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Video: Man wanted over violent unprovoked attack in Bangkok


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Not good of course ....while the victim should have tailed him while using his cell phone to call the police ( 99 % certainty he has a cell phone) and filmed the man while tailing him while following a safe distance behind until the police showed up and arrest the man.

Or, would that be a plan considered too complicated??


Police don't arrive in 30 seconds like farang land... Dream on

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

Good points......but I figure the best way to explain all that you have said and everything that is implied is better explained by pointing out:

The Thais do not and never did and never will have the meaning of life figured out and or practiced any better than the rest of the world.

Everyone has to be reminded that when you first came here you were impressed, possibly, or certainly enamored with Thailand while thinking this Thai way thing makes for a nation of people being more culturally refined and sophisticated in a mysterious way that has you sort of mesmerized or enchanted with everything Thai and Thai people.

But...time goes by and finally reality sets in and you come to realize the Thais are just as screwed up as the rest of the world and NO they do not have the meaning of live figured out .........and far from it.

The good, the bad and the ugly exists here in abundance.....just like everywhere else that humanity flourishes.


Edited by gemguy
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Not good of course ....while the victim should have tailed him while using his cell phone to call the police ( 99 % certainty he has a cell phone) and filmed the man while tailing him while following a safe distance behind until the police showed up and arrest the man.

Or, would that be a plan considered too complicated??


Police don't arrive in 30 seconds like farang land... Dream on

Still it would have been prudent to follow from a safe distance behind the man and see where he goes and wait for the police to arrive...even if it takes 1 hour or more...that is if you want to have something done about the fact the you were just assaulted for no reason.....or nurse your wounds and walk away....each individual can make their own decision including following him for awhile and when the timing is right ....then attack the perpetrator from behind and beat him senseless in an act of revenge

If I am not mistaken the police are now searching for the man and most likely will not find him.....so nothing will come of the violent altercation.


Edited by gemguy
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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.


Because any one of them could have helped. They should be ashamed. They won't be because just like you they don't think it's normal or right to come to the assistance of someone that needs it. The nutter in the white shirt will find a weapon and kill someone soon. Never mind eh! Nothing to to with us.

Pathetic wimpy attitude!

If a few people stopped and helped he wouldn't do it again. Does that answer your question?

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The bus stop you think someone would have help you can see the guy in the white shirt infront of the stopped bus and the other guy a few feet away bleeding and no one help TIT

Well....once when I was walking through Pat Pong road, close to the Silom side entrance, there was a group of street urchins, 5 of them, and they were walking ahead and slightly in front of me while the oldest of the group and the bigger kid kept on smacking and forcefully pushing this one little kid amongst the group and it was plain and clear to see he was bullying the smaller kid....so..... as I came within striking distance I surprise smacked the bully up the side of the head fairly hard and put an end to the bullying.

Why did I do that?

Because.... it was clear to me this group of 5 kids was up to no good and without a doubt roaming the street looking for opportunities to steal something and run.

So I gave the group leader a good smack and put my fist to his face and told him in Thai language to lay off the little kid and started shouting at them in Thai to leave and go..... far away.

The little kid was smiling momentarily because I had hit the bully while they all actually scattered and ran away.

So there you go...someone did help...sort of.

*** Now, all the Thai Visa.com pundits can lecture me and criticize me for intervening in something that happened over 20 years ago.


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Great how everyone stopped and helped out. NOT.

I wonder if even one person called the police from their cars.

If it had been a Farang who was attacked and fighting back, everyone on the bus would have jumped in to help the Thai.

These cameras designed to make sure you can't really see anyone's face?

the guy could be anybody.

Thai police chief:

"These cameras you want to install, they can see policeman face too?"


"we no have money for high quality, sorry."

Yes I was thinking about this. If a well meaning forigner jumped in to help the poor guy, he would probably end up being a target right? That's sad. Well. In my home country I would always be willing to jump in and help somoe being hurt I would never just walk by, but it seems I will have to keep those instincts under control when I am there. Edited by Lukasisgood
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The bus stop you think someone would have help you can see the guy in the white shirt infront of the stopped bus and the other guy a few feet away bleeding and no one help TIT

Well....once when I was walking through Pat Pong road, close to the Silom side entrance, there was a group of street urchins, 5 of them, and they were walking ahead and slightly in front of me while the oldest of the group and the bigger kid kept on smacking and forcefully pushing this one little kid amongst the group and it was plain and clear to see he was bullying the smaller kid....so..... as I came within striking distance I surprise smacked the bully up the side of the head fairly hard and put an end to the bullying.

Why did I do that?

Because.... it was clear to me this group of 5 kids was up to no good and without a doubt roaming the street looking for opportunities to steal something and run.

So I gave the group leader a good smack and put my fist to his face and told him in Thai language to lay off the little kid and started shouting at them in Thai to leave and go..... far away.

The little kid was smiling momentarily because I had hit the bully while they all actually scattered and ran away.

So there you go...someone did help...sort of.

*** Now, all the Thai Visa.com pundits can lecture me and criticize me for intervening in something that happened over 20 years ago.


.. Just a question, would you do the same tomorrow ?

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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.

If the average Thai wasn't such a pussy, the country wouldn't be in the dire predictament it is now. The problems they are currently facing woluld have been resolved sometime shortly after 1932. The division we are currently witnessing won't be resolved with a pen.

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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.


Not fined - they've broken no laws by refusing to assist. But shamed in the media, yes. Why? They chose to ignore an innocent in obvious need of assistance. Getting involved or not getting involved. Their choice. No argument. But either one is a public choice; whichever they choose, they're responsible for that choice. And all in the public eye. No reason why it can't and shouldn't be publicized.

It's funny. The left is all about everyone's "social responsibility". No shortage of do-gooders happy to dictate what's best for everyone else. More taxes. More welfare. More "safety nets". Nanny states. Medical care for all. Well here's someone obviously in need of assistance. Speak up, lefties! How about THIS victim??? Why SHOULDN'T those who ignored his distress and just kept on driving be identified?

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

you are correct. YOU are a target. That is why you must group up. People who stand up should be supported. Support "Justice for Jessie"... Cause a little girl is doing your fight. the very least you can do is support.

group up?!

wake up, you are just a guest here. neither authorities nor locals do care of what "groups" foreigners in Thailand make and what for do they stand up. you are guests here and nothing else.

if you feel yourself as a target here, why don't you use the obvious solution - go back to your wonderful home country?

group up there and fight for whatever you want...


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Does anyone have any info on this unprovoked attack on what appears to be a small child.



According to the video description, the incident took place in Shanxi, China, in front of a restaurant owned by the victim's family, who along with some of the customers rushed outside once they realized what was happening. The attacker was schizophrenic and was arrested.

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The bus stop you think someone would have help you can see the guy in the white shirt infront of the stopped bus and the other guy a few feet away bleeding and no one help TIT

Well....once when I was walking through Pat Pong road, close to the Silom side entrance, there was a group of street urchins, 5 of them, and they were walking ahead and slightly in front of me while the oldest of the group and the bigger kid kept on smacking and forcefully pushing this one little kid amongst the group and it was plain and clear to see he was bullying the smaller kid....so..... as I came within striking distance I surprise smacked the bully up the side of the head fairly hard and put an end to the bullying.

Why did I do that?

Because.... it was clear to me this group of 5 kids was up to no good and without a doubt roaming the street looking for opportunities to steal something and run.

So I gave the group leader a good smack and put my fist to his face and told him in Thai language to lay off the little kid and started shouting at them in Thai to leave and go..... far away.

The little kid was smiling momentarily because I had hit the bully while they all actually scattered and ran away.

So there you go...someone did help...sort of.

*** Now, all the Thai Visa.com pundits can lecture me and criticize me for intervening in something that happened over 20 years ago.


.. Just a question, would you do the same tomorrow ?

Probably not as my decision back then was just reactive more so than trying to save the world and be a do gooder.......lol

Now I would probably think a lot more first about the possible kick back that could happen if and when a person could intervene in a altercation such as the altercation we see posted as the OP video.

I think a good percent of the people on here and Thai people also would intervene IF they witnessed the altercation from the very beginning and if so it was plain to see that one guy assaulted a complete stranger on the street....for no apparent reason.

If you came across the altercation during mid crisis, I believe most people would not intervene simply because they do not understand how it came to be and not their business ...so to speak.

What would you feel like if you broke up a fight and one of the persons up and ran away and the other guy says:"Thanks ...that guy just stole my wallet and now he got a way..... thanks to you"

That and maybe you get hurt or knifed or end up beaten senseless for something that you know nothing about while the police haul you in and you are then subjected to Thai police mentality and all that is entailed while you are thinking : "Hey I was just trying to help" ....but now they are turning on you and holding you accountable.

It happens.


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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.


Because any one of them could have helped. They should be ashamed. They won't be because just like you they don't think it's normal or right to come to the assistance of someone that needs it. The nutter in the white shirt will find a weapon and kill someone soon. Never mind eh! Nothing to to with us.

Pathetic wimpy attitude!

If a few people stopped and helped he wouldn't do it again. Does that answer your question?

No need to get personal. I asked 'why" because I was genuinely interested why someone would think going after people driving by an incident like this, which they would see only momentarily, and have no idea who is the victim or perpetrator or what the fight is about, should be prosecuted.

You've answered the question, alrhough I think your views are very unrealistic and easy to make from behind a keyboard.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

I agree with you. It's only anecdotal evidence but in my fb account so many ppl upload videos of street fights these days. Perhaps it is just the greater availability of phones with cameras with a certain class of ppl but there is certainly more casual violence around and much less tolerance than there used to be.

My wife used to say we're all in this together but it seems a much more fractured society these days with ppl looking after number one instead of the community. Maybe it is more of a Bangkok thing too.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

you are correct. YOU are a target. That is why you must group up. People who stand up should be supported. Support "Justice for Jessie"... Cause a little girl is doing your fight. the very least you can do is support.

group up?!

wake up, you are just a guest here. neither authorities nor locals do care of what "groups" foreigners in Thailand make and what for do they stand up. you are guests here and nothing else.

if you feel yourself as a target here, why don't you use the obvious solution - go back to your wonderful home country?

group up there and fight for whatever you want...


Another one of if you don't like it leave comments. There are plenty of foreigners here who contribute to the country in more ways than one but according to some should not comment or suggest ideas which can make the place better. Discussion not aggression can often help avoid a bloody conflict or provide an equitable solution.

One could just as well say you should leave the forum if you do not agree that this is an open discussion where all & sundry are free to express their views.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

Very well said, I have noticed it as well, just the price of power here is more than most Thai can afford.

Running air a no , no just one light and a fan.

Trouble is that this is world wide, my 88 year old mother was attacked and robbed in NZ , bag snatching and attacks on old people happen often in Auckland as privatisation wreeks havoc with high priced power and transport ect, water will be next to go.

The big lies told by corporations and politicians is that competition is good for you.

Look out Thailand if the government signs the TPT agreement, then your ten year theory might shorten.

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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.


Not fined - they've broken no laws by refusing to assist. But shamed in the media, yes. Why? They chose to ignore an innocent in obvious need of assistance. Getting involved or not getting involved. Their choice. No argument. But either one is a public choice; whichever they choose, they're responsible for that choice. And all in the public eye. No reason why it can't and shouldn't be publicized.

It's funny. The left is all about everyone's "social responsibility". No shortage of do-gooders happy to dictate what's best for everyone else. More taxes. More welfare. More "safety nets". Nanny states. Medical care for all. Well here's someone obviously in need of assistance. Speak up, lefties! How about THIS victim??? Why SHOULDN'T those who ignored his distress and just kept on driving be identified?

EXACTLY, and "brewsterbudgen", is just that a "leftie" school teacher.

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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.


Not fined - they've broken no laws by refusing to assist. But shamed in the media, yes. Why? They chose to ignore an innocent in obvious need of assistance. Getting involved or not getting involved. Their choice. No argument. But either one is a public choice; whichever they choose, they're responsible for that choice. And all in the public eye. No reason why it can't and shouldn't be publicized.

It's funny. The left is all about everyone's "social responsibility". No shortage of do-gooders happy to dictate what's best for everyone else. More taxes. More welfare. More "safety nets". Nanny states. Medical care for all. Well here's someone obviously in need of assistance. Speak up, lefties! How about THIS victim??? Why SHOULDN'T those who ignored his distress and just kept on driving be identified?

EXACTLY, and "brewsterbudgen", is just that a "leftie" school teacher.

Stupid comment. How would the drivers know what was going on? And what does it have to do with politics?

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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.


Not fined - they've broken no laws by refusing to assist. But shamed in the media, yes. Why? They chose to ignore an innocent in obvious need of assistance. Getting involved or not getting involved. Their choice. No argument. But either one is a public choice; whichever they choose, they're responsible for that choice. And all in the public eye. No reason why it can't and shouldn't be publicized.

It's funny. The left is all about everyone's "social responsibility". No shortage of do-gooders happy to dictate what's best for everyone else. More taxes. More welfare. More "safety nets". Nanny states. Medical care for all. Well here's someone obviously in need of assistance. Speak up, lefties! How about THIS victim??? Why SHOULDN'T those who ignored his distress and just kept on driving be identified?

Did you forget to take your medication today? You should win an award for most tenuous connection and hyperbole.

What most people driving past would have seen is two guys having a fight in the street, so most are not going to intervene. Also, given the nature of violence over here, guns, knives etc. I can't blame them.

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For all those of you criticizing people for not getting involved must be brand spanking new to Thailand.

So you lost your moral compass when you got off the plane did you.

Sorry, i call bs on that, it's not the case here of an adult beating a little child, if you see 2 adults fighting, you have no idea od who's right and who's wrong.

Years ago i did the mistake of breaking a fight between 2 Thai neighbours of mine, my action was successful an bloodless, but both 2 of them were not happy about that, and one of them even tried to pick a fight with me ,without any reason, the year after.

I agree with the majority here, never get involved, unless you really know what you're doing.

Louse you are clueless. A word of advice. You are a nothing here, a nothing. Remember that when you involve yourself in Thai affairs because only then will you realize your worth.

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The yellow shirt guy should have just let that guy go on, call the cops. Also the white shirt guy is obviously homeless, shouldn't be hard to find him.

Your a kind hearted and forgiving person aren't you....

Wonder if you would say that if you were on the other end of that beating?

He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.

My initial reaction when I watched the video was - Why the hell did the victim respond and then get a huge bashing which could have easily lead to his death!

I would have run like as fast as I could to get away from the attacker!

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It's very disturbing to see especially when he deliberately is lining up the pan on his head before he swings.

That kind of violence can lead to a lot of vigilante behavior.

I hope the young child is ok but he took an enormous beating there.

Does anyone have any info on this unprovoked attack on what appears to be a small child.



According to the video description, the incident took place in Shanxi, China, in front of a restaurant owned by the victim's family, who along with some of the customers rushed outside once they realized what was happening. The attacker was schizophrenic and was arrested.

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