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Netanyahu slammed for 'inaccurate' Holocaust comments


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Netanyahu slammed for 'inaccurate' Holocaust comments


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been slammed by Holocaust experts for suggesting that a historic Palestinian leader convinced the Nazis to exterminate European Jews.

Netanyahu’s comments have been described as “historically inaccurate.” Critics saying his statement amounts to incitement against modern-day Palestinians amid a wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence and tension.

“This attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929, were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here. So what should I do with them?’ he asked. He said, ‘Burn them’.”

Netanyahu was speaking to a group of Jewish leaders on Tuesday (October 20).

Netanyahu is in Germany today (October 21) where he is expected to meet the country’s chancellor and US secretary of state.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-22

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

People have short and selective memories. The world is full of pathetic and cowardly apologists for the evil hatred which continues to this day against jews. The tools of peace rest in the hands of the perpetrators of hatred against jews not Israel who want only to live in peace.

Edited by Timnic
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Nathanyahu, one of the biggest fascist leaders of our time, tries to whitewash the totally sick thoughts of Hitler by blaming Palestinians for the holocaust. And then there are people who still support this heartless child murderer. When will they wake up and see that Likud is a fascist party that has only one aim, the total destruction, by any means, of a group of defenseless people who have been locked up in camps for decades?

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Clever of Netanyahu to shift focus to past rather than what is going down now. Similar to what Republicans did with John Kerry's VN war record (he went and fought) compared with Bush who got into Air Guard thanks to daddy connections. We can't change the past, but dang if we can't ignore the present!

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If I were Netanyahu, I wouldn't be so keen to drag up dealings with Hitler. Zionists dealt with the devil too, dropping their very effective worldwide boycott of Germany in return for Nazi favors to increase Jewish migration to Palestine . The Transfer Agreement is still a bone of contention in Israel today.


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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

So you agree that fascist Nathanyahu can tell complete and utter lies (because thats not the point right?) which he clearly does to incite more hate and division between Palestinians and Israeli and which he sees as just another justification to slaughter more Palestinians children (which is just more propaganda right?). And you claim you want peace in the Middle East?

To answer your question, the world knows that the holocaust was a terrible thing which was instigated by a complete and utter mad man called Hitler. Fantasies from his brother in arms Bibi is NOT what the world remembers....but will become the truth by loonies who have no clue what they are talking about. The fact that you now justify murdering of Palestinian children, because 75 years ago a Palestinian met with Hitler, says everything.

Also, how hard is it to understand that Jews IS NOT A NATION! Israel is a nation! Once you can see the difference, you'll also understand the difference between antisemitism and opposition against the fascist Likud policies.....

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The OP above does not quite fill in all the details. Netanyahu was not speaking to 'Jewish Leaders' on Tuesday. He was a guest speaker at the 'World Zionist Congress'.

From the BBC



How Israeli media reported the story
  • The Jerusalem Post says the chief historian at Israel's memorial to the Holocaust has "responded harshly" to Mr Netanyahu's speech. Professor Dina Porat told the newspaper he should backtrack.
  • Yedioth Ahronoth says Mr Netanyahu has been "slammed" for his remarks andquotes experts as saying Hitler did indeed meet the mufti - but only after the Final Solution began.
  • The Times of Israel leads with Germany's insistence that it was responsible for the Holocaust and continues by saying Mr Netanyahu has been "roundly denounced".

Netanyahu's hands are dripping with blood. Yup! Just the kind of guy to try and make Hitler look not that bad if he has a chance of trying to further justify the slaughter of Palestinians. He is a blight on humanity and fully deserves his seat at the same table as Hitler, they can talk Genocide together for eternity (in between their 23 hrs a day in the hot room of course).

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This vile propaganda can have no other purpose than to further dehumanize Palestinians and justify Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing and murder.

Netanyahu’s attempt to blame Palestinians for the Holocaust is itself a form of genocidal incitement.

Moreover it's pure Holocaust denial...

He's trying to change the Palestinian struggle against Jewish colonization no more as a anti-colonial struggle but as an anti-Semitic project.

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If I were Netanyahu, I wouldn't be so keen to drag up dealings with Hitler. Zionists dealt with the devil too, dropping their very effective worldwide boycott of Germany in return for Nazi favors to increase Jewish migration to Palestine . The Transfer Agreement is still a bone of contention in Israel today.


Typical distortion of the facts.

In actual fact, the choice was between defense of Jews in Germany, or their rescue by their escape to Palestine, where British and French interests had promised them a homeland (see the denier-inconvenient Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the Balfour Declaration). When the fate of German Jews was clear, the Zionists carried the day, and the Transfer Agreement was approved.

More like paying for Jewish lives, than like 'making a deal with the Devil'.

Nice try, though...just weak.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

So....your first paragraph, you start out conceding that it may not be true, but then you go on with the assumption that it is true.


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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

No, that is not the point.

The point is that the present Israeli PM comes with an inaccurate statement, with the sole purpose to vilify the Palestinians. He should be looking at making peace, not war.

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What Netanyahu said is either fact or it isn't. If true, he had a perfect right to speak as he did. If untrue, he is guilty of inflaming further the tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.

So by your logic, if someone stands in Europe and say the "Holocaust never happened" it is either fact or it isn't, but their perfect right to speak as they did is waived and they will go to jail for 3 years. Double standards - no? The Zionists want there cake and eat it. What Netanyahu said is in fact a denial of the accepted history of the Holocaust. That falls under Holocaust Denial and I just wish someone in Germany would slap an arrest warrant on him today before he leaves Germany.

Edited by Andaman Al
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What Netanyahu said is either fact or it isn't. If true, he had a perfect right to speak as he did. If untrue, he is guilty of inflaming further the tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.

So by your logic, if someone stands in Europe and say the "Holocaust never happened" it is either fact or it isn't, but their perfect right to speak as they did is waived and they will go to jail for 3 years. Double standards - no? The Zionists want there cake and eat it. What Netanyahu said is in fact a denial of the accepted history of the Holocaust. That falls under Holocaust Denial and I just wish someone in Germany would slap an arrest warrant on him today before he leaves Germany.

Laws against expressing an opinion are as repugnant as the opinions they suppress. Shine the light of day on garbage to reveal its nature.

Germany seems never to learn.

Following authority, good or bad, is the way to perdition. Think for yourself, and stop telling everyone else what they must do/say/think.

Get it?

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Nathanyahu, one of the biggest fascist leaders of our time, tries to whitewash the totally sick thoughts of Hitler by blaming Palestinians for the holocaust. And then there are people who still support this heartless child murderer. When will they wake up and see that Likud is a fascist party that has only one aim, the total destruction, by any means, of a group of defenseless people who have been locked up in camps for decades?

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifbaby killer cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

a group of defenseless people who have been locked up in camps for decades. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Sweetheart, if you want to know who babykillers are, go have a chat with Assad from Syria. He loves his barrel bombs.

Go watch the Turks and Iranians kill Kurds.

If you want to know about being locked up in a camp, go and visit the heroic Kurds who live as virtual prisoners of the Turks. Israel isn't locking them up. It should, but it doesn't. These Arabs still have more freedom in Israel than they have in their glorious halal states of Yemen, Saudia Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon etc. Why don't you ask the Arab countries why they won't allow the Arabs from Gaza and the west Bank to stay in their respective countries.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

So....your first paragraph, you start out conceding that it may not be true, but then you go on with the assumption that it is true.

The only thing is question here is if Hitler decided to exterminate all Jews before or after meeting the Grand Multi of Palestine. They had already agreed on their mutual hatred for them.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

So....your first paragraph, you start out conceding that it may not be true, but then you go on with the assumption that it is true.

The only thing is question here is if Hitler decided to exterminate all Jews before or after meeting the Grand Multi of Palestine. They had already agreed on their mutual hatred for them.

As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

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What Netanyahu said is either fact or it isn't. If true, he had a perfect right to speak as he did. If untrue, he is guilty of inflaming further the tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.

So by your logic, if someone stands in Europe and say the "Holocaust never happened" it is either fact or it isn't, but their perfect right to speak as they did is waived and they will go to jail for 3 years. Double standards - no? The Zionists want there cake and eat it. What Netanyahu said is in fact a denial of the accepted history of the Holocaust. That falls under Holocaust Denial and I just wish someone in Germany would slap an arrest warrant on him today before he leaves Germany.

Laws against expressing an opinion are as repugnant as the opinions they suppress. Shine the light of day on garbage to reveal its nature.

Germany seems never to learn.

Following authority, good or bad, is the way to perdition. Think for yourself, and stop telling everyone else what they must do/say/think.

Get it?

I am not telling anyone anything. I think you have the wrong end of the stick read again!

The Zionists are the ones that lobbied for holocaust deniers to be jailed for mearly expressing a thought and here we have one of the worlds most zelous zionists not practicing what he preaches!! He is the one now spouting holocaust denial. Personally the idea of sending someone to jail for what they think iin terms of history is insane but THAT is what the Zionists have got world Governments to do in terms of the holocaust. Yet here we have Mr Zionist himself now thinking its ok to say what he wants. Well of course the truth is it is ok but you stand next to him and spout your own brand of Holocaust Denial and he will be spitting fire and brimstone and calling for your arrest. As i said the Zionists want their cake and eat it, so yes under the legislation that the Zionists lobbied for arrest him and charge him under his own archaic law making......Get it ?

Edited by Andaman Al
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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

So....your first paragraph, you start out conceding that it may not be true, but then you go on with the assumption that it is true.

The only thing is question here is if Hitler decided to exterminate all Jews before or after meeting the Grand Multi of Palestine. They had already agreed on their mutual hatred for them.

As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

Where do you come up with such nonsense? Have you ever contributed a factual post?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Holocaust Denial is denying the accepted version of history as published under international law. Netanyahu denied that version of history. Guilty!! Simple really.

Furthermore in his statement while speaking at the World Zionist Congress, Netanyahu did not 'suggest' anything he stated it as fact!

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This will cause a great deal of damage regarding the official narrative of the Holocaust. This, IMO clearly points out there are other issues that have a play regarding the Holocaust official narrative and this is just one of them. There are people in jail for doing what Netanyahu just did and he should be charged also. Simply because he is a Jew doesn't exempt him from Holocaust denial laws. This does not vindicate the Nazis, it simply points out that the Israeli PM is not as smart as he needs to be do do that job effectively.

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

None of those charged with Holocaust Denial actually claimed it didn't happen. All of them said that the death toll and methods were grossly over stated. They attacked the official narrative which Netanyahu just did as well. You simply can't have it both ways. The judge's ruling in the second Zundle trial was, "the truth is not a defense". That was based on the law regarding attacking the official narrative. He either denied the official narrative or he didn't. The law is to protect the official narrative and serves no other legal purpose..

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