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Call for lifetime ban for corrupt Thai politicians


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Call for lifetime ban for corrupt politicians
Wasamon Audjarint
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Corrupt politicians must be banished forever, several National Reform Steering Assembly members said yesterday.

"A political ban should be made for a lifetime, not five years as it currently stands," Lertrat Rattanawanit said.

Chaired by its vice president Walairat Sriarun, the assembly's general meeting discussed the political agenda, one of the 11 principal reform agendas proposed by the now-defunct National Reform Council (NRC).

The lifetime ban should be imposed on politicians in cases where they were fired by the bureaucracy or a state enterprise, possessed unusual wealth, committed election fraud or were sacked from political positions, Lertrat said.

The NRSA should propose the change to the National Legislative Assembly so that it can pass appropriate organic laws for the new charter. The permanent ban should also be incorporated into the current Local Elections Act of 2002, the general said.

Wanchai Sornsiri also stressed that graft-prone politicians must receive lifetime red cards.

The lawyer emphasised the importance of political reform.

"If we can solve political issues, it means we can solve almost any problem in this country."

Many of the NRSA members also shared the hope of seeing political reforms completed before the election, vote-buying extinguished, efficiency of the Election Commission improved and anti-corruption policies launched, he said.

However, Sompong Sakawee, a Pheu Thai Party supporter, said people's perception of vote-buying had been distorted and exaggerated.

"We may focus too much on the issue and we need to step over it."

Sompong was countered by former Democrat MP Witthaya Kaew-paradai, who claimed that the problem did exist and needed to be solved by encouraging "good people" to enter politics.

Pol Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano focused on the importance of political-party reform, pointing out how the parties must belong to the people and not capitalists.

Nikorn Chamnong, an ex-deputy minister, stressed anti-corruption education for young people.

Kamnoon Sidhisamarn said Parliament had been overly attached to political parties and needed to be adjusted to get rid of "parliamentary dictatorship" issues.

Wannatham Kanjanasuwan called for reforms to be implemented gradually.

Elections are not the only thing that help create a democracy. Some parts of the Canadian and British parliamentary systems are not elected, he said.

Earlier in the day, the NRSA approved the set-up of its 11 committees to work on the principal reform agendas in accordance with Articles 27 and 39 of the provisional charter.

Captain Tinnapan Nakata, president of the NRSA, will appoint its members to the committees, with each member allowed to sit on only one. Each committee will have about 11-23 members.

Chaired by vice president Alongkorn Ponlaboot, the morning meeting also agreed to appoint two whips. One is for anti-corruption work, the other for coordinating with the "five rivers" - the NRSA, the National Council for Peace and Order, the Cabinet, the Constitution Drafting Committee and the National Legislative Assembly.

NRSA members will have their membership revoked if they do not participate in more than one-third of the meetings.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Call-for-lifetime-bans-for-corrupt-politicians-30272152.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-03

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The judical system as it operates is maybe the most ineffecient part of the process from arrest to a final enforced jail term which is spent behind bars.

When a person is guilty, pleads guilty and is then given a suspended sentence (no jail time) as he had never (been caught) committing a similar crime before,. you just shake you head in wonder.

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Hey, they can pass any law they want. Who cares? All that will happen will be a coup where the new leaders will issue amnesties that will clear corrupt crooks and allow them back into office or they will simply remove the offending legislation. We all have to remember, this is Thailand, where corruption is an age old art form, where the wealth is not earned but taken under the table. Any talk of dealing sincerely with corruption should be posted under the Joke of the Day forum.

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This has been an issue that surprises out siders but not those who have some idea of Thailand , it is indeed noble for these gentlemen to bring this forward and indeed over time this has been pointed out before and like before nothing will happen and If you think about it the PTP wouldn't be able to field Ministers if they went on the track record of some when last time in power( Before Junta ) they even had one who was released on bail when Parliament sat , the underlying bogy is that if you did this under Thai operations procedures item 100, you could wake up dead in the morning or even just disappear........coffee1.gif

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Enough of this yellow,orange ,red card,crap,give them 1 chance,

they get caught doing anything ,charged,court,if found guilty,go

straight to jail,(not in 10 years,with all the appeals),NO suspended

sentences,mandatory 3 years min. with jail time they will not be able

to enter Parliament again,then we may get some Politicians who are

there to work for the country and people,not to enrich themselves.

This has to happen with the current Government,because if an elected

Government is in place,there is no way MPs would enact laws ,that

would punish themselves.

regards Worgeordie

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how 'bout a ban on Generals playing politics ... whistling.gif

Thinking one step ahead, the lifetime ban would have meant most of those responsible for what caused the coup would be in prison already and not able to vote 310:0 for an amnesty disgrace which led to the protests and mass-murder of 30 innocent people before someone finally put a stop to it.

It's all pointless in Thailand any way : even if they make the rule now, if another dirty shower get in they will immediately set about changing it back.

Take away the corruption and you will take away the reason for the last 2 coups. It's not rocket science.

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It should lead to a criminal prosecution. It's fraud and corruption, it should be prosecuted.

Politicians, civil servants (including the military), tycoons, cronies, monks, police, mafia, insider traders, .The problem is endemic and complicated by the swings and roundabouts of Thai politics. Turkey today, feather duster tomorrow.

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how 'bout a ban on Generals playing politics ... whistling.gif

Thinking one step ahead, the lifetime ban would have meant most of those responsible for what caused the coup would be in prison already and not able to vote 310:0 for an amnesty disgrace which led to the protests and mass-murder of 30 innocent people before someone finally put a stop to it.

It's all pointless in Thailand any way : even if they make the rule now, if another dirty shower get in they will immediately set about changing it back.

Take away the corruption and you will take away the reason for the last 2 coups. It's not rocket science.

Apparently to some it is rocket science as the most corrupt are in power now and doing whatever they can to maintain the military control and status quo.

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along with a jail term, this would be a good example to the rest of them and to show the rest of the world that you are serious.....

I have been saying this for a long time, the 5 year regurgitation of corrupt politicians serves nobody, root them out and get rid of them for good, also remove the laws that give them immunity while in office, total nonsense

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Notice that it's a Phua Thai member saying that vote buying isn't the problem, let's move on.

Yup, lifetime ban (including family nominees) AND prosecution for wrongs committed.

Would you start then with the current deputy prime minister in charge of the economy? He was set down (barred from political office) for five years for corruption. A special law had to be passed by The General to make him eligible to hold his current post. All those set down with him remain ineligible of course.

Under the proposed law, he would not be in charge of the economy right now. He would be in enforced lifetime political retirement or, perhaps after a few years of prosecution and lack of conviction, shriveled and useless. You're okay with that? Do you think the current PICC (Person in Complete Charge) is okay with that?

Here's the deal: The example is a guy who was doing a good job, caught with his hand in the wrong place at the wrong time - much more bystander than perp, but guilty under the law of the day. He did some time in political Coventry. Now he's back, doing a good job again for The General (or so some say, anyhow). Under this silly lifetime-ban idea, he wouldn't be. Why lose a talent that can be redeemed, just because it makes a few people feel good about their (much less capable) selves?

On THIS (and maybe only this) The General and I agree. Prayut clearly isn't in favour of this kind of silly law.

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I agree with this in principle but have no doubt that they are only talking about it now so they can eliminate the competition. If it is made retroactive I would be interested in seeing how many red shirts it is applied to as opposed to the ruling elite yellow shirts.

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I agree with this in principle but have no doubt that they are only talking about it now so they can eliminate the competition. If it is made retroactive I would be interested in seeing how many red shirts it is applied to as opposed to the ruling elite yellow shirts.

no such thing as a yellow shirt, they are long gone, it is now redshirt and the rest of the Thai people who want nothing to do with factions and polarisation

polarisation suits the agenda of a certain person

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Deciding to ban politicians, hammer corruption etc involves the people who one day may well be caught by the very laws they've enacted.

They've not going to be in an rush to see such legislation in place.

Also, there wouldn't be nearly enough left if all the culprits were banned for life!

Then again, there are 60 million'ish others to fill the places.

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