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any good advice to fix insomnia?


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Melatonin works for many people, but not all. Worth a try? Take it 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep. Search this forum section for melatonin and you'll find more info.

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do what I do ......... drink as much piss as you can from morning until night burp.gif never any problem sleeping.

I've had 2 1/2 bottles and it's only 10.30am

Never saw an alcoholic who hadn't sleep disorders.

I usually pass out around 9.00pm if I don't fall over something and injure myself.

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There must be a cause for it? A healthy body and mind sleeps when it needs to. Find the root cause and try and fix that. You may need a medical doctor or shrink to help you.

On the cheap, as some have said above, getting a decent amount of exercise makes sleeping come easier as does meditation and yoga.

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1. AVOID caffeine. Maximum 1 cup first thing in the morning, no more. Absolutely none (including chocolate, colas as well as coffee/tea) past noon). The tendency is to get into a vicious cycle of too little sleep --> tired --> caffeine ---> can't sleep etc

2. You can try melatonin, works well for many people. It is important to go to bed as soon as the sleepiness from it takes effect, if you don't it may pass.

3. Exercise as others have said.

4. If it still persists need to look for cause. Usually if not due to caffeine, it is due to anxiety.

5. Valerian and tryptophan also help some people, as does chamolile tea or celestial seasoning's "sleepy time tea" which contains it.

6. If you drink, cut down. People think alcohol helps them sleep but actually in the long run it hinders normal sleep.

7. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Read until you feel sleepy.

Do not take any sort of benzo (xanax, valium etc). They are highly addictive. They will also stop working after a while. If you must take something, take atarax or other antihistamine but do not do this every single night, just once in a while and don't mix with alcohol. If atarax dose can be anywhere from 25 -75 mg, start with 25 first and see how you do. And as mentioned, only occasionally. While not addictive, it too will stop working if used regularly, and safety of long term use at sleep dosage has not been established.

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1. AVOID caffeine. Maximum 1 cup first thing in the morning, no more. Absolutely none (including chocolate, colas as well as coffee/tea) past noon). The tendency is to get into a vicious cycle of too little sleep --> tired --> caffeine ---> can't sleep etc

2. You can try melatonin, works well for many people. It is important to go to bed as soon as the sleepiness from it takes effect, if you don't it may pass.

3. Exercise as others have said.

4. If it still persists need to look for cause. Usually if not due to caffeine, it is due to anxiety.

5. Valerian and tryptophan also help some people, as does chamolile tea or celestial seasoning's "sleepy time tea" which contains it.

6. If you drink, cut down. People think alcohol helps them sleep but actually in the long run it hinders normal sleep.

7. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Read until you feel sleepy.

Do not take any sort of benzo (xanax, valium etc). They are highly addictive. They will also stop working after a while. If you must take something, take atarax or other antihistamine but do not do this every single night, just once in a while and don't mix with alcohol. If atarax dose can be anywhere from 25 -75 mg, start with 25 first and see how you do. And as mentioned, only occasionally. While not addictive, it too will stop working if used regularly, and safety of long term use at sleep dosage has not been established.

If I have an evening or night with difficult sleep I start to read a book : reading seems to take more energy than you think and makes you tired

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Lots of good advice but I'm going to suggest something different.

There is nothing better than someone reading you a book as you go to sleep. I listen to audiobooks constantly in bed. My biggest problem is going back and trying to figure out where I fell asleep. That's the kind of problem you want to have. Awake in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep? Lie there and listen to a book. Some books are so good they keep you awake! Most of the time you'll fall asleep inside of a half hour.

I use my iPhone to listen to books. I download them from PirateBay. You can buy them from audible.com. Put a few of them on your device at a time. You always want to have a new one ready to go.

There is one other thing you might try. Gabapentin or Gaba has been shown to be very effective for insomnia with few side effects. I would recommend a dosage of 900 Mg a day. You work up to that dosage over a week. Do your own research on Gaba. Few doctors know about Gaba or prescribe it correctly.

Good luck

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1. AVOID caffeine. Maximum 1 cup first thing in the morning, no more. Absolutely none (including chocolate, colas as well as coffee/tea) past noon). The tendency is to get into a vicious cycle of too little sleep --> tired --> caffeine ---> can't sleep etc

In Denmark there is a thing called "aftenskaffe" - drink coffee right before you go to sleep. Somehow this also works for me sometimes, makes me sleep very well. Altough it does not work all the time. If I drink coke at nigts I never can sleep right away.

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I know it may sound new age, but have you considered hypnosis. I have found hypnosis helpful for a number of issues, and I know insomnia can be targeted.

I was just about to suggest this. There are audio books that you can download. Try the ones by Paul McKenna.

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Melatonin works for many people, but not all. Worth a try? Take it 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep. Search this forum section for melatonin and you'll find more info.

melatonin, 3-5mg. may make for a bizzarre first few nights sleep, but now i sleep like a baby. im up at 5:30 to work on a project i started so had to get back to regular hours, melatonin worked a treat.

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.....Melatonin.....all natural....

...order it from The States...pennies per tablets...

...side effects....Deep, Restful Sleep...Vivid Dreams like when you were a youth...

...'sleeping pills'....you would be a fool to fall into that trap....myriad side effects...potentially fatal...

...and sleeping pills actually DISRUPT your natural sleep cycle....

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for computers, search and download F.LUX (remember the period between F and L). I like it.....thank me later my TV friends!!!!

I can drink coffee at 10 pm. and go to bed at 11. Recently I read a book for an hour, then crash....but i can sleep much better than most.

Why? I think it's because I can really, really clear my mind 99% of the time. Focus on walking up a trail, and walking down a trail...over and over......

The other 1% is the biggest problem....mad at someone, something, and i can't clear my mind......

and i do exercise much more than most....at all hours of the day

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