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SURVEY: Is the rising anger in the NE likely to erupt into political violence?


SURVEY: Is rising anger in the NE likely to erup into political violence?   

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Ultimately it will happen if the country is not returned to a democracy. This government/oligarchy/dictatorship has been given time to sort out various problem but if it takes the long term option there will be opposition and more than just civil unrest.

How can we return to democracy when there was no democracy here to start with?

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Ultimately it will happen if the country is not returned to a democracy. This government/oligarchy/dictatorship has been given time to sort out various problem but if it takes the long term option there will be opposition and more than just civil unrest.

How can we return to democracy when there was no democracy here to start with?

If you mean that there is democracy to start with because the repeated coups always truncated democracy, I agree with you.

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Ginjag, you have the biggest fattest agenda of anyone who posts on this forum!

You -Fat haggis - are telling me This cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I cover all subjects on TVF unlike some of you who select posters and oppose their view--and select government near only subjects,and slag the PM off.

I have just slagged off the PM if this Submarine purchase goes ahead, and other government decisions. ALL these are overlooked, because it is not in your interest.

I do notice MOST of your posts are answering posters with nasty comments about their view PLUS any government matters that can be twisted.

Rarely do you post on subjects offering normal comments, seemingly only the ones like this topic. a topic given for you people to get your teeth into.

I gave a pretty normal view of the everyday lives and attitude of N/E people---no anger shown with most persons-----you posters here are wishing for problems to back up your rants.

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With all the pressure imposed on rice farmers it wont take long before poverty turns to anger , This governments only concern is for its own longevity and believes people can survive on nothing , it wont bother the government as they still get paid .

And the chocalate sailors have announced that they will have submarines, while the rice farmers have no water, no crop, no money , no food. Much of this is down to successive incompetant governments not having a credable long term irrigation strategy. Who controlled these governments, not the working farmers/doctors/teachers etc. They were controlled by the 'elite ' very rich families, who also influence the RTPolice/Army/Navy/Airforce. Poverty causes revolutions, when you see your loved one's starving thru the fault of corrupt incompetant governments. Who makes up the bulk of the Army/Navy/Airforce, the children of these poor starving people. The worm will turn unless these blinkered <deleted> at the top start realising their time is limited and start seriously thinking about giving the poor masses hope for the future by reforming 'Thainess' to 'Fairness' and competant government.

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Ginjag, you have the biggest fattest agenda of anyone who posts on this forum!

You -Fat haggis - are telling me This cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I cover all subjects on TVF unlike some of you who select posters and oppose their view--and select government near only subjects,and slag the PM off.

I have just slagged off the PM if this Submarine purchase goes ahead, and other government decisions. ALL these are overlooked, because it is not in your interest.

I do notice MOST of your posts are answering posters with nasty comments about their view PLUS any government matters that can be twisted.

Rarely do you post on subjects offering normal comments, seemingly only the ones like this topic. a topic given for you people to get your teeth into.

I gave a pretty normal view of the everyday lives and attitude of N/E people---no anger shown with most persons-----ywho you posters here are wishing for problems to back up your rants.

in other words you're a stalker? I've told you what my beef is, the junta, it's well known.

I post in many many other topics too, I'm quite prominent in the Koh Tao threads.

You people? aye, you old aged Nakhon nowhere sycophants do fit into the "you people" very well.

You're not short of a few nasty comments yourself, must be from all the bitter lemons you eat in the mornings instead of a good Colombian coffee ;)

No you didn't give a pretty normal view, you gave YOUR view, and other posters such as SgtSabai offered a very different view, and you basically called him and other liars who haven't seen what you have seen/heard..

if the cap fits ;)

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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

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Ginjag, you have the biggest fattest agenda of anyone who posts on this forum!

You -Fat haggis - are telling me This cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I cover all subjects on TVF unlike some of you who select posters and oppose their view--and select government near only subjects,and slag the PM off.

I have just slagged off the PM if this Submarine purchase goes ahead, and other government decisions. ALL these are overlooked, because it is not in your interest.

I do notice MOST of your posts are answering posters with nasty comments about their view PLUS any government matters that can be twisted.

Rarely do you post on subjects offering normal comments, seemingly only the ones like this topic. a topic given for you people to get your teeth into.

I gave a pretty normal view of the everyday lives and attitude of N/E people---no anger shown with most persons-----ywho you posters here are wishing for problems to back up your rants.

in other words you're a stalker? I've told you what my beef is, the junta, it's well known.

I post in many many other topics too, I'm quite prominent in the Koh Tao threads.

You people? aye, you old aged Nakhon nowhere sycophants do fit into the "you people" very well.

You're not short of a few nasty comments yourself, must be from all the bitter lemons you eat in the mornings instead of a good Colombian coffee wink.png

No you didn't give a pretty normal view, you gave YOUR view, and other posters such as SgtSabai offered a very different view, and you basically called him and other liars who haven't seen what you have seen/heard..

if the cap fits wink.png

Your rant F H. about me calling persons near liars is no where near the truth. Just because of your deep hatred of the (Junta) and not thankyou for good riddance of PTP is a very bad sign of being a bit OTT. I have said all along I do not like army control, but in this case thank god they intervened.

In a RED stronghold here in Udon MY VIEW is as stated--------go anywhere in the city and area---see if the people are bound and gagged--see if the people are ready to leave work and march Suthep style on the streets NO NO it is fact NOT just my view, I do not have to justify anything, nothing to gain. Your hatred of the PM is too ingrained to talk anything like sense.

All we have had from you few over the last year are---illegal---coup---elections---no improvement-----brainwashing camps----re-hab centers for opposition. YOU read back and devour what some of you PM haters post--------good luck with you silly effort to gain support to overthrow the PM.......relax even if you hate------things are proceeding ----people are getting caught in the net for their corruption, and it does not matter who runs the court as long as they are brought to heel.

Edited by ginjag
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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

Reality here in Thailand------People have always been on the brink of hardship.

Especially when the farmers did not get paid BEFORE the problems started---FACT.

Yingluck and here PTP party --quote "unfairly muzzled and charged-----UNFAIRLY after all they did illegally. ???

The middle class are not happy because the economy is a world wide problem---didn't you know, not just a Thai problem. OMG

Freedom of expression OMG, more freedom than when Thaksin controlled the media---Comparison.

And you people have this audacity to say I have an agenda-----there is only about 10 of you on TVF that repeatedly put this view YOU have just posted---

Suppose the vast majority of old regular posters must be wrong. If I was in a minority without too much to shout about --I would be shy.

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Once again you're wrong, not once have I stated that the PTP should have stayed in power, all along I supported the only way they should have been removed was via elections, you amongst many other here kept making claims that the PTP were done, but the people were refused the chance to prove this beyond all doubt.

It's simple hearsay that the PTP were done, it's also simple hearsay to say they're not, the proof would have been to allow the people to prove this, but your army who colluded and conspired with Suthep since 2011 stopped this from happening.

Or have you forgotten that Suthep started that he and Prayuth had nee planning to overthrow the Shins?

And once again you're dismissing posters like Sgtsabai who has a very different experience than you do, if everything is so rosy up in the red headlands why is there a need for article 44, which was brought in to replace martial law?

Why are the junta themselves constantly stating that there's concerns about national security emanating from red shirt areas? And this was one of the reasons a promised election in 2016 was pushed back.

So either you're correct, and the junta are making this shit up for obvious reasons or... Well I guess you can figure that out for yourself.

The junta are contradicting your personal views, however they seem to be more in line with Sgtsabai's, and a couple of other posters.

Yes, I'm no lover of a military rule, and I don't believe Prayuth or much that comes from his mouth either, you keep making references to things being better, outside of Bangkok things were no different people got on with their lives, oblivious to what was going on in the capital city.

You keep dodging the question I have posed to all you sycophants, in that what was so horrendous about your daily personal life under the Shins, and all you said was they stole, what? They came into your home and stole your belongings? They stole your food and clothes, your family members?

Stealing from the nation had no impact on you whatsoever as you, it didn't leave you destitute and out of pocket, it didn't leave you homeless, you don't like the Shins, we get it, neither do most of the anti junta posters, but the likes of you keep making assumptions that anti junta= red shirt lover, and that's why you're derided as sycophants.

Thres very few anti junta members who would rather see a PTP government back in control, but what they don't want is a junta that lies daily and restricts the rights of THAI citizens whilst claiming they're aiming for democracy.

What most anti junta members want is for the army to stop interfering and for once let any form of democracy take its course and let the people decide the outcomes, you know, the same thing that happens pretty much across the globe, where there are NO DICTATORSHIPS.

I'm willing to bet that when you lived in the UK you were one who believed in casting a vote to remove the opposition, if they sucked, and yet here you decry this,and favour military rule. I'm also willing to bet you hated dictatorships like China, North Korea, most of the Middle East, and denounced them to your friends and colleagues criticising them and calling them disgusting and breaches of rights and blah blah blah, and yet here you are supporting one?? That is what truly amazes me.

You see, unlike you, I don't care who the Thais chose to be their PM, that's their choice to make, we farangs with whatever status just have to accept their choices, and get on with our lives. If they chose Prayuth, then fine, their choice, if they chose a Thakisn proxy fine, their choice.

Let's deal with the brainwashing, hmmm I think you on many occasions have used that term to describe anti junta posters, who most can see through their bullshit, and who most know exactly why they simply have to be in control of the country, a fact you never ever seem to acknowledge, probably out of fear.. Brainwashed ?

To be brainwashed you have to be subjected to something that alters your way of thinking, I don't watch political programs, I don't read political news papers, as right now, the flow of information is coming from one direction and source only. I get a lot of my information from chatting to various posters via other means. I read the banned stuff when outside of the country,

I don't care for the red shirts not their philosophy and how they ran the country. But my life was no different the Under the Shins, than it is now, well apart from the fact I have to register my phone and I will have all my personal emails filtered and read by the junta, and have restricted access to domains.

You seem to dismiss these attitude adjustment camps as something that is normal, no they're not. They're part of the problem, what was it you said about brainwashing again?

These camps/sessions are nothing more than tools to curb political opinions.

You crack on with your views and opinions,you're entitled to them, just like I am entitled to mine, as that's all mine are, opinions from a nobody living in a country that appears to be going nowhere and the control imposed over its people getting tighter.

I don't agree with any political faction in this country, and I don't agree with how the junta are tightening their grip on the people they claim to have their beats interests in.

As for the PM, he's a jackass, lacks people skills, lacks humility, lacks all of the things a great leader does, and if you've really been following my posts which is a bit spooky, then you will also know exactly why I don't regards Prayuth as a man of the people.

I believed in the beginning he spoke from the heart, and seemed to have a plan, now he's lost his way, he's going around like a power hungry punch drunk maniac.

I've yet to see anyone that was anti junta now do a 180, and be fully supportive of them, but I've seen plenty of TVF Pro Junta now begin to change their views about the junta, and especially Prayuth.

I admire your tenacity and unwavering views of Prayuth, I, along with many others just don't share them.

I would love nothing more than for you to be 100% correct about there being no problems at all in the North East, and that the people there accepted the junta and cast off the PTP shadow, but I think deep down you know that's just apathy and going with the flow right now.

So bottom line, either you're spot on, and the junta are lying, or you're wrong, and the junta and other posters here are correct. Only time will tell ;)

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Ginjag, you have the biggest fattest agenda of anyone who posts on this forum!

You -Fat haggis - are telling me This cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I cover all subjects on TVF unlike some of you who select posters and oppose their view--and select government near only subjects,and slag the PM off.

I have just slagged off the PM if this Submarine purchase goes ahead, and other government decisions. ALL these are overlooked, because it is not in your interest.

I do notice MOST of your posts are answering posters with nasty comments about their view PLUS any government matters that can be twisted.

Rarely do you post on subjects offering normal comments, seemingly only the ones like this topic. a topic given for you people to get your teeth into.

I gave a pretty normal view of the everyday lives and attitude of N/E people---no anger shown with most persons-----you posters here are wishing for problems to back up your rants.

I think you're a little bit confused. You addressed your reply to Fat Haggis, it was I who made the post. Maybe you think we're the same person, well although we share some ( but not all) views I assure you we are very different people!

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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

Reality here in Thailand------People have always been on the brink of hardship.

Especially when the farmers did not get paid BEFORE the problems started---FACT.

Yingluck and here PTP party --quote "unfairly muzzled and charged-----UNFAIRLY after all they did illegally. ???

The middle class are not happy because the economy is a world wide problem---didn't you know, not just a Thai problem. OMG

Freedom of expression OMG, more freedom than when Thaksin controlled the media---Comparison.

And you people have this audacity to say I have an agenda-----there is only about 10 of you on TVF that repeatedly put this view YOU have just posted---

Suppose the vast majority of old regular posters must be wrong. If I was in a minority without too much to shout about --I would be shy.

Exaggerate much? Don't bother answering, there's a lot more than 10 people who comment about restrictions on media, have you bothered looking at the threads about the single gateway? A damn sight more than 10 posters commenting on that about liberties too.

You're a funny guy......not.

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Today my village neighbour was clearly experiencing even more rising anger.

Asked about the coming troubles, he warned: "Those who question are enemies; Those who oppose will be corpses".

Do you live next door to Confucious?

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I feel there was anger against the military even before this coup. If the military would have supported the elected government and assisted them in stopping Suthep from doing so much damage the elected government the people chose would still be in power People were angry with that. People were angry with the coup in 2006 when the military removed Thaksin. Anger and violence are 2 different things. The people know if they get violent their lives only get harder they cannot beat the military.and the military will definitely do a major attitude adjustment if violence is brought in.

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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

Reality here in Thailand------People have always been on the brink of hardship.

Especially when the farmers did not get paid BEFORE the problems started---FACT.

Yingluck and here PTP party --quote "unfairly muzzled and charged-----UNFAIRLY after all they did illegally. ???

The middle class are not happy because the economy is a world wide problem---didn't you know, not just a Thai problem. OMG

Freedom of expression OMG, more freedom than when Thaksin controlled the media---Comparison.

And you people have this audacity to say I have an agenda-----there is only about 10 of you on TVF that repeatedly put this view YOU have just posted---

Suppose the vast majority of old regular posters must be wrong. If I was in a minority without too much to shout about --I would be shy.

I can see that you get highly emotional defending the junta and not really making much sense. We get it. You love the junta and hate the Shin. The good news is that there will be an election and you need to bring yourself to that reality. Just don't jump of the building if another Shin party get back into power. That looks very likely, Ginjag.

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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

Reality here in Thailand------People have always been on the brink of hardship.

Especially when the farmers did not get paid BEFORE the problems started---FACT.

Yingluck and here PTP party --quote "unfairly muzzled and charged-----UNFAIRLY after all they did illegally. ???

The middle class are not happy because the economy is a world wide problem---didn't you know, not just a Thai problem. OMG

Freedom of expression OMG, more freedom than when Thaksin controlled the media---Comparison.

And you people have this audacity to say I have an agenda-----there is only about 10 of you on TVF that repeatedly put this view YOU have just posted---

Suppose the vast majority of old regular posters must be wrong. If I was in a minority without too much to shout about --I would be shy.

I can see that you get highly emotional defending the junta and not really making much sense. We get it. You love the junta and hate the Shin. The good news is that there will be an election and you need to bring yourself to that reality. Just don't jump of the building if another Shin party get back into power. That looks very likely, Ginjag.

Hardly worth answering-------So emotional I slagged them for wanting submarines----keep up the dream of PTP I myself do not give a fig who gets in if they govern transparently ---good governance-----most people know there is more transparency now than 2 and more years ago.....I see you are hating people in power getting the rubbish to court.

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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

Reality here in Thailand------People have always been on the brink of hardship.

Especially when the farmers did not get paid BEFORE the problems started---FACT.

Yingluck and here PTP party --quote "unfairly muzzled and charged-----UNFAIRLY after all they did illegally. ???

The middle class are not happy because the economy is a world wide problem---didn't you know, not just a Thai problem. OMG

Freedom of expression OMG, more freedom than when Thaksin controlled the media---Comparison.

And you people have this audacity to say I have an agenda-----there is only about 10 of you on TVF that repeatedly put this view YOU have just posted---

Suppose the vast majority of old regular posters must be wrong. If I was in a minority without too much to shout about --I would be shy.

Exaggerate much? Don't bother answering, there's a lot more than 10 people who comment about restrictions on media, have you bothered looking at the threads about the single gateway? A damn sight more than 10 posters commenting on that about liberties too.

You're a funny guy......not.

Hey---do not twist my words----I mentioned 10 persons that overall relentlessly slag off the PM. you have singled out i topic media restrictions.

An outstanding observation --you being a non lover of the Shins but am i right have you ever stated that the government are right to prosecute Yingluck and cabinet among others---have you applauded this----I think not---so much for your hatred of Thaksin and crimes.

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TOPIC Rising anger in the North East ??? I am smothering the area UDON and honestly ---I mean honestly without a word of a lie-----what rising anger ????????? city and locals are not even mentioning any thing. Not angry mood, this topic is provided to let us all see who are the agenda people on TVF. and it shows, rallying to the reds----Ha ha ha.

Totally clueless.

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TOPIC Rising anger in the North East ??? I am smothering the area UDON and honestly ---I mean honestly without a word of a lie-----what rising anger ????????? city and locals are not even mentioning any thing. Not angry mood, this topic is provided to let us all see who are the agenda people on TVF. and it shows, rallying to the reds----Ha ha ha.

Totally clueless.

I mean, if the reds were restless, the first person to find out would obviously be a farang?

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When poor people are pushed to the brink of economic hardship with no end in sight and seeing their votes violated by yet another coup and their elected members of the government unfairly muzzled and charged, anger is only natural. Now it seem that the educated middle class are beginning to be angry too with the state of the economy, suppression and more attempts to control their freedom of expression. Will this rising anger erupt into political violence? No, I doubt it. Thais know that the military is ruthless and will never back off. History tells it all.

Most likely they will wait and see this through and manifest their anger at the next election. History will repeat with another resounding beating of the rightist parties like the Dem Party.

But I do see some cracks in the military government and time will tell if there will be a change of PM. There always discontent in the military regarding promotions and factions. The performance of PM may also be a cause of change as he losing support from the people who back him to stage the coup.

Reality here in Thailand------People have always been on the brink of hardship.

Especially when the farmers did not get paid BEFORE the problems started---FACT.

Yingluck and here PTP party --quote "unfairly muzzled and charged-----UNFAIRLY after all they did illegally. ???

The middle class are not happy because the economy is a world wide problem---didn't you know, not just a Thai problem. OMG

Freedom of expression OMG, more freedom than when Thaksin controlled the media---Comparison.

And you people have this audacity to say I have an agenda-----there is only about 10 of you on TVF that repeatedly put this view YOU have just posted---

Suppose the vast majority of old regular posters must be wrong. If I was in a minority without too much to shout about --I would be shy.

Exaggerate much? Don't bother answering, there's a lot more than 10 people who comment about restrictions on media, have you bothered looking at the threads about the single gateway? A damn sight more than 10 posters commenting on that about liberties too.

You're a funny guy......not.

Hey---do not twist my words----I mentioned 10 persons that overall relentlessly slag off the PM. you have singled out i topic media restrictions.

An outstanding observation --you being a non lover of the Shins but am i right have you ever stated that the government are right to prosecute Yingluck and cabinet among others---have you applauded this----I think not---so much for your hatred of Thaksin and crimes.

search harder!! I do believe I've stated that she should be held accountable, and is guilty of negligence for failing to do her job in the rice scam.

The Government are pushing through cases against Yingluck faster than other outstanding cases, and with much more vigour too, if I didn't believe it was because they had an agenda, I'd applaud them.

oh dear , you really are a very sad and bitter and twisted old man, to have that much hate inside of you, you really should seek some therapy.

For starters having a hate and a dislike for someone in an internet forum, in a country where it makes not a blind bit of difference about that hate, is pointless. I can't stand the man, I can't stand Suthep, I can't stand the PM, not that I'm able to do anything with my dislike for them, like you, I'm a nobody and a nothing here, what's the actual point in having so much hate?

I used to think you had merit in some of your posts early on, but now you're constantly ranting and raving, even your style of writing has changed, your punctuation has changed, it's almost like it's two different people but with similar agendas, you don't even have a vote to make a change here, but you are behaving like you do.

My opinions mean nothing here, just like your observations because you're "smothering" Udon Thani, what kind of word is that to describe what you do? What was wrong with saying " I travel extensively around Udon Thani" ? but you use I "smother" have you any idea that smothering something has a negative connotation?

strangers stop you in the streets, and talk politics to you then do they? Yeah right sure they do, and Halle Berry makes my bed for me, and brings me cocoa and marshmallows too.

I do believe that there are two people using your account, the old ginjag had much better grammar and punctuation, and was less hostile and reasonably tolerant too.

just an outstanding observation ;)

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The junta is just a transparent version no different to other so called democratic countries govs - the fact is there is always a puppet and a master, currently the master is the junta, before that the puppet was Taksin, except he was just too rich and psychotic to control so they got rid. don't kid yourselves that corporations and militia don't control the system - money and power = corporations and weapons...

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FH is attacking the poster because he can't attack the issue successfully and he's dreaming that his pet hate of the current government is in fact supported by large numbers of Thai's everywhere - heads up, there's large numbers of farang expats that have lived here for many years, have large extended Thai families, have many Thai friends and are at least on talking terms with those people to understand the direction of the barometer. If I were you I'd check and see what's really in that "cocoa" of yours!

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I cant understand all this talk of anger from a few posters here, as if they wanted the trouble to start again. I have lived in a farming village in Isaan for 10 years, i speak Thai and am relatively active in village life. I see poverty and debt and i see worry for the future but i see no anger. The farmers are used to poverty and are usually completely apathetic towards politics. They will mutter and mumble about the lousy price that they are getting from the millers or about the weather but that is it. Farmers all over the world are a patient lot. I don't see the guillotine set up any time soon.

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FH is attacking the poster because he can't attack the issue successfully and he's dreaming that his pet hate of the current government is in fact supported by large numbers of Thai's everywhere - heads up, there's large numbers of farang expats that have lived here for many years, have large extended Thai families, have many Thai friends and are at least on talking terms with those people to understand the direction of the barometer. If I were you I'd check and see what's really in that "cocoa" of yours!

The issue is that the Junta have claimed on more than one occasion there's restlessness coming from red shirt areas is it not?

So let me understand that gingjag see's and hears nothing could be further from the truth and that's believable because he "smothers" UD, and sgtsabai, and a couple of others hear a different slant, but that's not believable?

You keep on about me attacking the poster, well I've also repeatedly stated that it's ALSO the JUNTA who seem to be seeing a similar issue of discontent within the North East, but you conveniently ignore this too.

no agenda there then is there? rolleyes.gif

I also don't believe that people including farangs have a desire to see a return to violence, which has already been pointed out, and I simply do not believe that ANY farang will draw people towards him willing to start discussing their personal problems, never mind politics with complete strangers.

Edited by Fat Haggis
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