me.


Good on ya . . .

The key to success in the military is for a man to figure out he needs to use the military and not let the military use him. It's very hard to do as a young person but if they can look a little bit into the future, kinda see the possibilities, and get the door to swinging both ways then it can a win win for everybody.

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Interesting to see the little cracks forming in the various Thai social contracts.

It's OK for the Amart to avoid conscription, through various and sundry dodges - assuming they don't want a lucrative Military career, but the masses must submit to the Military establishment.

Of course any action they might see will involve gunning down their countrymen, all in the defense of the Kingdom, of course.

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Interesting that Malaysia and Indonesia have no military conscription.As expected for historical reasons Vietnam,Laos and Cambodia all have it.Singapore has it as a small 'potentially threated" island.India and Pakistan have always had volunteer armies.

Not immediately obvious to me why Thailand needs it at all.I can see the virtues of bringing all social classes together (a feature often noted by British conscripts in the 1950's) but does this really happen in Thailand?

As far as I am aware the issue is not even up to discussion here despite the obvious benefits of smaller, more professional and better paid armed forces.

Am I being unduly cynical in believing the present system suits some very well for reasons completely unconnected to protection of the country from external enemies?

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They should have stopped the military conscription 30 years ago as Vietnam was the last threat unless they want to make up another phony Cambodia Wat incursion. I truly believe they only have this to Justify keeping the 1700 Generals and other Capt., Major's jobs in place. There is too much power and money to lose if they stop this. This is another reason they have unchecked power by anyone so the cycle of coup's will continue.

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Does this rule also apply to the children of the Bangkok fortunate few? Just askin'

Doesn't apply to anyone with a spare 30,000 Baht I am told...

Id say that is money well spend, nothing as foolish as military conscription. I was lucky enough to study long enough to avoid it. My friends all told me it was a waste of time (and a good time to become an alcoholic). The army is good if you like it, or are not wanted anywhere else.

I disagree. Many moons ago I did my military service willingly and proudly. Of course, where I come from the military is actually there to prevent outside enemies from attacking the country, not to perpetuate the rule of the establishment.

If I were a young Thai guy I'd sell a kidney to avoid being enrolled.

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