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HELP! The mrs keeps trying to burn the house down!


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It's not intentional - she's just incredibly forgetful. FOUR times now she's left something cooking and either gone out or gone to bed. Each time we have smelled smoke and go to the kitchen to find something on fire on the stove. (Well that's four times that I've seen, there's quite possibly more that I haven't been aware of as I'm out most days).

I'm just waiting for the day when I'm not around and the house burns down. Anyone have any suggestions how to prevent this?

(Humorous suggestions also welcome: bring it on, I need a giggle)

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Thai kitchen → OUTSIDE.....

Probably one of the original reasons they have them......

Got back to MIL's a few days ago and immediately the wife says to me 'turn the gas off' [gas bottle].

Didn't notice anything untoward myself but don't do cooking or kitchens.

Eventually realised MIL asleep and had left pan on and close to melting.

Anyway, good news was an outside kitchen.

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Gutterboy, I have spoken with your wife and your insurance policy has been increased to 100 million baht, on your life only. However, the policy does expire in 11 days. oh, and the poison insurance is up to 90 million from day 12-100.

ah, it's a typical policy here, no worries.

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I guess your not getting the message, she is doing it deliberately, so she you will stop her and therefore she doesnt have to do it anymore, she wants to eat outside, in a restaurant/noodle shop whatever, same as all the other "farang" wives. Duh !

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I am very careful with gas, it must be used correctly. I have told my servants any mess in kitchen I will deduct money from thier wages. Must have disipline

I think you've got TVF mixed up with an S&M chatroom mate ?

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If a pot is on stogve with fire beneath it, and the wife is not in kitcjen i turn gas off. I went thru this for about 12 year and she finally got the hint.

Same with daughter, in her case talkingt on phone and goes to another part of house (private ) did the same thing and she got cured much qicker than mother.

Sure pisses them off . i think because they see it as being treated like a baby, no sharp rebuke, a simple explanation and then i smell cooking i would check for attendance , matbe 3 or 4 times

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It's not intentional - she's just incredibly forgetful. FOUR times now she's left something cooking and either gone out or gone to bed. Each time we have smelled smoke and go to the kitchen to find something on fire on the stove. (Well that's four times that I've seen, there's quite possibly more that I haven't been aware of as I'm out most days).

I'm just waiting for the day when I'm not around and the house burns down. Anyone have any suggestions how to prevent this?

(Humorous suggestions also welcome: bring it on, I need a giggle)

get a fire alarm or spri nkler
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If a pot is on stogve with fire beneath it, and the wife is not in kitcjen i turn gas off. I went thru this for about 12 year and she finally got the hint.

Same with daughter, in her case talkingt on phone and goes to another part of house (private ) did the same thing and she got cured much qicker than mother.

Sure pisses them off . i think because they see it as being treated like a baby, no sharp rebuke, a simple explanation and then i smell cooking i would check for attendance , matbe 3 or 4 times

Good idea!

Mine does it all the time, did it today, pan on the stove boiled dry, her asleep on the sofa.

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If a pot is on stogve with fire beneath it, and the wife is not in kitcjen i turn gas off. I went thru this for about 12 year and she finally got the hint.

Same with daughter, in her case talkingt on phone and goes to another part of house (private ) did the same thing and she got cured much qicker than mother.

Sure pisses them off . i think because they see it as being treated like a baby, no sharp rebuke, a simple explanation and then i smell cooking i would check for attendance , matbe 3 or 4 times

This is a great idea and I will do it. Only problem is it doesn't work when I'm out, but thank you it's a good start.

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