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Spurred by Myanmar radicals, Thai Buddhists push for state religion status


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Spurred by Myanmar radicals, Thai Buddhists push for state religion status

BANGKOK: -- A campaign to enshrine Buddhism as Thailand's state religion has been galvanized by a radical Buddhist movement in neighboring Myanmar that is accused of stoking religious tension, the leader of the Thai bid said.

Experts say the campaign could appeal to Thailand's military junta, which is struggling for popularity 18 months after staging a coup, and tap into growing anti-Muslim sentiment in a country that prides itself on religious tolerance.

While Buddhists form an overwhelming majority in both countries, Thailand has avoided the nationwide religious violence that has killed hundreds of people in Myanmar, most of them Muslims.

Now, Thai campaigners want Buddhism to be made the country's official religion in a new constitution.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/03/us-thailand-buddhism-idUSKCN0SS2KD20151103

-- Reuters 2015-11-04

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So what's changed as previously when this idea was floated in 2007 the highest institution in Thailand declared "Buddhism is beyond politics" and did not progress.

Nationalist movements normally result with the fabric of social harmony torn apart and results in pain & tears; not a good look for Thailand if the movement get's momentum.

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"What happened in Myanmar confirms our suspicions that Buddhism is threatened by various subtle means," said Thai campaigner Banjob Bannaruji, who chairs the Committee to Promote Buddhism as the State Religion.

This is a bogus as Fox News claiming there is a war on Christmas in the US.

People need to wake up and understand that religious extremists are bad for their religion. It's the threat within they need to deal with...

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1) Buddhism isn't even a religion- how can it be a state religion?

2) are we talking about Thai- Buddhism? The kind, where money is "God" and washes away all sins? The one that throws a tantrum, whenever someone, somewhere does something to "insult" the believe, but where nothing done in Thailand could ever tarnish Buddhism?

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It's interesting how over just a few short years religious extremism is taking hold in so many "hot spots " around the world.

The united nations would dearly love a one world government(them) a one world religion,and a one world financial system.The one world religion would have to be "money" so what would they like to do to all the false religions around the world?................get rid of them i would think.But how to do?

Communist russia banned religion but it survived,even thrived underground.

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Is it wise to burn your own house down because the one of the neighbour has been on fire?

In % of the population, there has probably never been so few real Buddhists (monks and followers living according to the principles of The Lord Buddha) in Siam-Thailand, never have His principles been so blatantly betrayed and transgressed by the ones pretending to teach these to the people and supposed to be the living examples of!

And, now, Buddhism should be made the one and single State religion? Come on! Would what-is-nowadays-called-Buddhism-in-Thailand not be ...'wordly' rich and powerfull enough, maybe? ...Alas!

Edited by bangrak
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And why not ? See how far you would get building a christian church in a muslim country. Being a firm believer in reciprocation I do believe that Buddhism is a far superior "way of life/religion" than many of the alternatives, especially one who holds no respect whatsoever for anyone not belonging to their faith.

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As part of the Christian majority in the UK, I am now the racially discriminated against by my own society. If I say anything whatsoever negative about a Muslim, I am a racist. However I have never heard anyone dare to accuse as Muslim of being a racist - yet during the time I worked in an office with roughly 50/50 split, they were the most racist set of people I have ever encountered.

They consider all people of other religions to be inferior. Even in Thailand, if I go to a Muslim restaurant I see people looking at me like I am a piece of dirt.

Go for it Thailand while you can. Once they are around in numbers big enough to sway who wins the election, you are finished. They have destroyed the culture and traditions of the UK. Our government tries to claim how wonderful our 'multicultural society is'. None of the people I know agree.

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A constitution has to consider the relationship between the state and religion and the best constitutions have a separation of the state and religion.

Choice of political organisation of the state is best left as the basis of a constitution. How do you give all people their rights? This is the real question and not how you create a biased political organisation favouring one group over another.

The best thing about the renunciation of the Buddha is that he gave up the worldly pursuits of power and politics in favour of a search for Truth and a way free from suffering. The path of the Buddha is not a political path but a guide to living and liberation from suffering.

What benefit is there to have a Sate Religion does it create harmony and peace or does it lead to a biased relationship of the individual and the state?

Edited by gregk0543
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i wonder if this will find favour with the PM who is into conservative institutions and ways that takes LoS back to the times he sees as true Thainess and of course benefits an elite few.

It does seem consistent with Prayut's return to Thai culture and tradition. The Head of State must be a buddhist. Prayut talks about how he prays with Buddha every night.

Good timing to get the draft constitution changed. Equality among all Thai citizens was overrated anyways.

And for the 4 million Malay-Thai muslims in the South already suffering from the cultural discrimination by buddhist Thai governments, whatever co-existence there was with Thailand comes to an end. Prayut will not only need a wall between Malaysia and Thailand, but also between the South and the rest of Thailand.

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