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Rupert Murdoch suggests Obama isn't 'real black president'


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Rupert Murdoch suggests Obama isn't 'real black president'

WASHINGTON (AP) — The founder of the global News Corp. media empire, Rupert Murdoch, is suggesting that President Barack Obama isn't a "real black president."

Murdoch was praising Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson and his wife on Twitter Wednesday evening when he wrote: "Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide?"

Later, Murdoch recommended a New York magazine article asking whether Obama has done enough for the African-American community.

Murdoch is the founder of Fox News Channel, and News Corp's publications include The New York Post and The Wall Street Journal.

The 84-year-old Murdoch has praised Carson on Twitter before, calling him "irreproachable on background, achievements, character, vision."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-08

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he is totally correct what ever some people on TV think..like many who dispute who his real father was and dont even know of the lineage to the Q of England (the Link is from the lineage of Pres LIncoln believe it or not) .

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He is biracial and in the racial classification culture of the USA that basically means he's black. It would mean something different in South Africa and different yet again in the Dominican Republic.

I think it's OK to talk about stuff like this. Someday the USA will have a black president who didn't have a white parent ... and when that happens it will be acknowledged and nothing wrong with that. Sure hope it isn't the creepy right winger Ben Carson though! crazy.gif

Anyway, within the racial classification culture of the USA (each country has a different one) it is entirely accurate to see Obama as the first African-American president.

Interestingly though, suppose Obama with the same parents was born light skinned enough to be "white" and married a white lady and had white kids and identified publicly as white. Then he wouldn't be black. Oh well!

Edited by Jingthing
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He is biracial and in the racial classification culture of the USA that basically means he's black. It would mean something different in South Africa and different yet again in the Dominican Republic.

I think it's OK to talk about stuff like this. Someday the USA will have a black president who didn't have a white parent ... and when that happens it will be acknowledged and nothing wrong with that. Sure hope it isn't the creepy right winger Ben Carson though! crazy.gif

Anyway, within the racial classification culture of the USA (each country has a different one) it is entirely accurate to see Obama as the first African-American president.

Interestingly though, suppose Obama with the same parents was born light skinned enough to be "white" and married a white lady and had white kids and identified publicly as white. Then he wouldn't be black. Oh well!

"Then he wouldn't be black."

He also wouldn't be President.thumbsup.gif

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He is biracial and in the racial classification culture of the USA that basically means he's black. It would mean something different in South Africa and different yet again in the Dominican Republic.

I think it's OK to talk about stuff like this. Someday the USA will have a black president who didn't have a white parent ... and when that happens it will be acknowledged and nothing wrong with that. Sure hope it isn't the creepy right winger Ben Carson though! crazy.gif

Anyway, within the racial classification culture of the USA (each country has a different one) it is entirely accurate to see Obama as the first African-American president.

Interestingly though, suppose Obama with the same parents was born light skinned enough to be "white" and married a white lady and had white kids and identified publicly as white. Then he wouldn't be black. Oh well!

"Then he wouldn't be black."

He also wouldn't be President.thumbsup.gif

I totally agree with that, but so what? It's not that I think he is an affirmative action president but that his African American identity has been very important to him with his democratic party base.

If he had been white, same parents, he wouldn't have followed the same path in life at all. There is no way he would have become a community organizer in Chicago black communities and been politicized in the way that he was that inspired him to enter politics. I doubt he would have been a politician at all.

Also of course if he had been arrested as a black youth during his drug use days, he would likely have ended up with a long prison sentence, and probably dead by now. Again, so what? That's not what happened. Instead what happened happened and changed history.

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He is biracial and in the racial classification culture of the USA that basically means he's black. It would mean something different in South Africa and different yet again in the Dominican Republic.

I think it's OK to talk about stuff like this. Someday the USA will have a black president who didn't have a white parent ... and when that happens it will be acknowledged and nothing wrong with that. Sure hope it isn't the creepy right winger Ben Carson though! crazy.gif

Anyway, within the racial classification culture of the USA (each country has a different one) it is entirely accurate to see Obama as the first African-American president.

Interestingly though, suppose Obama with the same parents was born light skinned enough to be "white" and married a white lady and had white kids and identified publicly as white. Then he wouldn't be black. Oh well!

Interesting how half-white/half-black people are always referred to as being a black person ... never a white person. While there are exceptions, I think it says a lot about the black population when they accept such a person as one of them and a lot about the white population who would never consider that person one of them.

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The King of Wingnuttia has spoken.

This pearl of wisdom was spewed while praising Dr. Ben Carson. Dr. Ben in-turn regurgitated, "Dead bodies are preferable to gun control."

Everyday another gem from these lemmings. clap2.gif

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An appalling man has become an appalling old man.

He should be treated with contempt.

Please don't talk about Obama like that.

Doesn't bother me. If a politician didn't have haters he would be a human bowl of mush. Goes with the territory.

The better and more effective the politician the more he's hated by the opposition.

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Reading Murdock's tripe prominently in the news today is like reading crackpot posts to almost any public discussion board in the English speaking world and in the USA especially. It is only because of Murdoch's wealth and power that his lunar views get headline treatment in media of all sort. The million little Murdochs of ordinary means simply make their internet posts.

In this instance it's about the rare earth views of Dr. Carson who is on a political and cultural journey where no sane man has gone before.

Edited by Publicus
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Seems unethical for the owner of multiple news media outlets to be making political statements such as this. But, alas, his minions were rightfully convicted of hacking voice-mail recorders of celebrities. Murdoch continues to demonstrate he has no clue about journalistic ethics and that he should be divested of any ownership of news media outlets.

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Any who assert a black man born of black parents who became president but was republican was in fact black, is lying. And herein is the truth- blackness in American politics is hardly a condition of race, its a position on politics. It is common for blacks to belittle, condemn, indict, or disown other black people in America if they do not believe in the same tired, worn big government programs/politics of the black political class. Whether it is Carson or Thomas or a host of countless others, the prerogative to label and ridicule others, black and white, belong solely to the liberal left- and they ensure only they get away with it. Numerous people have said such things about Obama in the past to more or less contrived outrage, but when it is on the left they get a pass. Murdoch will not be so lucky even though the facts remain, Obama has done more to injure black America since any post slavery president.

Murdoch or another saying something like this is equally as ignorant as the black people who indict other black people for their "race-ness" then scream "color blind racial equality..." mantras day after day- they foment the most that which they oppose- racial identity; but other blacks get a pass. This modern American caricature of racism and polarizing politics that the left practices does such profound injustice to the numerous people around the world who are actually persecuted because of race or faith. By Murdoch's statement he gives credibility to identity politics. How unfortunate. America is effectively becoming Balkanized. Had Murdoch been commenting on this he could have given Obama a passing grade.

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Seems unethical for the owner of multiple news media outlets to be making political statements such as this. But, alas, his minions were rightfully convicted of hacking voice-mail recorders of celebrities. Murdoch continues to demonstrate he has no clue about journalistic ethics and that he should be divested of any ownership of news media outlets.

It seems the rambling of a dotting old fool (Murdoch) to be saying stupid things such as this. Regarding ethics, however, the liberal left has had a stranglehold on media editorial boards for generations. One example alone, the Washington Post, is effectively a branch of the Democratic party. Murdoch, indeed, conservative media people are hardly the problem. Murdoch is a one off, the mainstream media in the US, by omission and commission, express racial identity politics constantly.

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No respect for Murdoch but I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing the intersection of race and politics, in the U.S. or anywhere.

I think it's obvious that African Americans are worse off under Obama. That's not all his fault. His election provoked a backlash from right wing racists, so it's complicated. So he certainly isn't the president of the African Americans. He is the USA president in general.

Looking towards the future, we can now tell a black American kid, yes you too can be president someday, without lying to him (though the odds are less than being struck by lightening and winning a big lottery at the same moment), and for that kid a black president may be all he's ever known. I don't think we can honestly tell a Muslim kid that though ... oh well!

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An appalling man has become an appalling old man.

He should be treated with contempt.

I treat posts like this with contempt.

Why post, if you don't explain your opinion?

You just posted without an opinion - just a pathetic free shot.

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