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Palestinians assailants often leave behind ordinary lives


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Palestinians assailants often leave behind ordinary lives

JERUSALEM (AP) — They lived ordinary lives with ordinary ambitions — an electrician saving up to get married, a fitness buff, a worker in a butcher shop, a teen with plans for study in Europe after high school. But then these young Palestinians seemingly snapped.

According to police accounts, some of them disputed, they stabbed Israelis in "lone wolf" attacks. Motives often remain murky, but attacks have been escalating, with eight Israelis and 12 suspected assailants killed over the past month, many in Jerusalem.

The violence comes amid growing Palestinian hopelessness, particularly in the Israeli-annexed Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem. Social media amplifies the anger and promotes revenge attacks as amateur videos make the rounds showing Israeli forces seemingly using excessive force, or angry bystanders cursing at wounded Palestinian assailants.


Subhi Abu Khalifeh grew up in the Shuafat refugee camp, one of the poorest areas of east Jerusalem. Shuafat, like several other Arab neighborhoods in the city, has been cut off from the rest of Jerusalem by Israel's West Bank separation barrier. Services are spotty, with garbage often piling up in the streets.

The entrance to the camp looks like a battlefield, with scorched cars and streets blackened by burning tires — remnants of frequent clashes between stone-throwers and Israeli security forces.

Every weekday, Abu Khalifeh, 19, crossed through the barrier gate on foot, passing through metal detectors and an ID check. On the other side, he and two brothers were picked up by a contractor and driven to building sites in Tel Aviv.

Abu Khalifeh, an electrician, was making about $60 a day, and was saving money to get married, which can cost a prospective groom several thousand dollars for a gold dowry and other expenses.

On Thursday, he didn't show up for his ride to work. Brothers Rami, 24, and Mohammed, 28, left without him. He didn't answer his phone all morning; by early afternoon, the family received word that he had been arrested as a suspect in a stabbing attack that seriously wounded an Israeli man. He remains in custody, and the family has had no contact with him.

His parents said they could only speculate about his motives.

His father, Ibrahim, said that over the years, he had been beaten and verbally abused while working as a street cleaner in Jewish neighborhoods, experiences he shared with his sons.

His mother, Samar, said her son was particularly upset about an incident last week in which an 18-year-old Jerusalem woman, Shuruq Dwayat, was shot and wounded by an Israeli civilian after police said she stabbed him. A Palestinian version on social media said the man had harassed teen, trying to remove her headscarf, but she did not stab him.

After Abu Kalifeh's arrest, his two brothers were fired and his father was suspended from his street-cleaning job.

Despite the loss of income, Ibrahim Abu Khalifeh said he could understand his son's anger. "This is very, very normal when you look at what is happening to us," he said.


A few streets away, two dozen men sat Monday on plastic chairs in an alley outside the home of the Ali clan. A young relative, 19-year-old Mohammed Ali, had been killed two days earlier by police fire near Jerusalem's Old City neighborhood.

Flags of Fatah, the movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and its rival, the Islamic militant Hamas, fluttered above their heads, though neither claimed Ali as a member.

Young men showed visitors a video on their smart phones. It showed Ali standing next to a wall after being stopped by police for an ID check. Ali handed over his ID and then leaped forward, waving a knife. Police said he stabbed two officers. Troops opened fire, killing him and mistakenly wounding two officers.

Ali's relatives said they believe he was driven by anger over what many Palestinians claim is an Israeli plot to take over a Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third-holiest site of Islam.

Israel has repeatedly denied such plans, accusing Palestinians of incitement. However, more Jews have been visiting the Muslim-run site, the holiest in Judaism, in recent years, some calling for prayer rights there, fueling Palestinian suspicions and helping trigger the latest violence.

A banner hanging near Ali's home lauded him for "responding to God's call to defend Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem and Arab dignity."

Since dropping out of school several years earlier, Ali had bounced between jobs and was working most recently in a relative's butcher shop in the Old City, near Al-Aqsa. An uncle, Ahmed, said Ali prayed daily at the shrine.

He said his nephew came from a relatively well-off family. "He had money, he had no psychological problems," the uncle said. "His problem was that he was sensitive to his homeland and his religion."

Zakariya Alqaq, a professor at the city's Al-Quds University, said Jerusalem's Arab residents, who make up more than a third of the population, have long felt pressured by Israeli policies, including severe restrictions on building rights. At the same time, they see little support from Abbas's self-rule government and the Arab world.

The growing perception that Al-Aqsa is in danger is now pushing some over the edge, especially the younger generation disillusioned with failed peace efforts.

"The people who are now in a struggle with the Israelis are the post-Oslo generation," he said, referring to the interim peace accords of a generation ago that established Palestinian self-rule in parts of the West Bank.


Mustafa Khatib and Fadi Alloun didn't know each other and were killed by Israeli police in separate incidents. But they seemed to have a lot in common: Both were sports enthusiasts— 17-year-old Khatib played basketball, 19-year-old Alloun was a bodybuilder.

They came from middle-class families and were into fashion and looking good, their Facebook pages showing selfies, not political slogans.

Alloun's case has drawn attention, in part because of an amateur video that prompted allegations police killed him without justification.

The incident began before dawn on Oct. 4 along the tracks of Jerusalem's light rail, at a point where it runs between Arab and Jewish areas of the city. Police allege that Alloun stabbed and wounded an Israeli man and then tried to flee.

The video begins after the alleged stabbing. It shows Alloun walking quickly, as several Israelis shout, "Shoot him! Shoot him!" A police car arrives. An officer jumps out and fires seven shots. Alloun falls to the ground.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Alloun was carrying a knife, ignored warnings to put down the weapon and that the officer's life was in danger.

Two Israeli rights groups have called for an investigation, saying police violated rules of engagement.

Alloun's father, Samir, does not believe his son carried out the stabbing, saying he had no interest in politics. "He is innocent and they executed him," he said.

Across town, in another Arab neighborhood, Maisa Khatib, her face puffy from crying, sat in her living room Monday, surrounded by female relatives and neighbors. She had learned a few hours earlier that her oldest son, Mustafa, had been killed by police fire.

Police said Mustafa Khatib was stopped near the Old City's Lion's Gate because he was walking with his hand in his pocket. When officers approached, he pulled out a knife and stabbed one in his protective vest, causing no injuries. He then was shot dead, police said.

In the living room, several women watched a video of the aftermath on their iPhones. The footage showed Khatib's body on the ground, surrounded by police.

The teen's mother said her son had driven to his private school near the Old City that morning as usual. He did not go to school, though. She said she received a call from the principal around mid-morning, informing her of his death.

She said she was dumbfounded. Her son had made plans for the future, including taking German courses after graduation next year so he could study in Europe.


Cousins Ahmed and Hassan Manasra slipped away from their east Jerusalem home on Monday afternoon. Police said they went on a stabbing rampage, seriously wounding an Israeli man in his 20s and critically wounding a 13-year-old Israeli boy on a bicycle.

Ahmed, 13, was then struck by a car and injured, while 15-year-old Hassan was shot dead by police.

Neighborhood boys consider them heroes.

"I want to be a martyr, because of the injustice," said Samir, 16, who gave only his first name for fear of repercussions from Israel. "Either you live free or you don't live."

On Tuesday, cellphone video showing Ahmed Manasra lying injured on the ground was widely circulated. Police surrounded him as bystanders shouted "Die!" and cursed at the teen, his face bloodied and his legs twisted from being struck by the car.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later cited the images in claiming the Palestinian government is inciting against Israel. "He tried to kill and murder," Netanyahu said of Ahmed. "But the complete opposite is presented in a twisted way."

Yudith Oppenheimer, head of Ir Amim, a group that supports an equitable solution for Jerusalem, said the recent stabbings have been horrific, but that Israel cannot ignore the context of its long-running rule over the Palestinians.

"We all live in fear these days," she said. "But we cannot avoid the fact that the majority of the attackers are kids, under 20."

"The fact that they are so angry and frustrated and have no horizon for hope, this is something we have to look at if we want to understand the roots of this violence," she said.

Associated Press writer Josef Federman contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-14

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And now, in order to be unbiased and balanced and thus not showing your preferences to one side,

tell the story, with as many words and heart felt pity you have shown to the Palestinians side.

of the Israeli side, their losses, disruptions of normal life, the daily stoning of private and public

stoning, the sorrow and anguish of Israeli mothers seeing their sons and daughters being knifed

to death while standing in bus stops and this is only the start.... go on... write it....

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These aren't lone wolves, on either side. Abbas and Netanyahu foment anger and rile up their people to carry out violent attacks. It's sad really, because their people have so much to offer each other.

What exactly do the "Palestinians" have to offer Israelis? Israelis already know how to make hummus and falafel. Yes the obsessive Israel demonizers say the Jews stole the Arabs food, that's how petty they are, as if anyone "owns" a type of food. Nobody ever said the USA stole pizza or Thailand stole chilies.

I'm being a little flip but also a little serious. Should Israelis learn from the "Palestinians" how to treat their GLBT citizens? Would that be good?

When "Palestinian" terrorists get injured, where do they go? "Palestinian" hospitals? No, they are sent to Israeli hospitals and treated exactly the same as injured Jews by the medical staff there.

Edited by Jingthing
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Spew additional intentional manipulating writing spreading skewed view of the truth.

It is clear your intention of presenting Palestinians killing and/or attempting to injure in barbaric fashion innocent civilians as if they were only innocent victims. Media manipulation and incitement is you true intention.

How do you pretend to justify these murderous actions of these crazed Palestinians?

The majority or these attacks are manipulated planned and organized.

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These aren't lone wolves, on either side. Abbas and Netanyahu foment anger and rile up their people to carry out violent attacks. It's sad really, because their people have so much to offer each other.

What exactly do the "Palestinians" have to offer Israelis? Israelis already know how to make hummus and falafel. Yes the obsessive Israel demonizers say the Jews stole the Arabs food, that's how petty they are, as if anyone "owns" a type of food. Nobody ever said the USA stole pizza or Thailand stole chilies.

I'm being a little flip but also a little serious. Should Israelis learn from the "Palestinians" how to treat their GLBT citizens? Would that be good?

When "Palestinian" terrorists get injured, where do they go? "Palestinian" hospitals? No, they are sent to Israeli hospitals and treated exactly the same as injured Jews by the medical staff there.

"When "Palestinian" terrorists get injured, where do they go?" No, a we all saw the teenage boy was left to die, with Israeli onlookers shouting "Go on, die" Why don't they go to Palestinian hospitals, because there aren't any !

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The article demonstrates there is clearly a large amount of pent up anger, frustration and hopelessness among young Palestinians after their parents and grandparents' failed efforts to get any justice and peace after 48 years of Israeli occupation. The most ordinary people have had enough and just snap.

If Netanyahu were a true statesman he would give the people his army is occupying, young Palestinians, some hope by sitting down to serious peace negotiations with the PA. Show there is a peaceful way to settle disputes. He says he is willing to do so without conditions, but the very fact he continues to expand illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land is a precondition in itself ... he has already decided Israel's future borders without discussing them

A moratorium on settlement building, and the release of hundreds of Palestinian political prisoners held without charge would create good will, give hope to Palestinians and calm things down.

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The article demonstrates there is clearly a large amount of pent up anger, frustration and hopelessness among young Palestinians after their parents and grandparents' failed efforts to get any justice and peace after 48 years of Israeli occupation. The most ordinary people have had enough and just snap.
If Netanyahu were a true statesman he would give the people his army is occupying, young Palestinians, some hope by sitting down to serious peace negotiations with the PA. Show there is a peaceful way to settle disputes. He says he is willing to do so without conditions, but the very fact he continues to expand illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land is a precondition in itself ... he has already decided Israel's future borders without discussing them
A moratorium on settlement building, and the release of hundreds of Palestinian political prisoners held without charge would create good will, give hope to Palestinians and calm things down.

I can only agree on Netanyahu and his Cabinet being a bunch of idiots.

Nothing will calm things down. No amount of land given to "Palestinians" will create good will. Sitting down to talks and peace negotiations with "Palestinians" is hopeless. No land was ever owned in Palestine by Arabs of Gaza.

Displaying their anger and frustration by murder of innocent people deserves only one justified response - they should be killed on the spot, not arrested. And I would go for their families too.

With attitudes like this I can well imagine the sense of hopelessness and frustration that the young Palestinians in the OP feel.

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The article demonstrates there is clearly a large amount of pent up anger, frustration and hopelessness among young Palestinians after their parents and grandparents' failed efforts to get any justice and peace after 48 years of Israeli occupation. The most ordinary people have had enough and just snap.
If Netanyahu were a true statesman he would give the people his army is occupying, young Palestinians, some hope by sitting down to serious peace negotiations with the PA. Show there is a peaceful way to settle disputes. He says he is willing to do so without conditions, but the very fact he continues to expand illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land is a precondition in itself ... he has already decided Israel's future borders without discussing them
A moratorium on settlement building, and the release of hundreds of Palestinian political prisoners held without charge would create good will, give hope to Palestinians and calm things down.

I can only agree on Netanyahu and his Cabinet being a bunch of idiots.

Nothing will calm things down. No amount of land given to "Palestinians" will create good will. Sitting down to talks and peace negotiations with "Palestinians" is hopeless. No land was ever owned in Palestine by Arabs of Gaza.

Displaying their anger and frustration by murder of innocent people deserves only one justified response - they should be killed on the spot, not arrested. And I would go for their families too.

With attitudes like this I can well imagine the sense of hopelessness and frustration that the young Palestinians in the OP feel.

With one essential difference - I didn't kill anybody. Not "Palestinians", not Jews, not even a TV member! tongue.png

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The op in its verbose way is trying to suggest terrorists are normal people too, like me, like you, like some of our esteemed members. Don't be fooled though, they are vile racists poisoned by propaganda and incitement from the cradle onwards, there's nothing normal about this.

The op is pure nonsense by the way, you don't suddenly get a crop of lone wolves all acting as if in concert without incitement orchestrated from the top.

Edited by Steely Dan
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The last few lines sum things up, the words " want and Martyr "

Are the Palestinians friends and relatives saying these boys did nothing ?? The boy who was shot while "walking away" new he should not run from the police and did he indeed knife the Israeli?

What this article does not tell you is that the Palestinian kids regularly incite the Israeli police and army. They in turn are extremely careful as they have no way of knowing who may by suicide

bombers. It would appear that the latest game is to randomly stab Israeli's in the street (including a 13 year old)

I have said for a long while that until the Palestinians stop the attacks there will be no peace. Israel will ALWAYS seek revenge when attacked.

Unfortunately the Palestinians have the typical Arab mentality which means that when they kill and main it's ok but if one of their own dies the whole place erupts.

The whole of the Middle East is a mess and is getting closer to an even bigger mess.

As an exercise lets look at a make believe position if all their oil stopped tomorrow. The rest of the world is ok because we have alternatives.

What do they do to make a living ??? As far as I can see they have no Industry and tourism is a no no because of the possibility of not returning home.

The Sunni's go after the Shia's with a vengeance and we don't care because neither side will say thank you for the help and in any care we don't care much. So Iran solves the problem

in the only way it can by dropping a couple of bombs. The bombs get rid of ISIS and Saudi Arabia, then their back to the same thing "how do we make a living" with no industry.

Yes they can live as they used to 2000 years ago but is that what they want? I don't believe so. The UAE have part of the right idea but even they rely on tourists and if ISIS get in there

they will have nothing.

So many questions and no easy answers.

One thing that is certain is that if Islam does not learn to accept that Infidels have a right to live their lives in the way they choose there will be a reckoning. The whole world pays dearly

to control the Muslim fanatics. While I agree that there are many Muslims who disagree with the Islamist Terrorists there are too few prepared to stand up and be counted.

If things carry on the way they are patience will run out

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