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Violent British thug arrested after vicious attack on Pattaya bar manager

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It's easy to condemn such behaviour when one fails to take certain considerations into account.

Middleborough is in the North East of England which constitutes a part of England known as Geordieland.

The Scots claim that the Geordie is an Englishman who's had his brain bashed in.

While the English claim that the Geordie is a Scot who's had his brain bashed out.

Genetically speaking this theory would appear to be entirely justifiable when one observes the behaviour and characteristics of this overfed tub of whale blubber.

Bit of an over-simplification, I'm afraid. The term "Geordie" refers to people from southern Northumberland and northern parts of County Durham (or, according to some sources, only Tyneside itself) not the entire North East. In any event, people from Middlesbrough are most definitely not Geordies. They can be referred to as Teessiders or (using a more recently-coined, mostly self-deprecating term) "Smoggies" - but never Geordies.
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Middlesbrough ???? Says it all..

Lots of these Chav Types going around..

disgrace...deserves all he gets, hope they deport him...

Not happy going to ''Blackpool'' thought he would give ''Pattaya'' a go...

Middlesbrough, Says it all, please enlighten me..................

Usual crap from individuals not everyone from Middlesbrough should be tarred with same brush. You might be surprised to hear that some respectable people also come from Midddlesbrough. Unfortunately there are also plenty of dickheads who are willing to travel by plane rather than spend a long weekend in Blackpool as you stated.

I imagine everyone from your home town/city/village are law abiding citizens.

I agree with most of your post but don't generalize people, I imagine there will be people out there who think you are a bit of dick with the attitude that you have shown in your post.


A profane vid in some strange language has been removed, sorry its just too much for Thai Visa.....

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


What is it with men from the UK and using beer bottles. Are they not man enough to fight with their fists?Faggots need to grow some balls.

You'd be more accurate to say "What is it with SOME men from England"

We're not all like it

These are "Low Lifes" ........they are not from a decent stock


soon as the cop turned up he just sat down on the road, raised his hand and let himself be handcuffed!

so much for the BIG tough guy! smashing his fists, acting all hard.

two small thin thai cops come and he is like glass.. LOL


soon as the cop turned up he just sat down on the road, raised his hand and let himself be handcuffed!

so much for the BIG tough guy! smashing his fists, acting all hard.

two small thin thai cops come and he is like glass.. LOL

The guy is not too clever, if he was he would have walked away in the beginning.

However he knew when to sit down, he was never going to win once the police turned up (maybe he was not that daft after all)


soon as the cop turned up he just sat down on the road, raised his hand and let himself be handcuffed!

so much for the BIG tough guy! smashing his fists, acting all hard.

two small thin thai cops come and he is like glass.. LOL

i commented on this a few pages ago….to me this does not sound like a drug crazed individual….he had the presence of mind to tell the difference between the bar manager and the cops. thats significant.


On what planet is this guy born ? He looks as he's from outer space..actually I feel a little bit sorry for him..because that's not a happy trooper..to say the least..

What a Genuine Gentleman you are, not many like you, great outlook on life

FYI , Thailand does not attract , Genuine Gentlemen .

After a year or five in the Soi bars , a foreigner , meets a good lady ? .

He then promotes himself, to a gentleman status ,cheesy.gif

Never able to be nothing more than a alien .wai2.gif


Being British myself, I hope they throw the bloody book at him.

Doubt it greatly....cops see this as a fight between sunnis and shias. Nothing of concern to peacelovin folk as ourselves.

Don't you believe it. The cops will see this as a chance to make some good money out of the farangs involved.

For instance, I should think that by now, fatty will be begging to be let out of the soi 9 cell and he will be let out...for a price, and it wont be cheap!

By all accounts you'd be wrong, as reports say he flew back to the UK yesterday.

Yes, by all accounts after he was relieved of a grand


Yes I agree that this place needs more bird watching quality tourist LOLgigglem.gif

.Most people hanging around this fun zone are very mellow.

This guy has a major anger management problem or major malfunction.

Who was he going off on?

Next case!


Middlesbrough ???? Says it all..

Lots of these Chav Types going around..

disgrace...deserves all he gets, hope they deport him...

Not happy going to ''Blackpool'' thought he would give ''Pattaya'' a go...

Middlesbrough, Says it all, please enlighten me..................

Usual crap from individuals not everyone from Middlesbrough should be tarred with same brush. You might be surprised to hear that some respectable people also come from Midddlesbrough. Unfortunately there are also plenty of dickheads who are willing to travel by plane rather than spend a long weekend in Blackpool as you stated.

I imagine everyone from your home town/city/village are law abiding citizens.

I agree with most of your post but don't generalize people, I imagine there will be people out there who think you are a bit of dick with the attitude that you have shown in your post.

Mind you, that Captain Cook has a lot to answer for.


Useless fat lump!! Is it any wonder the 'doormen'/ bouncers places do have hate us foreigners so much that they pick fights when they're in numbers?.. just a stupid vicious circle really, each 'side' ready for a totally pointless fight before anything untoward has even happened!! As usual those who 'suffer' the most are probably the ones who least deserve it!!! wai.gif


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By all accounts you'd be wrong, as reports say he flew back to the UK yesterday.

Yes, by all accounts after he was relieved of a grand

fined and sent on their way without any charges being brought…..there you go….farang on farang means nothing to thai…they took their cut and thats it….wonder if the roxy manager got anything to defray medical costs.


Inappropriate language post removed.

8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.


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By all accounts you'd be wrong, as reports say he flew back to the UK yesterday.

Yes, by all accounts after he was relieved of a grand

fined and sent on their way without any charges being brought…..there you go….farang on farang means nothing to thai…they took their cut and thats it….wonder if the roxy manager got anything to defray medical costs.

Get your facts right before talking silly. I was going to explain, but i prefer to let you continue talking crap. I will give you a clue though, if this was thai on thai, then the family can ask for money and not a jail sentence, now do the sums, we are in Thailand and thai law can appy farang on farang..

By all accounts you'd be wrong, as reports say he flew back to the UK yesterday.

Yes, by all accounts after he was relieved of a grand

fined and sent on their way without any charges being brought…..there you go….farang on farang means nothing to thai…they took their cut and thats it….wonder if the roxy manager got anything to defray medical costs.

Get your facts right before talking silly. I was going to explain, but i prefer to let you continue talking crap. I will give you a clue though, if this was thai on thai, then the family can ask for money and not a jail sentence, now do the sums, we are in Thailand and thai law can appy farang on farang..

The neanderthal publicly said he paid 1000 pounds…that's a small sum relative to the injury caused to mr roxy, given the time his wounds will take to heal and he will stay away from work for medical reasons etc.

Figure seems a bit low to me….actually it's bloody nothing in the scheme of things.


As 100 pattaya "men" walk by and not one has the balls to help. Welcome to glamorous pattaya.

Why should they help ?. enlighten the forum members.

The way i see it , the fat born again P Head , should have been delt wth ,

by the numerous farlang tourist police, in Pattaya.coffee1.gif


A Shaun Robson was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison for conspiracy to supply class A drugs at Teesside Crown Court in 2005. Same guy perhaps?

Tangential question. I cannot remember but is there a question on the form about criminal convictions when applying for any of the visa categories?

That video puts the argument against broad entry permits. Middlebroough to soi 6 should mandate a special category by itself.

if you are talking about the form you fill out prior to arrival, then no it doesnt ask about convictions, it just asks a few general things, name, D.O.B etc


^^Thanks Brian. That is an arrival card, i think and quite apart. Visas are applied for in advance of travel, offshore and usually at an embassy or consulate. I was just wondering if visas were mandatory would the RTP or immig authorities have a better chance of knowing who there are dealing with,, demographs et al, if it mattered.


What an idiot!!! "Violent drinkers", should not drink...I have known a few people like that...get a few drinks in them and they are just looking for battles, just looking for somebody to F up....Soi 6 is better for horny drinkers,get a few drinks in them.........and they are looking for somebody to F up,down sideways,backwards,forwards.......


Useless fat lump!! Is it any wonder the 'doormen'/ bouncers places do have hate us foreigners so much that they pick fights when they're in numbers?.. just a stupid vicious circle really, each 'side' ready for a totally pointless fight before anything untoward has even happened!! As usual those who 'suffer' the most are probably the ones who least deserve it!!! wai.gif

Quie right , it is a indication of the the type of foreigner , who is attracted th Thaiand .

Of course , I am unique , because I am different , I not same same farlang . coffee1.gif


I just cannot believe this!

It has to be a mistaken case of identity.

No, this is something unheard of on this planet

Pity there were no Thai bouncers around to"highlight" the scenes in Pattaya.


Another fault of Thailand


A fine example of the delights of Pattaya and a certain class of the ''clientele it attracts.

Imagine the state of the clienteles home country AND it's products...


I have witnessed the attack and the arrest.

The thug is really an ape, he often turned to the soi and screamed, not any words though, just growls.

After the police arrived he didn't stop waiing them every 30 seconds as if that would help.

I hope they put him away for long enough to teach him some manners.


If you really witnessed the 'attack' how come you don't know that it was this guy's mate who carried it out ?

Or perhaps you were in another bar across the Soi (with the LBs rolleyes.gif ) and just think you witnessed it?

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