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Israel's Netanyahu urges talks to calm Jerusalem violence


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Israel's Netanyahu urges talks to calm Jerusalem violence

JERUSALEM: -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has urged Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to hold talks to calm the recent surge of violence.

Mr Netanyahu said he was "perfectly open" to a meeting that might be "potentially useful".

He also defended a massive security deployment in Jerusalem following a wave of knife attacks by Palestinians.

Near-daily attacks have left seven Israelis dead and dozens wounded over the past fortnight.

Several of the attackers were among at least 30 Palestinians who have been killed in recent violence.

Tensions between Israelis and Palestinians have been fuelled by clashes in Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and across the Gaza border, as well as the wave of stabbings.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34544702

-- BBC 2015-10-16

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60 years on ............same old BS coming out of jerusalem, if there was peace there would be no need for the US to arm the Israelis with the latest high tech military equipment, the question we should be asking is " why wont the Israeli government negotiate a fair and lasting settlement?"

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The last Israeli incursion into mosques sparked the infitada.

They perpetually cause a conflict and then ask for peace talks.

The rocket attacks from the Palestinian controlled areas could be stopped in fairly short order, using thermal satellite data.

They have no desire to have peace.

They want all the lands to be Israeli forever because of a Biblical mandate now turned into nationalistic pride.

Americans are getting fed up with Israel demanding that Israel dictates what the rest of the world thinks of Israel.

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The Arab/Palestinians doesn't want peace, the situation plays in to their agenda to keep the minions

angry, disillusioned and confused, Arab's leadership has rejected several peace offering and

long lasting solutions going back to the British mandate of Palestine, the Arab leadership is

a pre historic mob that hold desperately to their seats and the millions of aid dollars the bilk

the system, Arab do not peace, they want Israel wiped out and gone from the region so they

can go on with their 1900's backward life ruled by tyrants and groups like ISIS....

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing, nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies

and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in

peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such

way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth

for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing,

nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

No point in arguing with Jew-haters. The usual suspects are afoot.

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PR stunt, trying to appear to be the appeaser, the guy that tries to find a solution. BS.. All he really needs to do is publicly condemn the provocations of right-wing Israelis, and shut down their access to Al Aqsa.

Is it also a PR stunt when Abbas badmouths Israel and then says he is ready to meet? That one appears on a parallel topic, and was the essence of Abbas's UN speech. Were any of Abbas's references to al-Aqsa conciliatory? Did he say anything against related Islamic violence?

Both leaders mix domestic politics within their marked-for-international-consumption public statements. Both are hypocritical, and twist facts to suite their respective narratives.

But as an aside, there ARE certain reports and rumors about attempts to set a four-way meeting (Israel, Palestinians, Jordan and the USA) in Amman. Hopefully, the reports are true, and better if such a meeting materializes. Politicians often need to sound tough before they backtrack.

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60 years on ............same old BS coming out of jerusalem, if there was peace there would be no need for the US to arm the Israelis with the latest high tech military equipment, the question we should be asking is " why wont the Israeli government negotiate a fair and lasting settlement?"

60 years ago, the Palestinians territories were occupied by Egypt and Jordan. Independent Palestinian representation of their own interests came later, and for years on end it wasn't open for any negotiations with Israel.

Don't let historical facts cloud your "accurate" perception of events.

Rolling forward to present day - which of the Palestinian leaderships is supposed to be dealt with?

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PR stunt, trying to appear to be the appeaser, the guy that tries to find a solution. BS.. All he really needs to do is publicly condemn the provocations of right-wing Israelis, and shut down their access to Al Aqsa.

Is it also a PR stunt when Abbas badmouths Israel and then says he is ready to meet? That one appears on a parallel topic, and was the essence of Abbas's UN speech. Were any of Abbas's references to al-Aqsa conciliatory? Did he say anything against related Islamic violence?

Both leaders mix domestic politics within their marked-for-international-consumption public statements. Both are hypocritical, and twist facts to suite their respective narratives.

But as an aside, there ARE certain reports and rumors about attempts to set a four-way meeting (Israel, Palestinians, Jordan and the USA) in Amman. Hopefully, the reports are true, and better if such a meeting materializes. Politicians often need to sound tough before they backtrack.

Oh! Well, that's OK then. Netanyahu is a good guy because someone else also pulls PR stunts.

What a relief. His not stopping right-wing provocations is all justified.

Why is a major part of the Israel apologist excuse have to do with two wrongs making it all right.

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PR stunt, trying to appear to be the appeaser, the guy that tries to find a solution. BS.. All he really needs to do is publicly condemn the provocations of right-wing Israelis, and shut down their access to Al Aqsa.

Is it also a PR stunt when Abbas badmouths Israel and then says he is ready to meet? That one appears on a parallel topic, and was the essence of Abbas's UN speech. Were any of Abbas's references to al-Aqsa conciliatory? Did he say anything against related Islamic violence?

Both leaders mix domestic politics within their marked-for-international-consumption public statements. Both are hypocritical, and twist facts to suite their respective narratives.

But as an aside, there ARE certain reports and rumors about attempts to set a four-way meeting (Israel, Palestinians, Jordan and the USA) in Amman. Hopefully, the reports are true, and better if such a meeting materializes. Politicians often need to sound tough before they backtrack.

Oh! Well, that's OK then. Netanyahu is a good guy because someone else also pulls PR stunts.

What a relief. His not stopping right-wing provocations is all justified.

Why is a major part of the Israel apologist excuse have to do with two wrongs making it all right.

Where, exactly, have you spotted anything in my post making Netanyahu a "good guy"?

My opinion of Netanyahu is far from appreciative, and can be found across many topics and many posts. That I do not see him as the demon-from-hell some make him to be, is because he is simply not on this level. Posters often give him way too much credit.

I have not "justified" anything, nor was there any reference to two-wrongs-make-a-right. The post merely highlighted how one sided the commentary expressed in your post was. Guess taking a dose of realism was a bit too much?

Some toys need to be picked up and put back in the pram.

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The last Israeli incursion into mosques sparked the infitada.

They perpetually cause a conflict and then ask for peace talks.

The rocket attacks from the Palestinian controlled areas could be stopped in fairly short order, using thermal satellite data.

They have no desire to have peace.

They want all the lands to be Israeli forever because of a Biblical mandate now turned into nationalistic pride.

Americans are getting fed up with Israel demanding that Israel dictates what the rest of the world thinks of Israel.

So, when Abbas calls for violence and then says he is ready to meet, that's....totally different?

Rocket Attack Could Have Easily Been Stopped, Poster Says. Right....

No one with his feet on the ground thinks Israel's right wing led governments are interested in peace with the Palestinians (at least not the way most people interpret peace). Making it a general Israeli sentiment is ignorant. Same goes for treating "Biblical mandate" as a template for political policy.

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So obvious that the Israeli objective is to kick Palestinians out of Jerusalem. Shoot arabs, hope they retaliate, blame them. shoot some more. Repeat

What is obvious is that some posters never been to Jerusalem, and so, do not realise how ridiculous their one liners are.

Where, exactly, can details of this "obvious" objective be found?

So basically, Palestinians are just walking around with pear knives, and them devious Israelis walk into them, repeatedly, only to create a pretext for shooting the bewildered Palestinians? Or would that be them Palestinian peacefully practicing for their local rock throwing competition, when out of nowhere, a sly Israeli driver intentionally speeds into their range?

It's a good thing we have some well informed, objective posters to keep us abreast of such nefarious goings-on.

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The Arab/Palestinians doesn't want peace, the situation plays in to their agenda to keep the minions

angry, disillusioned and confused, Arab's leadership has rejected several peace offering and

long lasting solutions going back to the British mandate of Palestine, the Arab leadership is

a pre historic mob that hold desperately to their seats and the millions of aid dollars the bilk

the system, Arab do not peace, they want Israel wiped out and gone from the region so they

can go on with their 1900's backward life ruled by tyrants and groups like ISIS....

Israel got peace agreements with two of its neighbors (Egypt and Jordan), but perhaps they are not Arab enough? Or not fitting for the they-are-all-whatever style of thinking presented?

Palestinian leaderships, over the years, played their people, Sure. Show me a leadership that doesn't do that. Including their immediate neighbors - Israel.

That Palestinian leaders had a very hard time getting to terms with realities, and that to a certain extent this is still the case, is true enough. But the same could be said about Israeli governments, and many other leaderships on any given policy and topic.

Abbas, of all people, certainly does not want Israel wiped off the map. Oh, he could have some private what-if fantasies, but push comes to shove - don't see it. Abbas needs Israel if he's to keep his job, and if the Palestinians are one day to make anything of their future country. On the same vein, unlikely he is interested in anything resembling IS-like rule.

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

Another post with timeline distortion issues.

1975 - Assuming Netanyahu's party was heading the coalition (it wasn't), who was there to talk to? The Palestinians were not much into that at the time.

When Abbas asked for talks on his latest UN address, was the ship still in port? Or did it just leave, seeing as he made the same overtures in the last few days?

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PR stunt, trying to appear to be the appeaser, the guy that tries to find a solution. BS.. All he really needs to do is publicly condemn the provocations of right-wing Israelis, and shut down their access to Al Aqsa.

Is it also a PR stunt when Abbas badmouths Israel and then says he is ready to meet? That one appears on a parallel topic, and was the essence of Abbas's UN speech. Were any of Abbas's references to al-Aqsa conciliatory? Did he say anything against related Islamic violence?

Both leaders mix domestic politics within their marked-for-international-consumption public statements. Both are hypocritical, and twist facts to suite their respective narratives.

But as an aside, there ARE certain reports and rumors about attempts to set a four-way meeting (Israel, Palestinians, Jordan and the USA) in Amman. Hopefully, the reports are true, and better if such a meeting materializes. Politicians often need to sound tough before they backtrack.

When a country/state/whatever argue diplomatic issues, and one of the states has an average IQ of 85 and the other state has an IQ of 105, nothing good can happen without the state with the higer IQ making intellectual consesions. Among the many laws of nature IMO.

Edited by Pakboong
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PR stunt, trying to appear to be the appeaser, the guy that tries to find a solution. BS.. All he really needs to do is publicly condemn the provocations of right-wing Israelis, and shut down their access to Al Aqsa.

Is it also a PR stunt when Abbas badmouths Israel and then says he is ready to meet? That one appears on a parallel topic, and was the essence of Abbas's UN speech. Were any of Abbas's references to al-Aqsa conciliatory? Did he say anything against related Islamic violence?

Both leaders mix domestic politics within their marked-for-international-consumption public statements. Both are hypocritical, and twist facts to suite their respective narratives.

But as an aside, there ARE certain reports and rumors about attempts to set a four-way meeting (Israel, Palestinians, Jordan and the USA) in Amman. Hopefully, the reports are true, and better if such a meeting materializes. Politicians often need to sound tough before they backtrack.

When a country/state/whatever argue diplomatic issues, and one of the states has an average IQ of 85 and the other state has an IQ of 105, nothing good can happen without the state with the higer IQ making intellectual consesions. Among the many laws of nature IMO.


Average has no bearing on the negotiators.

105...meh, nothing to brag about.

85 is what Thailand is, isn't it?

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing, nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

And what has Israel got ...no permanent peace with internationally recognized borders, pariah state status among most of the world's population, forever looking over their shoulders, their young people brutalized and risking their lives in 3 years of compulsory military service when they should be enjoying the best years of their lives, occupying a increasingly hostile resident population for 48 years...and it is far from over yet.

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing, nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

And what has Israel got ...no permanent peace with internationally recognized borders, pariah state status among most of the world's population, forever looking over their shoulders, their young people brutalized and risking their lives in 3 years of compulsory military service when they should be enjoying the best years of their lives, occupying a increasingly hostile resident population for 48 years...and it is far from over yet.

Peace agreements in place with two two of its neighbors.

Pariah state status in the mind of deluded haters - UN & OECD membership, diplomatic relationship and close cooperation with many countries (probably with those of most posters, as well). Could probably cite a few more examples without straining my grey cells.

Don't let facts ruin your fantasies..

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing, nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

And what has Israel got ...no permanent peace with internationally recognized borders, pariah state status among most of the world's population, forever looking over their shoulders, their young people brutalized and risking their lives in 3 years of compulsory military service when they should be enjoying the best years of their lives, occupying a increasingly hostile resident population for 48 years...and it is far from over yet.

Peace agreements in place with two two of its neighbors.

Pariah state status in the mind of deluded haters - UN & OECD membership, diplomatic relationship and close cooperation with many countries (probably with those of most posters, as well). Could probably cite a few more examples without straining my grey cells.

Don't let facts ruin your fantasies..

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider any state pariah that is nuclear armed and refuses to submit to the normal inspections, or commit to any nuclear treaties. North Korea, for example.

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider a state pariah when it consistently over decades commits war crimes on an occupied people. I can think of only one that has been allowed to go on for so long.

Nothing deluded about considering Israel a pariah state as it contravenes numerous international laws and human rights.

Designating anyone who considers Israel a pariah state as "deluded haters" is just a variation on the victim card antisemite whine.

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And what has Israel got ...no permanent peace with internationally recognized borders, pariah state status among most of the world's population, forever looking over their shoulders, their young people brutalized and risking their lives in 3 years of compulsory military service when they should be enjoying the best years of their lives, occupying a increasingly hostile resident population for 48 years...and it is far from over yet.

Peace agreements in place with two two of its neighbors.

Pariah state status in the mind of deluded haters - UN & OECD membership, diplomatic relationship and close cooperation with many countries (probably with those of most posters, as well). Could probably cite a few more examples without straining my grey cells.

Don't let facts ruin your fantasies..

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider any state pariah that is nuclear armed and refuses to submit to the normal inspections, or commit to any nuclear treaties. North Korea, for example.

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider a state pariah when it consistently over decades commits war crimes on an occupied people. I can think of only one that has been allowed to go on for so long.

Nothing deluded about considering Israel a pariah state as it contravenes numerous international laws and human rights.

Designating anyone who considers Israel a pariah state as "deluded haters" is just a variation on the victim card antisemite whine.

I do not deny the right of any poster to the opinion that Israel a pariah state. Knock yourself out.

Demonstrating how Israel is in fact a pariah state seems a bit more difficult to articulate.

Hence "deluded". As for "haters"....considering the rhetoric normally displayed by relevant posters, it seems on spot.

The one bringing antisemitism into this argument was you, never appeared in this specific post, nor a major theme in my posting in general.

Same goes for "victim card", or whining.

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You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies

and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in

peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such

way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth

for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing,

nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

No point in arguing with Jew-haters. The usual suspects are afoot.

No point in arguing with you, as the only answer you have is : jew-haters, antisemits... take care to not condemn any government around the world, or you may be accused of racism and I hope you are a pro Junta in Thailand, otherwise you are racist towards the thais if we follow this stupid argument.

The fact is they continue to create new settlements, not bring to justice the settlers who kills or burn alive families,...

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And what has Israel got ...no permanent peace with internationally recognized borders, pariah state status among most of the world's population, forever looking over their shoulders, their young people brutalized and risking their lives in 3 years of compulsory military service when they should be enjoying the best years of their lives, occupying a increasingly hostile resident population for 48 years...and it is far from over yet.

Peace agreements in place with two two of its neighbors.

Pariah state status in the mind of deluded haters - UN & OECD membership, diplomatic relationship and close cooperation with many countries (probably with those of most posters, as well). Could probably cite a few more examples without straining my grey cells.

Don't let facts ruin your fantasies..

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider any state pariah that is nuclear armed and refuses to submit to the normal inspections, or commit to any nuclear treaties. North Korea, for example.

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider a state pariah when it consistently over decades commits war crimes on an occupied people. I can think of only one that has been allowed to go on for so long.

Nothing deluded about considering Israel a pariah state as it contravenes numerous international laws and human rights.

Designating anyone who considers Israel a pariah state as "deluded haters" is just a variation on the victim card antisemite whine.

I do not deny the right of any poster to the opinion that Israel a pariah state. Knock yourself out.

Demonstrating how Israel is in fact a pariah state seems a bit more difficult to articulate.

Hence "deluded". As for "haters"....considering the rhetoric normally displayed by relevant posters, it seems on spot.

The one bringing antisemitism into this argument was you, never appeared in this specific post, nor a major theme in my posting in general.

Same goes for "victim card", or whining.

I just did demonstrate why Israel is a pariah state! Any country that does not conform to the legal and humanitarian norms, is by definition pariah. There's no delusion there....but of course you may have your opinion...as long as it does not denigrate my sanity.

You normally are quite coherent, but your spin about never mentioning antisemitism is not cohesive. Read my post again...I said (effectively) that your accusation of "hater" is tantamount to the victim card antisemite label.

And it is whining. "Ooo you haters, you don't like Israel having uncontrolled nukes and breaking international laws...oooo, you're just haters hating Jews.".

Thankfully, you do draw short of the nauseatingly repetitive "This tiny state defending itself against thousands of years of persecution....".

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I just did demonstrate why Israel is a pariah state! Any country that does not conform to the legal and humanitarian norms, is by definition pariah. There's no delusion there....but of course you may have your opinion...as long as it does not denigrate my sanity.

You normally are quite coherent, but your spin about never mentioning antisemitism is not cohesive. Read my post again...I said (effectively) that your accusation of "hater" is tantamount to the victim card antisemite label.

And it is whining. "Ooo you haters, you don't like Israel having uncontrolled nukes and breaking international laws...oooo, you're just haters hating Jews.".

Thankfully, you do draw short of the nauseatingly repetitive "This tiny state defending itself against thousands of years of persecution....".

It's no use arguing with the Zionists, they equate any criticism of the Zionist State or the political ideology of Zionism as anti-semitism. It's a nice victim shield they like to hold up and it gets them lots of sympathy among the politically unsophisticated. What is doubly ironic is that these political neophytes (including many on this forum) don't know that some of the most prominent critics of Zionism (as political theory and as currently practiced) are themselves Jews.

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Peace agreements in place with two two of its neighbors.

Pariah state status in the mind of deluded haters - UN & OECD membership, diplomatic relationship and close cooperation with many countries (probably with those of most posters, as well). Could probably cite a few more examples without straining my grey cells.

Don't let facts ruin your fantasies..

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider any state pariah that is nuclear armed and refuses to submit to the normal inspections, or commit to any nuclear treaties. North Korea, for example.

You don't have to be a "hater" to consider a state pariah when it consistently over decades commits war crimes on an occupied people. I can think of only one that has been allowed to go on for so long.

Nothing deluded about considering Israel a pariah state as it contravenes numerous international laws and human rights.

Designating anyone who considers Israel a pariah state as "deluded haters" is just a variation on the victim card antisemite whine.

I do not deny the right of any poster to the opinion that Israel a pariah state. Knock yourself out.

Demonstrating how Israel is in fact a pariah state seems a bit more difficult to articulate.

Hence "deluded". As for "haters"....considering the rhetoric normally displayed by relevant posters, it seems on spot.

The one bringing antisemitism into this argument was you, never appeared in this specific post, nor a major theme in my posting in general.

Same goes for "victim card", or whining.

I just did demonstrate why Israel is a pariah state! Any country that does not conform to the legal and humanitarian norms, is by definition pariah. There's no delusion there....but of course you may have your opinion...as long as it does not denigrate my sanity.

You normally are quite coherent, but your spin about never mentioning antisemitism is not cohesive. Read my post again...I said (effectively) that your accusation of "hater" is tantamount to the victim card antisemite label.

And it is whining. "Ooo you haters, you don't like Israel having uncontrolled nukes and breaking international laws...oooo, you're just haters hating Jews.".

Thankfully, you do draw short of the nauseatingly repetitive "This tiny state defending itself against thousands of years of persecution....".

I think we might have different notion of what "demonstrate" means. What you mention is your opinion, and you are welcome to it. How is anything posted actually amount to "pariah"? That is, in any effective manner? Was Israel kicked out of the UN recently? Some other international organization? Was there a mass recall of ambassadors? Sanctions in place?

There are many countries that do not conform to many legal and many humanitarian norms. Some of them even sit on the UNHRC. Surely you had a point there?

I read and understood your meaning clearly. That you interpret my post as resembling something akin to accusations of antisemitism, is not my responsibility. My post was discussing Israel, and as we are assured many times on these discussions, it is a totally different matter. Right?

People are welcome to express hate to whatever they feel like (personally, don't see the attraction), but why then be incensed when called "hater"? If that's how one feels, wear it proudly.

I would appreciate you not putting words in my mouth - I never, ever, used the phrase appearing in your last line.

something to do with referring antisemitism

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