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China: Will respond to US ships with all necessary means


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China: Will respond to US ships with all necessary means

BEIJING (AP) — China's military will take "all necessary" measures in response to any future U.S. Navy incursions into what it considers its territorial waters around islands in the South China Sea, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Thursday.

The statement by Col. Yang Yujun followed the sailing of a U.S. guided missile destroyer within 12 nautical miles (22 kilometers) of one of the islands newly created by China in the strategically vital region. The U.S. refuses to recognize the man-made islets as deserving of sovereign territory status.

Yang reiterated Beijing's claim that the USS Lassen violated Chinese sovereignty and international law, although the sail-by appeared to fall under internationally allowed "innocent passage" rules. Yang gave no details of China's claims, and offered no specifics about how Beijing would respond in the future.

The Chinese side took no immediate action during the Lassen's sail-past on Tuesday, but strenuously protested the maneuver.

In recent years when China has asserted what it considers its sovereignty rights or its right to monitor and control navigation in the South China Sea or the East China Sea, U.S. acts of defiance against those claims have been met with protests but not military action.

Yang said the commander of the Chinese navy, Adm. Wu Shengli, would present China's "solemn position" on the issue in a video conference later Thursday with the U.S. head of naval operations, Adm. John Richardson.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-29

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Ha ha ha I just hope that have lots and lots of working life boats and a huge supply of band aids. That's if there is anything left of them...? just the one is 25 or so aircraft carriers. The USS Ronald Reagan has enough nukes onboard to destroy every major city in the planet 18 times or more....lol...?

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Pentagon has run through the gamut of possible CCP responses to this very thing. Nothing includes any weapons being fired.

From 2009-2011 during contests between Beijing and Tokyo over East Sea islands, the CCP Boyz sent fishing boats to block US Navy ships' paths, spread junk in the paths of US warships. The Boyz sent smaller boats alongside US Naval vessels to interfere with forward progress. Other times bigger CCP coast guard ships moved in close to USN destroyers or cruisers to blast water hoses to the point of both sides doing water hose blasting contests with sailors from one side or the other being pushing around loose on a ship's deck, others literally losing their shirts. Things like that.

This time there might be some ramming intercepts of a USN ship on its course by a PLA Navy one.

USAF and USN recon planes will continue to be buzzed dangerously by poorly trained PLA Air Force pilots of limited expertise, which is a danger given the 2001 Chinese Air Force plane that hit a US recon plane while trying to buzz it, killing the CCP pilot and forcing the US plane to land damaged on Hainan Island. The CCP Boyz in Beijing hollered a hellovalot then released the US air crew.

The Boyz shoot something off in this other than their mouths and the tough hawk SecDef Ashton Carter starts to push red buttons and the CCP Boyz know it. Prez Obama appointed Carter with full knowledge Carter's been at the Pentagon since the 1990s and that Carter believes in using force. Recall Carter in 2006 publicly argued to hit North Korea's nuclear infrastructure with a big missile barrage to demolish it then and there.

The CCP Boyz remember it.

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Ha ha ha I just hope that have lots and lots of working life boats and a huge supply of band aids. That's if there is anything left of them...?

China will win. All they need to do is to stop exporting toilet paper...

The US is the largest producer of paper. China only third. See if you can make something else up without checking.

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The world needs to push back against the Chinese monsters. They will never stop. Their end game is to reestablish the dominance they enjoyed many centuries ago. A statement needs to be made to these Chinese govt. power mongering freaks. They have nothing remotely resembling a valid claim on this area.

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The sooner this showdown happens, the better. The Chinese and their good friends elsewhere in SE Asia, need to be put in their place. Sink their ships. Blockade their fake islands. And if they protest, cut off their exports to the US. It will cause massive unrest in the US, but it will vaporize the Communist Party in China and they will have mobs on the street wondering where their jobs and money went. When times are tough, democracies are more cohesive and united than corrupt dictatorships.

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2 monkeys sitting on a pile of dynamite, playing with matches and none of them willing to "lose face".

This is going to be good. Stay tuned !


Face is an Asian thing. Not really a part of Western culture. "Losing Face" is a part of many problems here in Asia. Unfortunately.

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"China: Will respond to US ships with all necessary means."

Really. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports. Link China could be taken down without firing a shot. Just put a 25% tariff on all Chinese imports. Right now China imports to the US duty free.

China's economy is already on its lips and this would push it over backwards. China recently sold about 1/2 of its US treasuries to raise emergency cash, and the treasuries were easily absorbed into the world market. There goes that threat.

China has nothing. Nothing.

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"China: Will respond to US ships with all necessary means."

Really. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports. Link China could be taken down without firing a shot. Just put a 25% tariff on all Chinese imports. Right now China imports to the US duty free.

China's economy is already on its lips and this would push it over backwards. China recently sold about 1/2 of its US treasuries to raise emergency cash, and the treasuries were easily absorbed into the world market. There goes that threat.

China has nothing. Nothing.

There's also the visas, I read that CIA keeps tabs on inner workings of CCP through visa bribes, ie: giving families of inner level Party members visas in exchange for information. Guess China ain't so great after all.

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This is starting to concern me. Will this mean I will have to start posing as a Canadian when I go to Chinese restaurants? sad.png

Just wear a Robert Mugabe T-shirt cause he's the Boyz favorite guy in all the world, even more than Putin. Mugabe gets the grand welcome in Beijing every time, the whole nine yards. He's their go-to guy in all of sub-Saharan Africa.

Demand for 'em is always great so if you can't find a Mugabe shirt buy an Assad one.

T-shirts of Cameron and also of Osborne are only just now hitting the boutiques in Shanghai and London. Same for the new Canadian PM Justin Trudeau who had said in 2013 he admires the efficiency of the Chinese system of dictatorship (a statement he's still running back and away from).

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2 monkeys sitting on a pile of dynamite, playing with matches and none of them willing to "lose face".

This is going to be good. Stay tuned !


Face is an Asian thing. Not really a part of Western culture. "Losing Face" is a part of many problems here in Asia. Unfortunately.

except on the political stage.......then losing or saving face becomes very important to western politicians

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In defeat for Beijing, Hague court to hear China Sea dispute

In a legal defeat for China, the Hague-based tribunal today rejected Beijing's claim that the disputes were about its territorial sovereignty and said additional hearings would be held to decide the merits of the Philippines' arguments.

"This demonstrates the relevance of international law to the territorial conflicts in the South China Sea," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The official added: "It demonstrates that sovereign claims are not necessarily indisputable and it shows that judging issues like this on the basis of international law and international practice are a viable way of, at a minimum, managing territorial conflicts if not resolving them."


And speaking of one of the ways to resolve disputes against certain pig headed tyrant dictators....

Three of the five aircraft carriers of the US Pacific Seventh Fleet, the Navy's largest single fleet, shown in dock at San Diego Naval Base,

June 12, 2015, prior to deployment.


From bottom to top, the USS John C Stennis CVN 74 of Carrier Strike Group Five the USS Carl Vinson CVN 70 of Carrier

Strike Group Three, USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 of Carrier Strike Group 11. Not pictured are 7th Fleet aircraft carriers

George Washington CVN 73 currently being refurbished and the USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN 71 which docked in Singapore

Oct 24th.

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This is starting to concern me. Will this mean I will have to start posing as a Canadian when I go to Chinese restaurants? sad.png

I worked with Canucks for years and years in the Middle East. They plaster their flags all over their chairs, backpacks and everything else. Then recently some woman with the maple leaf flag on her back got taken out (shot) by some terrorist in Europe. Your precious flag and smugness doesn't protect you anymore.

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The Chinese will annex international waters with all necessary means. Hence, a US destroyer. BTW the US allowed a similar Chinese vessels to sail close to Alaska or up in the straits, whatever, without comment. International waters means international.

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing are klutzes who are now in over their heads and don't know what to do except to make a lot of noise for a day or two then look at one another and blink.

The Boyz have the whole region against them and now the Hague is going to examine the merits of the case the Philippines filed with the encouragement of Washington and which is being argued by a Washington law firm ICLOS specialist.

The Boyz don't know what they're doing in their country with their flailing economy or outside of it in the SCS or in the East Sea where Japan has their belligerence there in check. These guyz are flat out stupid.

Prez Obama is expected to announce he will visit Vietnam during his November trip for the Apec and Asean conferences, which would be consistent with the invitation extended to him earlier this year during the White House visit of leader Nguyen Phu Trong.

Obama working to make Vietnam an ally in dealing with China’s rise


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