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Saving Face: How do I tell my gym I don't want a trainer?

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i have never been comfortable with male trainers either

just not my thing looking at another mans balls while i work out LOL

Wow bit homo phobic i guess, usually a sign of hidden desire towards men.

He is just a man who enjoys manly things:

your becomqing a man and the desire is there to look and act the part of a man

bodybuilding is about "men doing things with other men"

what does that mean?

well, it means that when you appreciate what it is to be a man, you naturally want to be with other men, enjoying their company, participating in manly activities with them and doing other things that make you feel lkke a man.

Looks more like he is drunk

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This is not a big face saving issue - just politely say that you are not interested and do not want the service…

if you keep making time excuses they will keep coming back…

Agree, has nothing to do with face (why do farangs keep bringing this up??). This is a simple sales issue. The trainer wants to make the sale because that's how he makes his money (most of it, anyways). I've trained in a number of gyms in Chiang Mai and trainers have occasionally approached me. A simple "no thank you" takes care of it every time. I was never bothered again. But if the OP leaves it somewhat open-ended, which he apparently has, then prepare to be bothered constantly. The trainer dude is just trying to do his job.

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Repeat after me:

'Thank-you. I do not want a trainer'

There, that was easy, wasn't it? smile.png

I managed gyms for 30 years, including 5 years in Bangkok. Ask to see the manager and tell him/her that you prefer to work out alone. You are the client and they shouldn't be imposing anything on you.

Why are they bugging you? I would have thought the answer was obvious, it's a money making scheme for the gym and the personal trainer. Having a personal trainer is like having a chauffeur, it's Hi-So BS, nothing more. Another affectation that is totally unnecessary unless you're a complete novice and even then, a decent gym will have instructors on hand to give you help and guidance.

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he's interrupted your workout more than once , you''ve already told him no thank you and he /they continue to harass you about it..and you're concerned about offending HIM!? This whole '' saving face '' thing is a joke . Which I've seen more than oncethat thais have no problem doing to foreighners . In a western culture saving face is the same as simply being disrespected by another person. But anyway I can't believe you actually need advice on this. Here's my two cents worth.. Tell him;

'' for the second time no thanks and I 'd appreciate if you do not bother me about it me again , have a nice day'' Smile and go back to your routine. Not rocket science.

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Just thank him and tell him you are training by your self, then carry on doing it.

If he carries on trying to butt in, just ignore him and continue with your training.

Forget about anyone having to save face, that is in their culture, not yours.

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i have never been comfortable with male trainers either

just not my thing looking at another mans balls while i work out LOL

simply just ignore them and dont say anything. avoid eye contact.

thats not going to lose face or be as rude as it would be in the west. they would just find it odd and get the message.

simply just ignore them and dont say anything. avoid eye contact. Ask him if there are any female trainers avaiable.

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just not my thing looking at another mans balls while i work out LOL

The gyms I have always gone to require members to wear gym shorts.

Yeah, but how short? The last thing I ever want to look at is a mans hairy legs, especially the upper part. bah.gifbah.gif

Edited by possum1931
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I recently joined a gym for the group classes, and it came with 3 free training sessions. I also would have been happy without them, but just did them. My trainer asked me what I wanted to work on, showed me how to use the machines and a few free weight exercises, and after the third session explained the pricing and packages if I wanted to continue with a trainer. I declined, told them I was there for the group classes, and if my fitness goals changed, I would let them know.

I think you should just do the 2 sessions. Your salesperson most likely isn't enjoying hounding you every time you are in the gym, but they can't close your ticket, so to speak, until you've done your sessions. Anyways, you might even learn something new.

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just not my thing looking at another mans balls while i work out LOL

The gyms I have always gone to require members to wear gym shorts.

Yeah, but how short?

Shorts ? no long training gear allowed ? I have always worn long trainers or something like it. But haven't trained in a commercial gym for years now. So things could have changed.

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Well.......If this was the West. If I were you I would listen as there are so many dangerous movments that can end your "training" for a very long time. Simple added motions to lat pull down or a simple bench press........I could write a book. Anyways, here its just so you buy a training program...What I would do is look at them and say. I dont want to look like Like you I want to farang train......Or ignore them. I got asked as well......then one day on a 405 bench set for reps nobody around for a spot.

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Well.......If this was the West. If I were you I would listen as there are so many dangerous movments that can end your "training" for a very long time. Simple added motions to lat pull down or a simple bench press........I could write a book. Anyways, here its just so you buy a training program...What I would do is look at them and say. I dont want to look like Like you I want to farang train......Or ignore them. I got asked as well......then one day on a 405 bench set for reps nobody around for a spot.

405 bench press for reps.. wow.. that is heavy. Not something i can do 360 maybe 1 rep.. (with spotters please) but as I train at home I almost never do 1 reps as I just don't have people around.

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Me and my personal trainer were in the Gym when I young Hi So white skin pretty came in for a workout. I asked my trainer which machine should I use to impress her? My trainer without hesitation replied ATM machine your only chance. At least he was honest.

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Try not showering for a few days, wear the same outfit unwashed and refrain from brushing your teeth... Make shure that the "hog's breath" hits him with every repetition you make. Sure there will be no trainer bothering you any more after session two :)

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First step you need to go looking for something at Home Pro, learn how to say no thank you I'm just looking. After a few times you should get good at it, but practice makes perfect and practice until you do get good at it. Then go the gym and work it out.

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just not my thing looking at another mans balls while i work out LOL

The gyms I have always gone to require members to wear gym shorts.

Yeah, but how short?

Shorts ? no long training gear allowed ? I have always worn long trainers or something like it. But haven't trained in a commercial gym for years now. So things could have changed.

I knew saying shorts was going to bring such a comment but if I said required to wear pants then someone would say what about shorts. ;-)

I suppose I should have said the gyms I have belonged to require a man to not go bare assed or balls out.

Edited by ClutchClark
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And don't think too mud about loosing face.

Last wednesday we went to Sizzlers, it happened to be the promotionnight. Almost ALL Thai didn't eat their food and let the waiters pack it to bring it home.

They only ate the food from the saladbars. They brought kids who were laying asleep on the chairs at the tables, baby's crying and throwing with food, kids standing in the babychair with the knife in their hand, parents were at the saladbar.

Forget about the loosing face.

In our sportsclub i only want to swim, no fittness and sure no trainer. I've told them many times but i have to buy a membership for all which i won't.

Those trainers have nothing to do all day and after work i even see them having sex in the car in our moobaan.

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How do I tell them I'm not interested in training without offending? (Side question: Why the hell are they so persistent about it?)

A: Thank you but I don't want a trainer.

A2: They are persistent because a) they think you want the 2 free sessions and B) they hope you might sign up for more paid private trainer sessions.

I can't believe you can't just tell them Thanks, but no thanks.

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Amazed that you actually come on the TVF to ask people how to say, "Thank you, but I am not interested." Even in Thailand people can understand the word "No". Has it not occurred to you that you are stringing them along and they might appreciate a definitive negative answer so they can go bother someone else who might possibly be interested? Your over concern about 'face' is just wasting their time. Next time you are approached put a big smile on your face and say, "Thank you but I am not interested; not now, not ever."

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The reason they want to do it to show you how good they are and you may hire them to train you later. But if you are a pro just tell them and thank them very politely. Also it is not a big deal if you take the session. As you said it is only 2 and may be one hour each, so what is the issue??

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