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she is a bar girl, admit it and cover your ass you idiot.

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i have a bargirl who is a bit older. we had a son and after a DNA test i agreed to support her

Wow, You sound like a great catch

If a whore told you she was pregnant by you, would you not also insist on it?

Or would you become the type that the OP talks about...?

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I dont claim to be an expert on bargirls but i must say the DNA thing intrigues me.

Id assume most are not known for their mild temper and patience, so im astounded she didnt throw you off the building when you asked for a DNA test.

For a Thai lassie thats showing some huge restraint right there.

Congrats, you most certainly have found a keeper OP!!

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I dont claim to be an expert on bargirls but i must say the DNA thing intrigues me.

Id assume most are not known for their mild temper and patience, so im astounded she didnt throw you off the building when you asked for a DNA test.

For a Thai lassie thats showing some huge restraint right there.

Congrats, you most certainly have found a keeper OP!!

They not always lie.

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

sure the guys are stupid to let themselves get taken for a ride, but IMO the girls should be the first to be blamed, because they are the criminals, not the gullible guys.

it reminds me of my late Samsung Galaxy S4, I answered a call while stopped at a red light and then put it into the motorcycle, just under the handlebar. When I went into a shop for just 5 minutes before I remembered about the phone it had been stolen already.

Sure I have been stupid, but it took a criminal to steal it.

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

sure the guys are stupid to let themselves get taken for a ride, but IMO the girls should be the first to be blamed, because they are the criminals, not the gullible guys.

it reminds me of my late Samsung Galaxy S4, I answered a call while stopped at a red light and then put it into the motorcycle, just under the handlebar. When I went into a shop for just 5 minutes before I remembered about the phone it had been stolen already.

Sure I have been stupid, but it took a criminal to steal it.

Calling them criminal is a bit rich isnt it?

It is the punters who make the sterling decision to buy houses they can never own..

and thats what it is in the end..a punt..and it seems they never learn, as many took the punt back home and lost out bad

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

sure the guys are stupid to let themselves get taken for a ride, but IMO the girls should be the first to be blamed, because they are the criminals, not the gullible guys.

it reminds me of my late Samsung Galaxy S4, I answered a call while stopped at a red light and then put it into the motorcycle, just under the handlebar. When I went into a shop for just 5 minutes before I remembered about the phone it had been stolen already.

Sure I have been stupid, but it took a criminal to steal it.

Calling them criminal is a bit rich isnt it?

It is the punters who make the sterling decision to buy houses they can never own..

and thats what it is in the end..a punt..and it seems they never learn, as many took the punt back home and lost out bad

You do not seem to know the difference between stupidity and evil(crime)....join the club of the likeminded.

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

"if it has all been said before why is no one listening"

Purely and simply supply and demand,with the hundreds of thousands of newbies flooding into Thailand every year there is no way everybody on TV and all the other Forums working 24 hours a day could possibly come anywhere near wising up all the suckers! there is literaly an endless supply! of mugs who can't wait to throw some money around!!!!

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In the west, you meet a girl in a bar, you date her for 3 months, then she has sex with you, you get married, you buy a house, you have children, hardly any sex, then she divorces you and takes everything including your pension, and you get to pay her child support for the next 15 years.

In Thailand, you meet a girl in a bar, she has sex with you that night, you get married, you buy her a house, you have children, you have lots of sex, then she divorces you and takes everything except the children and your pension.

Thai way is better!

Much more sex, any you get to keep your children and your pension.

Alternatively you dont meet a girl in a bar you do have great sex you do get married you dont have any kids and have an anniversary in 3 days of 9 years for which your Wife drives 250km to spend it with you out of her busy schedule oh and buys you a Honda cbr 650f out of her own money as well as business class flights back to the Uk whenever you like..tongue.png

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

sure the guys are stupid to let themselves get taken for a ride, but IMO the girls should be the first to be blamed, because they are the criminals, not the gullible guys.

it reminds me of my late Samsung Galaxy S4, I answered a call while stopped at a red light and then put it into the motorcycle, just under the handlebar. When I went into a shop for just 5 minutes before I remembered about the phone it had been stolen already.

Sure I have been stupid, but it took a criminal to steal it.

Bit of a circular argument. If you weren't stupid the phone wouldn't have been stolen. Much like bargirls they aren't criminals at all they are opportunists. The only people who get fleeced in Thailand are people who allow themselves too. Like 70 year old men who think 23 year old girls love them. The girls will take whatever you give them and if you keep giving beyond your means to sustain your delusional fantasy then more fool you. Much like you and your phone.

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Would you trust a hooker with a large amount of cash in your own country, In thailand the same rule should apply , with extra caution as most Thais are brainwashed, into supporting their lazy families.and think face is more important than cash, as i say to My GF when i can take face to bic and exchange it for goods i will worry about it,

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.
Love your post, bro. This message cannot be spread enough around here. But I disagree with your statement that what these girls do to men qualifies as a job. I wouldn't even say all of em set out to take guys, or would necessarily admit it to themselves. But then again, how many of us tell ourselves "I'm gonna make this girl think I love her just so I can get in her pants"?

Yes, this message to be spread far and wide.

Well actually, I think it has but nevertheless guys just don't get it.

I think they never really made it with the ladies before and lack the real street smarts to avoid having their balls squeezed and backsides pulverized here. Guys who have no savvy outside of their own countries think they've struck gold here and never get the play.....the fact they are being "played" until it's all too late and that's when a frightening amount head to the top floor balcony.

One of the things the women do is exploit these guys' willingness to abide by an unknown culture. The johns tell themselves that Thai culture is different and the equivalent of the connection one usually forms with a woman back home is spending money on em and taking care. Meanwhile the girl has a Thai bf in the shadows or a fling with a foreigner closer to her age.

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The usual benchmark for any normal person, using logic in their thought process would be "If something looks and sounds too good to be true, then it normally isn't".

However, put the same normal person in a scenario they aren't used to, then the logical process is knocked off true, with suggestion taking over from logic. This is what i have observed since i have been here.

A person leaves a pretty mundane life in their home country, leaves behind an ugly separation, whatever the reason, and seeks a holiday in an exotic country. When they arrive and have settled, they are exposed to attention by the opposite (or same?) sex that they have never experienced before and truly believe they are special. Next step in the process is that they want to be part of this new culture that they have found, and are willing to do whatever is suggested, by whoever, to keep this feeling of being special.

Sound too far-fetched? Probably for most of the posters on this thread, as they are seasoned/hardened to the facts. But how many first timers has this happened to? How many inexperienced travelers? How many visitors that arrive where being street-wise is not a normal requirement?

Probably more than you would imagine.....................wink.png As a further observation, i have seen more educated people exposed to the 'rip-off' than those of working class with a bit of the street smarts.

IMO, the OP is directing his advice towards this group of people and not towards the group that are replying to this thread.

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I am not into sex. Occasional hand-holding is sufficient.

BUT, if there is not a good head on my beer, she is fired on the spot.

BTW, bar girls pour beers? That's it?

Of course, it keeps the art of serving beer a lot more hygienic.

Gawd forbid they do anything else...........................blink.png

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Is there anyone on this planet that does not know the risk of marrying a hook? I think not. What we have here are people that never learned to "Base Jump", but love that same kind of thrill of defeating the odds.

What is there to learn?

Managing the risk; that's jumping within your capabilities, in favorable conditions, a solid exit, a sound head, and a clean pack job (particularly for slider down/off jumps).

Know your object and landing area intimately, hazards, and have an alternative should you have an off heading.

Stay current and you'll have a safe jump.

If you cross the line, your risk then increases exponentially.

You alone are responsible for your safety and you alone have control.

Being partnered with a bg, increases your risk and forfeits control.

Nevertheless, with low alt jumps and relationships one must always exercise caution. If you you let emotion affect sound judgment and composure, you know what can happen.

Yes, nothing wrong with a bg if she pours a beer with good head, and makes for interesting conversation, but I personally haven't taken it further than that. I wouldn't want to take on the risk.

Edited by JoopJoop
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this has really gone off topic. was supposed to be about my observations on western ment not taking precautions financially when dating in thailand.

Jeez dude, you have the audacity to comment on observations of guys with bg's and you have one yourself.....just incredible.

You also bought condos in a saturated market.

Enjoy sending your kid to a school full of kids delivered by former bg's?

Honestly man, you're right out there.

I have said it before and I will say it again I like bar girls. they are part of the spice of Thailand. I am starting to wonder if I have not made myself clear in my original post. I have tried with western woman and did not like it at all. at least you know where you stand with a bargirl as long as you can admit that's what she is and take the necessary precautions.

yes again I made a mistake buying condos and would recommend people not make the same mistake as I did. it seems that no one should ever admit making a mistake on this forum as everyone likes to keep bringing it up again and again. in fact that if fine, the more something is bought hopefully the less other people are likely to repeat that mistake. I can see now why few people talk about their mistakes on this forum. maybe a lot of my content has been covered before but it bears covering again if it can help guys having ther lives ruined.

I wish you could see my kids school. lots of hot mums dropping their beautiful healthy mixed race kids off at school. many of the mums a heavily tattooed and fit the bar girl mold but they are clearly great mums with clean well presented children. I feel a great sense of pride dropping my kidd of at his school, and suppose I am lucky I can afford to send him there.

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

sure the guys are stupid to let themselves get taken for a ride, but IMO the girls should be the first to be blamed, because they are the criminals, not the gullible guys.

it reminds me of my late Samsung Galaxy S4, I answered a call while stopped at a red light and then put it into the motorcycle, just under the handlebar. When I went into a shop for just 5 minutes before I remembered about the phone it had been stolen already.

Sure I have been stupid, but it took a criminal to steal it.

Bit of a circular argument. If you weren't stupid the phone wouldn't have been stolen. Much like bargirls they aren't criminals at all they are opportunists. The only people who get fleeced in Thailand are people who allow themselves too. Like 70 year old men who think 23 year old girls love them. The girls will take whatever you give them and if you keep giving beyond your means to sustain your delusional fantasy then more fool you. Much like you and your phone.

my sense of ethics tells me criminal behavior has always to be blamed first over non-criminal bahavior.

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

Love your post, bro. This message cannot be spread enough around here. But I disagree with your statement that what these girls do to men qualifies as a job. I wouldn't even say all of em set out to take guys, or would necessarily admit it to themselves. But then again, how many of us tell ourselves "I'm gonna make this girl think I love her just so I can get in her pants"?

thanks for the positive words. I was hoping to have some positive discussion on this topic but it has not really worked out that well. I agree some girls don't set out to rip their westerners off but he lies the problem many do, or end up wanting to when things go sour. my point is your better assuming that they are after your family jewels and keep them safe. another great thing in Thailand is the girls can take half your assets unless you legally register a marriage. awesome, you can live together for years and still keep your own stuff which gets back to my original post. I would like to take my kids back to new Zealand but am worried my kids mum will take me for my assets. I am trying to work something with a lawyer but it seems even putiing my properties in a trust may not work.

seems to be a lot of anger on this forum. I am just sharing my observations, maybe in the hope it may help some people. I wonder if people are getting angry because they have been through the meat grinder making these mistakes which in hind sight were pretty obvious. some of my friends have lost houses but they still swear their exes were not bar girls. I don't see what difference it makes what job she did, they got conned out of house, so maybe they are not a bargirl, maybe they were a conman/woman. I like bargirls a lot more than conmen.

I don't really get why people think I am on here lying about what I have seen or done. why would I lie to a bunch of people I don't know or will never meet. I don't get this whole troll thing either.

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i have a bargirl who is a bit older. we had a son and after a DNA test i agreed to support her

Wow, You sound like a great catch

I am not going to say she is different but she is an extremely devoted mum and raises my 2 kids for a very fair salary. I would very like much like for you to meet her. are you in pattaya?

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