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Singer Julio Iglesias calls Donald Trump 'a clown'


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Singer Julio Iglesias calls Donald Trump 'a clown'

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Julio Iglesias has jumped into the U.S. political debate, calling Donald Trump "a clown" over the Republican presidential candidate's derogatory comments about Mexican migrants.

The singer says he will no longer perform in casinos owned by the real estate tycoon. He says Trump is forgetting what immigrants have done for the United States.

In an interview with the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, Iglesias says of Trump: "He's a clown. I have sung many times in his casinos, but I will no longer do it."

Iglesias is in Mexico for a couple of concerts before he begins a tour of Asia.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-08

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I'm very relived this morning to read that finally, the most important person in the world, an aging

singer, has declared Trump to be a clown and that he will no longer sings in his Casinos,

Thank you Mr Inglesias, what would we have done with your bombastic proclamations, I'm sure

that Trump is devastated and beside himself by now to be hearing saying all that....

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I don't get people like this singer. How can you ignore this clown who is worth over 4 billion with a B. As animated as he is and at times outrageous with some comments The bankers and cities around the world respect his successes.

As for Obama or the likes of Clinton or even worse the VP I half to say I will bet on Trump.

He knows how to win in business and business is by anyone's definition politics as well if you want to be successful. We cannot do any worse than Obama and his foreign policy which is not excistant .

Case in Point ISIS What has he done NOTHING The Russians in Syria what has he done. Nothing. Is Clinton going to do more NO is the VP going to do more NO.

Security and Immigration are the 2 most important election issues. Think about that before you vote

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I don't get people like this singer. How can you ignore this clown who is worth over 4 billion with a B. As animated as he is and at times outrageous with some comments The bankers and cities around the world respect his successes.

As for Obama or the likes of Clinton or even worse the VP I half to say I will bet on Trump.

He knows how to win in business and business is by anyone's definition politics as well if you want to be successful. We cannot do any worse than Obama and his foreign policy which is not excistant .

Case in Point ISIS What has he done NOTHING The Russians in Syria what has he done. Nothing. Is Clinton going to do more NO is the VP going to do more NO.

Security and Immigration are the 2 most important election issues. Think about that before you vote

Yes, those are the 2 issues which have been manipulated into being the linchpin of the next election. Highly divisive issues that divert attention away from actual problems are the politicians bread and butter. Security from what by the way? Terror attacks on home soil? More people are killed yearly in toothbrushing accidents. Or security in the untenable multi-fronted war on terror? Its been a good 15 years for arms producers and their lobbyists.

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Julio who? Trump didn't say anything about the legitimate emigrating Mexicans....only about the illegal, murdering, robbing, kidnaping, drug smuggling, raping thugs who enter the U.S.A.

Get them out and don't let them in!

I think I would support that.


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I never care what entertainers think about issues. Just because they are famous does not mean they are knowledgeable or wise, and usually the exact opposite.

But Donald Trump IS a clown....

With big floppy shoes and a clown wig, comb over...

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I don't get people like this singer. How can you ignore this clown who is worth over 4 billion with a B. As animated as he is and at times outrageous with some comments The bankers and cities around the world respect his successes.

As for Obama or the likes of Clinton or even worse the VP I half to say I will bet on Trump.

He knows how to win in business and business is by anyone's definition politics as well if you want to be successful. We cannot do any worse than Obama and his foreign policy which is not excistant .

Case in Point ISIS What has he done NOTHING The Russians in Syria what has he done. Nothing. Is Clinton going to do more NO is the VP going to do more NO.

Security and Immigration are the 2 most important election issues. Think about that before you vote

Born with a silver spoon up his backside, the trump has relied heavily on government assistance to build his real estate empire. Total hypocrite, railing against "big government", when it was corporate welfare from big government that got him where he is today, driving the packed full GOP clown car.

The crumbling and neglected infrastructure, Wall St control of the White House and Congress, voting rights, the economy, the ever increasing disparity between the super rich and the middle class's income levels, corporate control of elections, the exportation of jobs overseas, the absurd 11 trillion dollars in student debt, the missing 17 trillion dollars at the pentagon, equal rights for women, freedom for women to make their own health choices, an intelligent immigration policy, cleaning up our filthy environment, are much more important issues for Americans than Russia's involvement in the Middle East. For me, Russia is doing america a huge favor getting involved there. It's a nightmare in the Middle East, and America's involvement has made it much much worse. Let the Russians deal with those crazies!

Not a big fan of Iglesias, but he sure hit the nail on the head re: the trump! "Vote for me I'm rich" didn't fare well for The Mitt, it will be less so for The Trump.

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What a relief if this jerk finally will stop singing ( forever ) !

? This guy has probably sold more albums than anyone else on the planet. Not a jerk. Some media took a comment he made and made a big thing out of it. I don't think he was claiming much by the comment.

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I don't get people like this singer. How can you ignore this clown who is worth over 4 billion with a B. As animated as he is and at times outrageous with some comments The bankers and cities around the world respect his successes.

As for Obama or the likes of Clinton or even worse the VP I half to say I will bet on Trump.

He knows how to win in business and business is by anyone's definition politics as well if you want to be successful. We cannot do any worse than Obama and his foreign policy which is not excistant .

Case in Point ISIS What has he done NOTHING The Russians in Syria what has he done. Nothing. Is Clinton going to do more NO is the VP going to do more NO.

Security and Immigration are the 2 most important election issues. Think about that before you vote

Born with a silver spoon up his backside, the trump has relied heavily on government assistance to build his real estate empire. Total hypocrite, railing against "big government", when it was corporate welfare from big government that got him where he is today, driving the packed full GOP clown car.

The crumbling and neglected infrastructure, Wall St control of the White House and Congress, voting rights, the economy, the ever increasing disparity between the super rich and the middle class's income levels, corporate control of elections, the exportation of jobs overseas, the absurd 11 trillion dollars in student debt, the missing 17 trillion dollars at the pentagon, equal rights for women, freedom for women to make their own health choices, an intelligent immigration policy, cleaning up our filthy environment, are much more important issues for Americans than Russia's involvement in the Middle East. For me, Russia is doing america a huge favor getting involved there. It's a nightmare in the Middle East, and America's involvement has made it much much worse. Let the Russians deal with those crazies!

Not a big fan of Iglesias, but he sure hit the nail on the head re: the trump! "Vote for me I'm rich" didn't fare well for The Mitt, it will be less so for The Trump.

Very well said.

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What a relief if this jerk finally will stop singing ( forever ) !

? This guy has probably sold more albums than anyone else on the planet. Not a jerk. Some media took a comment he made and made a big thing out of it. I don't think he was claiming much by the comment.

Good point! Celebrities have as much right to an opinion as anyone else. What the media do with it is the media's fault, not the celebs.

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I'm very relived this morning to read that finally, the most important person in the world, an aging

singer, has declared Trump to be a clown and that he will no longer sings in his Casinos,

Thank you Mr Inglesias, what would we have done with your bombastic proclamations, I'm sure

that Trump is devastated and beside himself by now to be hearing saying all that....

He has a right to voice his opinion, as do you. The only difference is his is deemed important enough to be called news by some people, yours is on a forum where nobody but a few members will see it.

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It'd be awful to have someone in office who manages huge businesses, knows how to hire good people, and would owe no money

From campaign donations,

If you think the illegals have been good for America, move to California, where expenses for education, healthcare,

And other freebies have brought it to its knees financially.

Let's ellect another man who has never even managed an office, who has spent his life in academia, writing books. That'll work.

Look at the old pictures of past presidents. America used to vote for the smartest and best, not the cutest.

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It'd be awful to have someone in office who manages huge businesses, knows how to hire good people, and would owe no money

From campaign donations,

If you think the illegals have been good for America, move to California, where expenses for education, healthcare,

And other freebies have brought it to its knees financially.

Let's ellect another man who has never even managed an office, who has spent his life in academia, writing books. That'll work.

Look at the old pictures of past presidents. America used to vote for the smartest and best, not the cutest.

Seriously? That's one of your 'smartest & best' ?? My heartfelt condolences!


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It'd be awful to have someone in office who manages huge businesses, knows how to hire good people, and would owe no money

From campaign donations,

If you think the illegals have been good for America, move to California, where expenses for education, healthcare,

And other freebies have brought it to its knees financially.

Let's ellect another man who has never even managed an office, who has spent his life in academia, writing books. That'll work.

Look at the old pictures of past presidents. America used to vote for the smartest and best, not the cutest.

I am from California. Decline in personal taxable income, and corporate taxable income are down by 15 billion dollars per year. Personal income is lower to a very large degree because companies, though showing record profits, downsize by exporting the jobs overseas after laying off full time workers, hiring pt timers, and the laid off workers take any job they can to make ends meet. Corporate taxable income is down because so many companies, like apple, have loopholes now to hide trillions in taxable income offshore. California is still reeling from the incredible mismanagement of its energy resources by Grey Davis and incompetent pols of both houses, as well as the Enron scam. California is in a very very serious water crisis, yet they are spending 27 times more on a high speed rail system. California has a massive pension debt, trillions, because of the poorest of management of the pensions. Blaming that states probs on immigrants is absurd. The positive economic impact they have on the state is massive, but you only hear about the much much smaller financial negative impact, from the


Edited by thaimat
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