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TPP 'could benefit Thailand'


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'TPP could benefit Thailand'

New Zealand

BANGKOK: -- AS ONE of the 12 signatories to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, New Zealand suggests that Thailand should consider joining the TPP during the public scrutiny process by member states, arguing that the partnership will be the world's largest trade agreement - and one that many more countries will join, making it a huge market for the Kingdom.

In an exclusive interview with The Nation, New Zealand's ambassador to Thailand, Reuben Levermore, said that since Thailand was such a strong trading nation and heavily reliant on exports, which account for 70 per cent of its gross domestic product, joining the TPP would increase trade opportunity and ensure the country's future growth.

"We [New Zealand] see the opportunity from the TPP, as it includes many large markets, mainly the US and Japan, and other countries. For Thailand, I think the opportunity is also waiting for the country to see the [benefits of the] agreement, as all TPP members will need to go through the public scrutiny process and get parliamentary approval. Thailand can take this chance to study and see the details of the agreement, and consider whether to join the TPP," said the ambassador.

Although Thailand is moving forward to membership of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which will have 16 member countries - 10 Asean members, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand - the RCEP cannot compensate for non-participation in the TPP, whose market size and combined GDP are much larger, he said.

Thailand should consider joining every trade agreement possible, as it is important to benefit from the different angles offered by each pact, and it would help open up opportunity for the Kingdom to increase market access to all, he added.

Levermore believes that following the TPP's implementation, the combined trade of its member economies will double.

Asked about concerns over the opening up of service or other sectors under the TPP, the ambassador said that these should not be seen as major issues since the TPP would help enhance closer cooperation and develop sectors in which there were different playing fields.

For instance, New Zealand has strengths in service businesses such as education and IT, and cooperation under the TPP should help promote those sectors' growth into other markets, while other service businesses will need more investment from other countries to help develop their growth.

Meanwhile, in regard to bilateral trade between Thailand and New Zealand, Levermore said that almost 10 years on from the implementation of their free-trade agreement, he expected there would be a revision of the FTA to promote more trade and investment growth on both sides, as well as leveraging closer cooperation in many sectors.

He explained that certain specific issues needed to be discussed, such as the liberalisation of service business to allow more foreign ownership, and facilitation of the movement of professionals so that Thai service businesses can be upgraded, which would improve the value chain.

Agricultural cooperation

New Zealand's special agricultural trade envoy, Mike Petersen said that under the bilateral FTA, he expected that Thailand and New Zealand would tighten their cooperation in many sectors, particularly in agriculture as New Zealand has high expertise in the industry.

He said many New Zealand businesses would like to trade and invest more in agricultural business with Thailand in the form of joint ventures or trade partnerships.

Since New Zealand has high expertise in five key agricultural sectors - dairy products, beef, sheep, farming and wine - the country foresees closer cooperation with Thailand, as well as more trade and investment for both sides, he added.

New Zealand could also help transfer technology and know-how in quality agricultural production, and improve capacity for Thai farmers, which would in turn increase consumer satisfaction, said Petersen.

Talking about the dairy sector, in which New Zealand has a particularly high level of expertise, the envoy said the country could transfer technology and innovation, which would help Thai dairy farmers upgrade their production standards. Thai dairy farmers should take the opportunity of the FTA to develop their production rather than simply worry about market liberalisation, he suggested.

Under their FTA trading target, Thailand and New Zealand pledged to double commerce between the countries to Bt100 billion by 2020.

Bilateral trade amounted to about Bt60 billion last year.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/TPP-could-benefit-Thailand-30271118.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-19

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Will someone tell Thailand that it's impossible to join when your at the lowest rank on the TIP report. We all know they aren't getting an upgrade. Expecting positive change to happen in Thailand is just close as one can get to impossible. Also, even if by some miracle they did get upgraded the USA has been clear the general needs the boot and real democracy implemented at a minimum.

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Will someone tell Thailand that it's impossible to join when your at the lowest rank on the TIP report. We all know they aren't getting an upgrade. Expecting positive change to happen in Thailand is just close as one can get to impossible. Also, even if by some miracle they did get upgraded the USA has been clear the general needs the boot and real democracy implemented at a minimum.

This is not true, as demonstrated by Malaysia's treatment. Of course, Malaysia sits on the Straits of Malacca, and the ignorant paranoiacs in PNAC think it's vital to include Malaysia in the TPP because otherwise they might decide to close the Straits to international shipping. When President Obama was visiting Thailand in November 2012 the governor of the Bank of Thailand took the unusual step of writing an editorial warning that secret parts of the TPP would not be in Thailand's best interests, and Thailand should not join. This is just another effort to sell the abomination which is TPP to voters in New Zealand. Believe me, the people behind the TPP would love to get Thailand in. Almost like a new SEATO.

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Will someone tell Thailand that it's impossible to join when your at the lowest rank on the TIP report. We all know they aren't getting an upgrade. Expecting positive change to happen in Thailand is just close as one can get to impossible. Also, even if by some miracle they did get upgraded the USA has been clear the general needs the boot and real democracy implemented at a minimum.

This is not true, as demonstrated by Malaysia's treatment. Of course, Malaysia sits on the Straits of Malacca, and the ignorant paranoiacs in PNAC think it's vital to include Malaysia in the TPP because otherwise they might decide to close the Straits to international shipping. When President Obama was visiting Thailand in November 2012 the governor of the Bank of Thailand took the unusual step of writing an editorial warning that secret parts of the TPP would not be in Thailand's best interests, and Thailand should not join. This is just another effort to sell the abomination which is TPP to voters in New Zealand. Believe me, the people behind the TPP would love to get Thailand in. Almost like a new SEATO.
Malaysia has geopolitical importance as you indicated and was upgraded in the TIP report. Google the investigation currently ongoing by Congress regarding Obama putting pressure on the State Department to make the unwarranted upgrade so Malaysia could join TPP. Edited by Praematura
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I don't think any Thai companies are big enough to benefit from the TPP's major initiative of multinational companies being able to sue nation states for loss of future profits caused by governmental regulations and legislative changes ..... Thailand, however, could have its coffers stripped bare in a matter of years.

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Thailand in the TPP is a must for its future in exports. The founding TPP members (ie., USA, Canada, Mexico) represent 40% of the world's import markets. For the US there is minimal domestic benefit but to POTUS Obama it is a political keystone for his administration.

I suspect Obama would be willing to delay of avoid economic sanctions against Thailand as it recently did with Malaysia in Tier 3 placement if Thailand joins. Win-Win .

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The TPP will allow corporations the right to sue governments for restricting imports, particularly Big Pharma. Are you ready for overpriced medications? TPP strips the right for a government to control and regulate US corporations.

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does TPP has the intention to create a kind of `one culture` in the world, regulate prices all over the members countries? how to deal with intellectual property in this case? I do not see nothing good, only a few ones (trillionaires) benefits yourself like always. Why countries of BRIC denied TPP?


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But how could Thailand benefit the TPP? Not much.

There is a thing at the top of the page called the OP.

Try reading it.

Okay, name one thing the article says that the TPP will benefit from having Thailand as a member. BTW, had you paid a little more attention, you would have seen that most of the OP, as you call it, was actually a discussion of Thailand and New Zealand's bilateral free trade pact. The TPP was merely glossed over.

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Does anybody even know what's in the TPP ?

Anybody joining such a nightmarish trade agreement has to be utterly insane !!!

It is NOT a free trade agreement ... it's a "do anything you wish" for big corporations.

[Actually free trade agreements are already a bad thing if anybody would dare to look at them

and not just repeat like a robot what some "experts" say about them]

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Maybe 'some' of Thailand will benefit, maybe not...


Leaders of TPP, CETA & other Global Corporate Treaties/'Arrangements'

and PRIME MINISTER HARPER, the leaders of the other political parties operating in Canada, the executives of the parties, et al; et al;

After serving you with; "NOTIFICATION of Pre-existing CHALLENGE(s) to the TPP, C-CITreaty (FIPPA),the CETAgrement, et al" on, or, about, 2013,

do you think that it would prudent for both; Canadians & non Canadian who are the potential shareholders & non-shareholders of the businesses, industries& enterprises that will be generated by, or, effected by, the aforementioned agreements, treaties, &/or, partnerships, to wait for the findings regarding:

'The Submission' to The SUPREME COURT of CANADA:

The SHAREHOLDERS & Corporations of AMERICA, China, Canada, the EU, the Trans Pacific nations, et al


the (harmless) Canadian NON shareholders, both; Native & non Native, et al


'The MERKEL (Chancellor of Germany) Letter; To Sue, or, Be Sued?'

(see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com)?

And, what, if anything, have you & the other leaders done that will ensure that those voters that have not been privy to the aforementioned agreements, treaties, &/or, partnerships, have the same, or, more time (ie. 10 years for non-lawyers) to read, consider, discuss, improve upon, &/or, reject, or, accept (with funding by corporate Canada to pay the requisite contingent of lawyers to work out; a) the dollar impact for the harmless taxpayers & the designers of the original draft; corporate Canada and cool.png alternatives.

Furthermore, what is the schedule of punitive penalties that the voters will receive from Corporate Canada & the federal government if/when the TPP, et al, Tribunals try to take trade penalties from the top of the taxpayers budgets in order that the Tribunals penalties dont interfere with expanding our spending for health care, education, CPP & other services. That is to say; the TPP penalties are at the bottom of the balanced budgets; after all other payments, compensations & suits by the provinces/municipalities against corporate Canada & the federal government as per The Submission to The Supreme Court of Canada (see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com) & The MERKEL (Chancellor of Germany) Letter (see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com)?

And, finally, provinces, such as, Alberta, that allow Canadian corporations to pollute, frack for LNG, etc., do not set precedents for all of Canada, it merely allows foreign/global signatories to do pollute, frack for LNG, etc. in the jurisdiction of Alberta, but, these foreign corporations must maintain rigorous environmental standards that will not challenge the neighboring provinces, &/or, the other effected jurisdictions. Under these & other circumstances the corporations are deemed liable & fit to be sued by all of the effected jurisdictions of Canada.

Please also remember Mr. Harper, et al, that if all of the harmless voters/taxpayers demand shares in the aforementioned businesses, industries& enterprises as a consequence of the encumbrances of their rights,& /or, the future marginalizing of their rights, the entire TPP & the other Global Corporate Treaties/'Arrangements' come tumbling down as the cross-suing global corporations will be placed in the situation that we've discussed before whereby, the corporations will be in fact suing themselves without being able to totally pass along their liabilities, such as the secret Tribunals' punitive penalties, to the harmless, voters/taxpayers.

And, as the need to compensate Canadian; dairy farmers, auto manufacturers, fishermen, et al, has been created by corporation Canada in order for it & its shareholders to benefit directly from their secret 'arrangements', do you understand the need for the compensations to be taken from the gross earnings (trillions of dollars over the life time of the secretly growing scope of the TPP, et al) of the businesses, industries & enterprises that will be generated by, or, positively effected by, the aforementioned agreements, treaties, &/or, partnerships,

and thus, the compensations will absolutely not be paid for in any part by the harmless voters/taxpayers, &/or, any of the potentially 'indirect' beneficiaries?

As always, I look forward to reading about your thoughts, your questions, your feelings, your improvements, etc., & those of your fellow party leaders, the executives of the parties, et al, regarding the enclosed.

If you should have any questions, or, problems with this issue, &/or, any other, I can be contacted at the numbers & addresses that Ive previously provided you with.

David E.H. Smith

- Researcher

- 'Qui tam...'


your signature


For FULL Article; 'Well, You should have known',

see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com


For more Information & Questions re; The Relationship between Human (Nature) Rights & Economics by way of the TTIP, the CET Agreement, TPP, C-CI Treaty, et al, and The WAD Accord


see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com


Please consider sharing the enclosed information& questions with 10 friends who will share it with 10 others...

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Will someone tell Thailand that it's impossible to join when your at the lowest rank on the TIP report. We all know they aren't getting an upgrade. Expecting positive change to happen in Thailand is just close as one can get to impossible. Also, even if by some miracle they did get upgraded the USA has been clear the general needs the boot and real democracy implemented at a minimum.

This is not true, as demonstrated by Malaysia's treatment. Of course, Malaysia sits on the Straits of Malacca, and the ignorant paranoiacs in PNAC think it's vital to include Malaysia in the TPP because otherwise they might decide to close the Straits to international shipping. When President Obama was visiting Thailand in November 2012 the governor of the Bank of Thailand took the unusual step of writing an editorial warning that secret parts of the TPP would not be in Thailand's best interests, and Thailand should not join. This is just another effort to sell the abomination which is TPP to voters in New Zealand. Believe me, the people behind the TPP would love to get Thailand in. Almost like a new SEATO.

Agree with you. A little research into the TPP will reveal how bad it really is-- for the People! It's ALL for the Corporations--they love it!! Help Thailand??

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Will someone tell Thailand that it's impossible to join when your at the lowest rank on the TIP report. We all know they aren't getting an upgrade. Expecting positive change to happen in Thailand is just close as one can get to impossible. Also, even if by some miracle they did get upgraded the USA has been clear the general needs the boot and real democracy implemented at a minimum.

This is not true, as demonstrated by Malaysia's treatment. Of course, Malaysia sits on the Straits of Malacca, and the ignorant paranoiacs in PNAC think it's vital to include Malaysia in the TPP because otherwise they might decide to close the Straits to international shipping. When President Obama was visiting Thailand in November 2012 the governor of the Bank of Thailand took the unusual step of writing an editorial warning that secret parts of the TPP would not be in Thailand's best interests, and Thailand should not join. This is just another effort to sell the abomination which is TPP to voters in New Zealand. Believe me, the people behind the TPP would love to get Thailand in. Almost like a new SEATO.

Agree with you. A little research into the TPP will reveal how bad it really is-- for the People! It's ALL for the Corporations--they love it!! Help Thailand??

Because the 60 chapters are still secret except for the 5 year patent protection, sourcing of auto parts, etc, but the fact it remains a secret does make me agree that it benefits large multinational corps primarily.

People talk about the U.S. Military industrial complex running the country from behind the scenes but the healthcare lobby puts in 400% more political contributions and is by far the largest lobbyist in congress.

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Perhaps New Zealand could make their copy of the TPP secret documents public and point out exactly how Thailand or any other countries citizens will benefit by a secret agreement between governments and corporations for the benefit of corporations and politicians.

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No country will benefit from the TPP, only transnational corporations will.


Anyone who signs this agreement is an idiot. It has been developed in a very sneaky way, by the corporations, for the corporations.

Both Obama and Clinton have been "bought off". Shameful !

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But how could Thailand benefit the TPP? Not much.

There is a thing at the top of the page called the OP.

Try reading it.

Okay, name one thing the article says that the TPP will benefit from having Thailand as a member. BTW, had you paid a little more attention, you would have seen that most of the OP, as you call it, was actually a discussion of Thailand and New Zealand's bilateral free trade pact. The TPP was merely glossed over.

It will benifit President Obama, that way he can say that all countries support him and his legacy.

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