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Thai police to restore organizational image from bribing accusations


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"The Royal Thai Police will be revamping its organizational image..."

It's all about image, not content. They're not talking about actually revamping the organization, only its image. Too bad Uncle Too found that reforming the state lottery was more urgent than reforming the police.

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Bribes and fines...

Sure, let's start with the small potatoes, a bribe after all is an offer that does not originate from an officer, so it's more of a "passive crime", and fines...I assume it's something like overcharging - could happen in a restaurant.

Why don't you tackle active crimes committed by the BiB instead, such as extortion, falsifying evidence, torture, drug dealing, murder, cover up, kidnapping, threats and intimidations... I'm sure if those crime rates go down, the BiB's reputation will go up very fast. and then you can polish the rest.

...and then again, you could just muzzle the reporting of RTP's wrong-doings and achieve a similar result, which would also be in line with "bringing back happiness to Thai people" and the governments ever increasing censorship efforts.

Your choice, obviously

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While laughing at this OPgigglem.gif it seems not every distinguish TV members have read the sentence " to impose more meticulous immigration screening measures" rolleyes.gif

Yes. I too am very surprised that this quote has not been responded to. One can only speculate as to what will really happen. Could be nothing, could be more grief at the immigration office for expats. coffee1.gif

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RTP proud to give a good face to the Kingdom of Thailand? (Never thought about it)

RTP proud of a job well done? (Too much work)

RTP proud of seeking justice for victims of crime? (What do you think?)

The RTP sitting in front of a table full of cash for the Erawan bombing arrests was shameful. Not one word for the people who were killed or their families. Just big smiles and a pile of cash. Shameful. (Two colleagues of my Thai wife were killed leaving their husbands without a wife and children without a mother)

I believe these are three things the RTP needs to think about if they want a good image. It seems like every time the RTP goes in front of the international news media they are an embarrassment to the Kingdom of Thailand.

A last thought: Restructuring the police to a performance based group, better pay, and real police training from say, Japan, Korea, Taiwan or Singapore would work miracles. Forget the ribbons, the jump/aviator wings and the bells and whistles adorning the uniform.They aren't kids and they are not Army or Navy. Focus on performance.

Absolutely spot-on! But when, if ever? Ha! Ha! Haa!

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While laughing at this OPgigglem.gif it seems not every distinguish TV members have read the sentence " to impose more meticulous immigration screening measures" rolleyes.gif

Yes. I too am very surprised that this quote has not been responded to. One can only speculate as to what will really happen. Could be nothing, could be more grief at the immigration office for expats. coffee1.gif

I think it may have started already. There were reports from yesterday i think of additional forms being handed out at CM airport for 'male only' passengers to fill in, replicating information already recorded.

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The whole corruption machine is just waiting to get back into gear when the RED Shirts are elected again by the Issan people.

Also, Thaksin 'Square Head' will be allowed back and given a Free Pardon!

All the work of the good General/PM will be lost.

An Election ( regardless of so called democracy ) is the worst thing that can happen,

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The whole corruption machine is just waiting to get back into gear when the RED Shirts are elected again by the Issan people.

Also, Thaksin 'Square Head' will be allowed back and given a Free Pardon!

All the work of the good General/PM will be lost.

An Election ( regardless of so called democracy ) is the worst thing that can happen,

Yep, he cleaned the beaches.... not to mention drove down the price of lottery tickets.... oh no.. thats WIP.

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The whole corruption machine is just waiting to get back into gear when the RED Shirts are elected again by the Issan people.

Also, Thaksin 'Square Head' will be allowed back and given a Free Pardon!

All the work of the good General/PM will be lost.

An Election ( regardless of so called democracy ) is the worst thing that can happen,

Oh John (EnglishJohn), do you have to post your drivel under two different names now?

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The Royal Thai Police will be revamping its organizational image to clear accusations of bribes and fines, the police chief says.

Totally clueless ... He is unaware that he is now topdog for the biggest crime syndicate in Thailand and it will just continue with their crimes against the thai people ... bah.gif

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The whole corruption machine is just waiting to get back into gear when the RED Shirts are elected again by the Issan people.

Also, Thaksin 'Square Head' will be allowed back and given a Free Pardon!

All the work of the good General/PM will be lost.

An Election ( regardless of so called democracy ) is the worst thing that can happen,

Do you really think that corruption has stopped in Thailand since the coup?

Do you really think Thaksin would be given a pardon if the Reds were in power when his own sister as PM couldn't do it?

Do you really think that everything the General has done is good?

Do you really think that the people of Thailand should not be allowed to choose their own government? Do you think they're too stupid to do it in their own best interest?

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'... the Royal Thai Police will re-establish its organizational image restoration committee ...' Quite a mouthful for yet another bureaucratic quango. Perhaps he should omit the last syllable of the first word, and all of the rest ... and simply start afresh by, for example, restoring some order, along with the law, in areas such as traffic management.

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Having read most of the advice to clean it up, and knowing a big majority of the problem's the same as it used to be in other countries when police were near the bottom of the scale, it's surprising there hasn't been a plausible suggestion.

They could probably clean it up by paying them on par with police in countries that had the same problems years ago, (where most of the complainants are coming from), funded by donations levied by police every time they stop a foreigner, but they have to give them a recorded number ticket for it so they have to be honest. The copies in the ticket book have to be handed in when finished and if any are missing in the numerical sequence, without a good explanation the officer's looking for a new job.

It's been awhile but I think it was called a provincial offences summons where I'm from that covered just about everything. Of course there's always a few incidents from coppers that get around it, but not so much "police" corruption and it's more quality most want. Right?

Then of course in most countries there's the point system that's good for insurance and keeping bad drivers off the road.There's also a carding system for suspicious people in some countries that officers are semi-obliged to be putting in, so they have a better idea of who's who and might be up to that sometimes tends to help in chaotic situations.

Personally the occasional tea money for doing something even semi-wrong doesn't seem as annoying, but then I'm not getting shaken down for running a business and probably breaking a few other provincial offence laws back home and probably here now too, if any of the staff knew.

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