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How to get your Thai wife back?

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For clarification I have no large assets for her to take like a house or car. I didn't mean I have nothing like I am homeless come on guys.

I hate making assumptions (unlike the majority of people on here).

You mentioned that you are a young guy and your wife is also a young woman.

Most people seem to be assuming that she's from a poor family and you have a mother in law or family pressuring her to squeeze money out of you.

This might be the case, but I'd like to think that a young guy like yourself would not have come to Thailand and married some low class, poor slapper.

Where are you living?

You are both young, what sort of social life do you enjoy together? Do you go out to bar, clubs and restaurants with her friends? With your friends? With each other?

If you are not having a fun life together when you are still only 30 then I feel very very sorry for you.

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Why on earth do you guys marry these women? Don't get me started. You have to be either on crack cocaine or really needy to take these people seriously. You are in a country with a zillion women who would kill to be with you and you choose a nut case. Be smart. Stay single so you have an easy way out. And don't ever get a lady pregnant. Better yet, get a vesectomy. Cover your bases.Again, don't get me started.

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You must get out of town together. Rekindle the passion in a neutral location. Find a means to communicate.

ha ha hhaaaa.... please stop.......hahaha ha haa.... ohhh stop it , I cant take it anymore hahahahaaaa .....hahahaha .... please , please stop it hurts ...........hahaha haha haha

What is so funny about suggesting they try something to rekindle their romance?

This is a young couple with hopefully many happy years ahead of them if they can figure out the issue affecting their relationship.

I think JoopJoop's idea is a good one.

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Why on earth do you guys marry these women? Don't get me started. You have to be either on crack cocaine or really needy to take these people seriously. You are in a country with a zillion women who would kill to be with you and you choose a nut case. Be smart. Stay single so you have an easy way out. And don't ever get a lady pregnant. Better yet, get a vesectomy. Cover your bases.Again, don't get me started.

The thing is all these zillion women work in bars. 10 years and i just dont see rmen marrying bank tellers, and office administrators, insurance girls, lawyers,etc....

I just dont understand thai girls who dont want sexpats for husbands.................hahahaha.

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I can't get my head around how negative the vast majority of people are when it comes to relationships and Thai women.

I guess those of you being so negative are not young guys dating young women, nor are you dating nice middle class (or higher) girls that don't need you to finance their families.

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you don't understand their culture, language....never will!!!! farangs can't work in Thailand because we are just the ATM....we BRING money to them, we don't take money from them..

become buddhist, give her EVERYTHING...you need nothing in this materialistic world!!!

people are happy with money....can you go back to home town and get more money????

if you really, really want her back....you need to sacrifice....

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I think you probably gave the answer by yourself You do not have anything that she may take away after divorce. May be this is exactly what she think too. Why should I stay with him and still be poor because he has nothing.

Also the more you run after a woman the more the distance will be between the two of you. Just show some respect and good manner but not too much and if she still behave the same way get out of her life. If you give her money and she stay then you know why and it is not worth it as you will have the same problem again and again.

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Here's My Honest Opinion.


Most discord with a Thai woman is over unrealistic expectations in two ways:

1. Thai women have unbelievable expectations of a falang man. Possibly, you have not set the

proper expectations (money, behavior, finances, job, etc.).

2. Her Family's Expectations. My Thai wife has been here in the USA 7 months.

Her family believes she is in the land of "Milk & Honey". Their expectation that everyone in the USA

is rich, is not accurate. But it's their expectation and belief over many, many year.

Suggestion: Try to re-set expectations and reality.

Perhaps, that will work. If it does not, and she does not like your reality and real world, she

just might not be the best woman for you. And you will be wiser because of this experience.

Best of the world to you.

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However on the penultimate occasion when I had been subjected to a week's silence, I told her that the next time it happened, she would be gone.........I would leave her and sell the house and everything would be over. Sure enough some months down the track, I got the two weeks of silent treatment and during this time she had gone up north to her village because of a death and the need to celebrate the 100 day "thing".

I read some of these stories and think ?????????

And you still give her money ....... even more amazing!

I suppose it could seem that way to some folks, however I still care for the lady and her daughter, who by the way considers me her "papa" (I have known her and her daughter for nine years) and we still get on well when we go out, strange as it may seem.

She has never asked for money, but I give it, because I care for them both and I can afford it.

I once sponsored a young child in Africa for about 10 years, although I had never met them, so this is a bit different because I have known them both and if I can do it for someone I don't know in Africa, then I can surely do it for them.

doesnt hurt to give - good for you.

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I can't get my head around how negative the vast majority of people are when it comes to relationships and Thai women.

I guess those of you being so negative are not young guys dating young women, nor are you dating nice middle class (or higher) girls that don't need you to finance their families.

So if guys are negative because his relationship is down the toilet why wouldnt you guess its just some honest opinions..

Most of the guys on here are with Hi-So girls with very well connected familes... Havent you been on here long enough to understand that.

Sent from my c64

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Maybe she is thinking in her mind that she is older than you(only 1 year older) that one day you would prefer someone younger and you would leave her.maybe go away for a romantic weeknend away together,or take her shopping a buy her a dress or a pair of shoes.One tip i can give that works for me.always tell them before you go to sleep that you love her and and give her a nice cuddle in bed when you wake up in the morning.it works for me!

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The reason she gets angry is what needs to be understood. What are the possibilities:

1. She is depressed and has a mental condition.

2. She is having an affair and is too involved with other relationship problems to care about you.

3. She is angry with you about something you have done .... ??

4. You are demanding and mentally abusive and she is afraid to talk to you.

5. ?????

I know this is part of what you are trying to figure out but you have to start connecting the dots and perhaps spying a little. Something is wrong and you need to figure it out. Is it her or you ? Is there an outside person responsible. Be objective, ask friends if they have an idea, ask her to write down her feelings.....

Edited by ttthailand
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Exactly right.

You rented...no kids yet, and you got your passport documents.

This will not be a loss for you. Get the divorce and date. Don't be so quick to marry the next one. Live with them and do it the exact same way.

Never..never...never buy property...until you are with the perfect wife (for you). Damn the sin sod and huge investments without reciprical love and attention. What is so good about a sulking, sad sack that will not talk to you?

Edited by slipperylobster
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Some advices:

1. never put full trust ur Thai gf, wife or any type of relation,

2. never deposite ur money in her acc.

3. never think to register property under her name

4. never run business with out ur control

better for u just to walk away and not give her any importance, otherwise her arrogant brain will just lead her to be more stubborn, where will get ur self more insulted,

this is just an idea, u decide what is best for you.. good luck

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Ok guys so here is the back story I got married in April of this year 2015. I am 30 years old and my wife is 31. My wife seems to be always unhappy with me. We live in Thailand.

After our last argument she says that she needs some time alone and is probably wanting a divorce. The cause of the argument was me trying to find out the reason why she is always in a bad mood and her always sulking and feeling sorry for herself.

Obviously if we can't work things out I will get a divorce but not after we are absolutely sure that we have tried everything to fix our problems.

I think the best approach is to ignore her and go on with my life like it doesn't bother me and wait to see if she comes back. I think smothering her with attention and calls would just make everything worse. I also don't think I should be giving her money at this time if she isn't going to live with me we have no children.

I rent my house and have nothing I am worried she will take from me in a divorce if things go south.

Appreciate any suggestions thanks.

If you have nothing, what can be taken ???

Walk away

Life is too short to be stuck with a **** !!

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1). You ain't giving her enough money & her 'brother' is on her back

2). You rushed into it & it's gone pear shaped

3). You want her more than she wants you

Better to man up & move on

Take it in the chin, you're dumped

No nice but that's life

I hope you've not invested your life savings.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The speculators are out in force as usual. Nobody on this forum knows you or her but everyone has an opinion and advice.

My advice works for everyone, no need for me to know you or her.

If you don't like your current relationship, end it, and start again with a new woman.

It's not as if there is any shortage of available women in Thailand, unlike the west.

The silent treatment and time alone are not unique to Thailand - Western women employ these tactics too. It's a clear signal she wants to control you.

Out of a misplaced sense of responsibility and duty, I endured a marriage of 28 years with this type of woman. OK, I'm a slow learner. In hindsight, I should have booted her out after a month.

Don't make the same mistake I did. Finish with her, and get on with your life.

Ah, Fairynuff. Isn't it wonderful to criticise posters, while not contributing anything that's helpful yourself?

We all have 20/20 hindsight, 'eh? I know I do. Lol

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Here's My Honest Opinion.


Most discord with a Thai woman is over unrealistic expectations in two ways:

1. Thai women have unbelievable expectations of a falang man. Possibly, you have not set the

proper expectations (money, behavior, finances, job, etc.).

2. Her Family's Expectations. My Thai wife has been here in the USA 7 months.

Her family believes she is in the land of "Milk & Honey". Their expectation that everyone in the USA

is rich, is not accurate. But it's their expectation and belief over many, many year.

Suggestion: Try to re-set expectations and reality.

Perhaps, that will work. If it does not, and she does not like your reality and real world, she

just might not be the best woman for you. And you will be wiser because of this experience.

Best of the world to you.

Collect all your receipts for US bills for one month, photocopy them, add them up, convert to THB, and send the copies to her ignorant Thai family.

"Da*m. Your monthly bills are more than we make in a year here in Thailand!"

Yeah, we live in the land of Milk and Honey: paycheck to paycheck - just like Thais do in Thailand.

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I can't get my head around how negative the vast majority of people are when it comes to relationships and Thai women.

I guess those of you being so negative are not young guys dating young women, nor are you dating nice middle class (or higher) girls that don't need you to finance their families.

So if guys are negative because his relationship is down the toilet why wouldnt you guess its just some honest opinions..

Most of the guys on here are with Hi-So girls with very well connected familes... Havent you been on here long enough to understand that.

Sent from my c64

Most of the guys on here are with Hi-So girls with very well connected familes...

Really? I thought we all were with Bar-girls, shower massage hookers, and street walkers, all depraved alcohols like ourselves. How'd that narrative change? So, everyone but me has a Hi-So babe. Darn. All I got was a middle-class middle-aged gal with her own house and land. I'm so jealous. whistling.gif

Sent from my Dual polarity quantum flux generator model 119

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After 6 years with my Thai wife (we are both still in our 30s) I've come to the conclusion that a Thai wife is not for young guys.

If you are looking to live out your life with a Thai woman who you don't want to have a typical 50/50 relationship life with you like you would with someone back home then the old man and young Thai wife where you both stay living in Thailand is the way to go. If you want a normal relationship where you are both young and of the same mindset, understanding, social life and you both enjoy the same things then expecting a Thai girl to be this way is unrealistic.

Don't get me wrong, I love my wife to bits and she is my best friend but in hindsight I can see all of the concessions we've both had to make along the way. We only married 1 month ago btw! :)

Have at it Thaivisa.

Edited by KunMatt
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Getting married to a Thai girl must be fraught with danger. Does she really love you? did she just do it for money? it's hard to tell, maybe if you are of similar ages it's more likely to be genuine but big age gaps unlikely to be genuine which means the girl may change her mind when something better comes along. Then there's the complication of secret Thai boyfriends.

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Getting married to a Thai girl must be fraught with danger. Does she really love you? did she just do it for money? it's hard to tell, maybe if you are of similar ages it's more likely to be genuine but big age gaps unlikely to be genuine which means the girl may change her mind when something better comes along. Then there's the complication of secret Thai boyfriends.

Some signs?

1. Are you dubble or tripple her weight?

2. Are you dubble or tripple her age?

3. Is her IQ dubble or tripple yours?

4. Is she aware you collect a PENSION

5. Is she still growing hair while you are losing it in volumes?

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Are you a school teacher?

All Thai women think farang's have money hidden somewhere, family, etc.

She probably figured out you don't have anything, cannot buy her a house, car, etc.

She is probably lost all her "face" with her family and friends marrying a farang who has nothing.

Do you really think a Thai woman wants to marry a farang and live in a rented the room the rest of her life with no land, gold, house, car? Really? You yourself need to do a reality check.

Can you blame her?

Thai's can live deadbeat lives on their own.

They are looking for something better they cannot get for themselves.

Trying to rationalize with a Thai woman will never work. It is not love. Thai's don't love, they love money and material things.

If you give a good Thai women the best of everything, sure she will love you. But if you are a broke deadbeat school teacher and she sees no financial future with you, well I do not blame her one bit.

You need to wake up. You think because you are 30 year old Handsum man she will love your forever? Enough love to be poor forever?

You really need to wise up then as you have no understanding of Thai women.

Thai women can marry deadbeat Thai men that have nothing same as you. They speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same culture, live the same with the same expectations of nothing.

Farangs on the other hand, are there to give the ladies something they cannot get from poor thai man.

What are you doing in Thailand at 30 years old? Was your life already a failure in your own country and you thought someone would love you forever just because you are a farang?

You need to understand one fact. No one, especially at your age, wants to have NOTHING. Let alone NO DREAMS.

This is exactly what your wife has.

If you loved her, why didn't you take her back to your country and get a real job and provide a real life for her?

The fact is mate, this is all on you and your misconception that Thai women love poor foreigners. How misguided can you get?

She has no hope now and no dreams because you cannot provide for her.

No amount of talking in the world will save that.

The same thing will happen when the next Thai woman finds out you have nothing and not earning power.

Go home and get an education and have a real life of your own

The kind of love you are dreaming about left town years and years and years ago.

Show me the money!

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Are you a school teacher?

All Thai women think farangs have money hidden somewhere, family, etc.

She probably figured out you don't have anything, cannot buy her a house, car, etc.

Can you blame her?

Thai's can live deadbeat lives on their own.

They are looking for something better they cannot get for themselves.

Seems like a bit of a harsh post............but unfortunately there is a great deal of truth (IMO) in what's been said here. Sad, but there you go.

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