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How to open a 7/11?

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Call it 7.30/11.30 and avoid franchise costs.

Seriously, I know nothing about how 7/11 operates in Thailand but they're in deep $ hit in Australia. A franchisee can't make money unless he operates illegally, way underpaying workers, etc., and the master franchise owner just quit as CEO, under investigation by several government departments.Look closely.

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Call it 7.30/11.30 and avoid franchise costs.

Seriously, I know nothing about how 7/11 operates in Thailand but they're in deep $ hit in Australia. A franchisee can't make money unless he operates illegally, way underpaying workers, etc., and the master franchise owner just quit as CEO, under investigation by several government departments.Look closely.

7/11 is a 2 bit operation in AU, not many around, and rather expensive when the alternative are supermarkets now open till midnight even 24hr.

In Thailand they must do ok because there everywhere even just up the road from each other, where i lived in Ld Phrao there were 5 within a kilometre of each other on the main road.

If its like anywhere else in the world if you have a local company set up can't see why you couldn't buy into a franchise, i once had a date with a 7/11 staff trainer she said and i forget the ratio but something like 50% are company owned the rest are franchisee.

If they run there franchise like others they would have target areas they want to have stores in but then again when u see them 50 meters apart maybe they don't....im sure they have some sort of model that they work on.

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Franchise's are just fancy ways of making someone else rich. Open your own convenience market in a moderate traffic location and you will do better than splitting all your profits with some rich dude who you will never meet. Pay your own rent, stock your own shelves, keep ALL your profits.

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Franchise's are just fancy ways of making someone else rich. Open your own convenience market in a moderate traffic location and you will do better than splitting all your profits with some rich dude who you will never meet. Pay your own rent, stock your own shelves, keep ALL your profits.

That's true, but it's the same old story, start a business, make it successful, then a Thai will open one nearby.

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Go to CP Tower on Silom, ask to see Khun Dhanin. In the unlikely event that he will agree to see you, prostrate yourself, banging the floor with your forehead repeatedly.

Should he deign to raise you gently to your feet, explain to him that you, an unworthy microbe born of barbarian parents, would like to open a 7/11.

If you are thrown out on your ear, rinse and repeat at Family Mart.

Edited by asdecas
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Go to CP Tower on Silom, ask to see Khun Dhanin. In the unlikely event that he will agree to see you, prostrate yourself, banging the floor with your forehead repeatedly.

Should he deign to raise you gently to your feet, explain to him that you, an unworthy microbe born of barbarian parents, would like to open a 7/11.

If you are thrown out on your ear, rinse and repeat at Family Mart.

Seeing it's for his missus, I'd send her.

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This applies to all and everywhere. Never do business with someone youve seen naked. Buying for, partnering with, financing for, working for...etc.............

Exceptions duly noted.

Plenty of business partners will <deleted> you in the ass just as quick as a domestic partner might.... :)

Only you might enjoy it a bit less or not... Ymmv

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I've owned 17 small businesses in USA -- 3 were franchises. (Frulatti, ZuZu Mexican, Pepper's)

My three (3) franchises were restaurant-type places in shopping malls, where I wanted their recipes and business model.

7-11 offers none of that.

Open yourself.

Don't pay franchise fee, franchise royalty (monthly), monthly advertising fee, etc.

The Franchisor also makes money from suppliers -- by making you carry something that may/may not work in your restaurant.

The Fees can kill you.

Different markets need different products. One store concept does not work in all places. A 7-11 in Nong Khai needs to carry different

products than a 7-11 in central Bangkok. Yet, as a "Franchisee" you are told what to carry and at what price.

A Franchise is good if you have ZERO business skills and they have an outstanding training program. If not, do it yourself.

Personally, I'll never buy a franchise again.

Give me a year ..... I'll open up a place or two and start franchising. You can buy one from me!

I want to be the Franchisor!!

Best of all luck to you.

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A friend of mine was looking into it a few years ago and he told me you need to own the building otherwise they won't give you the franchise. You could lease a plot and build a building, but what happens when the lease runs out, or doesn't get renewed or the plot changes owners? It's just too many variables that could go south for my taste.

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It will cost you approx 2 million to open one and you need a good location with good potential customer traffic and a minimum of 6 months operating costs in the bank.

You can not be within a certain distance from another franchisee, but 7/11 can open a managed one right next door to you (I will get back to this).

About 2 million is for the franchise fee and another million for 6 months operating costs.

They tell you what to stock and what you pay staff.

They will train your manager.

You pay them a cut of everything you sell and they know exactly what you are making... If you make more than 80,000 baht profit a month for yourself after all costs (and they know) they will put another very near you, and this will likely be a managed store and they can literally open next door, but if they set up another franchise near you, they will locate it something like 300 M away.

the franchisee needs to be a Thai citizen.

There is also a minimum size restricion on the property.

That is all I can remember off the top of my head.

I believe there are well over 20,000 outlets in Thailand.... You are much better off developing a cheap 20 baht snack that you can produce for about 4 baht and get 7/11 to stock it... They take 25% cut and will distribute it across their stores., the product needs to sell a minimum of 100 units per month, if it falls below that amount more than 3 months in a row in any particular store,m it is withdrawn (from THAT store).

A much cheaper way start doing business with 7/11, and you make a hell of a lot more money than buying into a controlled franchise, with more headaches and a lot more work.

Edited by Brewster67
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Classic case of O.P.M.(Other Peoples Money)

Trouble is it is your money the C.P group will be playing with, they've a bit more money than the average franchise operator.

Could always invest in a language school or a consultancy of some sort etc etc, many an expert offers advice here regarding such matters

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They're very greedy, if your making too much cheddar in say a year ... They will open a better one next door to you and watch you sink.... I've seen it happen

they work in groups of twos and threes. I have seen 2 of these stores on the same block. I agree...if you are making that much money..then another will pop open soon. Nice if you could have a restriction in the contract..but once they got your cash, it will just be used to open another, that would be sold.

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Franchise's are just fancy ways of making someone else rich. Open your own convenience market in a moderate traffic location and you will do better than splitting all your profits with some rich dude who you will never meet. Pay your own rent, stock your own shelves, keep ALL your profits.

Great idea! Now deal with the bent cops, paid thugs and goons making all matter of mischief, all parking permanently blocked by competitors, light fingered surly and incompetent staff delivery truck "hijacks", and countless corrupt govenment officials, etc..

Here is a better plan...

1)Do not get into an altercation with a Thai

2) Do not purchase a home to be registered in a womans name.

3) Do not open a business.

Follow these three basic rules and your life in Thailand will be relatively trouble free.

Edited by arunsakda
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