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SURVEY: Should Thailand legalize marijuana?


SURVEY: Should Thailand legalize marijuana?  

415 members have voted

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I have been a stoner earlier in life and to all those !@#$% who think ganja would be a traffic problem, get a !@#$%^& life. Obviously you have never smoked a joint and drove a car. People who drive stoned are the most cautious people behind the wheel. Drive stoned and you think your going 150 KPH and look down at your speedometer and your going 30 % of that rate. Very cautious when stoned. I prefer to be stoned on ganja rather than alcohol. Thailand needs to wake the #$%& up and see what the rest of the world is now realizing. Alcohol tobacco and prescription drugs are the demise of this planet. BUT they make lots of people incredibly rich. Follow the money you old decrepet farts. Keep your stinking opinion to your self. Your ideas are as old as you are. Thank GOD there is a new level of conciousness alive and well on this planet. GET !@#$%^& real dudes. BTW I have not imbibed for years because of my job and now live in ( 40 years behind the world Thailand ) but I welcome a shift. Take a look at USA states that have legalized medical and recreational ganja. They are swimming in surplus funds and crime is down , abuse by younger down, alcohal related deaths down and on and on and on. I think all you negative arse holes should just find someplace else to live away from decent people who don't listen to MSM and swallow everything their puppet masters tell them about reality.

I F!@#$%G endorse this message with pride and conviction and all you ARSE HOLES can go stuff it. Give me a jingle I'll take you. One by one.

The end.

Marijuana consumption should be made compulsory to all humans on earth - They will all have a perfect mentality such as this.

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Legalise the lot. World wide. Take the crime out of it.

I've never used drugs and never will. Although alcohol could be classed as a drug and I do imbibe from time to time.

In the meantime, before legalization, round up all of the pushers and suppliers and shoot the lot of them.

You won't need to round up the pushers and suppliers ( even assuming you could ) because their reason for existing will have been removed.

A senior Australian policeman recently said the police could not arrest their way out of the ice problem. I agree - there is nothing humans will not use in search of oblivion or elevation. I suspect if powdered dog shit was hallucinogenic, there would be people willing to inhale it.

The only proviso I have in relation to drug use is if you commit any crime while under the influence of drugs, your use of the drug should not be allowed in defence or mitigation.

A lot of crime is also committed by addicts desperate to finance their habit. Freely available drugs at a real cost of production would eliminate that form of crime also.

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I have been a stoner earlier in life and to all those !@#$% who think ganja would be a traffic problem, get a !@#$%^& life. Obviously you have never smoked a joint and drove a car. People who drive stoned are the most cautious people behind the wheel. Drive stoned and you think your going 150 KPH and look down at your speedometer and your going 30 % of that rate. Very cautious when stoned. I prefer to be stoned on ganja rather than alcohol. Thailand needs to wake the #$%& up and see what the rest of the world is now realizing. Alcohol tobacco and prescription drugs are the demise of this planet. BUT they make lots of people incredibly rich. Follow the money you old decrepet farts. Keep your stinking opinion to your self. Your ideas are as old as you are. Thank GOD there is a new level of conciousness alive and well on this planet. GET !@#$%^& real dudes. BTW I have not imbibed for years because of my job and now live in ( 40 years behind the world Thailand ) but I welcome a shift. Take a look at USA states that have legalized medical and recreational ganja. They are swimming in surplus funds and crime is down , abuse by younger down, alcohal related deaths down and on and on and on. I think all you negative arse holes should just find someplace else to live away from decent people who don't listen to MSM and swallow everything their puppet masters tell them about reality.

I F!@#$%G endorse this message with pride and conviction and all you ARSE HOLES can go stuff it. Give me a jingle I'll take you. One by one.

The end.

Hey Bill Maher, I know it's you! laugh.png

+1 for the message, President Trump would be proud! cheesy.gif

Politicians speak 10000 times more bs but they disguise it with lies and deception, pc the latest suppression tool.

You say it how you want and nobody can stop you.

Just ask Howard Stern if you don't believe me.

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I had a stoner come and visit recently. He ate all my brownies, finished a 4ltr box of coconut ice cream and then fell asleep in my easy chair. I also had a drunk visit. He fell into the plate glass window sometime after midnight, badly cut his forearm and passed out on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood. When we shook him awake he was angry, belligerent and refused to get treatment. Isn't it strange to think one of the above guests could be jailed for his behaviour? The severe crime of getting the munchies and telling a rambling tale with little point.

choose your friends with some more care.....

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Portugal decriminalized ALL "personal possession of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine." in 2001. Here's a 2009 report from Time magazine on how it worked out. Some impressive stats in there.


I would like to have seen a breakdown of savings in there.


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I may have voted Yes, but for all the reasons others have posted, I know it will never happen in Thailand. I can remember how available Buddah Thai Sticks were in the Seventies, openly sold along with Heroin and Laotian Flower Tops (so I have been told gigglem.gif )

In Cambodia it wasn't illegal to smoke pot, sell it, or buy it but there was a screwy law that prohibited growing it - figure that one out - you could go to the Russian market in Pnom Penh and buy Kg's of the stuff right out in the open. I once had an Asthma attack in Phnom Penh, instead of an inhaler, the Doctor brought me a Bong with a smoking bowl of pot in it - I politely turned it down.............found a pharmacy and bought my own medicine.

Only in SE Asia or maybe Africawhistling.gif

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Definitely No debate.. there is no just cause for it to be illegal anywhere anyway!!

It is a hardy crop that would flourish in this climate, it'll offer a great income for farmers with poorer quality soil.. boost the paper industry, and fabric industies, save trees, and the Seeds have amazing nutritional value. and great for bio fuel. and a few more stonners instead of Yaba meth smoking kids would only improve the general health and mind of society.

Tell me one genuine negative point to argue it should be illegal!!

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Traffic is allready vely dangerous with loads of accidents. That will only get worse.

There are many drunk drivers, then we also get stoned drivers.

Also it isn't any good for the working mentality.

I don't see any advantage for when it was legal in Thailand.

I don't think just because it become legal means every car or bike owning person on the roads will be smoking. They wont be forcing you to smoke mate... Even if they were is it any worse than the amount they drink drive. I watched a pissed policeman in BKK trying to get on his police bike Must have taken him 10 minutes wish I had a camera with me would have made the best Youtube clip..

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Its legal or decriminalized in a number of states. Canada then a number of states in the United States and the governments are moving to decriminalize it .

Holland and other venues. It is FACT that if you decriminalize drugs you take it out of the hands of traffickers and stop imprisoning drug users then Society benefits big time.

Take Some of the money you save from the war on drugs and put it to good use such as drug education, re had and so on.

You also take the money out of the hands of corrupt officials and drug traffickers Everyone wins here

Bring in drug regulations not drug jail Too many lives are lost due to drugs and incarceration. They do not get better they just get harder

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I have been a stoner earlier in life and to all those !@#$% who think ganja would be a traffic problem, get a !@#$%^& life. Obviously you have never smoked a joint and drove a car. People who drive stoned are the most cautious people behind the wheel. Drive stoned and you think your going 150 KPH and look down at your speedometer and your going 30 % of that rate. Very cautious when stoned. I prefer to be stoned on ganja rather than alcohol. Thailand needs to wake the #$%& up and see what the rest of the world is now realizing. Alcohol tobacco and prescription drugs are the demise of this planet. BUT they make lots of people incredibly rich. Follow the money you old decrepet farts. Keep your stinking opinion to your self. Your ideas are as old as you are. Thank GOD there is a new level of conciousness alive and well on this planet. GET !@#$%^& real dudes. BTW I have not imbibed for years because of my job and now live in ( 40 years behind the world Thailand ) but I welcome a shift. Take a look at USA states that have legalized medical and recreational ganja. They are swimming in surplus funds and crime is down , abuse by younger down, alcohal related deaths down and on and on and on. I think all you negative arse holes should just find someplace else to live away from decent people who don't listen to MSM and swallow everything their puppet masters tell them about reality.

I F!@#$%G endorse this message with pride and conviction and all you ARSE HOLES can go stuff it. Give me a jingle I'll take you. One by one.

The end.

Cheech and Chong springs to mine "hey hows my driving, man ? I think we're parked man!!

Edited by epicstuff
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I cannot believe anyone in their right mind believes any Thai government would ever legalise marijuana.

1. The profits from drug dealing in Thailand make some senior figures in the police, the military and politics, etc. very, very rich. They are not about to smash their own rice bowl.

2. The three big distillers/brewers here have an effective cartel and keep very close to those in power who make the laws. They would vigorously block any liberalisation of drug laws.

3. Thailand has politically active Buddhist organisations. Thailand loves to put itself forward as a protector of Buddhist teachings. Decriminalisation of marijuana would be seen here as against these mores and would be vigorously opposed.

To apply this discussion to Thailand is pointless and shows a failure to grasp the drivers that push social change here.

The poll isn't asking for a moral judgement. I feel it should be de-criminalized but not legal. Nobody gets busted but it isn't a "weed" destination. Small fine and they take your dope if you get out of line.

Actually the poll is very specifically asking the poster to make a moral judgement.

I beg to differ. Morals are a PERSONAL judgement = I judge what's right for me, & you judge what's right for you.

Putting government in charge of "morals" is rather inane. The Thai government cannot even run an efficient postal system (neither can the US government, which operates at a loss of around $5 billion USD every year).

Asking them to run the "morals" department is insane (as well as inane).

Oh yeah, I used to smoke tons of weed when I was between 15 - 25....haven't touched it in years, simply because it lost its appeal to me, but I don't judge other folks.

I believe it should be a personal choice. As long as I am not driving (endangering others), PLEASE, PLEASE tell me who I have hurt if I toke on a joint? Where is the victim?

And also PLEASE do not (anybody - not picking on you Anotheruser) tell me it drives up healthcare costs.

"Healthcare" (Obamacare, NHS etc) is socialism, which I refuse to participate in. I'll pay my own hospital bills thank you.

For your own sake, I hope you don't get seriously ill. Or perhaps you're a multi-millionaire?

Anyway, one thing we agree on, it should be legal and the government has no right to dictate morality (outside of clearly harmful activities like theft and murder).

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I have been a stoner earlier in life and to all those !@#$% who think ganja would be a traffic problem, get a !@#$%^& life. Obviously you have never smoked a joint and drove a car. People who drive stoned are the most cautious people behind the wheel. Drive stoned and you think your going 150 KPH and look down at your speedometer and your going 30 % of that rate. Very cautious when stoned. I prefer to be stoned on ganja rather than alcohol. Thailand needs to wake the #$%& up and see what the rest of the world is now realizing. Alcohol tobacco and prescription drugs are the demise of this planet. BUT they make lots of people incredibly rich. Follow the money you old decrepet farts. Keep your stinking opinion to your self. Your ideas are as old as you are. Thank GOD there is a new level of conciousness alive and well on this planet. GET !@#$%^& real dudes. BTW I have not imbibed for years because of my job and now live in ( 40 years behind the world Thailand ) but I welcome a shift. Take a look at USA states that have legalized medical and recreational ganja. They are swimming in surplus funds and crime is down , abuse by younger down, alcohal related deaths down and on and on and on. I think all you negative arse holes should just find someplace else to live away from decent people who don't listen to MSM and swallow everything their puppet masters tell them about reality.

I F!@#$%G endorse this message with pride and conviction and all you ARSE HOLES can go stuff it. Give me a jingle I'll take you. One by one.

The end.

So drive stoned everybody....you won't even be able to judge how fast you are going........a roundabouts, wow! what a trip!

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Legalize marijuana? Isn't the government trying to make alcohol illegal?

From what I understand, the only reason it is illegal in the first place in Thailand and many other countries is due to the efforts of crazed moral crusaders from the U.S.in the 1930s who manage to imposed their idiocy on the rest of the world by means of the power of the US government. Now that US influence is on the wane internationally, maybe it's time to revisit the issue?

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Should Thailand encourage the use of skis allowing schoolchildren to get to school more easily in the winter?

Should Thailand have conscription for women?

Should Thailand make divorce illegal?

Should Thailand have white administrators?

Should Thailand make an amendment to the constitution giving residents the right to bear arms?

And many other anachronistic, irrelevant or culturally alien concepts brainlessly applied to Thailand, not a Western country, if any posters had failed to notice.


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