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Rupert Murdoch suggests Obama isn't 'real black president'


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Murdoch is an excuse for an ex Aussie. He used to be a fair publisher in Australia. He built up a nest egg, bought papers in US and Britain. When he became a US citizen, he seemed to become an early senile with idiot opinions. After overseeing the hacking of phones, causing deaths in Britain, he went a little quiet. That is all water under the bridge now. So now he is back in full form, catering to all colours of rednecks. A disgrace to humanity. One way to stop this meglamaniac and his interfering news brigade - don't buy his product.

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Black Americans consistently vote 90% for the Democratic party candidate probably 98.9% of the time.

Dr. Carson is outside of the black politico-cultural mainstream, that is all.

So is Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court and the dred black Republican Senator Scott from South Carolina, among some other black conservatives and other black rightwingnut crackpots. In the United States being a rightwing crackpot is an equal opportunity experience, preference, pursuit.

That's all.

No one is denying Dr. Carson his extra-terrestrial political views.

Trump and Carson have same or similar political views, it's just that Carson doesn't shout or strut. Trump comes from a different place and experience.

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No respect for Murdoch but I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing the intersection of race and politics, in the U.S. or anywhere.

I think it's obvious that African Americans are worse off under Obama. That's not all his fault. His election provoked a backlash from right wing racists, so it's complicated. So he certainly isn't the president of the African Americans. He is the USA president in general.

Looking towards the future, we can now tell a black American kid, yes you too can be president someday, without lying to him, and for that kid a black president may be all he's ever known. I don't think we can honestly tell a Muslim kid that though ... oh well!

American blacks certainly believed he was going to rule as a black man when he got elected, not as a president for all.

Even the Kenyans were all excited at the prospect of him favouring them because of his skin colour.

BTW the cities with bad conditions for blacks eg Baltimore are run by Democratic black councils with black police chiefs , black DAs etc.

Chicago's mayor is white, but the city is run by Democrats, and young black men slaughter each other with impunity there.

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An appalling man has become an appalling old man.

He should be treated with contempt.

I treat posts like this with contempt.

Why post, if you don't explain your opinion?

You just posted without an opinion - just a pathetic free shot.

I DID voice an opinion.

My opinion is that people should add something to a discussion when they post.

If you think that is pathetic, please explain why.

That's the second case in which I ask you to explain...

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Murdoch is an excuse for an ex Aussie. He used to be a fair publisher in Australia. He built up a nest egg, bought papers in US and Britain. When he became a US citizen, he seemed to become an early senile with idiot opinions. After overseeing the hacking of phones, causing deaths in Britain, he went a little quiet. That is all water under the bridge now. So now he is back in full form, catering to all colours of rednecks. A disgrace to humanity. One way to stop this meglamaniac and his interfering news brigade - don't buy his product.

This is a step in a new direction of US bashing.

Blaming the US for the condition of a born and bread Aussie, Rupert Murdoch.

Next thing you know we will be blamed for Mel Gibson and Russell Crowe.cheesy.gif

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It's what can happen when people around the world watch the Republican party clamor after the presidency for four or five consecutive months with much more to come between now and the election next year.

Theze Republicans running for president are absolute wack jobs, losers, numbnuts.

It's like every rightwing crackpot in the USA has shut off the pc to run out to a Trump rally, then send money right afterward to the Carson for prez campaign, rush back home to watch it all on Faux. After that back to lunar orbit postings again on the Internet.

The election can't come soon enough so the world can see that the normal ordinary American political center-middle has already rejected these self-absorbed fringe lunatic fanatics.

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"irreproachable on background, achievements, character, vision." That's what Barack Obama is. The best President we have had for a long time. Not a real black President? That could be very true, in South African terms. Barack Obama never wanted to be a "black President". He has always wanted to be the President of all Americans regardless of color and has succeeded admirably in this. Think about it a little and you will find that a properly elected U.S. President can never be a "black President".

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FYI ~ Barack Obama is just the first visibly black, of five previous black U.S.Presidents. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WWII-Europe, was really a mulatto from a (fair-skinned) black mother, and German_American father.

That fact was one of America's best kept secrets, until the truth was exposed in 1965. I wonder what planet most of you pin-heads have been living on, for the past 50-years, huh? Those facts are common knowledge, anymore.coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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I believe that Obama has proven that he is real, he is black, and possibly a Muslim sympathiser....

There are many more adjectives one could use to describe this President...none of which are complimentary...

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The racial far right finds only good things to say about the soft spoken and polite rightwingnut fringe extremist Carson who could in typically modest and mild terms tell many voters to go to hell and leave them looking forward to the trip.

Dr. Carson is very new in politics so the vast majority of the electorate have no idea that this gentle sounding humble physician is a political moon shot wack job.

Edited by Publicus
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Rupert Murdock needs to put himself silently "out-to-pasture"!

The more money they have the less quietly they go off into the good night. I am sure his casket will have a large hole in the side so he can grab a few bucks on his way out. If anyone can figure how to take it with him Rupert can.

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chuckd said. Rupert Murdoch is a "born and bread Aussie". So I started to laugh. Then he said Aussies could blame US for Mel Gibson and Russell Crowe. Mel Gibson IS American, his parents are American. What Aussie is ever called Melvin. Russell Crowe is a New Zealander. Took me a while to respond, fell off my chair from laughter.

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Well he certainly has very little in common with 99% of blacks, he's played on the same left-wing strategy of buying votes with handouts, like the Obamaphones. I really don't understand this whole strategy of the left to buy votes with handouts and deride conservatives who oppose this as "bigots". Makes no sense to me but if one's goal was to actually destroy black Americans' incentive to succeed for yourself, you couldn't make a better platform than what they hold, like the mayor of Baltimore's insistence on rioters being given "space" to express themselves.

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Problem is he won't be the nominee.

Too bad he won't be. He'd be so easy to beat. No political experience and bat sheit crazy creepy!

We get it. The republicans these days put on this fake "we're not racist" show during the primaries that they are actually considering a black man, but they actually never will nominate a black man, and so far their fake Great Black Hopes have been super nutjobs.

Face facts. Not all republicans are racist but if you meet an American racist, most likely he will be a REPUBLICAN.

Edited by Jingthing
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After 2 terms railing against having one of them in the White House, anyone who thinks Carson is going to get the GOP nomination is..., oh, never mind, you know the rest.

And that would be without all the batty stuff he comes out with.

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Yes, it takes a rich white man from Australia to know a real American black man from an imitation.

(no offense meant to our resident Ozzies)

Dick Gregory had some choice for his brethren recently regarding this sentiment. Look it up if interested.

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Problem is he won't be the nominee.

Too bad he won't be. He'd be so easy to beat. No political experience and bat sheit crazy creepy!

We get it. The republicans these days put on this fake "we're not racist" show during the primaries that they are actually considering a black man, but they actually never will nominate a black man, and so far their fake Great Black Hopes have been super nutjobs.

Face facts. Not all republicans are racist but if you meet an American racist, most likely he will be a REPUBLICAN.

Still no one has explained why lefties have the "republicans" or "southerners" are "bigots" deal. For one, the most liberal towns in the country - like San Francisco/Bay Area, Portland, Baltimore, New York, Chicago, are all run by Democrat poverty pimps and all highly segregated both racially and $-wise, high crime and gun violence and everything associated with that.

Again, not sure how this came about, the whole lefty "anyone who doesn't agree with us is most likely a bigot" deal. A bit like right-wing Christians' "agree with us or go to hell" but it's a more common cliche these days.

Just curious - but perhaps better to leave questions like that to psychologists.

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"irreproachable on background, achievements, character, vision." That's what Barack Obama is. The best President we have had for a long time. Not a real black President? That could be very true, in South African terms. Barack Obama never wanted to be a "black President". He has always wanted to be the President of all Americans regardless of color and has succeeded admirably in this. Think about it a little and you will find that a properly elected U.S. President can never be a "black President".

Well, he has certainly been a brilliant liar. Remember "If you like your Dr you can keep him, if you like your plan you can keep it"? 5555555555555555

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Problem is he won't be the nominee.

What a surprise! coffee1.gif

I think half the Republican base would lose their mind if Carson were to somehow pull out the nomination. So I hope he does. I'd have no problem with the guy....if he wasn't such a nutbag.

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Problem is he won't be the nominee.

What a surprise! coffee1.gif

I think half the Republican base would lose their mind if Carson were to somehow pull out the nomination. So I hope he does. I'd have no problem with the guy....if he wasn't such a nutbag.

Well look at what Trump said about Carson: "He's a real nice guy." Trump knows his audience and his support base and speaks what is already in their minds, so on that basis it's clear that the base of voters basically think that about Carson and would not lose their minds.

Still no one has answered the question about why lefties consider most of those who oppose them to be "racist/homophobic bigots." Not interested in debating but also unclear how this delusion came about.

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Racism and homophobia are separate issues.

I would say that homophobia is more pervasive among republicans than racism, but both are widespread.

On the homophobia, the republican party has been using that as a wedge issue for decades now. It fires up the base. Don't be naive.

That is not a delusion. Anyone who has even casually been following American politics in modern times would know that.

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Racism and homophobia are separate issues.

I would say that homophobia is more pervasive among republicans than racism, but both are widespread.

On the homophobia, the republican party has been using that as a wedge issue for decades now. It fires up the base. Don't be naive.

That is not a delusion. Anyone who has even casually been following American politics in modern times would know that.

Well in the majority they don't support same-sex marriage. Sure there will be a few a**holes beyond that who support harassment and the like but that is as widespread in liberal places as in more right-wing places - like a same-sex couple I read from online who lived in Alabama for 20 years and were quietly accepted, but found when they were in New York City they were harassed for the first time.

But I wasn't looking for a debate - just curious why the left is so quick to pull out the "bigot" card against their opposition. It is completely equivalent to the right-wing christian "our opponents are heretics are going to Hell" clause, they both automatically assume the opposition is "evil" in some way. I figure they will alienate people by this (as we see with Trump) but just curious how that came about.

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