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ISIL training children to kill


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ISIL training children to kill


PARIS: -- Propaganda video posted online by the radical Islamic State movement (ISIL) publicises training boys for war.

One of the camps is in Raqqa in northern Syria, where 14-year-old Al-Yas Ahmed Raghib, a Yazidi, in his seven months at the so-called Farouq Institute for Cubs was forced to adopt Islam. He escaped with his 11-year old brother and 63-year old mother.

Al-Yas said: “They taught us how to slit throats and how to blow ourselves up. We put our hand on the forehead, lift the head, put the knife to the neck and slaughter. Then there is the thing strapped around our waist… We are told to pull up a white piece of metal attached to it and it will immediately detonate. We are also taught to pull the pin on a hand grenade and throw it immediately, or we will be caught in the explosion.”

ISIL says openly it wants to eliminate the Yazidi religion, which is based on ancient Iranian traditions, not Christian, Jewish or Islamic.

Al-Yas, now in Qadiya Refugee Camp in the northern Kurdish city of Dohuk, said:

“When a person completes training at the camp, he is sent to another one, where training is more strict, before being sent to fight in Kobani. They tell us we will fight Yazidis and kill them because they are infidels, and if you die you will go to heaven and they will go to hell.”

Yazidi groups have reported ISIL mass executions, rapes, enslavement and the abduction of children to the International Criminal Court.

Ahmed Hamada Shihab spent two months at the same camp as his cousin Al-Yas before escaping with his aunt.

Ten-year-old Ahmed said: “We were more than 80 Yazidi children at the camp, in addition to Muslim children… age five up to 15. My 15-year-old cousin is still there. We were trained from morning to evening. Photos and videos of us were published on Facebook. We were taught religion. Anyone who can’t learn is punished, including beatings and standing in the sun. They got us up at four in the morning for prayer. They keep watch and punish anyone who doesn’t wake up. We got very little food. We ate one meal a day.”

Ahmed was captured with his family and thousands of other Yazidis when ISIL seized their ancient hometown of Sinjar in northern Iraq last August. The militants use young women as sex slaves; the boys are taught to kill their own people.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-13

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I'd be very surprised if I were to read that the ISIS kids doing a pottery and carpentry classes,

as long as there're people in this world wishing to be slaves and third class citizens ruled

by an overlord ' caliph ' beheading them at their whims in a stone age times, such madmen

as ISIS will always flourish and thrive in modern times....

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There are NGO's that specialize in helping demobilized soldiers and child soldiers. I am not sure how effective they are, but there has been a lot of work to develop successful programs for victims of situations like these.

The problem is that these are young men who have no marketable skill except to fight and kill.

Throughout the ME there are far too many people being raised in an environment that is tinged in violence and a lack of any skills that would be helpful in a civil society, should that ever be achieved in the area.

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The militants use young women as sex slaves; the boys are taught to kill their own people.

Hey...do not be so critical...God told them to do it...who is going to argue with God?

Maybe that ole "End of the World" scenario from the Bible deserves another look...

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The militants use young women as sex slaves; the boys are taught to kill their own people.

Hey...do not be so critical...God told them to do it...who is going to argue with God?

Maybe that ole "End of the World" scenario from the Bible deserves another look...

They also use young boys as sex slaves.

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The Catholic Church used to claim that if you gave them a child until age 6 he would never depart from the Catholic Faith. If that is true there is no hope for these young people in the future.

Our world view is set at a very young age and yes to wipe this out you'd have to get the women and children. Sickening I know.

The concept of wiping out entire cultures including women and children is at least 2,000 and perhaps 4,000 years old. I'm not asking anyone to believe the stories but rather be aware that the concept was there with the story of the Amaleks where killing everyone and even their animals was ordered. There may be others I don't know about.


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Unsure why this story seems curious or even remarkable. Even in contemporary times other arab/muslim areas train children to hate and kill as young as infancy. One look at all the palestinian/hamas/hezbollah/iranian/afghan/Sudanese propaganda children's television clearly indicates this. These videos are widely available online. The surprise is not that this is happening but that the real story is rarely discussed- what binds all these people to inculcate hate and murder in successive generations in an unbroken train for 1,400 years? DAESH training kids to kill is hardly news. It is more newsworthy that reporters think it is news.

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And to all those bleeding hearts screaming "you can't kill women and children" -

The only correct answer is - "women and children like this must be killed or they will kill you".

You beat me to it.

Yes, when the media starts showing pic's of dead children that were used to fight for ISIS, you'll see protests in the west and the UN will accuse the allies of slaughter of innocents.

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Unsure why this story seems curious or even remarkable. Even in contemporary times other arab/muslim areas train children to hate and kill as young as infancy. One look at all the palestinian/hamas/hezbollah/iranian/afghan/Sudanese propaganda children's television clearly indicates this. These videos are widely available online. The surprise is not that this is happening but that the real story is rarely discussed- what binds all these people to inculcate hate and murder in successive generations in an unbroken train for 1,400 years? DAESH training kids to kill is hardly news. It is more newsworthy that reporters think it is news.

Incredible videos, all those politically correct politicians welcoming M.E. migrants in Europe should be obliged to visualise them.

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