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I can't work it out? Standard Thai toilet squat hole, bucket of water, pot with handle for water. No soap, no toilet paper.....

Example: Lady working in the restaurant I eat every day

She goes for a poo. Finish the job and I assume she gets a scoop of water to wash ass with fingers. No paper to dry so pull up pants and possible brown watery soup in jox. So.....poop germs on hand, poop germs on handle of water ladle and poop germs on door handle. Back in to the restaurant to grab a handful of pork to throw in the wok to make my lunch. Is that how it goes down?

How can I use the toilet without touching all of this?

I'm sitting in a medical clinic this minute. Same facilities described above. No soap, no basin.

How did they ever stop cholera here?


As long as the Pork is cooked well enough you will be OK smile.png

more worrying is what you don't see

regards Worgeordie

correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png


As long as the Pork is cooked well enough you will be OK smile.png

more worrying is what you don't see

regards Worgeordie

correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png

So you don't mind if the odd piece of feces is added to your Pad Thai, as long as it's well cooked?


As long as the Pork is cooked well enough you will be OK smile.png

more worrying is what you don't see

regards Worgeordie

correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png

So you don't mind if the odd piece of feces is added to your Pad Thai, as long as it's well cooked?

from the health point it is harmless and I wouldn't know......I have a story for you, but don't read further if you are a sensitive person.

There is a kind of big supermarket chain for reseller in Thailand.....Can't name it.....

Went there. At one end was some water on the floor (leaking roof or aircon?)...and some lovely birds...look like sparrows.

A few meter away was a big table with huge amount of minced meat. The sparrows went there, ate, sit in the water again, sit on the meat again, and I saw they poo on the minced meat. There were a few poos visible.

Best thing, the customer came filled up their plastic bags without any worry and they must have seen it (can't be all blind retards). Customer looked like Chinese ethnic restaurant owners....sure the quantities were not for private use.

One of the reasons why I don't eat outside often sick.gif


As long as the Pork is cooked well enough you will be OK smile.png

more worrying is what you don't see

regards Worgeordie

correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png

Gentlemen, I worry about you both; have you actually tried this?



As long as the Pork is cooked well enough you will be OK smile.png

more worrying is what you don't see

regards Worgeordie

correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png

Gentlemen, I worry about you both; have you actually tried this?


There is even a third poster who theorize about foreign poo bacteria may cure his overweight.crazy.gif


you do have a point there - but then again, you don't.

in my stays at thailand, the far north eastern parts of it, i have never suffered any form of food poisioning, no matter what and where i ate.

this is in stark contrast to massive and repeated problems i had over many years with food in western countries. outstanding: the u.s.a., germany, denmark and first and foremost australia!

i'd rather have my praa mutt served by a water washed poo hand than a paper - wiped one.


I must admit a year in Isaan eating usually twice a day in soi restaurants never even a twinge. I am selective though. Only time sick in Thailand a burger in a hotel in Phuket


Poo and extra crunchy road grit in noodle soup served 1.5 meters from a bustling main road bathed in diesel exhaust.

That's Lonely Planet gold right there. biggrin.png


I was contemplating this earlier as I was somewhere that only had toilet paper and I missed the used of the 'bum gun' as I like to put it lol. I really do think it is way more efficient that TP but maybe you should need a shower or something similar after due to drippage (which is not a word but I don't care) but it seems to be way more efficient than using TP imho, coming from a country where bum guns and bidets are non-existent mind you


I was contemplating this earlier as I was somewhere that only had toilet paper and I missed the used of the 'bum gun' as I like to put it lol. I really do think it is way more efficient that TP but maybe you should need a shower or something similar after due to drippage (which is not a word but I don't care) but it seems to be way more efficient than using TP imho, coming from a country where bum guns and bidets are non-existent mind you

Oh I love the bum gun, in fact couldn't live without it now. I like a bit of loo paper to dry off too if available. No problem so far. My issue is how do I clean my hands or for that matter go for a crap without getting down and dirty with someone else's bacteria. Mai pen rai. Not think too mutt darrrrring

I was contemplating this earlier as I was somewhere that only had toilet paper and I missed the used of the 'bum gun' as I like to put it lol. I really do think it is way more efficient that TP but maybe you should need a shower or something similar after due to drippage (which is not a word but I don't care) but it seems to be way more efficient than using TP imho, coming from a country where bum guns and bidets are non-existent mind you

Oh I love the bum gun, in fact couldn't live without it now. I like a bit of loo paper to dry off too if available. No problem so far. My issue is how do I clean my hands or for that matter go for a crap without getting down and dirty with someone else's bacteria. Mai pen rai. Not think too mutt darrrrring

Sorry but I MUST always have to do this to whoever it is, 'Mai bpen rai' ..

Now that is done lol, yeah coming from the UK where they never exist (bum guns) and not even bidets, I was fine with TP. Came here first nearly 6 years ago and was astonished at this silly technology. Now if I go to a loo and there is only TP I am annoyed or disappointed. What I do is (gong to get a little bit graphic here folks) is use the bum gun thoroughly, so like 30-60 seconds, plus it feels a little good on the pooch and balls anyway, then if there is no TP I squat and shake lol. Then I was my hands. At home however I just have a very quick shower after. But I think for once the Thais have something done far better than the West, and it is taking a S!%*


As long as the Pork is cooked well enough you will be OK smile.png

more worrying is what you don't see

regards Worgeordie

correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png

Gentlemen, I worry about you both; have you actually tried this?


There is even a third poster who theorize about foreign poo bacteria may cure his overweight.crazy.gif

There are some people who actually have Fecal Transplants...

They take the merde & whack it up the rear shoot.

Don't think I'll be doing that somehow....


correct: cooked poo is harmless tongue.png

Gentlemen, I worry about you both; have you actually tried this?


There is even a third poster who theorize about foreign poo bacteria may cure his overweight.crazy.gif

There are some people who actually have Fecal Transplants...

They take the merde & whack it up the rear shoot.

Don't think I'll be doing that somehow....

yes that is what I mean....just forgot the term "Fecal Transplants".....only the idea makes me loose weight sick.gif


I must admit a year in Isaan eating usually twice a day in soi restaurants never even a twinge. I am selective though. Only time sick in Thailand a burger in a hotel in Phuket

If they cook fresh....everything hot.....no problem....while parts of the burger might have been very old.....And I guess the normal outside people know how to do with their food.


Here in Japan we have TP and washlets. Press the button and wash well then dry with toilet paper. My hotel in Bangok has both the bum gun and TP.


Do you really think kitchen workers and serving staff in western restaurants are all that meticulous about hygiene? And if you pi__-off some of the serving staff, you can be pretty sure your food will contain some of their DNA.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.[


as long as you wash Your hands, and eat well cooked food, you'll be fine. this isn't india , that said how well do You wash your hands if there is just bar soap available and no paper towels

go ahead and get your Hep A, and typhoid jabs , though the later is bit less effective or probably needed


Among many of horrible things you can get by ingesting poop, e-coli is the most obvious one and is very real.

It is in pooh.

And it is very harmful.

Johnny Depp nearly lost his daughter because of e-coli, when she was younger.


The E-coli the chef has in his guts are harmless or he is already sick. The dangerous E-coli are not in the pooh (normally).

And dangerous or not, it doesn't survive cooking so it is important to eat cooked fresh hot things.....

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