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Benghazi attack: 'Hillary is a bold-faced liar'


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Benghazi Attack: 'Hillary Is A Bold-Faced Liar'
By Jason Farrell, Senior Correspondent

Hillary Clinton faces tough questions over the attack as the mother of one of the victims insists officials were warned

The mother of one of the men killed in the attack on a US compound in Benghazi has described Hillary Clinton as a "bold-faced liar".

It comes as the US Presidential hopeful goes up against a hostile select committee over the deaths of four diplomats in Libya.

Mrs Clinton was Secretary of State on 11 September, 2012 when a diplomatic compound in Benghazi was stormed by terrorists. Four US officials were killed including the American ambassador Christopher Stevens.

The subsequent investigation is now focusing on whether Mrs Clinton could have provided more security to the staff in Benghazi.

Full story: http://news.sky.com/story/1574004/benghazi-attack-hillary-is-a-bold-faced-liar

-- sky NEWS 2015-10-22

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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

True, but it's also been proven, over and over again, that she had nothing to do with Benghazi. They really need to focus on the email server. Benghazi is a red herring.

you can't be serious? She lied about Benghazi, remember the video story? She said she never had any emails about Benghazi that day when she did.

I'm not sure you meant to type she had nothing to do with Benghazi.

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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

True, but it's also been proven, over and over again, that she had nothing to do with Benghazi. They really need to focus on the email server. Benghazi is a red herring.

Just the snippets from the email server concerning Bush and Blair indicate that the contents would make wikileak revelations look as interesting as reading War and Peace when you have had no sleep for 3 days!

Clinton will tear them apart today!! I sure do hope so.

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Benghazi plays to the extreme conservative far right wing and TeaBaggers. Has no effect on Center Right - Center Left or Democratic Left. It has been crystal clear from the very beginning it was just a Conservative Right Wing 'witch hunt'. Fringe Conservatives get all fired up but move a millimetre to the Left and eyes glaze over in boredom.

In fact Benghazi was the first incident that saw the US Government stay within and respectful of International Law, the Geneva Convention and Sovereign Airspace. The slightest movement of US Military forces towards Benghazi would have seen the US in breach of International Treaties they have agreed too.

Comments made by the Mother of one of the dead. Totally understandable. Hopefully peace be with her. I find it a little distasteful for Conservative Right Wingers to use a Mother who lost a son to continue their political witch hunt. Very poor form in my book.

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Benghazi plays to the extreme conservative far right wing and TeaBaggers. Has no effect on Center Right - Center Left or Democratic Left. It has been crystal clear from the very beginning it was just a Conservative Right Wing 'witch hunt'. Fringe Conservatives get all fired up but move a millimetre to the Left and eyes glaze over in boredom.

In fact Benghazi was the first incident that saw the US Government stay within and respectful of International Law, the Geneva Convention and Sovereign Airspace. The slightest movement of US Military forces towards Benghazi would have seen the US in breach of International Treaties they have agreed too.

Comments made by the Mother of one of the dead. Totally understandable. Hopefully peace be with her. I find it a little distasteful for Conservative Right Wingers to use a Mother who lost a son to continue their political witch hunt. Very poor form in my book.

" I find it a little distasteful for Conservative Right Wingers to use a Mother who lost a son to continue their political witch hunt. Very poor form in my book.

I tend to agree with you, which begs the question...is CNN considered filled with Conservative Right Wingers?

The interview was carried out by CNN. They are the ones trying to gain from the obvious anguish of the mother.


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Benghazi plays to the extreme conservative far right wing and TeaBaggers. Has no effect on Center Right - Center Left or Democratic Left. It has been crystal clear from the very beginning it was just a Conservative Right Wing 'witch hunt'. Fringe Conservatives get all fired up but move a millimetre to the Left and eyes glaze over in boredom.

In fact Benghazi was the first incident that saw the US Government stay within and respectful of International Law, the Geneva Convention and Sovereign Airspace. The slightest movement of US Military forces towards Benghazi would have seen the US in breach of International Treaties they have agreed too.

Comments made by the Mother of one of the dead. Totally understandable. Hopefully peace be with her. I find it a little distasteful for Conservative Right Wingers to use a Mother who lost a son to continue their political witch hunt. Very poor form in my book.

" I find it a little distasteful for Conservative Right Wingers to use a Mother who lost a son to continue their political witch hunt. Very poor form in my book.

I tend to agree with you, which begs the question...is CNN considered filled with Conservative Right Wingers?

The interview was carried out by CNN. They are the ones trying to gain from the obvious anguish of the mother.


CNN would be considered Left of Center politically. This story is being used as propaganda by the Murdoch Right Wing militia. CNN has to 'buy in'. The CNN piece was excruciatingly painful. To see a mother so distraught and confused and hurt. She has to understand the never ending scrutiny of the death of her son is politically motivated and she should not be involved in it. It all just intensifies and prolongs her agony. It makes the far Right Wing Teabaggers salivate but I just feel deeply saddened she is being used and manipulated in this way. The vacuous 'froth and bubble' of Right Wing political ideology shows little respect to anyone. Particularly the poor and disadvantaged, the underprivileged, the uneducated, the marginalised and the suffering are just to be exploited and manipulated to promote the valueless immorality of the elite and powerful.

For whatever reason, terrorists attacked and killed her son. He is dead. She should be supported and provided emotional assistance so she can, as much as possible, mend and cope with her loss. Certainly not exploited and manipulated for political gain by Murdoch.

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Sky News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, isn't it? Same as Fox News? I can understand mother being upset, but she is hardly an expert commentator. Not a whole lot could have been done differently, unless she wanted to do something along lines of what US did invading Panama... Hind sight is always 20/20.

Is this political witch hunt? Well, worked before with Clintons. Whitewater begat Paula Jones begat impeachment hearings.... Bengazi begat emails begets....?

While they are at it, can they indict Bush 2 for murder regarding his blatant systematic lies that got invasion of Iraq going in 03?

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She told Tyrone Wood's father that the man who created the internet video would be caught and punished after she knew that there had never been a protest and the video was not at fault. She lied about Benghazi and loads of other things.

right....and Obama wasn't born in the USA. Give it as rest you bunch of sore losers. Any other straws for you to grasp at? Pathetic

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All politicians are bold-faced liars! The ones who are exception to the rule will be mobbed out or gotten rid of by custom-designed scandals or "tragedies"...

Hope for this world we live in died on November 22, 1963

Followed by April 4, 1968 then June 6th, 1968

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All politicians are bold-faced liars! The ones who are exception to the rule will be mobbed out or gotten rid of by custom-designed scandals or "tragedies"...

Hope for this world we live in died on November 22, 1963

Followed by April 4, 1968 then June 6th, 1968

And the nail in their coffins came on 21st Jan 2010.

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By the way, the correct term is "bald-faced liar," not "bold."

Also-- CNN is covering both sides of the story. It seems clear that the raison d'etre for the Benghazi panel has been to diminish Hillary's popularity. In any case I wish Bernie Sanders could win the presidency.

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I am sure the GOP will be calling for the 275th Benghazi investigation 5 years after her

second term in office has expired. Nothing but political witch hunting. That said she is

pretty witch like. tongue.png

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"Bold Faced Liar"...will become a major theme of the Bill and Hillary Clinton legacy...IMHO

"I did not have sex with that woman"

"I did nothing wrong in Benghazi"

What she did wrong...was to "do nothing"...when action from the State Dept. was repeatedly requested...and ignored...

Her Presidency...if elected...will be a "do nothing" mirror image of the Benghazi debacle...IMHO

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Reps can't counter her on policy issues, so they devolve to attacking her, over and over, on lesser issues. Would they give 1/20th the attention to their members who go looking for gay sex in airport restrooms, or text pictures of their johnsons to young men during sessions of congress? If Reps had anything worthwhile to say about, let's say, balancing the budget or cutting back military spending, then they might step up to the mic and talk about that. But they don't, so it's back to the mud pit to scoop up more mud to throw around.

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Ah the Clinton haters out. Its all been revealed when Republicans have admitted that Benghazi hearing was only ever about"damaging a person running for president". The house republicans "rats in a sack" , Hows the speakership farce going? Watching the hearing its clear that for 3 years the Republicans have wanted to continue their personal vendetta against the Clintons! Its palpable, but expected from a group so far out . A "Politically motivated witch hunt"

Edited by kingalfred
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